Doubling Standards Part:3 *BEEP**BEEP*BEEP*BEEP*… ‘Ooohh fuck! Please Danny! Turn your alarm off! My head is pounding!’ Beth groans pulling her pillow down over her head as she attempts to cover her ears. ‘Sorry Beth’ I reply groggily as I slap the top of the alarm clock, making it stop. ‘I’m sooo hungover!’ She whines. ‘To much pizza-booze-telly…’ I laugh, feeling a little fuzzy myself. ‘Definitely to much booze, not enough pizza!’ She laughs patting her flabby midsection. Since giving up on diets, both our waistlines has expanded significantly. We’re now eating takeout nearly every night on top of a diet that would make any normal person sick. I can’t even remember the last time we attempted to eat healthily! I’m now weighing in at about 350, most of my weight goes straight to my belly and moobs, my gut is so big and round that it now completely covers my dick when I’m standing up right! My thighs scrape together every time I walk and I get winded just from getting up out of bed! My tits are so big that I’ve actually considered getting a male bra just to stop them slapping against my gut every time I move! Beth has gradually convinced me to cut back on work so I’m now at home 3 days a week, which means another day of sitting on the sofa doing nothing but eating! Although I weigh more than Beth, she’s gained more weight than me over the past year, she tips the scale at 325 pound but hasn’t complained once! It’s almost like she’s accepted that she’s a fatty now so she’s going to do what fatties do more! She’s the one who’s always demanding more food, more takeouts, more beer! Last night she drank 20 beers and ate 3 pizzas to herself, I only drank 12 beers but to be fair I did eat 3 pizzas as well! Her weight seems to spread evenly across her body, her thighs and ass are starting to separate into individual rolls of fat, each one covered in cellulite and ripples that look worse in different sunlight. Her belly folds into 2 thick rolls of flab that spread out into her lap when she’s sitting upright, when she walks her entire body jiggles as the flab fights against her and lastly her breasts, they’re so big and full that they pull her back forward when she’s standing and when she’s sitting or laying they separate and sit either side of her gut! 3 years ago I wouldn’t look twice at a 325 pound woman, in fact I probably would’ve been revolted by it but now that my wife, the love of my life, is 325 pound, I can’t help but lust over her and her big blobby body! *PPHHTT* ‘Thank god it’s Friday! I couldn’t have gone into work feeling like this today!’ Beth says after releasing an unapologetic fart. ‘Are you going to study today?’ I ask, since Beth now only works 3 days a week, she decided she wanted to earn some extra money on the side, she found an online course that teaches you how to buy products in bulk and sell them online either through Amazon or eBay for profit. She’s doing quite well considering she only started a month or so ago. ‘Naaa, I’m gunna have a duvet day’ She shrugs. ‘You’ve got to meet a client later haven’t you?’ She follows up. ‘Yeah but fuck him, I’ll put him off until tomorrow’ I reply, feeling far to lethargic to have to get dress and meet someone. *PPPPHHHTTT* ‘Good shout! I’m just gonna do a shit quickly, then I’ll make us a coffee’ Beth says as another bout of flatulence escapes her ass as she attempts to get up. It’s such a nice feeling having someone you’re completely comfortable with, neither one of us bats an eyelid if the other one farts or needs the toilet. Bath returns 20 minutes later, holding 2 mugs of coffee in her right hand and a plate in her left hand with another plate balancing on the underside of her left arm. As her naked body approach’s me I can’t help but feel aroused, I can see in her face that she’s struggling to hold the coffee and plates as her entire body jiggles and sways in different directions, her belly sways left and slaps against her thigh fat that’s swaying forward as her big tits bounce up to the right all whilst her ass jiggles up and down! ‘What we got here?!’ I asks excitedly as I lay reclined in bed in the same position I was in when Beth left the room 20 minutes ago. ‘Coffee and a little bit of cake!’ She exclaims placing my coffee on the bedside table next to and then the plate on top of my bare gut. On top of the plate rested half a 6 person triple chocolate cake, not exactly what I’d call ‘little’. ‘Thanks Beth! You’re the best!’ I say unable to stop myself picking up the cake with both hands and taking a huge bite out of it! 20 minutes later, we’re both still laying naked in bed, cramped next to each other on our king sized bed that is getting increasingly smaller by the day. 2 crumb speckled plates rest on our naked bellies and 2 empty mugs of coffee sit next to us on our bed side tables. *DINGDONG* ‘Fuck sake, who could that be?!’ I whine at the thought of having to get up to answer the door. ‘Oh that’s probably our breakfast’ Beth says casually. ‘Breakfast?!’ ‘Yeah I ordered McDonald’s breakfast when I was taking a shit earlier’ she informs me still not taking her eyes off the tv. ‘Jesus Beth, why did get bring us half a cake each if you’d already ordered food? I wouldn’t have eaten it otherwise!’ I say swinging my legs over the bed for the first time today. ‘I dunno, I was just hungry’ she shrugs as I slip my large dressing gown on and head to the front door. ‘How much did you order?!’ I laugh walking back into the room holding 2 bags full of McDonald’s. ‘You know I get a little carried away when I’m hungover!’ Beth chuckles quickly taking one of the bags from me and instantly tearing into it. It’s not long before the bed is littered with the remains of 10 double sausage McMuffin wrappers, 10 double bacon bagels wrappers, 4 breakfast wrap wrappers, 4 bacons and cheese flatbread wrappers and finally 28 hash brown wrappers. Beth and I are both breathing heavily, are fingers and mouths glistening with the greasy stains from our food, our chests and chins littered with crumbs and sauces. But of course we both has a satisfied smile on our fat faces. ‘Why……UUURRPPP..standard…order?’ I ask to full to even move my arms. ‘Our standard…didn’t seem enough…especially being hungover…’ Beth replies sounding full but not completely stuffed. ‘Fair…enough’ I reply managing to chuckle. ‘Jheeze you’re a waiter thin mint from exploding!’ Beth chuckles prodding my swollen gut. ‘You’re…not?!’ ‘Not on your level, hang on’ Beth says as she leans over to her bedside table and pulls out a box of 10 twinkies from the draw. ‘Maybe these will push me over the edge…’ she follows up as she slides her finger down the seam of the box and unloads all 10 onto her belly. I watch in amazement as Beth casually pushes an entire Twinkie into her mouth followed by a second. Deep down I know Beth and I are going to continue getting fatter, we both eat a lot of junk food and move as little as possible, but Beth? She takes the crown for being the laziest and the greediest! I’m sure it won’t be long until she’s the fattest to!