FANTASTIC FOUR: BUT THEY CAN BE HAD An extended epilogue to FANTASTIC FOUR: EARTH GIRLS AIN'T EASY. by JR / Ksennin DISCLAIMER: The following story is an adult-themed parody of the Fantastic Four comic book, issues 204-217, by Marv Wolfman, John Byrne, and others. The Fantastic Four and all related characters are property, copyright and trademark of Marvel Comics. Go buy their comics. No copyright infringement is intended. The author received no payment for this story, and no money shall be earned by its distribution. WARNING: The following story contains adult themes and explicit descriptions of extreme sexual events. MINORS MUST NOT READ THIS. Many so-called adults shouldn't, either. If you are below your country's age of legal majority, kindly bugger off. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a direct follow-up to FANTASTIC FOUR: EARTH GIRLS AIN'T EASY. While that story has a complete narrative, events and characters from it are referenced here and plot points are given further development. So while this can be read independently and dirty bits should work on their own, knowledge of what went on before can only enrich the reading. PART ONE: SHOULD OLD ACQUAINTANCE BE FORGOT "Do we really have to do this?" "We are here already. Guests of honor, too. It would not be polite to just leave now, would it?" At his side on the luxurious vestibule, Susan Storm fidgeted. "I just don't like it. They were hardly transparent with us, Reed. They were after you, to use you, to get the Nullifier." "They were at war, Sue. And it all worked out, no?" Sue turned to stare at her husband, her lips tightening. She reached to adjust his black tie. "Wasn't that easy." *************************************************** "Harder! Harder, please! And bigger! Oh, please! Just... Just make it bigger!" "Like this-?" "More! Like that, yes, but more! Please! Much more!" "Sue, I don't-" "Oh, Reed, please! Make it bigger! Much bigger! So big I squeal! So big it splits me in two! PLEASE!" Reed laughed. "Oh, Sue. That'd be too much, wouldn't it?" "NO! NO! I WANT THAT! JUST THAT! PLEASE!" "I'm... sorry,” he muttered, not much later, as he sat on the bed, by her side, running his hand over her hair while she hugged a pillow with her back to him. “I'm just a bit... uncomfortable with... that..." "I know. It's alright." "I know you want to... expand things a bit." "Yes. I do. Expand." She sighed. More than a bit, really. Much more. "Why can't we-? Is it wrong to-?" "No, no, of course it is perfectly normal to experiment. Try new things. But we would not want to have it get out of hand, right? Not too far, too quickly." "We wouldn't?" "I wouldn't want to risk-" "A little more risk would be fine." "I just would never want to hurt you, Susan." She winced. "Never?" "We'll keep working at it. Find the proper balance." "Maybe I don't want it proper,” she whispered. "Maybe I just want it big and hard and rough. Maybe I want it to hurt." "Excuse me?" She stared at the ceiling. "It's nothing." "We should probably get started." He stood up. "They're waiting for us at Xandar at around eight." *************************************************** The dress was on display when she walked into the dressing room of her guest quarters at the Xandarian palace. Long and shimmery and exquisite, it was an amazing sight of flowing silver unlike anything she had ever seen. Next to it, on an open case, were white gold earrings in the shape of the Fantastic Four symbol. "Oh, Reed, it's gorgeous. Just gorgeous. I don't know what to say." From the other room, Reed glanced in quickly. "Uh?" "Thank you, dear. Really. It's perfect." "Oh. Great." He went back out. She was amazed he even remembered her size. Or close to it, at least. It did look like a tight fit. A very tight fit. Sometimes having such large boobs was really annoying. Could she even have anything on under that? At all? *************************************************** "Is it too tight?" "Uh?" "The dress. Is it too tight? Does it make my boobs look too big? Or my behind? It's just so-"" "Oh, no. It looks great on you." "I don't want to look slutty. Does it show too much leg?" "Susan, dear, you look beautiful." "You always say that." "Well, you always look like that." "That's not helping." The doors opened and they were ushered in with great ceremony into the Xandarian equivalent of a ballroom. Polite applause welcomed them, as did the multiple media drones recording their entrance. The space was enormous, its size emphasized by the partially translucent dome overhead that afforded a dazzling view of the cluttered local star-cluster hosting the artificially-linked set of enclosed planetary fragments that comprised Xandar. There were easily thousands of people assembled on the many layered terraces and expansive areas mixing foliage with luxurious lounging sections. Water spouted up and sideways in many gravity-manipulated decorative arrangements all over, while carefully layered music from exotic instruments filled the air. The crowd was made of members of multiple humanoid species and a handful of non-humanoid ones. The majority were clearly Xandarians, Earth-like in physiologies but not in dress codes. There was plentiful skin on display from males and females alike, wispy veils and tight ribbons combining flamboyantly with the distinctive makeup patterns surrounding their eyes. But what made Susan pause were the many green faces present as well. The pointed and elongated ears, wide mouths over deeply corrugated chins, and the various shades of green skin clearly identified them as Skrulls, the long-time enemies of the Fantastic Four and recent would-be invaders of Xandar. Despite the careful climate control she instantly felt cold, and drew closer to her husband, gripping his arm tightly. "So many Skrulls." "It is a celebration of the Skrull peace treaty with Xandar, so of course there would be a sizable presence." She did not loosen her hold. "Can we leave as early as possible?" It was an unusual inversion of roles. Normally it was Reed who shunned social events and she the one making him attend and stay beyond the first few minutes. Normally. "I don't see why not. We should just be visible for a reasonable while, to avoid offending them, and then-" "Let's make it a short reasonable while, alright?" He nodded, squeezing her hand reassuringly. Susan avoided looking at anyone, anything in particular. She could not wait to leave this place. Everything about it, from the decadent decor to the strange, alien faces, brought back to her unpleasant memories of the much similar event recently held back at the Skrull Home-World, where she and the others had been held as prisoners, and which she had been forced to attend as unwilling companion, as party date, to the cruel and devious Skrull emperor himself. She had to walk by him, and hold his arm, much as she now did with Reed, her husband. How many of these Skrulls, the political and military elite of their kind, now present here had been there as well, watching her with merciless, antagonistic eyes, as she was exposed to them in that almost-nothing dress, flaunted by that disgusting creep as his escort, his date, his would-be future concubine. How many of them had watched her family being threatened by certain death, and celebrated it? How many had stared at her as she had been forced to dance and strip for them, for him? How many remembered all that just now, while watching her? Her chill did not leave her. *************************************************** With his Nova suit in full ceremonial configuration, Rich Rider almost tripped and dropped his helmet. It was her, walking in with her husband. Susan Storm Richards. The Invisible Woman. Looking very, very visible. She had her blond hair gathered high, with just a few long strands deliberately loose at each side of her face to frame her flawless features. She looked pale under the minimal makeup, her eye-shadow a soft pastel that did not compete with the catching blue of her eyes. She was almost heart-breaking beautiful. But undeniably lovely as her face was, her figure in that dress was what made him ache all the way to his private parts. The long, body-hugging silvery sheath covered her fully from neck to just above her high-heels, but with a daring slit high along one side, showcasing a smooth, toned leg with each step. The thin fabric fit like a second skin, with a minute, delicate texture that emphasized her generous curves, seeming to shimmer and shift as she moved, adjusting fluidly to her contours with the swaying motions of her walk, as if her body had been thinly coated with impossibly pure liquid silver, calling attention boldly to her hourglass-like shape, with the flat abdomen and narrow waist, the nicely curved hips and solid, rounded behind, and the tightly-packed, large, high-set breasts where the texture and surface sheen highlighted the subtly noticeable nubs of her nipples. She wore no other adornments than matching earrings shaped like the Fantastic Four logo. There was no need for anything else. And there was no way she had anything under that. No way. *************************************************** "You guys! You finally showed up!" "Hello, Johnny." "What took so long?" His face was flushed and he held a glass full of a reddish liquid. "Alright, wow. I can see now why you're late. They had to sew that thing around you? Can you actually breathe?" "Very funny. I can breathe, yes. Reed just had to check some things at the lab before leaving." "Ah, nothing new there. So where's Ben?" "Begged off at the last moment. He didn't feel like bringing Alicia here and did not want to come without her." "Bummer. The party is awesome. Lots of gorgeous-looking babes and the most amazing stuff to eat and drink." "Careful with the booze, Johnny." "Aye, Aye, Mommy." He bowed with an exaggerated gesture. "Rich? Buddy! What're you doing over there staring like that? Come here! I need a wingman!" "Ah, yes. Hello. Mr. Richards. Ms. Richards. How-How are you doing?" "It's nice to see you again, Rich." "Rich, my man, where are those three babes Sue left with you the last time?" "Oh, we kinda lost contact these days. They opened a business. Doing quite well, I hear." "Oh, great for them." Sue smiled wistfully. She would have liked to see her friends again. It may have made this night bearable. "What kind of business?" "Er, a service one." Rich looked away; his face turning red. “Specialized service. Er... Seems the Skrull Empire abolished slavery all over their dominions and started offering financial backing for start-ups of... um, specially trained individuals. Looks like they will make it a franchise and all." "Really? What sort of franchise? Fast food? Beauty parlors?" Sue raised her eyebrows. "Johnny." "What?" Sue sighed. Her brother could be dense sometimes. "Just forget it. You don't need to know." "Why?" Reed cut in, trying to be helpful. "I think Rich means it is some kind of... brothel? Would that be the correct term?" Sue covered her face. "Could we move on?" "Alright, Rich, come with me, let's get away from the old folks and get some drinks." He dragged Rich away, who glanced back at Sue nervously. "Er, I kinda don't-" "Come on, you gotta get me connected there. Those were really hot babes." Sue shook her head, watching them go. "We have to help Johnny get a steady girlfriend. He's going to end up with some alien STD or something." "Interesting concept. Sexually transmitted diseases tend to be those so hard to contract that they require intimate exchange of fluids. However, the index of actual compatibility among humanoid species which should be null, is instead unusually high, which hints at common origins, so maybe-" "Alright, now I regret having mentioned it. Maybe we could get some drinks, too." "Really?" He stretched his midsection an extra foot to peer over the crowd around them. "I'll get you one, dear. Just wait." "No, no. Don't you leave me here -REED!" But he had already moved away. Fuming, she tried to follow, but his pliability gave him a great advantage in navigating through the multitude of party-goers. "Oh, great. Just great." "He did not just leave you, did he? So that anyone could just come and take you away?" Susan froze, startled by the sudden voice heard over the loud din of the multiple overlapping conversations and the background music. Suddenly her dress felt too tight, so much that she could not breathe. It could not be. Not him. She turned around, and her previous sense of cold became a glacial feeling of numbness. "I was told you were dead." *************************************************** "Here, have this one." "I don't know if the Nova Corps are meant to drink at all-" "Come on, loosen up, grow some balls. So how much are we talking about, money-wise?" "Really, I never-" "Johnny Storm of the Fantastic Four. I am happy to find you." Both young men turned at the soft, musical voice, towards the slender, young girl in the lush, ornate robes flowing over her graceful frame, her long shiny black hair arranged in a complex pattern under the elaborate headdress, its green highlights shining in the indirect lighting. Her bright green eyes shone, large in her young, lovely pale green face. "Woah, Princess Analle?" "Anelle." At her smile, both instantly stood up straighter. "Right, Anelle! Rich stared. "She's a-? But she's so-" Johnny hushed him quickly. "Great to see you again, Princess. You look lovely tonight." Rich nodded. "Lovely. Yes." "Thank you. Johnny Storm, do you remember when we met recently?" "Yeah. So it was you, who came to my cell. Back when I was held prisoner." She glanced nervously at the two beefy Skrull warriors standing a couple of paces behind her. "Please be more discreet. But yes, I did see you there." "But it wasn't you the second time, right? Not while looking just like my-" "I did go a second time." She pointed at Rich. "I gave you back his warrior suit. To help you escape." "Oh, yes. That. Right. It was all a bit confusing. Not that all hot green babes look alike or anything, but-" "I was glad to know that you got away safe." "Was kinda glad myself, too." She smiled and they smiled back sheepishly. "So, what did he say? Did he give you any reply for me?" "Um, come again?" "When you delivered my message, did you get any reply meant for me?" Blood rushed away from Johnny's face. "Oh! THAT message." *************************************************** A smile spread in the dark-spotted green face, over the deeply-furrowed chin. "Reports of my death were... greatly exaggerated." She stared at the ungainly figure clad in a long, ornate purple robe, standing almost a head taller in her high heels. "Kl'rt... said that your wife had killed you." "Came close. That's marriage, you know. There were old grievances to work out. Meant a lengthy stay in a regeneration pod. But as you can see, I got better. And there's now a new arrangement." Narrowed eyes ran shamelessly over all of her, toothy grin widening. "But I'm touched that you were so concerned." "Concerned-?" "It was painful, wasn't it?" "What?" "For you. To think me gone. To think you'd never see me again, or again be-" "How-? How dare you-?" Anger flared bright in her blue eyes. "To even show up here? Like this? Before me? After all you did? After... everything!" "I know. I should have sent word. You must be quite overwhelmed now, by surprise, and relief, and delight, and excitement, to know I'm still here. For you. To know we could finish what-" "Are you insane?" She glanced quickly all about them, ready to raise her force-field, startled by his arrogance, his audacity. Could this be part of a new gambit against them? Could the Skrulls be planning something? Yet all around them the party continued without any hints of wrongdoing, the crowd oblivious to the tension between the Skrull and the fair Earthwoman. She clenched her fists. "What I should finish is what your wife didn't. And make you pay. Really pay. For everything. Right now. Right here." "Ah, but it'd be a shame to cause a political incident at this juncture, wouldn't it? Put the peace efforts at risk?" She shook her head in disbelief. "You think that... protects you? That you can get away unpunished for everything you did just? That this treaty gives you a free pass to do whatever you want?" "Actually, yes. Diplomatic immunity, see? Part of the treaty between the Skrull Empire and Xandar." "This is not about your world and Xandar. This is about what you did. To me. Don't think I can so easily forget-" "How could you? You must think of it all the time. About me and you. And me, in you-" Her fists trembled. "Shut up. Just shut up. Or I'll-" "Sue, I got your drink. Oh, good evening." "Reed?" "Sorry for the delay. All dispensers were quite crowded." He calmly handed her an elaborately arranged beverage. "Emperor Dorrek VII, if I am not mistaken." "We meet again, Earthman Richards." Reed extended his hand. "It has been a while since the Morrat incident." Susan stared, startled, they shook hands. "Oh, my place within the Empire has changed since you were last my guests." "Guests?" Her beverage crashed to the floor. "GUESTS?" Those around them barely glanced and quickly returned to their affairs. Drones hurried to clean up. "Sue? What was-?" "It's Dorrek! DORREK! He had us sentenced to death! Had the aging ray used on you and Ben and Johnny! And he-He's the one who-who-" "The lovely lady is correct. Such were my orders while being Emperor. Hard decisions are the throne's unfortunate burden. My sincere apologies for that." "Apologies? APOLOGIES?" Reed moved closer, lowering his voice. "Sue, it was wartime. We were helping Xandar, so we were their enemies at the time. But now it’s over. There is peace. All this is to celebrate just that." "You just don't know, Reed. What he did. What he-" "I understand you are still upset. I was not fully conscious at the time, so it was easier for me, but I know that you had it much harder-" "Oh, I'm afraid she did. Much harder, indeed." Sue's eyes grew wide open. "Reed-!" "For you, and Ben and Johnny. But the war is over. There is a treaty now between Xandar and the Skrull Empire, arranging for joint cooperation, for trade, for cultural exchange. Slavery is outlawed at last. There is widespread peace in this galaxy for the first time in untold cycles. We can't put that at risk." "So-So everything must be forgiven? Everything? Just like that?" "The only way to have peace is to let go of grievances." "Your husband is an enlightened man, my lady." "It's really about time we ended this long enmity between us." Reed turned towards the Skrull. "There must be so much we could offer each other. Much to share, to exchange, if we are both willing." "Indeed. So much! To offer. To share. To exchange." The Skrull grin spread wider. "If the dear lady is willing-" She shook her head. How could Reed not be getting any of that? "Enough. That's enough. I won't-I just-" "Reed! Susan! Dorrek! You've already gotten together!" Followed at a polite distance by an escort of burly Nova Corpsmen, Adora, Suzerain of Xandar, strode towards them, all smiles and heavy perfume and exotic makeup and almost nothing else. "We have, indeed, oh, Suzerain," replied the Skrull with a small bow. "How lovely!" The Xandarian's walk was a deliberate provocation, her young, lean body flaunting the graceful long curves of a supermodel. Long brown hair was arranged in multiple braided layers, strung with gleaming jewels, and more jewels shone stuck to multiple key points of her mostly bare flesh, sporting less clothing than make-up. The traditional cosmetic blue hues were patterned not just around her eyes but also drawn suggestively on her exposed flesh, like graphic instructions of where to look or caress: over her abdomen and hips, her long neck, and in concentric whorls on her perky, out-thrust breasts, peaking on her blue-coated compact nipples. White strips of soft leather were stacked in succession on her long shapely legs and arms, and a handful of lengths of gauzy, insubstantial fabric flowed at key spots, careful to not really cover much of anything. Sue had thought that the outfit she was forced to wear at the Skrull world had been slutty. Yet Adora made that seem moot. In her present skin-tight, body-hugging dress, Sue felt positively nun-like. "Oh, Reed, Susan, we owe all this to you." Adora kissed warmly each one. "Couldn't wait to have you both here." Reed fidgeted nervously. "Ah, no need to-" "Yes, no need at all," Sue interrupted, holding on to her husband's arm assertively. The brunette smiled fetchingly. "Of course, you know Ambassador Dorrek..." Sue frowned. "Ambassador?" Green brows rose. "Ah, the throne was a too heavy to bear for long, I confess. R'Klll, my former wife, stepped up to the task instead; that's the new arrangement I mentioned. I now serve the Empire in this far more pleasant capacity, here, mingling like this, with such extraordinary beauties as those before me." Adora laughed. "Oh, you are too kind, Ambassador. But Susan! Your dress is just amazing. Interactive, inertia-responsive fabric, right? Please, let us know the maker." "It-It was a gift." "Really? How generous. It must be worth a fortune." "Reed-?" "Doesn't she look ravishing in it, Ambassador?" "Absolutely. It's perfect for her. Although the lady would always look beautiful in anything, Suzerain. Or in nothing." "I tell her that," Reed added. "But she doesn't believe me." Adora placed her hand on Reed's chest. "Oh, it's not the same coming from your partner. Never the same. From your partner. Isn't that right, Susan?" Sue frowned at Adora's words. "You're... quite a sight yourself, Adora. Very... striking." "Please, it's just something I put on in a hurry." More like put off, Sue thought. "The treaty and all those new agreements are so time-demanding. I must actually look dreadful. Isn't that so, Reed?" "No, you look lovely, of course." "You flatterer! We must have you more often. Here. With us. In Xandar." She turned to Sue. "Both of you, of course." Reed glanced nervously at his wife. "Well, there's much work to do on Earth, Suzerain. It's not-" "But the transporter makes it so easy! You could be here every night. Every night!" She seized Reed's arm. "To enjoy some relaxation. And some variety." Susan's eyebrows rose. "Variety?" "Exactly." Her hand moved to his shoulder. "Xandar can offer so many more exotic pleasantries than Earth." "Perhaps Earth offers him more than you think." She stared at Reed. Why hadn't he brushed off this hussy already? "A mind of extraordinary intellect and sensibilities like Reed must not be restricted, Susan." "Well, I'm sure he'd tell me if he finds himself... restricted." Reed looked away from her icy gaze. "Ah, we appreciate your generous offer of hospitality, Suzerain, but while I'll certainly keep up the scheduled work with Master Xar, I must otherwise decline-" "Oh, wait. Listen!" Adora closed her eyes, gesturing for others to pay attention to the music rising in the background. "That is my favorite! I must dance to it, now, or the night shall be ruined for me. Oh, please, Susan, can you be so kind?" "Excuse me?" "Can I have your husband?" Brown eyes sparkled. "Just for a quick one?" Reed's eyebrows rose. "I don't think I can dance this sort of music. I'd better not-" Adora laughed. "Oh, I will gladly show you how, silly. You must come with me! You must!" Open-mouthed, Susan stared as a flustered Reed was dragged away by the mostly-naked Suzerain through a dense throng of wildly gyrating Xandarians. *************************************************** "You lost it? The message?" "Yeah, sorry about that. Look, it was quite a messy time, the escape, what with the fighting and all that-" She covered her trembling mouth. "I trusted the words of my heart to you and you-you-?" "Hey, you were giving me a message for another guy, remember. It's not like we were-" She covered her face and ran away. Her towering bodyguards glowered at both of them before following her hurriedly. Rich turned to Johnny. "You really lost her message?" "I was under stress, ok? We were facing death there!" "I know! I was there, too! But that was a lady trusting you to-" "Oh, yeah, shinning knight, you would have done much better. Just because she's a drop-dead gorgeous princess begging for your help you would have risked your life for her sake without any doubt!" "Yes! Wouldn't you?" "Well, I was rather worn out at the time, 'cause... reasons! And she kept going on about this other guy, so it was sorta off-putting. This Mar-Vell fellow who-" "So what was the message about?" "What the hell do I know? Why would I read it? I can't even remember if I got it out of the cell or not!" *************************************************** "That slut. That damn slut. I never said he could. Or she could. Never. Why ask at all, then?" "She is quite... impulsive, the Suzerain." Sue did not even glance at the Skrull now standing next to her. "Is that even dancing? She's just rubbing against him!" "Perhaps..." A long-fingered green hand reached for hers. "We could join them?" She pulled her hand away violently and stepped back, glowering. "Don't you dare touch me. Don't you ever dare touch me!" "Get away. As far away from me as you can. Or I... I won't be-" "Of course, you're right." Green eyes turned to the dance platform. "That's not dancing. Now, what you did for me, back on my world, at my party... " "Don't-" "How you moved before me, against me, swaying, twisting... Making your body speak, speak loudly. That was dancing." "You made me do that. You forced me to." "You got wet, didn't you? Dancing for me? Grinding against me. Against my bulge, against my-" "I-I don't have to listen to this. I don't have to be here. I'm going-" "Did you come? Right there? Right before everyone, before your companions? Just by rubbing yourself against my lap? Did you come hard? Harder than you had ever-?" The sound of the slap mingled with the music and laughter and talking. *************************************************** Rich shook his head with disapproval. "You know, as a hero, you kinda suck." "Hey, at least I'm not pinning for another guy's wife." *************************************************** She stormed off, seething with fury, away from him, away from the party, away from them all. The nearest doors opened behind opulent draperies to an empty large balcony, unroofed and dimly-illuminated, overlooking the Xandarian capitol city. Between far-spaced low metal posts on its rim a translucent, field-generated balustrade served as boundary before a drop of hundreds of feet. She breathed deeply the clear air, eyes closed, leaning forward on the low barrier with arms spread out, taking in the silence and open space for a lengthy stretch of time, a welcome relief from the previous oppressive crowd and noise. From everything. She shivered, but not because of the cold air. She knew they should have never come here. She could not wait to get away from this horrible place, and its horrible people. Away. Away from... "Ah, such a nice view." *************************************************** "What-What do you mean?" "Come on. I can see it. She can see it. Everyone can! Maybe not Reed, but he doesn't count. He's just Reed." "See it?" "See that you have a hard-on for Sue. For fuck's sake, even Alicia could see it if she was around! And she's blind!" Rich blushed. "I do-I do think Ms. Richards is very pretty but-" "Please. She's hot, alright? Hot as hell. I know. Everyone knows. That why everyone wants into her-" "Jeez, man! She's your sister!" "Yeah, but I'm not blind. Or stupid. And she's always been like that. Ridiculously hot and smart. With the face and hair, the big tits, the long legs and tight butt... Little Miss Perfect, basically. Bossy as fuck, though. It's just lucky that Reed doesn't-" "You shouldn't talk about her like that!" "And you shouldn't be drooling like that. Get over it. She's married. Reed's like the smartest guy alive, and loaded, too. Who the fuck are you? Some punk kid not yet in college who got an alien super-powered suit through dumb luck? She may hook up sooner with a Skrull or something than with-" Rich just walked away. Johnny shook his head. Great. He was really Mister Sensitive tonight. *************************************************** She turned, furious, the instant of silent peace broken by his smarmy voice. Had he been staring at her rear? "You-You shouldn't have followed me." The green-skinned figure walked onto the balcony under the Xandarian night sky. "We all could use some fresh air." "Air? I could just throw you over this edge here, and you'd get a lot of fresh air. What about that?" "Surely there are better things to do, out here, the two of us." There was suddenly a barrier before the new arrival preventing any further step. An invisible barrier. "I'm warning you, Dorrek. There's no power inhibitor on me now. Things are different. Stop trying to provoke me." "You talk about provoking? You, in that dress?" "I warned you." The force-field instantly pushed the short Skrull violently, slamming him against the wall just next to the doors, leaving the whole short frame pinned in place. "There's so much more I could do. I could end you a dozen different ways if I chose to." The brief grimace of pain gave way to the usual smile. "You could. Yet you haven't." "Not because you don't deserve it. Not because I wouldn't want to." "I know there's much you want to do. So much. But won't allow yourself. Because you're just afraid." "Afraid? You think I'm afraid? I've stood before Galactus, Dorrek. I've faced threats you cannot even imagine. There's nothing about you that could make me afraid." Both green hands pressed flat against the force-field's invisible surface. "Yet you feel you need to be protected from me." She frowned, and after a moment of doubt, the invisible barrier was no more. "Fine. I don't need protection. Not now. Not from you. Not anymore." "Having no protection makes it more exciting, doesn't it? Being exposed. At risk. "Leave. Now. Before I-" "But you don't want me to. Not really. As you didn't want me to go, either, the last time we were so rudely interrupted. Isn't that why you came here now? Knowing that I would follow you? Wanting me to follow you?" "Stop. Just stop. I-I don't know what you're after, but you will not get to me, Dorrek. Maybe you want to break the peace. Maybe you want to goad me into doing it for you. But I won't play along with your games." "But you never answered me." "Answered-?" "Back then, did you come? At my world? At the party? Grinding hard against me?" "I don't have to answer to you. I am finished with this." She walked to the doors, high heels clicking on the polished floor. "Don't even think of following-" "Or was it only later, in my rooms? When I had you? When I owned you?" She stopped at the door, but did not turn around. Her hand on the door frame trembled. "You did not have me. You did NOT own me. You tortured me. You abused me. It's not the same." "Really? I seem to remember my hard cock stretching your tight, wet cunt, while you gasped and moaned. Didn't that count?" She slid the door open. "That's it. I'm going. I'd better never see you again, Dorrek. Never." "But perhaps you may want to see this." She heard a metallic noise, of something dropped onto the floor, right behind them, between the two of them. Frowning, she turned, and her startled face was lighted by the glowing nimbus of the holographic playback. "That's quite a lot to see, isn't it?" *************************************************** Rich shouldered his way through the crowd, looking for her. The noise and music and ever-shifting mass of partygoers, dancing and joking and flirting and what-not did not make it easy. But she had just been here and could not have gone very far. He had to find her. He had to do what had to be done. *************************************************** Within the subtly shimmering volume encompassed by the holographic three-dimensional projection, she stood naked and bound, legs spread wide apart and arms stretched up above her head by the metal fastenings at her ankles and wrists, arching her back and shifting her weight with clear discomfort in her forced position, looking so completely exposed. So vulnerable. So helpless. Susan's stomach tightened, eyes fixed on the holographic recording. "How-?" "Oh, such an exquisite opportunity could not be squandered. It had to be preserved, for posterity." Nervously, Sue closed the partially translucent door behind her, but Dorrek made a dismissive gesture. "Don't worry about those inside. There is a privacy threshold set. Only we, close enough, can see it. For now, at least. Quite fittingly, too." Short, green-skinned and just as naked as the bound Sue Storm, but freely strutting about, Dorrek's image came into view, flaunting the phallus that dangled stiffly between his skinny thighs almost to his knobby knees, drawing the eyes of both her present and past selves, eyes filled with shock and disbelief, then and now. She should not be staring. Not now. Not as she had done, back then, and as she did now. Staring. At him. At it. But even now, after everything, she could not help but be startled, unnerved by his size. How could it be so big? Could the side angle made it look even larger than she remembered? Than she recalled in those few restless instances when the disturbing unwanted memories resurfaced to trouble her? Perhaps it was just contrast. Perhaps it stood out even more dramatically in its disproportionate size against his otherwise unimpressive physique, so weak and small compared to Terrax's thick frame or Kl'rt's muscular build, making that huge thing between Dorrek's legs look even more absurdly oversized, even more grotesquely, monstrously huge, as it shockingly grew even larger and stiffer, moving up and towards her bound form as he walked closer, until its bulbous head brushed against her obviously trembling body. Dark green contrasting with light pink, below just as above, their lips also moved closer to each other. *************************************************** Johnny downed the last of his drink and leaned back to appreciate the view. The Suzerain really had some moves. He wouldn't have called that dancing, really, but Adora could certainly move that ass. Quite an ass, too. He should try hitting on her again. One never knew. But if Sue were watching this, Reed would surely be sleeping on the couch tonight, or maybe forever. Where was Sue anyway? She did not seem to be around, much less watching. You would have felt the rage for miles. He had forgotten that in these fancy clothes he did not have the usual communication nodules. Probably neither did hers. She surely could not carry anything while wearing that dress. Anything at all. So where was she? *************************************************** Her mouth closed tightly, unlike that in the images displayed before her. "It didn't take you long to stop protesting, did it? To accept my touch, my tongue in your mouth. And so much more, too." Sue blanched, knowing what was to come. She saw her whole body tense and tremble, and stiffened in sympathetic echo, physically recalling each instant of the experience even as she watched it happen, amidst her past gasps and short cries. "You were certainly accepting... quite a lot, weren't you?" Without the chains holding her up, she would have collapsed with the pain. How could she forget the pain? The pain when his huge head began to... "Did you come, just there, just as I first-?" She looked away. "That's enough." "Was it?" She walked briskly to a side, away from both the holographic images and his real physical presence, still mere steps away from her, there in the terrace. Her anger was now overlaid by a tense, growing sense of dread. She had underestimated how much of a threat he was. Literally. In every way. "Turn it off." "It does look like you-" "TURN IT OFF!" The holo images froze, with both participants immobile in the middle of their respective exertions. Not much more that the tip of his member was inside her, yet the static expression in her past face spoke volumes of its effect, while the thickness and length still poised to follow proved a truly frightening sight. "So did you? Come? Right at that moment? Once my cock was inside you?" "You were barely inside me at all. Just the tip, the head, for just a few seconds. It was just an aborted start. That can hardly even be called sex!" "Really? It must have been so disappointing, then. So frustrating. Because you looked quite ready. And eager. For more of it. For all of it." "You had me bent over and chained, with my ankles and wrists bound. I could hardly walk away! I wouldn't have had any of it. Ever. Or your kiss, or anything else of yours, if you had not forced me to!" "But I did. I forced you. Forced you to surrender to me. How you reacted to it, however, that was just you. No wonder you were so heart-broken to think me dead. Thinking you'd never have me properly fuck you, then. Like you wanted to. Like you needed to. Because you know you loved it. Loved being forced to surrender to that big cock opening your tight, hot, wet cunt and making you whimper and moan and-" "I hated it! Hated it and I hated you! Hated every single part, every single instant! Hated how much it hurt, how much it fucking hurt, hated how much it humiliated me, and hated how much it made me-!" She could not go on anymore, her breathing too hard and fast, her fury about to explode, both so close now that they could touch, and she saw him stare at her heaving chest, smirking. "Oh, my. How excited does it make you to hate all of that so much. How, indeed." She winced. Her chest rose with each labored breath. Through the delicately textured surface of her skin-tight dress her nipples poked out very visibly erect, the hard nubs and their respective slightly raised aureoles standing out in full detail through the silvery cloth. "Just as you were right then. Excited. And wet. So wet. How could you take it at all, otherwise?" She saw her frozen expression in the holo image, taking in her closed eyes and open mouth and everything else. "I-I was tired, exhausted. I was held for hours, and worked over, and teased and... I could hardly control what..." "Yet now you are rested. Free. In full control of yourself, and your powers. But you're still breathing fast. Your face is flushed. Your nipples are hard, very hard. You're excited. Aroused." "I-I'm angry. Anxious. Disturbed. That's all." She crossed her arms again over her chest, flustered, and stepped well away from him, to collect herself, her face flushed red. She glanced quickly at the now static images, of her leaning forward, legs spread apart, with him behind her, with him... "And... seeing this, just..." "Just what?" "Maybe I can be, or was...." "Yes?" The green-skinned alien was now a mere step away from her. "But it doesn't matter. Whatever happened... Or whatever you do, now, to try to use this, to blackmail me... It's not going to work." "Blackmail is such a harsh word." "Why else would you show me this, if not to threaten me?" "It would indeed be a shame if this were to filter through the galactic data networks, and become public. How would it affect the peace here? Many may ponder your allegiances, your likely self-interest, once it's known that you've been involved intimately with the former Skrull emperor." "I'd just deny everything. Why would anyone even believe it? Skrulls are known deceivers. And Xandar can worry about keeping its own peace." "But what would your husband think? Your teammates? They know you were indeed in my power." "I... would explain. Reed knows what was at stake. He would understand. They would." "And the general populace of Earth? Would they be so understanding?" She winced. She could imagine the headlines. The broadcasts. Tabloids. Blogs. All spreading the videos, the images. Could she somehow shield Franklin from it? Maybe if she quit the group? Leave the Fantastic Four? Wouldn't that distance her from Reed? Would it break up her marriage? She stared hard at the hateful, hideous alien visage. "So you think that to keep this from going public, I'll just jump right into your bed?" "Oh, any convenient place would do." "And I'm supposed to believe that we'd just fuck and then it would be all over? That you'd stop the blackmail and not keep making further demands?" "You may have to take that risk." "So we fuck, yes. And then you want more. And more. And where would it stop? With me becoming your mistress, behind my husband's back? Or openly, as your formal concubine? To fuck and flaunt at your side before the entire galaxy, as you wanted me before? Making me renounce my family and world to serve you, forever, in your service, as your obedient sex-toy? As Kl'rt wanted?" "Kl'rt? Interesting." "Maybe even becoming pregnant with your seed, bearing your half-Skrull offspring?" "Now, you're thinking this through more than-" "Where would it stop? WHERE?" The short, ungainly figure drew closer than before. "Who knows? That's what makes it exciting." She shook her head. "It wouldn't stop. I know that. Once I give in to you, give in to anything, you'd always hold power over me. Always. But I won't. I won't. I'd rather fight this all my life in the open than yield to you out of fear." "Maybe what you fear is that once you're mine, you'd be the one who would not want it to stop." "Go ahead, Dorrek. Release those holos. Make them public. I'll just have to face it. But I won't become your whore." They stood, face to face, and after a moment of tense silence, the Skrull shrugged and knelt to pick up the metal chip from the floor, extending it towards her. "Fine. Here. Have it." She tensed, ready to raise her force-field. "What-?" "The holo chip. Take it. It's yours. The full code sequence is there, un-encrypted. With that, and access to the Living Computers, your husband can surely find how to automatically block them or wipe them from all systems across the galaxy, partially or in whole. He IS Reed Richards, after all." She stared, puzzled. "And you'll just give it to me?" "Call it a gesture of good faith." "Good faith? From you?" "What do I gain from their release? Go on. Take it." Grudgingly, she took the small chip in her hand. "So I could just walk away now, with it?" "Yes. You can keep it. Of course, I'd expect you to be fair. I gave you something. You give me something. Isn't that how it works?" "Right, there's the catch. Why am I not surprised?" She shook her head and offered the chip back. "Forget it. I'm not falling for whatever this is." "Look, I don't want a mistress. R'Klll was the Empire's hottest piece of ass when we married, and I tired of her. Mistresses are an even worse headache. I just want us to fuck. Finish what we started. Then we part ways. No strings attached. Just some good, long fucking and that's it. It's over." "You expect me to believe that?" "You have the chip. You will not be forced into anything. Unless you want to. And I want you to want it. That makes it much better. For both." "Want you? How can you think I could ever want you? An awful, hateful evil toad like you?" "Maybe I'm wrong-" "You are! Very wrong!" "Prove it, then. Prove that you don't really want it. That you don't want me." "I don't need to prove anything to you!" "And to yourself?" "Why would I have to?" "So you can stop wondering. Wondering about how it would've been. About you and me. About us." "There is no 'us', there never was! And there is nothing to wonder about!" "Then let's settle it. Settle who is right and who is wrong. Let's have a test." "A test?" "One kiss. Just one kiss. If you don't enjoy it, if you don't respond to it, that'll prove you're right. That you don't want it, or need it." "Oh, no. You're never getting to touch me again, Dorrek. NEVER." "Why? Are you afraid? Of what you may realize? Or what you may be unable to deny?" "I have nothing to be afraid of. You only disgust me!" "Show me, then. How disgusted you are. How unafraid. With just a kiss. That'd be all you have to risk. And if you don't get excited and willing, then you can just walk away, with that holo chip you already have, and we never need meet again. But if you get as wet and horny and ready as I know you will, then we fuck. We fuck long and hard and well. For one whole night. And afterwards, you can leave. You still have the chip. We never meet again. Or if we both want to, we can fuck from time to time. But not make much of it. I hate clingy bitches." "You creep. You're so full of yourself that you really believe you'll make me want to fuck you with just a kiss?" "Yes." The green eyes glinted, taunting her. "I do." "What if I walk away now, with the holo chip, and to hell with your test?" "Ah, but then you'd never know. Know if you'd have lost or not. You'll never be sure. And you'll always wonder. Always." "I AM SURE." "Then it will all be finished after just one kiss. One kiss. Would that be so hard to take? To risk?" She could walk away. Dorrek had given her the chip of his own volition. She even had no assurance that it was not fake, that it was not some kind of trick. She was not morally obligated to do anything. How could she owe HIM anything? She took in that smug, lascivious expression, the ugly, repellent visage, so coarsely-featured, so deeply-lined with corrugations beyond the usual Skrull norm, so homely and unappealing compared even to others Skrull, much less to Kl'rt. The more she looked, the more physically repelled she felt by the idea of enduring again his touch, and the more unnerved she was by the shifty way he kept moving ever closer to her, crowding her, physically intruding into her personal space, so oppressively, so insistently. How could such a scrawny creature seem so threatening just walking towards her? One so weak and pathetic, compared to all those super-human foes she had faced over the years? Compared to the others? Yet he was the first of their enemies to have actually spread her legs and forced his cock into her sex. Even if he had never entered her fully, or finished in her, Dorrek had been the first enemy to force her into sexual submission. And now she was asked to kiss him. Willingly. Could she? Could she bring herself to let him kiss her? Him? The cruel, loathsome alien who had once condemned her loved ones to death? Who had held her bound and helpless to torture and abuse? Could a kiss put an end to all of this? And could she risk it? Because there was risk. She had to recognize that, difficult as it was to face. She had discovered parts of herself she had not known about before. And she knew now that, absurd as it could seem, there was a danger. She could not deny it. But surely she could handle it. Surely she could deal with it, deal with him, now that she knew what to expect, enough to keep her self-control, at least, to do whatever had to be done, if determined enough, if she put her mind to it. Even if she were to react in unwanted ways, as she unfortunately had before, with him, and Kl'rt, and even Terrax. But it had to be easier, now. Easier than with Kl'rt. How could this stunted toad compare? She could. She had to. She had to believe so. Because she would not let him believe she had been afraid. She hated the idea of letting this arrogant, hateful creep think he could have won her over. Hated leaving any doubt. So maybe she did have to prove it. To him. And to herself. Her blue eyes matched the green stare. "Just one kiss?" "Just one kiss." She squared her shoulders. "Alright. Let's do it. One kiss." *************************************************** "Master Xar!" He was relieved to find a familiar face in the huge, teeming crowd, and rushed to join the aged scientist. "Earthman Johnny Storm." Xar nodded in greeting. "Are you enjoying the party?" "Well, booze's great, I give you that. Music is weird but sorta funky." "I see. Well, now I must-" "Wait, wait, I'm looking for my homies. Like, Rich, the guy also from Earth who's in your Nova squad-" "Nova Corps." "That one. Seen him? He bolted just now and can't find him." "I have not, I regret to say. Now if you-" "How about my sister? You know, cute blonde with big-" "Earth-woman Susan Storm Richards? The companion of the Great Mind Richards?" He snorted at that Great Mind thing again. "Yeah! Her." "I did see Susan Storm Richards near that area a while ago, walking rather in a hurry. Towards the terrace there, maybe." *************************************************** As the leering Skrull moved towards her, Sue took yet another step back, and suddenly ran out of terrace floor, her rear bumping the balcony's force field balustrade, with the multi-story drop behind it. Startled, with her balance comprised, she flailed for the top railing, almost stumbling back, but her wrist and waist were suddenly seized with surprising strength, stopping her from toppling backwards, and holding her safely in place. "Careful, my dear." The homely Skrull was right before her, holding her between him and the see-thru barrier at her back. Her torso was arched slightly, pulled slightly forward by his hand at the small of her back, just over the edge of the balustrade, where her rounded rear pressed against its translucent field surface. Both her arms were spread to her sides, holding onto the railing, with one held firmly at the wrist. She tensed, shaken. She had sworn to never be touched by Dorrek again, but now his hands were on her, at her wrist and waist, holding her, stronger than she would have expected, and large, very large. She should not be surprised at that, should she? Her face reddened and she looked to a side, away from his face. "It was just a misstep." She could not thank him. Not him. Her force-field would have saved her even if she had toppled over and fallen, anyway. She tried to straighten up but was not released. The holds on her wrist and waist grew tighter as she was pulled closer. Despite knowing she could rely on her invisible force, she still felt on the verge of panic, pinned there, her back against the low barrier, with the long drop behind her, and him before her, pressing forward. "Wait. I-I'm not... comfortable." How could she? She shifted her footing. "Could we-?" "I'll help." The hand at her back slid around her slender waist and down the side of her hip, reaching her outer thigh, just where the her dress was cut in daring slit to let one of her legs freedom of movement. A green fingertip tapped lightly the very point where the slit started and then slid up. Following this, the slit grew higher, the shimmering silver cloth parting effortless to expose more of the smooth, toned flesh of her upper thigh, reaching almost the top of her hip. She gasped in surprise. "How-? How did you do that-?" "It's a feature." The fingertip moved back, brushing over her newly uncovered hip and then lower, encouraging her exposed leg to move away from the other. "Better now?" Her mouth opened in realization. "It was you. You sent me the dress. And the earrings." "Of course. You didn't think it was your husband, did you? Something so exquisite?" She should have known. It was obvious in hindsight. "You-You had no right!" "You look luscious in it. What else matters?" "I-I should just take it off-" "Go ahead. I wouldn't complain. Or I could do it for you." She shook her head, angry. It did not matter. So she was wearing his gifts? How could that be worse than having his hands again on her? Than having his mouth again on hers? Or anything else? She just should get it all done as quickly as she could. "Just get it over." But even with her widened stance, with the two standing closer than ever, she still remained much taller, her face too high, and her bosom fit in the space between the Skrull furrowed chin and the sunken chest below. Looking at the ugly, green-hued alien face and below, she self-consciously realized that her nipples remained achingly hard and were surely very noticeable, poking out, just there, in their tight proximity. "Perhaps I should... remove my high heels. So you can better reach-" "I like you in high heels." The hand on her side reached farther back and abruptly tugged her hips forward, pulling her lower body away from the balcony edge and against his lead leg placed between her own. Her free leg stretched forward and out, allowed by the new higher cut on her tight dress, while the other became slightly bent, so she reclined at a steeper angle against the balustrade, lower on its surface, her upper body leaning further back precariously. She was now just slightly higher, and her face was not beyond reach, while her breasts pressed hard and high on the bony upper body, so the alien chin seemed to rest just over their firm upper curved surface, and the green-lipped mouth moved towards hers. She trembled with anxiety. She was now in his arms. Dorrek's arms. The arms of that evil, hateful monster. About to be kissed. She felt like closing her eyes, to keep from seeing him, there, right before her, about to meet her mouth again with his own. But she did not. She could not. She had to see him, see Dorrek, with his ugly face and squinting, malicious eyes, peering hungrily into hers. She had to remain fully aware of how much she hated him and how much she would hate being kissed by him. Because she had to hate it. How could she not? She had to hate it and show it. She had to show him. Show him. She reached up with her free hand to brush a loose lock of blond hair away from her flushed face, from her now open lips, from between them. One kiss, just one kiss, she reminded herself, nervously. She had to. She had to do it. Let him kiss her. Let Dorrek kiss her. Let her feel again his mouth, his lips, his tongue... The alien mouth moved forward, as did hers. PART TWO: IT'S IN HIS KISS "Hey, Sue-!" Johnny strode out into the large open space of the terrace, glancing from side to side. "Sue...?" He could have sworn he had seen someone out here, even as he opened the doors, yet there was no one. Maybe he should be more careful with unknown alien drinks. He walked to the edge of the space, taking in the brightly lighted alien city under the equally glittering night sky. There sure was an amazing view out here and no one inside seemed to notice or care. And for a party full of booze and half-naked alien babes, it was proving ridiculously hard to score in there, too. Looked like sadly there would be no cheap and meaningless interplanetary species-crossing hot fucking for this Earthling tonight. Maybe his visit to the Skrull Throne-World had spoiled him. Nope. A wingman. He just lacked a decent wingman. Rich sucked. Even Ben would have been more useful. Maybe Ben would have gotten lucky easier than him. Somehow the hottest babes were going for the ugliest-looking guys these days. Damned if he knew why. Not that Ben would ever take advantage of it, the soft-hearted big lug with his schoolboy crush on Alicia. Now, Alicia, there was a real cute, sweet babe. He took a deep breath of cold, fresh air, to clear his mind, and looked up. He could have a quick flight to let off some heat, work off the horniness. He did not know the city, but how hard could it be to find again the big palace building complex whatever? He vaulted over the railing. "FLAME ON!" The fiery trail vanished in the distance. *************************************************** A very short distance from where Johnny Storm had stood, the two joined yet disparate figures became slowly visible. Both leaned against the translucent balustrade, the green-skinned short Skrull in the heavy, loose purples robes holding tight against the shapely blonde Earthling beauty in her long and skin-tight silvery dress. Their lips remained just a couple of inches apart. Nervously, she drew back, steadying herself on the railing behind. "That was too close." "Not enough. Not yet." "He may come back at any moment." "He's easy to see from a distance at night." "I have my back to the city, and you'll be... distracted." She shifted, uneasy. "Maybe we'd better not-" "If you quit, you lose." "I'm not quitting. I just-" "You're afraid." "Of being found out. It's really not a proper place or-" "You wanted the test to be easy? Why call it a test, then?" She breathed in. "Fine. Let's... try again." *************************************************** He thought it was her. The long, black-green hair fooled him. And the long robes. He called to her, politely, but was greeted by a much different, harsher Skrull face, its chin furrows deeper and wider, eyes narrower and colder. "Sorry. My mistake." She sneered at him with disdain and spat something in a Skrull dialect his suit could not translate. *************************************************** The alien lips were dry and coarse all over their corrugated surface. She opened her mouth slightly, letting them brush more easily against her own soft ones, the contact rough but fleeting, and after retreating, the motion was repeated at a slightly different angle, then repeated again, touching her lip briefly, at different spots each time, in slow, lingering brushes that soon made her grow impatient. Between the breathy contacts, the soft, faint brushing of their mouths, she complained. "Are you... stalling?" "Why hurry?" His hand moved about her hip and upper thigh, from its front to its back, moving too far in each direction each time. She did not want to give him time enough to let him get too daring there. She squirmed impatiently, and her body sent the message that her voice later followed. "Go on. Kiss me. Now. For real." Complying, the dry Skrull mouth fastened onto her moist upper lip in a firmer, longer contact, tugging gently at it, then moved to her lower lip and did the same. Then switched back, pecking and tugging, just harder each time, until each contact was deeper and more intense, more and more each time. It was slow but insistent, simple but skillful, and it built into more and more insistent intensity. Soon she was even more annoyed, even more irritated. How could such a hateful monster kiss so well? But she did not move. She did not close her eyes. She did not open her mouth any further than she must. She focused on staying calm, staying detached, using the kind of concentration she normally practiced for focusing her invisible force. She had to focus on how much she hated him, how much she hated this, having to hide away here in this balcony, letting this disgusting bastard lock mouths with her. She had to focus on her disgust, on the knowledge of her extensive past humiliation at his hands, on the danger he had posed for those she loved best, on how he was a slimy, abusive jerk. So she could dismiss the touch and taste of his lips and tongue, the pecking and nibbling and sucking and licking and so much more. So much more. She would not let him get to her. She would show him. She would not let him make her give in, not even if the damn bastard did really knew how to kiss a girl and really make her feel it from her mouth down to her toes, and through everything in between. *************************************************** "Sue? Susan?" Reed Richards walked out into the wide platform of the balcony, brow furrowed deep in puzzlement. "She's not here. But I thought I saw someone." Behind her came Adora, the svelte Suzerain of Xandar, walking sensuously, her unbound high breasts skipping up and down with each step, each perky nipple covered just in neon blue paint. The cold air of the balcony clearly had an effect on her unclothed chest. "So you found a place where we could be alone. You are indeed a genius." "Uh? No, no... Master Xar said that Susan may have come here." She smiled, tossing her length of braided hair back over a shoulder. "Someone may still come here, however." "Yes, indeed, but it may not feasible to wait." "I don't think we'd have to wait long for one to come." "He did say that he saw her come this way. But she may have detoured or been detained in the way here." "So, she is not here, then." She moved closer to him. "But we are." "Um? Oh, excuse me. I think I may need to go and keep looking for her." She slid to stand before him, and extended her arms over his shoulders. "I think you don't need to keep looking for any other woman. Not anymore." *************************************************** Susan tensed, still held tightly in the embrace, her mouth still under assault. Adora would not dare, would she? Not right here, not with Reed. Her Reed. *************************************************** He drew back. "Adora. We have talked about this." She scrunched her nose. "Oh, you so talk too much." She pulled his down to her as she lunged up, her mouth finding his. *************************************************** Sue could not believe it. She had dared. With her Reed. She wanted to kill that brazen hussy. Had the so-called dancing had not been enough? First she had slithered and rubbed like a cheap slut all over a man who was certainly not hers and now she sneaked away into an empty balcony to kiss him? To hell with worrying about diplomatic incidents. She would teach her to respect what belonged to others. And the slut had it coming. Coming from the very start. Hadn't she tried to fuck Reed back there, in the infirmary, in the Baxter Building, in their very home? When she spreading her legs for the Super-Skrull instead. Served her right, too. She hoped Kl'rt had wrecked her cunt something fierce with his huge, fat Skrull cock. To teach her. Not that she even deserved it. And she would have to certainly have to talk in greater depth with Reed about just what had happened back there, between him and Adora, in that place with the Living Computers. Much greater depth. Perhaps he had been out of it. Perhaps this shameless slut had taken advantage of him after his whole mind-meld thing. But that would not leave him in the clear. She was not going to let him off that easily, not after this. Not after he had just let that slut climb all over him and suck his face. She trembled with her new-found anger, gripping the railing behind her with furious strength, even while the now-invisible alien tongue pushed its way even deeper into her mouth. *************************************************** "No, Adora. Please. No. Really. I mean it. No..." He had tried to push her off, gently, carefully, but she held on to him, kissing him, with truly shocking intensity. And she was rubbing again against him, while seriously lacking in clothes. A lack she soon started to make even more absolute, hurriedly throwing off what little she had worn from the start, before she began to tear at his clothes as well. That could not be. "Enough, Adora. Enough." The suit could not stretch along with him, as would the clothes he had custom made of unstable molecules, but he could still turn pliable enough to escape Adora's embrace. When she could not hold on to his shifting limbs, she grabbed harder for handholds on his clothes. That was too much. Susan had given him this suit. As a gift. Hugo Chief or something similar. She liked seeing him in it. He could not let it get damaged. He whipped his stretched limbs about to confuse her, and unceremoniously, dropped her on her backside. He hoped it would not hurt much. It did seem a nicely toned one. "Adora. No more. You know I am married. You cannot do this." She crawled towards him on all fours. "You know you belong here. Your mind does. You'd be First Mind, above the Living Computers themselves, using them and their stored knowledge to work out all the secrets of the cosmos. I am offering you all that. And I can have your body. You can be my consort. What does not work in that?" *************************************************** Consort? Fucking her husband was not enough? The slut wanted to steal him completely? Sue would have rushed to grab the bitch by the hair, were she not entangled so tightly in someone else's arms, so tightly she could hardly breathe, or move, or do much but just let him do whatever he wished with her, while she stared at Reed and the slut, staring right through his currently invisible body. It was strange to feel this, feel him, against her, all over her, even though she could not see him. Any of him. It made for an even more unusual experience. Despite having her eyes fully open, staring at what was happening so close to them, between those other two, she could not tell where each caress or touch or lick or bit would come from or where each would touch her, until it was happening, each becoming a surprise, a baffling distraction, an unpredictable barrage of sensations eroding away at her larger awareness, making her shift and squirm and shiver, making it hard for her to even catch her breath. Reed may better put that skank in her place. *************************************************** He shook his head. "Please, Adora. I told you. I'm married already. I can't-" "So? Don't you have multiple marriages on Earth? Group marriages? Structured multi-tier options? You both can be my consorts." His eyebrows rose. "Oh. I see. Well... Well, that is not a commonly accepted practice in our particular Earth culture-" She sat back on her heels, frowning. "By the World-Mind, what kind of backwater mud-hole is that?" "Adora, you're a beautiful woman and your offer is most generous, but-" "Don't you keep thinking back to it? To us? Back there with the Computers, you and I, together, while the whole world shook..." "Because there was a Skrull attack-" "Don't you remember how it was? How great? How amazing?" He rubbed his temples. "I do admit it was a rather unique experience-" *************************************************** That was it. Reed was a goner, too. She would kill both of them. Group marriage her ass. The hand on her squeezed that very part of her, encompassing much of the firm roundness of her buttock, the long fingers proving so strong, knowing, and assured, working through the thin fabric of her dress. But Reed was toast. Definitely toast. *************************************************** Adora reached him, still on her knees, looking up at him, while wetting her lips. "Yes, it was. I cannot forget it. Or forget your cock. So big inside me, and kept getting bigger and bigger. Filling me so much, in so many ways!" *************************************************** Sue almost spoke up. She wanted to. But her mouth was busy at the moment. Sue could not believe what she had just heard. He would not do it for her but he did it for that slut? Fuck him. Fuck her. Fuck everyone. Furiously, her tongue met and angrily wrestling that one deep in her mouth and then in the air between the two of them, with only the sense of touch and taste to guide each other. *************************************************** "All that knowledge. All those ideas. And data. And connections. So many connections. So many possibilities. I-I still get dizzy at times thinking-" "Oh, yes." Adora's eyes sparkled. "The connection of your cock and my cunt. Your huge cock." "Excuse me?" *************************************************** Her anger spilled onto the struggle of mouth against mouth, and she bit down, her teeth fastening momentarily on the lip caught between them, tugging briefly on it, then letting it go and being bitten herself in turn, hard, hungrily as was each part of their kissing, the shared caress having grown exponentially in intensity with each further second, her reluctance and hostility and distaste forgotten, caught by the rising heat ignited by the furious back and forth between them and her emotional turmoil at seeing Reed, her Reed, kissed in turn by another woman, and knowing they had already done more than just kiss, and wanting to do them better, to make their locking of lips seem weak and tepid compared to her own. *************************************************** Reed blinked fast and looked away. "Ah. Right. Of course. Well, I'm sorry, Adora. I am not happy about that, but it was a contingent situation that is not statistically likely to-" She reached for his pants. "Will you stop talking so much and just fuck me?" He quickly moved away, frowning. "You know, Susan does not mind me talking. She never-" Adora threw her hands up. "Screw Susan. Or better, screw me!" *************************************************** She could not take it anymore. She could not. She was choking in her anger and confusion and heat and shocked disbelief and physical agitation and actual lack of breath. She abruptly pulled away, trembling, and her body was tuned about, pushed her forward toward the balustrade. Her hands gripped the railing, arms stretched before her, shoulders lifted while the mouth was on her neck and hands rose to cup and squeeze her heaving breasts, before one moved down her torso and hip, to reach under the high cut slit on the side of her dress, about the upper contour of her exposed thigh, to seek what lay just above, while a steady, hard presence pressed against her from behind, so hard and big. She turned her head, to keep staring over her shoulder at them. *************************************************** "Adora, please. I love my wife. We are happy together. That is all there is to know." "So what? I don't care. As I said, bring her in, too. I'd love to fuck her, too." *************************************************** Teeth bit on her earlobe, just around and above the earring designed like the Fantastic Four logo, which he had given to her. He, not Reed. Just like it was he, and not Reed, who was now behind her, fondling and caressing her, clearly wanting to give her much, much more, while Reed stood so close by, Reed who had not given her the earrings, or the dress, but who was now with Adora, Adora who now claimed to want to fuck her, too. She was tense all over, baffled and confused by the overload of conflicting emotional and physical stimuli. Her hands opened and closed on the railing, repeatedly. While unnoticeable even with the thinness and tightness of her dress, she had worn underwear, panties, to be exact, but were those made of unstable molecules she had custom made for use under the tighter versions of her Fantastic Four outfit, consisting of the smallest modest patch to cover her pudenda and infinitesimally slender, unnoticeable strips to hug her upper hips and go down her rear crevice, thong-like. These were found and started to be pulled down her trembling thighs. *************************************************** "Really?" "Of course. She's ridiculously hot. Great legs and ass. Amazing big tits. And that face? Who wouldn't want to fuck her?" "Ah, I-I see..." He stepped back, blushing. He had just visualized a multi-part scenario where Adora and Sue interacted sexually, extensively, all while he would watch, in most configurations, with certain changing background narrative elements. It proved more stimulating than he had suspected. Adora smiled, kneeling on the floor, watching his quickly growing bulge. "Really, if Skrulls have any gram of sense she must have gotten her brains fucked out thoroughly every single instant she was in their world, too." Reed's face grew bright red. He reached down to cover himself. "Please don't speak about my wife in such disrespectful terms, Adora." "Oh, please. Did you see her in that dress? She oozed sex! She's probably somewhere getting it, even as we speak. There are lots of very well-hung Skrull warriors here tonight. Who'd let all that be wasted?" Reed exhaled, still keeping his hand over his groin, and then closed his eyes. "Adora, I love my wife. While I may have some different personal opinions regarding sexual mores, I know that she would not approve of my having an extra-marital affair. She would be hurt by my doing such a thing. And I would never willingly do anything to hurt her. Ergo, I cannot do such a thing. It is that simple. Now, were she to ever indulge in such activities herself, that would be her personal choice, and I would trust that she must have strong reasons for doing such a thing, and would know whether it was a sensible thing to do or not, and act accordingly." Adora stared at him with eyes open-wide within the surrounding ellipses of blue make-up. "What sort of fucked-up people are you?" He shrugged. "Married, with child." *************************************************** She held back a gasp, and many other sounds that would have risen loudly from her, were she not all-too aware that she had to remain silent, that she had to keep their presence there hidden, not just from sight, but from any chance of discovery. She winced, perturbed by the further kneading of her breast, and the mounting exploration of her most private area. Nervously, she tried with little success to push the hands off her, to wiggle lose from their demanding grasp, even as she stared at him over her shoulder, at Reed, her husband, her heart aching for him, as moved deep inside by his words as the rest of her was moved by the outside roaming of the skillful hands all over her. She stared at Reed as he stood there, his back to them, oblivious to their presence, mere feet away. She loved that man so much. So much. A finger probed her moist folds and she came close to moaning out loud. Very close. *************************************************** Adora gathered her so-recently discarded flimsy bits of cloth. "Fine. Live in your own fucked-up world. In every sense. See if I care." "Thank you, Adora. For understanding." "Whatever. Good luck finding Susan. There ARE those well-hung Skrulls I mentioned. I'll try to find some still about and available." She strode for the doors. "Enjoy the party." After she left, Reed Richards gave a quick glance all about him. He rubbed his temple. He thought he had heard something. He shrugged and went for the door. Adora certainly had a very active imagination. Sue and a Skrull? Or more than one? At once? He adjusted his pants and breathed deeply, before exiting the balcony and rejoining the party. *************************************************** Sue dropped their invisibility and jerked away, breathing fast and hard, away from the hands that would not relinquish her. "Stop. Stop now." Her upper arms were seized from behind. "Why? It's settled now. You know you lost." "What?" "The test." A hand caressed her side, down the shimmering curves highlighted by her silvery dress, to her exposed leg. "You lost. You kissed me back, fiercely, passionately. As I knew you would." "No!" She squirmed away from his hands, turning about. "That-That didn't count." A green finger touched the tip of a nipple poking out stiffly from the high curve of her chest, its size and hardness highlighted by the shimmery fabric of her dress, its texture raised in concentric whorls around its base. "It felt like it counted." "Stop that." She fought back the reflexive impulse to arch her back and push out her chest in response to the contact. Instead, she pushed the hand away from her. "I agreed to kissing, not groping." "You did not seem to mind. Rather the opposite." "You're wrong. And it... it all didn't count. Because of them. Being here. You saw them. You heard them." "So? They did not see us, or hear us. You took good care of that, really." "They were here. That changed everything." "Why?" "Because of what happened." "Nothing happened, actually, between them. Unlike with us. Your husband is really a-" "Yes. Exactly." She looked down, unsure of how to voice it, particularly to this unsympathetic listener. "At first I thought it would. I was angry. Jealous. That pushed me into losing control." "That you did, indeed. Quite so." "But just because of them being here. And what was said. First it was anger, stress. Then relief. So I lost concentration. That's why it didn't really count. Why it can't count." "You kissed me back. At length." She paused, hating having to justify her reactions, to say what she must. "Yes. I did. I kissed you back. I did... get into it, I know. But only because my mind was elsewhere. Because I was distracted. " The green brow furrowed in puzzlement. "That is the opposite how such an explanation would normally be made." "But it's true. And since I made us invisible, throughout most of it I couldn't see you. That made it different, too. We kissed and yes, I became very involved, but I wasn't seeing you while I did. I didn't feel like I was kissing you. Not you, in particular. It was just a reflexive, impulsive reaction while my mind was elsewhere, while my concerns were elsewhere." "Why does that matter? You reacted to my kiss. My touch. Undeniably. So you lost." "I wasn't thinking about you. And about hating you. About being disgusted and angry with you. So it didn't really count!" "How convenient." "And, if you wanted to make me react to you, if you wanted to prove that I really wanted you all along, but I had little conscious awareness of it being actually you, did you really achieve what you wanted? Did you pass your own test?" She saw the brow furrow even deeper, the shoulders tense. Good. She had hit his vanity. She may still come out on top. "You say we both lost?" She nodded. Nervously, she bit her lower lip, where his teeth had recently done the same. She knew that it still had to be settled. Once and for all. "We must do it again." *************************************************** "Princess? Princess Anelle?" She faced him, and it was her, at last, with her large, liquid doe-like dark green eyes and the small dainty nose and the lovely, delicate mouth. The nearest Skrull bodyguard shoved him aside. "Keep your distance from the princess." "That is alright, Gn'Rr. Let him near. Let us talk. Thank you." Rich smiled. "I was afraid you had left the party." She pouted. "I'm told I must stay for yet a longer while, for reasons of protocol. Your name was-?" "I'm Rich Rider. From Earth. You don't know me, but I heard about your message and-" "Please." Her eyes darted quickly at the tall, thick Skrull bodyguards standing near them. "Not that loud." "Sure," he muttered. "See, I'm returning soon to Earth, and I think I may be able to help you." Her eyes shone. "You are?" *************************************************** She knew it was going to be harder than she had at first expected. Much harder. Because to her chagrin, she had indeed given in during the previous kiss. Despite all her distaste, she had allowed herself to enjoy it, enjoy kissing Dorrek, despite everything, despite knowing well how wrong it was, how wrong he was. Even with the distractions, with how upset and distracted the thing with Adora and Reed had made her, how could she have been so... weak? To enjoy the touch, the taste of such hideous, awful creature? How much had influenced her watching those holographic images shortly before? Being forced to recall not just those actual acts, but also her deep, lasting anxiety, her fear, her overwhelming sense of vulnerability, all of which Dorrek had taken advantage before? Could it be linked to her more extensive experiences with Kl'rt, who had also affected her far beyond her better judgment? Who was at least much more physically attractive and had some kind of sense of honor, as well as a driven, personal interest in her that went beyond a moment's dalliance, proving to her surprise as flattering as it was disturbing? Had she recalled him unconsciously in her forced contact with this other Skrull? Had troublesome memories of them together conspired with everything else to make her feel so sexually excited? So much more excited that she should reasonably be? There was a deep pang inside her. What if it was Kl'rt here instead? Would that be worse, for her? For her life? Making it harder? Was he even still alive? What if he...? She tensed all over at the sudden idea. Could that be...? No. It could not. He hated Dorrek too much for that. The coarse tongue licked his lips obscenely, the bony green face twisted in a leering smile, so repellent, so different from Kl'rt's face that she could only wince. At least this time Dorrek would make it easy for her. She could remain detached and just brush it off, now that she would not be distracted by that hussy coming on to Reed, now that she must have gotten out of her system whatever had affected her before. Now she could hate his kiss, as she must, as clearly as she hated all of him, and show him just that. That is what she must do, and would do. Retreating before him, she was again backed against the balustrade. She took in a deep breath. She would. A hand reached for her uncovered leg, running up from her knee to her thigh and then hip, and then reaching around from there. Grabbing her, her lower body was tugged forward, with always-surprising wiry strength, and roughly positioned her for what was to come. The other hand grabbed a handful of her blond hair. She would have wanted a longer moment to fully catch her breath, let her heart beat slower and collect herself, collect her thoughts, her feelings, her resolve, to properly ready herself. But there was not. There was no more slow build up. No more taunting, no more exchanges, no more words. No more interruptions. There was just him pressing against her, and his mouth covering hers. *************************************************** So where was the damn palace again? He had not realized how big this city really was, how full of ridiculously tall buildings and structures, all lighted up in weird ways. He had to find which damn balcony that one had been, too. Or one close to it. *************************************************** His head moved slowly about hers, sideways, in one direction and the other, pressing forward, his kiss so forceful, insistent, demanding... She remained still, her body held stiffly, rigid in her holding back, in her resolute determination, for almost all of it. Almost. *************************************************** "So could you get away from these gorillas to talk freely?" "Them? Yes. I always do. They're loyal but rather dim." "Good, do so, and meet me... over there. At that balcony." *************************************************** Her hair was pulled and twisted, undoing her carefully coiffed hairdo, letting her blond locks fall freely to her tense shoulders. The hand seizing her leg behind the knee drew it up, bent, by his side, leaving the other extended down in the other, while what she judged as the upper thigh of his lead leg pressing harder against her, there, between her legs. Or what she thought was his lead leg's upper thigh. The exchange went on for longer and longer, until suddenly the short Skrull drew backwards, abruptly pulling away from her, away from her mouth, so much sooner than she would have imagined or expected. So without thinking, she lunged forward, after him, her open mouth anxiously seeking his, her tongue darting out fleetingly, past her trembling open lips, accompanied by her agitated breathing, with her now-freed blond hair falling loosely around her flushed face. Her arms were on his bony shoulders, as her eyes, shining bright blue in the starlit sky between nervously fluttering lashes, dazedly found his, flashing dark, deep green back at her. The alien's smile became broader than ever. She stared for an instant, before pulling back, flustered with embarrassment, guilt and regret, her mouth still open, her heavy breathing making her chest heave noticeably within the tight confines of the dress's silver fabric, through which nipples poked all-too stiffly. Her raised leg was bent, held by him at his side, hooked around his lower body, her bare foot halted in its rubbing the back of his leg. One lone high-heeled shoe lay fallen on its side, on the floor, just by them. "No, no..." She gasped weakly, anxiously trying to move back, away from him. Green eyes sparkled. "Yes." Her face burned. Her eyes were moist, almost as much as she was elsewhere. She could barely piece together what had happened, how had it happened, how she had just let herself slip only a small bit, and then another, thinking she would pull back, that it was just an instant, that she was just finding the right balance to be endure the kiss, just enough to let it be, but not give in to it, just to make it be over faster, but it did not stop, and then she just could no longer stop, and could barely remember when she had not been fully into it, fully into the kiss, into his taste, into him. Deeply. Completely. She shook in shameful disbelief. How could she have done this? With him? With Dorrek? The tip of his finger reached to brush her still quivering, moist lower lip. "I think you'll agree this counted." "You-You bastard-" She could not argue it. He was right. She had lost. Lost the test. Lost her chance to prove that she did not want him. That she could not want him. Him. Dorrek. *************************************************** "Quickly, they'll be after me in no time." "Right, follow me." They edged through the crowd, towards the terrace doors. "They won't think to look here." *************************************************** She was pushed roughly against the balustrade again, her leg pulled up higher and to the side, the shimmery fall of her dress shoved aside. Her feeble attempt to protest was drastically silenced as the Skrull robe was parted and there was that impossibly huge mass of uncovered hard meat, so huge and hard and hot against her, so hot in contrast to the night air, and almost as hot as she felt. Her legs trembled and nearly failed her in her shock and fright. How could it be so big? So frighteningly big? "No. Please. Don't..." "You lost. You cannot deny it. Cannot deny you want it." Panic made even speaking a struggle. "Wait. Not-Not here. Not now. Let's... Let's go somewhere else. Please. Let's...." "Here." The gigantic green cock-head pressed against the pink, swollen folds of her damp labia. "Now." Trembling, she struggled for balance, loath to grab onto the Skrull's body. "You're too big. Too damn big. You-You'll split me apart." "Yes. And you want it just that way, don't you?" Her mouth was open but she did not argue. She could not. Nor could she move away. She felt the huge alien glans push against her wet gate, and with eyes closed, she gasped weakly. At first. *************************************************** Reed scratched his temple, wondering where Sue could be. What had gotten into her? *************************************************** Her eyes were closed tight. So tight. "No. No. Oh-! I can't... Stop. Don't." Her hoarse words became a weak whimper. "Don't. Stop. Don't..." She could no longer draw in any breath. Her hands trembled, seizing the rail behind. It hurt. Hurt so much. As much as she remembered. As much as she feared it would. As much as she knew it would. And more. So much more. So much. Too much. Too much to resist. Too much not to come. Come before the damn thing had even entered her fully. Come before he had even started to really fuck her. Come with him barely starting to enter her. To enter her with his huge alien cock. "Don't... stop" Her legs almost faltered and she threw her head back, her long blonde hair flowing in the cold night air, over the drop to the city behind. She moaned hoarsely his name. *************************************************** They hurried onto the open terrace. "You said you could help me. Are you sure?" "Look, whatever Johnny failed to do, if it’s within my power and you let me, I'll do it for you." "Oh, thank you!" She hugged him, pressing her slender body to his. "You're so kind!" He blushed, arms held clumsily at his sides. "Ah, it'd be my pleasure." Her eyes were large and warm with gratitude, her arms still around him. She rose on tip-toes and placed a quick kiss on his chin, just by his mouth. "I'll never forget the service you've offered me. Never." His face seemed to burn. "Ah, so about the message-?" "Can you encrypt a secure data chip?" "Um, I-I think not. But if you tell me, I swear I'll deliver it exactly as you say it." She hesitated, but eventually smiled. "I suppose I can trust the new Hero of Xandar. Alright, you must please find on Earth the Kree warrior Mar-Vell, called Captain Marvel by your people-" "Captain Marvel? Wait, isn't he-?" "He is the bravest yet gentlest of all warriors, whether Skrull or Kree. He helps protect your Earth, and the moon Titan, and many other worlds." "But didn't he-?" "Please tell my beloved that while our distance apart is utter agony, I still long only for him and that the love we shared just issued the most wonderful of gifts a few cycles ago!" "Of gifts-?" "I named him after my father, thinking to appease him, but I grew afraid, and arranged for his wet nurse to take him away to be hid, lest his life be endangered by those who wouldn't understand our love-" "Wait, you mean you and-?" "Tell him our son is a beautiful baby, golden-haired just like his father, and I live for the day when we may be all together at long last. I will cherish our memories and will chastely save myself for his return. Please, tell him that!" Rich looked down at her, eyebrows raised high. He sure knew how to pick them. "Ah, sure. Alright. I will." "Thank you, Hero of Xandar!" She hugged him tightly once again, tears in her eyes. "Er... Rich, my name is Rich." Without further word, Anelle rushed away, to exit out the balcony doors, where several burly Skrulls in ceremonial warrior outfits stood staring, thick brows furrowed over narrowed eyes. *************************************************** Sue faltered momentarily, trying to keep her balance while endeavoring to get it to fit again, hindered by the tight dress and having to hold onto the holo chip, all while trying to not make any noise, even if she still wanted to cry and curse out loud. She felt fingers touch her arm, searching for her hand, but she jerked it away, grabbing the railing instead. She finally got her shoe back on, and carefully, with legs that would not stop trembling, she moved along the balcony's perimeter, towards the doors. So close. It had been so close. So frighteningly close. *************************************************** "Fellas, really, we don't have to do this." The Skrulls stared at Rich grimly, removing their ceremonial upper clothes, exposing the thickly-muscled torsos and arms. "We must. You insulted our beloved Princess with your unworthy touch. There is no other way." "With my-? But I didn't do a thing! She was the one who hugged me!" "Your words further damn you!" "Good grief. I never get a-!" The thickest one turned to the taller one. "No weapons. We have orders. We are at peace now. We are guests here." The other nodded. "Only fists." The rest grumbled their assents. "Wait, wait, what do you mean only fists?" He stepped backwards. "We're just talking about fighting, right?" *************************************************** She tried to get past the wedge of over-muscled Skrulls, but there were nearly a dozen of them blocking the door. It was unbelievable. Would everyone in the damn party eventually drop by here? Invisible force subtly pushed a pair aside, making it seem like they pushed each other, and she slid through the gap. Just then, a hand grabbed hers. She tried to pull her own away but could not. "Let go," she whispered, nervously, once the door and then the inner draperies had closed behind them, her fingers shifting futilely, caught in a firm grasp. "You can no longer claim to dislike my touch, can you?" She winced, thankful that her face could not be seen, would not show how conflicted she truly felt about that statement. How close had it been, yet again? So close. Too close. A few seconds more and it would have been too late. It would have happened. That huge thing would have been all the way inside her at long last, and she would've been made to climax by that monster without any doubt, without being able to hold back, made to climax violently, irresistibly, right there in the terrace, right next to the party where her husband was. It made her dizzy to actually acknowledge it. To think back to it. "I... My body may have reacted, physically, to it, to you, but that doesn't mean..." "What does it mean?" She glanced nervously at the large crowd before them. Thankfully most faced away, rapt in their respective revelries. "Just be more discreet. Please." She dropped the invisibility, despite her discomfort at the idea of being seen like this, holding hands. "You're... being clingy." He laughed, and she was aghast to realize she had almost smiled back. Smiled. At him. "Sue! There you are!" Reed Richards came forward through the nearest gap in the crowd, with Master Xar close behind. "I knew I saw your companion near this vicinity." "Yes, thank you, Master Xar. I thought I had already looked here." "It was no problem. We'll meet later to examine the oscillation records?" "Of course. My wife wanted to leave early, anyway." "Reed!" Flustered, Sue tried to jerk her captive hand away, unsuccessfully, while her other hand quickly sought to rearrange her loose, disheveled blond locks. "You-You were... looking for me?" "Yes, yes. It just was a bit difficult to disentangle myself from Adora's demands." Her fair eyebrows rose. "Oh, yes. I'm sure. Really." Reed glanced down at the joined hands. "You and Ambassador Dorrek are getting along better, I see." "We-?" Her face warmed, her hand squirming in the firm hold. "I wouldn't say-" "Indeed we are." The Skrull casually raised Sue's hand up, the broad smile flashing bright. "She agreed to join me. In a dance." "Oh, really?" Reed regarded her. "I thought you wanted to leave the party early." "Oh, she's getting more into it, now. Much more." "Ah, good to know." "Of course, you don't mind it, do you? I mean, I can have your wife, right?" "Oh, certainly." Before the startled Sue could protest, she was pulled towards the nearest raised dance platform, where several couples were moving rhythmically to a shrill melodic progression built over a heavy, cacophonous beat. Sue fidgeted in his tow, almost as shocked by the recent exchange as by what had happened before, in the balcony. The arrogant bastard had actually dared to ask Reed directly, to ask for her, to claim her, from her actual husband. And now she was in his arms, before everyone. And she was expected to... dance? With him? She was taken by the waist yet again and drawn much closer. Held firmly by a hand and the lowest part of her back, much like back at balcony, she was led in short flowing steps that turned into abrupt jerking lunges at each main crash-beat of the music, her hips forcefully tugged forward towards her partner. She reluctantly followed his lead, momentarily baffled by the absurdity of the situation, of being made to dance in public, right before the whole crowd, right before her own husband, with the very evil, murderous Skrull who had tortured and abused her, and who was now openly pressuring her, coercing her, aggressively, into becoming intimate again. It had already been so close. At the terrace. He had almost had her. Almost. How had she let him put her again in that position? How could she have been so foolish? So reckless? She shook her head, trying to pull away. "I-I can't." "It's easy. Hold on to me and just follow." "Not... this." She could not go through with it. Even if she had lost his damned test, even if she had failed to prove herself unaffected by him, by his touch, by all of him, she still could not do what he wanted of her. She could not. "I meant... what we agreed-" "So did I." She was jerked against him much more aggressively, made to more much more suggestively, in a pace that recalled a more aggressive, more provocative version of tango. Meanwhile, her held hand was made to slide up and down her own flank, from where the silvery dress hugged tightly her rib-cage and down all the way along her fully exposed leg, as the high cut let its smooth, toned length escape forward and backward from the flowing silver skirt-part. Again and again, in repetitive patterns. She was surprised by how well he could dance, using just the right angles and level of pressure to nudge and pull and tug her into following his lead, to move along with him, held tightly in his arms. But why should she? Be surprised? That he could take command of her body with such smooth, manly assurance? Had he not done the same, before? In a different kind of dance? Was he not showcasing just that? Flaunting it? By having her like this, in his arms, against him, before the crowd? He was making a statement. Making it clear, to everyone, and to her, how skillfully he could make her do what he wanted of her, how easily he could seduce her. Right before everyone. She felt the many eyes following their motions, all around them. Staring at her. At them. "Everyone is... watching us." Was Reed seeing this, too? Seeing her? In Dorrek's arms, like this? Right before him? "Of course. Why shouldn't they? You're beautiful, and wearing a most artful dress. Your sight enriches their lives. Even more so next to me." "More so-?" "Most find the coupling of our respective species a particularly exciting fetish." "Fetish-?" "Statistically, Terran-type human females have the tightest cunts, while Skrull males have the largest cocks, even without shape-shifting. As you know well." She blushed fiercely at that, and the hand at her waist moved lower, stroking the upper curve of her firm behind while pulling her even closer with each dancing step. "For most, it sparks imaginations. Suggests exciting scenarios. An exquisite Terran beauty like you being thoroughly owned by the biggest, thickest Skrull cock possible. It's fitting. So very fitting. Wouldn't you agree?" "It's not always just about... size," she protested, yet all too aware of how her lower body pressed against again the hardness at his groin. That hardness she had almost experienced fully, mere minutes ago. "It's not... unwelcome, but-" "Why, was Kl'rt disappointing? Didn't he measure up?" "Kl'rt? No! No, I-I mean-I never said that-" "Did he measure up to this?" She was forcefully pulled in, even closer that before, her taller, curvy body pressed tightly against her alien partner's full torso, his full length. She could not ignore the pressure against her loins, how hard and big he was against her, how frighteningly hard and big, as their bodies clung tightly while moving together, their dancing an upright semblance of so much more. Her chest pressed over his, bunched just under his face, which was so close to hers, as ugly as it had ever been, but the green eyes shone bright and she did not look away even as his mouth came alarmingly closer and closer with each aggressive dancing motion. She felt short of breath, held so tightly in the swaying embrace, and her eyes grew wide with disbelief. Surely he wouldn't. Couldn't. Not here. Not where everyone could see. Where Reed could see. "No. You can't. I can't," she muttered. It would be too much. Even the dancing was too much, now. The coarsely corrugated green lips grazed hers. *************************************************** The loud commotion helped him locate the balcony, and he landed on it, his flame lighting it brightly. "HEY! What's going on down here? Stop!" A tongue of flame rose from his fist, threateningly. "That's my buddy there!" The Skrulls did not back away, but glared at him sullenly "You, human. No weapons. No powers." "What's that?" "We are at peace. We have orders. No weapons. No deaths. Only fists." *************************************************** In an impossibly stretched-out instant of breathless panic, it felt like the whole universe was watching her, Susan Storm of Earth, the Fantastic Four's Invisible Girl, as she stood right there at the dance-floor of the large Xandarian party, right in the middle of a crowd of many hundreds of luxuriously-dressed beings of multiple species that also included her husband, while in the embrace of the short and ugly Skrull fiend, whose mouth, with aggressive, inexorable authority, demanded her own to open and welcome his kiss. *************************************************** Johnny frowned. Those were a shitload of Skrulls, all built like line-backers. But he had been taking lessons with Danny Rand. "What the hell." He flamed off. "At last we're getting some action tonight." From the general reaction he was reminded that his black tie suit had not been made of unstable molecules. *************************************************** Invisible force expanded between them, forcing her alien partner to release her and stumble back against the couple just behind them. "No. No. I-I said I can't." Her mouth trembled, his taste on her lips, her face bright red with shame and regret and much more than she could barely face. How long had it been? The embrace? Their mouths making contact before everyone? It could only have been a few seconds. Why couldn't she even be sure? Could Reed have not seen them? How not? "Can't do this. Any of this." She pushed backwards against the dense crowd behind. He'd have done it, right here, in the dance floor. He would have fucked her. Fucked her and made her come, come hard and loud, right before Reed, before everyone. She knew it. "I only agreed to the test. Just that." The Skrull stepped closer. "And you lost." "I-I did. I won't argue that. I did respond. To what happened. To you. Maybe I always did. No matter how much I hated it. But you-you're not the only one who has done that to me. Not anymore. Kl'rt did it, too. And more. And-And it doesn't matter. I'm married. I love my husband. And I won't willingly cheat on him. No matter what. No matter how..." She cut her words short and thrust the holo chip against the narrow alien chest before her. "Here. Take it. And go ahead. Make it public. Do whatever you want. But I won't be yours. Not now. Not ever." She ran off the dance platform, while the voices in the crowd rose behind her. *************************************************** Reed Richards frowned. "You're all red-faced, dear. Are you-?" Sue embraced his arm, trembling, looking for solace, for refuge. She just muttered his name, closing her eyes. He patted her back. "That must have been some dancing." Pale, she looked up. "You didn't... see-?" "Uh? I'm sorry, should I have-?" "No. No. Let's leave, Reed. Now. Right away." "I thought-" "Please. NOW." "Sure, dear." Just as they began to walk away, her right arm was suddenly seized and Dorrek's face leaned close to her side, just as she held onto Reed on her left, being framed between the two of them. "I'd have kept this, but maybe you should." The words were softly whispered in her ear while a small damp bundle was pressed into her hand, before she could protest. Then she was released and the purple-robed figure was gone, lost among the crowd. Pale, she brought her hand down, low against her side, holding away from sight her crumpled panties, still-drenched wet. PART THREE: JUST A SKRULL THING? "Are you sure you don't mind? Master Xar said that these readings opened up whole new-" Sue did not look away from the view through the floor-to-ceiling windows of their bed-quarters. "Sure, Reed. Go. I could... use some time alone." "Thank you, dear." He kissed her cheek quickly. "Just keep away from Adora, will you?" Once he had left for his preferred idea of night-time revels, she kicked off her shoes and sat on the bed, letting the bunched, still-soaked panties drop to the floor. To her surprise, a couple of thumbnail-sized metal chips glistened inside the thin folds of cloth. The holo chip, again. And the other looked just a personalized ID chip much like the one that opened her guest quarters here. For his rooms, she realized. Dorrek's rooms. *************************************************** She walked into the luxurious bedchamber, naked. The smile spread wide across Dorrek's face. *************************************************** Two massively-built Skrull warrior stood guard before the outer doors. Other two were placed strategically farther along each stretch of the private access corridor. All had extensive bruises on their face and knuckles. Mostly the former. The doors suddenly opened wide. "What the fuck-?" Multiple curses in gutter Skrull language rose up. Heavy weaponry in hand, the guards deployed into the foyer. After a lengthy examination, they returned to their position outside, puzzled. No alarms had been activated at any time. "Bl'kd, shouldn't we report-?" "We have orders. Not be disturbed unless confirmed extreme threat." He slapped angrily the control pad to shut the door again. "Shitty Xandarian systems. Can't wait to get back home." *************************************************** Cries rose high and loud, filling the large room, followed by groans and moans and more cries at ever more urgent paces. The enormous phallus pushed forward, forcing tender flesh to yield before its massive girth, quickly reaching bottom with the power of its thrust, to then withdraw and repeat its motion back and forth with relentless fury, in and out of the drenched depths, the swollen pink trim of the entrance proving shy witness to the repeated rushing passage of the monstrous invader. How could she take all that? All of that? So deep? So hard? It did not seem even physically possible. Fists clenched handfuls of the silken bed sheets, trembling, and finally relaxed in slow, gradual collapse into weak, quivering lassitude. The phallus took a daunting long time to pull out, dripping plentiful fluids with its retreat. A hand reached for a nearby placed dispenser of clear, viscous fluid, and Susan Storm opened her eyes wide. Surely he would not try that. He could not. He would tear her apart. After a lengthy squirt and careful application of fluid, the bulbous huge head pressed against the puckered anal entrance, firmly forcing its way in. A low, deep groan rose, like the desperate grumble of an injured animal, the first of many, many more. No wonder, she thought, horrified. He must be splitting her in two. The thrusts began deliberately slow, but quickly built up its cadence, until it was a savage, brutal pumping that shook all of her body. Soon the tautly contracted buttocks and spread-apart thighs began to tremble violently, and her hoarse cries rose higher than ever, as the raised perky rear was completely pounded down against the thick bedding. It took a long while for the cries and moans to fade into hoarse gasps, and the huge green penis finally exited the ravaged orifice, glistening with fluid, while her body lay limp, face down, and her eyes remained closed, the blue make-up running dark down her face with the sweat and tears, her loose straight brown head a sweaty mess spread around her head. The scrawny, knobby-jointed, naked green Skrull body looked even more grotesque over the limp form of the unconscious Suzerain of Xandar, the oversized phallus still throbbing from its recent use of both of her contiguous openings. Still breathing heavily with the recent exertions, the green, dark visage turned around, towards the open door to the bedchambers, where Susan Storm stood, invisible. "So, did you enjoy watching?" *************************************************** "Can we see go over the data now?" "Why, of course, but it's quite late, Great Mind Richards. Will your companion not protest?" "Oh, she doesn't mind if I keep odd hours." *************************************************** "Let her rest here. It was hard for her, as you saw. Come, follow me." At the lounge with all-white-decor, golden liquid was decanted into a cut-crystal wineglass. "Will you have some?" Again there was no reply, and the bony shoulders shrugged. "The security system signaled the use of the access chip I gave." The emptied wineglass was placed back at the beverage station. "As you noticed, I was just too busy to welcome you then. But I'm pleased you accepted my invitation." "I'm just here to return these to you." The holo and ID chips appeared next to the wineglass. "I'm not keeping anything of yours, Dorrek." "What about the dress?" There was a long moment of tense silence. "Are you still wearing it now?" A thin layer of cloth began to appear in mid-air, becoming visible just as it was peeled off the body it tightly hugged. More of the silvery fabric came into view as it slid down snugly Susan Storm's invisible body, pulled, gathered, and shrugged off, briefly defining the contours underneath in its path, the shape of the jutting breasts with their pointed nipples, the trim midsection, and shapely hips, until it was finally left in a shimmery heap on the floor. "There." The dress was kicked over by an invisible foot, followed by the two white-gold earrings reproducing the Fantastic Four logo. "That's everything. Took it all off myself, too, as you said it had to be. Satisfied?" "Had to be?" "What you said. That clothes must be torn off men but a woman must be made to undress herself." "Yes? Ah, of course." With a shrug, the Skrull sidestepped around the bundle of silvery cloth and the discarded jewelry. "A pity. Your body deserves such pieces. Deserves the very best." The thick, still-erect green phallus pointed at the area from where her voice came. "Not everyone gets what they deserve. Even those who most should. Keep your holos and do your worst, Dorrek. I'll just face it." "Yet you don't dare face me, here. You hide behind your invisibility." "I'm not hiding. But I won't be-" "Naked before me? Yet I am naked before you." The thick member oscillated heavily with each step taken towards her voice. "Is that fair?" "I'd rather you covered yourself and that thing, actually. There's no need for us to ever see anything of each other, ever again-" "Aren't you watching me carefully just now? All of me? And taking your time? Just like when you watched me fuck that hot Xandarian slut? Did you get wet, then? Did you touch yourself? Did you finger your hot-?" "NO!" A bar stool was roughly thrown aside by an unseen hand, crashing noisily to the floor. "I DID NOT!" "Oh, don't be angry. She was just a quick diversion. A warm-up, while I waited for you. There's no need to be jealous." "Jealous? I'm not-!" Another stool was pushed away. "Ok. That's it. I'm out of here. And you can't stop me, no matter what you say or do-" "Really?" At a tap on a control pad, the holo chip left at the beverage station was activated. Sue stared, startled. "Reed-?" *************************************************** "These implications are beyond my ability to understand." "I have to test and confirm, but if the results support the model, this may clear many standing issues with the prediction of higher-dimensional topology." He could not wait to show Susan this. *************************************************** "But that's not me. I wasn't there. What's-? With Reed-? Oh, fuck. No. No! That's my husband! That's... No! NO!" A moment of stunned silence followed, before she could finally speak up again. "Why-Why is she-? Oh, gross. What-? Really?" She was shocked and disgusted. But she still could not look away. She thought she had been the only one who had been abused there. But Reed was almost wholly unconscious. He was basically being raped. Her heart ached for him. Even as she bristled at what she was seeing. And why was he so big down there? So huge? Was it like that for everyone but her? What did that mean? To her relief, it seemed to be over quickly, but then the images just changed. "Wait... Ben?" *************************************************** Benjamin Grimm walked away from Alicia's apartment building. A nice dinner at a discreet Italian place and then an open-air concert with his lady. Didn't get much better than that. He was glad he had skipped that stuffy event at Xandar. They had probably all been bored to death there with speeches and whatnot. *************************************************** She had no idea. No idea. About Ben. About... Of course it wasn't her. Ben must have figured it out, too, at some point. Certainly had enough time to do it. But still she felt perturbed, embarrassed, for both. Even if she had nothing to do with it. But it was still about her, wasn't it? How had Ben dealt with it? With seeing her, after... How could she now look at him and not think that... Think about... She shook her head. This was going to make everything so uncomfortable, back at home. How much worse could it now get? "Wait, what...? Oh, my God... JOHNNY?" *************************************************** Johnny Storm groaned, sitting up, trying to clear his head. He hurt everywhere. Everywhere. He saw Rich huddled in a corner. "Hey, why are we both naked?" *************************************************** "Oh, no... No. NO!" Johnny? Her baby brother? How could he? What was wrong with him? How MUCH was wrong with him? And come on! Her breasts were already more than big enough! Now she had to kill him. She had to. *************************************************** "Damn! They locked the balcony doors, too? Now how do we-? Hey, don't look at me like that. Really. Hey, it's cold here." Rich did not look up. "It's your fucking fault." "What?" "All this! How could you lose the fucking message? Why didn't you even... try?" "Hey! You had no idea of how I was being distracted at that time! No fucking idea!" "What kind of hero-?" "For fuck's sake, Rich, stop whining like a little bitch! So we got our asses handed to us? Big deal. We'll get back at them another day." "Shut up. Just shut up." *************************************************** The holo shut off. Her mouth was dry, her body tense. How could this have happened to them? She could have never imagined anything like that. How would this affect them? If everything was to come out, openly? If they all to face it? How would it affect their relationships? How they regarded each other? It could change everything. In many ways, it already had. But to add public exposure? Public judgment? For all of them? It had changed everything. It was no longer just about her, about her pride, or reputation, or self-regard. Not anymore. The stiff Skrull phallus brushed against the back of her leg and she instantly stepped away. How had he come to stand right behind her? Was she that distracted, watching the recordings? Her voice and her gasps of surprise and disbelief must have given away where she was. "Was all that there? All along?" "Yes. It was only fair to give all of it to you. Don't you feel you had to know?" She grimaced. "Some things it's better not to. It's better that... nobody knows." She let out a long exhalation, in a mixture of both resolve and bitter defeat. "Nobody." Her contours began to appear out of thin air, filling with the texture and color of her flesh and hair, from her head and feet and filling out progressively from each direction, gradually revealing the fullness of her unclothed, fair-skinned body in all its detail, to finally stand completely visible before the Skrull's hungry eyes, just as nude as the shorter, far less-symmetrical green being facing her. Her breasts jutted out proudly, high and full, crowned by erect nipples, and her toned legs were set apart defiantly, leading up to the treasure at her junction. "This is what you wanted." It was not a question. *************************************************** "Don't worry. I just need to rest a bit before I can get it on again." "WHAT?" "Jeez! My flame! Flame on and all that. Are you touchy or what?" *************************************************** "Once. Just once." "A whole night." "Fine. One night. This night. Until dawn breaks. One night for you to have me. And no more." The Skrull nodded and stepped forward, making Susan move back by reflex, as if pushed backward by the pressure of the misshapen green figure approaching, a dark-green stain of ugliness in the enormous, white-decor rooms. "Have my body. That's what you'll have. Just that. Just my body." "Your body will be more than good enough. Anything else... is up to you." "There won't be anything else. Ever." She stepped back again, testily, covering her jostling breasts with one arm, pointless as it was, trying to keep as much distance between them for as long as possible. Her last step back was halted by the surface of the floor-to-ceiling, wall-wide window framing the lighted cityscape behind. She shivered at the contact, although the material was not cold. Neither was she. Her whole body felt hot, feverish, raised to a boil in a crucible of troubling impulses. Standing before the taller, buxom blonde beauty, the Skrull reached for the arm she held before her chest and resolutely drew it to her side, exposing her creamy round breasts. The green face leaned closer and panic threatened to overtake her. She wanted to become invisible again, or raise her force-field, or do anything to somehow protect herself. From him. From what was about to happen. Between them. Her and him. Her and Dorrek. Why was she so physically shaken? Hateful as it would be, it would just be... sex. Just sex. Yes, he was monstrously big. But much as it hurt, she had already taken a good part of it before, so she knew she could. And yes, he may get to her again, particularly with that huge thing, but she had gone through that before. There had been Kl'rt. Twice. And Terrax. And was still just sex. No matter how hard or big or... It was just sex. Just sex. And she could do that, couldn't she? She should not be afraid. Not this afraid. His mouth nearly brushed hers but she twisted her face to a side, away from his. "Don't. No more kissing. We... had enough of that already." "We had?" She nodded. She knew she had. "You wanted to fuck me? Just do it. Just get it over with." "Oh, I will. Soon enough." Strong bony fingers seized her chin, making her face forward, as the green thumb brushed her open pink lips. "Let's take the time to fully enjoy ourselves." She fidgeted, the soft surface of her lips yielding under the thumb's touch. "There's no need for this... foreplay." "But you need it to be ready." She grimaced. "I am. Ready." "Are you?" The hand left her mouth to caress her cheek and then move down her throat and over her chest, following the full curve of her breast, locating the hard, compact nub of a nipple, fully stiff to the touch. "Ready enough?" "What do you care?" Fingertips nudged and rotated that nipple, then twisted it. "If you're not, it will hurt. A lot. You know that." She knew. Even while staring into the deep-set Skrull eyes, she remained fully aware of the huge phallic mass dangling between them, of its monstrous size, its massive inhuman threat. "I'd... rather it did." The hand left her out-thrust chest to move down her taut midsection. "You do? How daring." "I'm not the same person I was, Dorrek, last time you saw me. I have already... experienced more than you can think." At her mound, fingers traced the contours of her pubis teasingly. "I can think of a lot." She tightened her mouth. "I had a lot. Quite a lot." "As much as this?" Seized by the wrist, her hand was pulled to the massive rod of hard flesh. "All of this?" She stiffened at the contact with the huge alien phallus, her hand forcefully kept in place, with fingers pressed on its rugged, veiny skin, and made to slide downward from the base, along the hard cylindrical shaft. It was a long, long way down. "About as much," she muttered, yet there was hesitation in her voice, and her hand trembled over the daunting erect length, her fingers spreading out uneasily over its inhuman girth while the alien fingers playfully explored her moist outer folds. How could he be so big? "Good to know." At that, the wandering Skrull fingers eased their way past her outer folds to thrust forcefully up into her sex. She breathed in sharply at the intrusion, but did not look away from the fixed green stare, or halted her hand's motion over the hard phallus, even as the knobby alien fingers slid in and out of her depths with obvious fluid ease. "Well, maybe you are... ready enough." Her face grew much warmer, to match her lower body. The invading digits found her undeniable wet, as wet as she had ever been, with Kl'rt or anyone else. "You... bastard." Her eyes were wet, too, with anger and frustration and shame, matching the demanding green stare as her hand closed around his shaft angrily, fingers barely wrapping halfway around its girth. "You think that you can fuck anyone you want just because you have such a huge cock? This huge cock?" She squeezed angrily the hard flesh, her hand trembling around the throbbing member. "That you can just fuck me and make me love it just because you have such a monstrously huge hard giant cock?" "Can't I?" Their faces were right before each other. "You think it's that easy?" Surely he could not be right. About her. For her. "You think I am that easy?" The green eyes glinted, so very close to hers. "Are you?" Their mouths came violently together. Her body shifted and pressed against the gangling green frame without any further reluctance, kissing him back with frenzied intensity that matched his, more urgently and desperately than ever before. Fingers impaled her all the way to the bony knuckles and she pushed down eagerly against them, so wet that she dripped all around their lengths. So damned wet. And why shouldn't she be wet? Drenched wet, dripping wet, thoroughly wet with nerve-inflaming excitement? Just because he was an evil alien fiend? Hadn't this incredibly hung evil alien fiend been working on her all night to get her wet? Insistently seducing her? Pressuring and teasing and fondling and aggressively man-handling her to ready her? Ready her for him. Just as he had done each time before, with confidence and skill. And success. Each time. How could she not be affected, aroused, after everything tonight? After everything that happened at the balcony? And at the dance? After watching him fuck Adora senseless with that giant cock of his? How could she not be turned on after that? Or after watching the recordings, of him working on her before, so threatening and confident, while she was chained and helpless and vulnerable with her legs spread apart for him and his giant cock? That giant cock that had so hurt her and stretched her and made her cry out and moan and... How could she not be wet? Had it not been the same before? Back when she had first been helpless under his power, legs spread apart, there in the Skrull world? Or every other time, really? Had she not been wet every time for him? Wet for this hateful evil bastard that was going to fuck her fully at last with that frighteningly huge cock? That huge cock that had not really left her mind ever since first seeing its monstrous size flaunted before her? Hadn't she repeatedly thought about it, wondered about it? About how it would have been? To have experienced all of it? Completely? Deep inside her? Filling her completely at last with its monstrous green Skrull length? Hadn't much of her previous anger been at his being more right than she'd wanted to accept? Right about her and how she had felt? About her conflicted feelings regarding facing him again, about being touched by him again, at the party, or at the balcony, or later at the dance floor. About actually feeling aroused, excited by the mere presence, the mere threatening sight of this dangerous alien who clearly wanted to fuck her, fuck her brains out with his giant cock, his giant alien monster cock. Fuck her as he had come so close to doing before. Fuck her as she knew he would have fucked her. Fuck her as a part of her had probably always wanted him to fuck her, or even worse, needed him to fuck her. Maybe she was just not that different from her brother, after all. Maybe she was that easy. The fingers exited her sloppy depths, and she gasped amidst the frantic tongue-wrestling. Could it be just a Skrull thing? Could she just have a thing for Skrull things? Huge Skrull ones? Or was it more than just the size? Was it more than just the daunting oversized cock? Kl'rt had also been huge, too, hadn't he? She had certainly enjoyed his size, despite the pain it meant at first. But Kl'rt had at least been undeniably attractive in almost every physical way. And his demands on her had also been more urgent, more overpowering, giving no time for reflection. Only reaction. Only reluctant compliance. But Dorrek had given her time. Time to reflect, to deny, to walk away. And she had not. She had resisted, and protested, and fought back, as much as she could, yet he had gotten to her, in so many ways, again and again, and not with mere physical violence, but through slow, determined insistence, chipping away at her defenses, and her better judgement with his infuriating self-confidence, his brash self-assurance, his forceful assertion of his power over her. His power to get to her. And to have her. Maybe rightly so. Sure, he was ugly and short and all, but hadn't he proved as big a threat to her as any of her other, more physically powerful recent ravishers? Maybe even bigger? Much bigger? Didn't he have her undeniably in his power, even now? In his arms? Making her submit to him yet again? His touch, and tongue, and taste, and heat, it all filled her awareness, finding her willing, finding her needy. Needy of him. Could knowing how dangerous and wrong he was for her actually just make her feel even more drawn to him? Physically? Sexually? In so many ways she never should have? Never with him, with such an evil and disgustingly ugly alien foe. Yet that somehow made him feel even more virile to her, more overpoweringly masculine, forcing her in turn to feel more intensely female before him, in some basic, primal way, the kind of that wanted him, needed him, as her male. As her mate. Between the exchanges of saliva, she softly moaned his name. "Fuck me. Fuck me now," she added, in a throaty rasp. She was then pushed harder against the window behind her, reluctantly relinquishing her hold on the thick member, to instead have it press firmly against her lower body, her mound, while she rose onto tip-toes, straddling its massive thickness as it rubbed against her, so big and thick and hard and big. "You monster," she gasped, grinding eagerly against the alien member's astonishing length, coating so much of it with her gushing wetness. Yet she knew no amount of foreplay could really ready anyone for that, all that. Not safely. "You're going to split me apart with that huge giant cock. You know you are." The alien smile flashed. "We both do. And you can't wait for it." Biting her lip, she did not deny it. She could not. Suddenly, she was pulled back and then slammed hard against the window behind her, making it shake, then was roughly forced to turn around, to face its translucent surface. Her hands were forced up high, against the window, while her legs were tugged back and spread apart. She trembled then, realizing what would happen, and felt the hot breath on her ear. "Bind yourself." She frowned, baffled. "What?" "Use your power. Bind yourself. Hands and feet. As you were, back then." Too short of breath to speak, she nodded, understanding. Summoning her invisible force, she created solid constructs around her wrists and ankles that linked to the columns at the far corners of the lounge. "Further apart." She nodded again and winced as her own constructs tugged her limbs, stretching her to full extension, her forehead and chest against the window before her, while her rear was thrust back and up, expectantly, her back arched to better present her rounded buttocks, not knowing whether to feel frightened or thrilled by the fallback to their previous time together and the state of helplessness it had exploited. She was even barefoot, as she had been then, having decided for the sake of stealth against wearing again her silver high heels, thankfully, as they would have made her stance far more unstable. The massive piece of Skrull meat then dropped heavily over her callipygian rear. It began to rock back and forth, its thickness sliding along that cleft between her tense, round buttocks, brushing against her lower back. After a few strokes it shifted underneath her, making her squirm as it pressed up against her sex, the swollen head sliding well past her mound and right under her midsection, like a giant cannon protruding from a gunnery emplacement, so hot and hard and big she whimpered with need, while she could watch herself and all of them partially reflected in the window before her, just like in that first time, their first time together, when she could see both of them reflected in the mirrors of his rooms, when he had been Emperor of the Skrulls and she his helpless captive, sacrificing herself to his lust, yielding reluctantly to his power over her, knowing he would be the first to finally take from her by force what so many others had certainly wanted, but few had ever even came close to, becoming the first to finally take her, to force himself onto her, sexually. And then it had not been, to her shock. Kl'rt may have been the first to actually rape her by force, afterwards, and impossible as the idea may have once been, also forced her to enjoy it, too, yet Dorrek remained the first to make her accept that she would be raped, and she realized now that he had not just made her physically ready for it, he also had made her, or at least some hidden part of her, actually want it, actually desire it to happen, despite everything she had previously believed or wished she did. And that same part of her had shamefully felt frustration and disappointment when they had been interrupted and how that had denied her body the full experience of being possessed by him, of being raped and forced to be totally his. But now it would finally happen. All the way. As she had feared it would. As she had secretly longed it had. As she now needed it to be. When that frightening monster of a cock finally drew back and moved to position itself against her lips, making her gasp at the oversized pressure from behind, she was more than ready to yield submissively, she was trembling in desperation for it. The Skrull cock slowly pushed forward and she whimpered a faint supplication. "Do it. Take me. Fuck me! Please!" Then, with a single forceful push, she was drastically reacquainted with the full magnitude of his size, of his shocking girth, in a way mere visual perception or external contact could not achieve, and could only be delivered by the stark, physical, tangible reality of full penetration, the massive tangible reality that now slowly stretched her with inch after inch of painful impalement as the giant Skrull cock began to slide deeper and deeper into the tight depths of Susan Storm, the Fantastic Four's Invisible Girl. She had known it would hurt. At a point, in her initial resistance and defiance, she had been counting on it. To hurt, as much as she thought it would, as much as she remembered it had, or even more, so perhaps she could at least prove him wrong in that, beat the damn bastard in that, so she would not enjoy it as much as she feared she could, as much as she was more and more certain she would. And soon she knew here was no way she could avoid enjoying it, not matter how it hurt, maybe even more so because of how much knew it would. In that instant of slow, relentless penetration, she got all that she wished and feared and more, much more. Unlike their first time, unlike that past instance that she had so much wanted to both forget and deny, the Skrull cock just kept driving forward, deeper and deeper, past the point it had reached before, into depths she had never dared to imagine possible, in a slow, relentless push that lasted a virtual eternity filled with sheer mind-blowing and body-obliterating agony and pleasure, until the massive head finally reached her cervix, brushing past it's too-sensitive entrance and bottoming just underneath, making her shudder with violent intensity, her sex seizing, completely over-stuffed by that excess of hard, hot green alien cock. She let out a gasp that shifted into a high cry and exploded into a loud, long scream, followed by many other shorter cries and gasps, accompanying violent shudders that racked her body, and she knew not whether she managed to stay upright because of unknown reserves of strength or from the extreme tension on her body because her mind anchored desperately on her force-field bindings, stretching her and holding her tightly in place during that final instant of her complete penetration and the sensory conflagration it unleashed in her. When her physical and vocal pyrotechnics slowly subsided, the huge invading phallus, which had remained still, lodged deep inside her, drew back, pulling half its length from the taut sleeve of her sex, making her gasp weakly at the renewed stimulation of her over-worked nerves. "Did you come? Just now?" Tremors still ran through her body and she could not reply, her breathing a ragged effort, her blue eyes shining wet, struggling to focus, much like her mind, seizing on the force-field shapes for support, both mentally and physically, one thing aiding the other. With a single, brutal thrust the thick dark green rod buried again all the way into Sue's soft, delicate pink flesh, making her yelp and moan. "Did you come now?" She could only glance up at him in shock and confusion, gasping for breath. Was there even need to ask? The huge member again withdrew halfway out to then drive forward in another forceful thrust. "Did you come? From just feeling it entering all the way inside you?" Sue could just nod weakly. Once again it pulled back and then pushed forward, making her cry weakly. "Say it. Say what happened." "I-I did," she gasped faintly. "Say it." Another forceful thrust underscored the demand. "Please... don't-" A new, harder thrust cut her words short. "SAY IT." "I-I came. I did. Oh, my... I came. I came so hard..." The next thrust was the most violent yet, making her arch her back and flail weakly about her. "SAY ALL OF IT!" "I came-I CAME! I came with you big, thick Skrull cock! I CAME SO HARD WITH YOUR HUGE SKRULL COCK!" "Good." Only then did her alien ravisher begin to really fuck her in earnest. *************************************************** Reed Richards quickly ran the figures again. The results matched those of the previous run. It was beyond exciting. This could open complete new possibilities to consider. He would have to do further tests. Right now. Sue would surely understand. *************************************************** Sue's loose blond locks were grabbed roughly and pulled back, just as she was pierced from behind, much faster and fluidly but not any less painfully than before. More likely, it hurt even more. The furious barrages of thrusts kept a steady two-shallow-one-deep pace, and with her head pressed hard against the window, oblivious to the vast night-lit capitol city extending before her, she struggled for breath and balance and strength, both physical and mental, feeling every single vein and bump and corrugation of the massive phallus with uncanny detail, as it plumbed her depths, and her sweat and vaginal fluids streamed and mingled and dripped down her legs. She felt like crying in conflicting pain and joy and regret and relief. After all her past resistance, all her previous denial and struggles, she was finally being fully possessed by him, by Dorrek, the evil, ugly alien who had threatened and tortured and teased her and forced her to first face things about her own self she had never suspected could exist or could ever become true, pushing her into a dark path of self-discovery whose destination she could still not fathom, to her shame and regret and reluctantly burgeoning pleasure. It was perhaps fitting that she had come back to him, to finish what had been started, to finally become in full this ugly alien's sexual conquest, his mate, his fuck-toy, as he had first meant her to be, and as a twisted part of herself had also felt she should be and wished she could be. As she now would be, to her utter shame and delight. A knobby finger then forced its way deep into her anus without any relapse in her vaginal pounding and she felt her lower sensitivity increase exponentially, making her cry out and moaned loudly from the dual stimulation. She did not know how she kept herself standing, enduring the brutal ravishment, keeping herself bound firmly by the invisible force-fields, her mind holding onto that notion of strength just as her body did to the endurance of the savage pain and pleasure she was experiencing. "Oh, Dorrek!" She cried and gasped his name, again and again, so near to a newer, even greater orgasmic explosion that she could break into tears of desperate need, feeling her last resistance slowly crumble, the resistance to speaking words she could not, should not say. "Dorrek-Oh, Dorrek! Oh, my... I-I... Oh, Dorrek, I-I-!" But just as she was about to lose all control and cry out in her violent orgasm words she should never rationally speak, the thick alien member suddenly slid wetly all the way out of her, just before she could do it, before she could climax, making her whimper in pain and bafflement and fear and regret. She struggled to remain in position, and stiffened when she felt the new intent. From a small flask she had not noticed near them, her ravisher dripped a copious stream of oily liquid between her buttocks, using the previously probing finger to apply it to the inside of her trembling anal entrance. "No, wait! Please... Not that... Not there... You're too big... Too big to-" Before she could protest further, she felt it, impossibly thick and hard, forcing its way, pushing into her, cruelly stretching her shy rear sphincter to conquering her tight anus, until she could feel her assailant's bony hips bump hard against the firm cushions of her butt-cheeks. Her eyes widened and her voice went from a high squeal to a choked gasp to a low moan and finally back again to a loud cry. There, propped upon the recent rush to her point of no return, the excruciating pain of her sodomization drove Susan Storm to a loud, violent orgasm, climaxing with her ass full of the gigantic Skrull cock, her voice failing her in the throes of her agonizing pleasure. *************************************************** Reed Richards quickly ran the figures again. The results matched those of the previous run. It was beyond exciting. This could open complete new possibilities to consider. He would have to do further tests. Right now. It would take quite longer than he had expected. But Sue would surely understand. *************************************************** When the giant cock exited her ravaged anus and penetrated her sex in one single liquid thrust, all the way inside, until she felt her buttocks slam against the bony hips behind, and she could feel it ejaculate violently inside her, filling her with its non-human Skrull seed, it finally proved too much. Far too much. She struggled to remain standing but lost. Lost focus. Lost control. Of her invisible force. Of her muscles. Of all her body. Her legs were about to give out from the intensity of her pleasure, and for a moment, it was almost like the massive rod impaling her from the rear was the only thing that kept her upright, preventing her from collapsing limply to the floor. As if to confirm this, the long, thick shaft exited her abruptly and she instantly dropped weakly to her knees, her hands and forehead sliding down the surface of the windows before, too weak to find purchase or even seek any, her whole body trembling with the aftershocks of her multiple orgasms, feeling that all of her had been pressure-filled with the hot alien seed which now drained out of her, along with the last of her strength, dripping copiously from her drenched sex and mouth and anus, the warm fluid evidence of her complete surrender to him, to Dorrek, to her alien ravisher and that monstrous Skrull cock that had just thoroughly owned her body, owned all of her being beyond anything she could yet grasp or articulate. Was this how it would have been? Should have been? Before? Dazed, barely catching her breath, she looked back up and behind, towards her Skrull ravisher, and was rewarded by a forceful smack of the heavy, residue-covered green phallus against her startled face, the same phallus that had just probed the extreme depths of her sex and rectum. It swung again and again, slapping against her cheeks and chin and mouth repeatedly, before finally hanging stiffly before her face, a looming, grotesquely oversized presence coated in her own fluids. "Now clean me." Her parted lips quivered, hesitating. "You know you want to." *************************************************** "It is quite late already, Professor Richards. Should I order you some refreshments? A repast?" "No, thank you, Master Xar. I'm fine." He paused briefly between the reviewing of multiple tables of data. Remembering their abridged stay at the night's event, he wondered if Susan had a chance to eat something. He shrugged. Surely she would have seen about catching a bite if she so wanted. *************************************************** The dark-green shaft dangled heavily before her face, its hard alien meat rubbing over her open, soft lips, its length reaching all the way down to the top of her breasts, where the swollen head with its furrowed texture brushed near her nipples. Her tongue made contact with its surface, sticky wet from the mixture of lubricant, her own secretions, and the thick semen that had filled her so deeply. "Yes, like that. Yes." Trembling with lingering pleasure, she tried to focus on licking the hard, quivering phallus. Her tongue slid tentatively down its length, following the path of a thick, raised vein, and back up, exploring the contours of the cylindrical mass, the roughly corrugated edge of its alien glans, and the wet deep cleft at its top. Her lips quickly joined in, briefly wrapping around some of the curved head and applying suction, pulling away then returning, again and again to take more of it each time, until she was eagerly taking a complete mouthful of Skrull cock, nearly choking on its girth, even if barely taking in a fraction of its size. She took as much as possible of the huge alien cock, to taste, relish, and treasure its taste, so strong and deep, intoxicating in a way so much unlike human semen, much as Kl'rt's flavor had been, too. And for an instant, could not help but recall how her last moment of also relishing Kl'rt's flavor had been so rudely and cruelly interrupted. But would she be here, now, if that hadn't happened? What would be...? "Oh, that is tasty, isn't it?" Surprised by the unexpected voice, Sue drew back, relinquishing the Skrull cock from her mouth with a gasp, letting spittle fly all about. Leaning casually on the frame of the door to the bedchambers stood the Suzerain of Xandar, naked and smiling coyly. "There's no cock like a Skrull cock, and no Skrull cock like that one, if you ask me." Sue blushed at the parallel with her own thoughts. "I-I can explain-" "Oh please." Adora moved towards them, licking her lips. "Just look at that luscious giant Skrull cock. What more explanation is needed?" She knelt by Sue's side and her mouth opened to lick hungrily at the green shaft in Sue's hands, her tongue running all the way up the long shaft until reaching its base and the bony hips, before moving down to playfully lick the heavy hanging scrotum. "Such an awesome cock. So utterly delicious." Her mouth then moved to join Sue's. Sue's eyebrows rose at being kissed like this by the very conniving hussy who had so shamelessly put the moves recently on her husband. But she had just opened her legs and mouth for an alien enemy's monster cock, and was now far more ready to things in stride. The hussy could really kiss, too. Almost as well as Dorrek. Sue tasted both the young woman's natural sweet flavor and the pungent musk of Dorrek's cock and balls. She had not shared a girl-girl kiss this intense since Tigra. It was a while before their attention returned to the hard cock in their hands. *************************************************** "The Suzerain said she would try to convince you to relocate here-" "Oh, that would be convenient at this point, certainly, now that we have to work all this out. But I needed to decline, however. I fear she and my wife do not get along that well." *************************************************** They shared the licking and sucking and fondling of the oversized green phallus with a clear mutual competitiveness, seeking to out-do the other in the effort and daring each displayed, in an only partially-playful challenge of skill and devotion as their lips and tongues worked all about its perimeter, meeting repeatedly while running from the bulbous corrugated head to the heavy scrotum, leaving the dark-green, heavily-veined shaft glistening with their mixed saliva. After much furious back and forth the engorged member began to throb under their joint ministrations and then both were showered by thick, hot ejaculate that splattered abundantly on their faces and chests, and which they began to lap hungrily off each other's skin, from mouths and faces, torsos and breasts. After having licked and swallowed as much semen as she could from the Xandarian's body, Sue then turned to its source, licking the still dripping seed from the huge, still-stiff Skrull cock, all about its glans. Opening her mouth as wide as it would go, she then hungrily took into her mouth the huge bulging head, her lips wrapping snugly behind its corrugated lip, fighting back her gag reflex as she nearly choked on the excessive mouthful of still-erect giant Skrull cock. A cock so big and thick and literally mouth-watering she felt like she could rush again towards orgasm just by sucking and licking and kissing its imposing mass, absurd as that sounded. The kind of cock like she wished her husband could provide for her, yet he could not or would not, maybe ever. In her mind, she begged Reed for forgiveness, while her hands and mouth worked the monstrous phallus with unabashed delight, conceding that Skrulls had indeed the edge on huge cocks that you just could not resist, not having known their touch and size and taste. Adora arched her brows in reluctant respect of Sue's skills and enthusiasm, before sliding sideways towards Susan's rear, to roughly bite one round butt-cheek and slide her hands up the smooth, fair thighs, while under the soundtrack of wet suction slurping of Sue's strained oral efforts. She played teasingly with the blonde's wet folds before finally inserting one thin finger after the other. "Damn. How can you be so tight just after taking all that huge cock? Can it be true what they say of Earthlings?" She added more fingers to her probe, thrusting hard into Sue's still wet sex, with non-disguised aggression. "Oh, I hate you and your hot tight Earthling cunt so much!" Pulling roughly one of Sue's legs aside, Adora re-positioned herself to eagerly take in a mouthful of the other woman's sex, complementing the furious use of her fingers with her oral skills. Coughing, Sue released the quivering penis from her aching mouth, even just its head being too large to really fellate properly for too long. She could have choked to death with that monster in her throat. Struggling to catch her breath, she stared at the slender brunette beauty busy down between her legs. "I hate you, too, you damn Xandarian husband-stealing hussy." She turned about, reversing her position relative to that of Adora, going for her own mouthful of the younger woman's sex, to lick and suck and bite hungrily, before inserting fingers of her own, one after the other. Under them, the floor's interactive surface texture instantly became softer and more elastic, as they writhed against each other, fighting for dominance, until their frenzied motions finally brought them face to face, one on top of each other. "Ever given this tight ass to him as you did it to that big Skrull cock, you tease?" Her finger teased that referenced location. Sue's buttocks clenched at the deep insertion. "Fuck you." "Fuck you, too." Their mouths met with savage violence, fistfuls of brunette and blond hair held bunched in their respective hands. Taking advantage of their position, the Skrull moved behind them and straddled their straining bodies, unceremoniously shoving the still erect green phallus into the closest vagina of the two. Sue moaned at the sudden penetration and the pumping that followed, derailing her assault on Adora's lips and tongue. "It's so big, isn't it?" Adora smiled, tightening her grip on Sue's hair. "Too fucking big for your tight Earthling cunt, I bet!" "I can take it, you stretched-out bitch," Sue gasped, trembling over the Xandarian with each thrust of the Skrull member. "Oh, yes, I can!" As if to help settle the conflict, the green phallus pulled out completely of the trembling blonde's sex, and thrust instead into the exposed loins of the young brunette under her. The Xandarian Suzerain whimpered and arched her back in pain, big eyes fluttering open and shut. Sue held her down with her body-weight. "Oh, not so smug now?" She then kissed her again, the devotion in her lips and mouth contrasting with her words, fully sympathetic to the younger girl's writhing in joint distress and delight under the violent penetrations. The Skrull phallus abruptly exited Adora, whose cries of pain became a whimper of disappointment. Instead, it entered Sue anew, for a set of frenzied, deep strokes, before changing target yet again, returning to Adora, proceeding to switch from one woman to the other repeatedly, after giving each a quick burst of violent thrusts, accompanied by the respective changes in their cries and moans. After many such alternations, the massive rod shoved right between them, into the crevice formed by the meeting of their respective mounds, sliding back and forth to rub against both at once, the flow of mutual vaginal fluids easing his forceful push between their tightly-pressed bodies. Voicing hoarsely their appreciation, both pushed hips forward against the member caught between them, grinding hard against it and each other, loins trembling with anticipation. "Oh, fuck! FUCK! Don't you just love this huge Skrull cock?" Between groans and gasps and cries, Sue whimpered her agreement. "Yes! Yes! I do!" "Isn't his Skrull cock the best ever? EVER?" "Yes! YES!" "Don't you just love being owned by it? Owned by this huge, hard Skrull cock?" "YES! I LOVE IT! I LOVE SKRULL COCK! I LOVE HUGE HARD SKRULL COCK!" "Don't you just love him, love him and his big fat Skrull cock?" She couldn't. She couldn't say that. Couldn't say it. Not out loud. She couldn't. She floundered in panic, choking back words she dare not speak, before finally she just cried out wordlessly in orgasm. Again and again. Mere seconds later Adora joined her in climax, sharing many more throaty cries and gasped expletives. *************************************************** Both women remained entangled in a close embrace, gasping, struggling to recover their breath, their composure, while their Skrull ravisher stepped back and away, also breathing heavily, while the erect member still dripped their joint juices. Sue stared, still dazed, still shocked by the intensity of her climax, of the whole experience, and how she had almost said words that that could not be taken back. "Oh, fuck. How can it still be that hard?" Adora whimpered. "It just breaks my heart. Like it just did my cunt." Sue nodded, blushing, trying to keep her eyes on Adora, and not the other. "It's a miracle we're not completely torn apart by that monster." "Speak for yourself. I must be ruined now, useless for anything but a giant Skrull cock just like that. I don't know how that damned tight Earthling cunt of yours even managed. It must have hurt so fucking much. Hurt like dying. I'm so fucking jealous." "Please, you are just as tight yourself. You came so hard, I could feel it, all through me." "Likewise," Adora added, smiling. "You came like a wild Xunnar'th in heat. No wonder they all love you so much." "All?" She tilted her head towards their Skrull partner. "Him. And your husband. And Kl'rt, damn it. And me, now. You're just so-" "Wait, you also-?" "I hate you so much." Adora leaned closer and kissed Susan, deeply, passionately. "And you've had them for so many years now! To think I just barely-" "It's not that long!" Yet she realized it was nearly a decade since they had first faced the Skrulls, and first traveled to their world, and actually first met Dorrek. Sue glanced sideways at the former emperor, flustered. "But I... I'd never been with a Skrull before. Not before you came to us for help, before-" "Really? What a waste of time!" Was it? She bit her lower lip, remembering. She had been so young, back then. She had not even been married yet to Reed. How could she have ever imagined at the time what could happen? What would happen? How sex with a Skrull could be like? What if that very first time there she had found out? If she had her first sampling of green Skrull cock, when she had been single and younger and so much more inexperienced and vulnerable? Not with Morrat, not with the monster who had killed her father. But it could have been Kl'rt. Or even... Dorrek. What if the evil emperor had come on to her back then? Sought to seduce her, as insistently and expertly as she now knew he could? Could it have really happened? Could she have ended in his imperial bed? Or would she have balked? Refused? Because of his looks, or his size, or how wrong it truly was, even then? Not knowing, not imagining how overwhelming the sex could be, being taken so hard and deep and well and often and... But perhaps he would not have taken a 'no' for an answer. Perhaps he would have just forced her. Raped her. Raped her roughly, violently, as she knew now that she could be raped. She trembled to imagine it, being raped for the first time, by him, by Dorrek, Dorrek and his monstrously huge alien cock, back when she was barely out of her teens, and had yet to experience a real orgasm. Could she have taken it? Or would it have been too much? Far too much for her to handle? Or to resist? What would have become of her, then? Could he have... won her over? Could she have actually fallen...? Hard? For him? With him? Fallen...? Could she still...? Suddenly, the lounge door opened to reveal the four heavily-built Skrulls standing guard outside. Surprised, Sue raised her force-field in instant defensive reaction. Their recent Skrull partner gestured casually at the new arrivals. "Perhaps you both want to catch up?" Adora clapped her hands in delight. "Oh, yes! YES!" *************************************************** The Skrulls guards entered the room, all staring at the two beautiful human women kneeling nude and sweaty on the carpeted floor before them. All tried to remain impassive, as was their duty, yet mostly failed before the dazzling spectacle of those flawless, luscious bodies, all long legs and heaving breasts and erect nipples and long, disheveled hair, dark-brown for one, golden blonde for the other, the lovelier of the two. "Undress for the ladies. And be useful to them." Bl'kd hesitated for the briefest instant, as did his fellow guards, all wondering whether this was a test, a trick. Females such as those were normally not for ones like them, ones like him. Not females that beautiful, particularly the blonde, she with the largest, juiciest breasts, so round and full and high and tempting, even after she had quickly covered them with an arm in a futile attempt at modesty that only made her appear even more alluring. He was a Skrull warrior. He should obey orders without question. He placed his weapons aside and began removing his clothing. The others quickly emulated him. *************************************************** Adora smiled. "Oh, they'll definitely do." Sue's eyebrows rose. So it was true about all male Skrulls, then. *************************************************** Bl'kd took a deep breath and stepped forward, ready to do his duty. For the Empire. *************************************************** "This isn't... what we agreed." She should have turned invisible as soon as the door opened, before they had seen her nude. But it was too late now. Their eyes ran hungrily over her, all of her. And she shouldn't do the same, yet she could not help but linger on how all of them were considerably larger than any human would be. In every sense. She turned towards the older, shorter Skrull on the couch. "It was just to be... us." "Us?" She blushed. It was not long past she had denied there could be an 'us' between them. "Just you and I. Not any other. It's just you that I-" "You did not complain when Adora joined in." Sue looked away, shaken at what she had almost said. "That was... different. You can't expect me to-" "I just expect you to enjoy yourself. While I watch. Isn't that enough?" "Watch?" She frowned. "You want to watch me while I-? You want that?" "Do you?" She glanced nervously at Adora, who was enthusiastically kissing each of the now-naked guards in quick succession, fondling playful their stiffening members, her nude body looking so delicate and girlish against their big bulks, their big everything. "No. I-I can't. I couldn't-" It'd be too much. She had already coupled with two of them, two Skrulls, two of their old alien enemies, behind Reed's back. She couldn't do even more. More of them. More Skrulls. Skrulls she did not even know. Fucking her. All at once. While Dorrek watched her. Watched her doing it. Doing them. Right before him. Why did that feel so...? "Oh, come on!" Adora skipped towards her and lunged in for a kiss, and Sue realized her force field had faded, unnoticed, in her confusion. The Xandarian's mouth was full of the taste of the four alien strangers. Then she pulled back, licking her lips, and gestured for the nude Skrull warriors to move closer. "There's plenty enough for both. I'll let you have the ones you like best." Sue shook her head, nervously, while the tall, broad Skrulls began to surround them. "No, no. It isn't-" "Don't be silly!" The Xandarian took Sue's hands and placed them onto two of the already stiff penises standing at attention around them. "You'll never forgive yourself if you pass on all this Skrull cock." She then turned about and dropped to her knees, to hungrily swallow much of another hard Skrull penis while reaching to stroke the last unattended one. Sue tensed, the guards hard, very hard, under her touch, surrounding her. None of them was as exaggeratedly over-endowed as Dorrek, yet were still much larger than any human could surely be, in length and thickness, and their equally hard bodies were almost as impressively muscular as Kl'rt's had been, even if their alien faces were much uglier, although not as much as that of their former emperor. Yet Sue did not even look up at them more than an fleeting instant before her eyes darted back to Dorrek's own, catching the glint in them. But it wasn't really about them, no matter how muscular or well-hung. They weren't important. His watching her was what mattered. Did he really want that? Did she? Her blue eyes shone bright, still fixed on Dorrek's visage, questioning. Why did the idea of him watching her having sex with yet more Skrulls feel so strangely exciting? Mere days ago she had been a faithful wife and mother who would have never cheated on her husband. Experiencing sexual intercourse with several dangerous alien enemies and enjoying intense orgasms while being violently raped would have been unthinkable. Yet now she was naked and surrounded by huge non-human cocks, while staring at the same evil alien antagonist who had recently threatened the death of her loved ones and had just left her sex sore and wet from his inhuman pounding, looking for an answer in those narrowed green eyes, eyes that she now envisioned watching her, witnessing her becoming even more of a slut that she had already been. What if it was Reed instead? Watching her? Now? Or before? Or every time? Watching her just as she had watched him, before, fucking with her own duplicate? Wouldn't it be rightful payback for him to watch her being fucked long and hard by others than him? Fucked so much better than he had ever fucked her? Fucked by Dorrek, Kl'rt, or even these anonymous Skrull guards? Fucked every way possible by all those hard huge alien cocks that made her come so much harder than he had ever made her come? Wouldn't that make it more humiliating? For both of them? What was wrong with her to even think of it? Her face burned with near-unbearable heat, as did other places. The heavy Skrull penises throbbed in her hands, while Adora busily slurped and stroked two others of them with relish. She caught Dorrek's eyes. Watching her. Expectantly. Could she do it? For him? Or for herself? *************************************************** "Captain Marvel? The Kree guy? Not the hot chick with the awesome afro?" Rich nodded. The bar was deserted but for a couple of lingering individuals whose species he could not identify. "But isn't he, like, dead?" Johnny nodded. "Yeah. Cancer. Nasty business." "I thought I heard about that. But I didn't have the heart to-" "At least he scored with that hottie Princess first. If had to go, I'd sure want first a cute little-" "Dude, they had a kid." "A kid? Wow. That's heavy. Wonder who it'll look like." "Me too. I mean, a Kree and a Skrull? How can that even work? Aren't they from different worlds, different species and all?" "Yeah. It shouldn't... But Skrulls can turn into humans and many other races, too, so... maybe it's like that 'O negative' universal donor stuff for blood types. Or something. Reed could probably explain it." Johnny paused, frowning over his drink. "Damn. Maybe it wasn't that great an idea to-" "What?" "Oh, nothing. It's not like I had that much of it, anyway." PART FOUR: WHAT HAPPENS IN XANDAR STAYS IN XANDAR The wall-wide windows automatically changed its level of translucence, softly muting the light of dawn that highlighted the multiple bodies sprawled all over the bed and carpeted floor of the large bedchamber. Stirred slowly from the deep sleep of exhaustion, Susan sat up, her body still aching at many, very localized spots. She was momentarily flustered by the abundance of green muscular flesh surrounding her and the still-asleep Adora, the emerald hues contrasting with their creamy glistening skins, tuned gold in the new day's sunlight, and she closed her eyes, blushing. Remembering. Carefully, she eased Adora's limp left arm and leg from over her, and briefly stroked the younger woman's soft cheek, still basking in the pleasant afterglow of their night-long exchanges, even if the infuriatingly lovely Xandarian Suzerain still remained an untrustworthy, husband-stealing slut. But who was Susan to talk, now? Hadn't she been a complete slut, too? A slut for Skrull cocks. For so many of them. All so big and thick and wrong. How many of them had she taken? Everywhere in her, all over the luxurious rooms, in all possible ways and combinations, some likely only physically feasible because of their Skrull shape-shifting abilities? How much of their thick alien semen had filled-up her sex, her mouth, her anus? So much she could barely take in any more. Could that be... dangerous? Have unwanted consequences? An alien STD? Or even worse? Surely she could not be at risk of getting pregnant? Knocked up by some anonymous lowly Skrull underling among many after a one-night gangbang? Not that carrying the mixed-species offspring of Dorrek or Kl'rt would have been much better. Suddenly she felt dizzy, shaken by the very idea, by the prospect of bearing half-Terran, half-Skrull children. Their children. She took a deep breath, trying to collect herself. Surely it could not be. The obvious alien nature of the Skrulls made it biologically impossible. They were different species. How could she even think about such an absurd, farfetched thing? Even if she could have, if it could be, how could she...? No. No. It couldn't. She shouldn't. Not even think of it. At all. Hadn't it been enough? Enough shameful, wanton indulgence? With Adora, and the Guards, and... Dorrek. She could barely believe all that she had done, and thought, and almost said... So many times, so close to... And how she had dared to fantasize, to contemplate impossible, absurd scenarios, even about her much younger self, and what could have been, back when she first could have... But she couldn't have, then, or... How could she even...? Then she realized daylight already filled the bedchamber. It was early in the morning, and late, too late, for her. Could Reed have gone back to their room by now? To find her missing? Could he come looking for her? She quickly got to her feeet and untangled one of the bed sheets crumpled in a corner, still sticky with dried sweat and many other fluids, to wrap it around her body. The soreness between her legs and elsewhere proved painful reminder of the recent night's excesses, as if the dozen thickly-muscled green aliens all about were not evidence enough, and quietly tip-toed out into the empty lounge. The panoramic view of the capitol city outside at dawn was extravagantly colored by complex refraction effects from the artificial shield enclosing the Xandarian planetary fragment. The holo chip was still at the beverage station where it was left the night before, for her to take. It felt so small in her hand, almost inconsequential, after all that had happened. She still could not "Everything from last night was uploaded into it as well." Sue turned about, her arm crossed across her chest, holding up the bed sheet, the chip clutched firmly in her closed hand. The green alien stood on the other side of the lounge, short and ungainly compared to the muscular Skrull warriors asleep in the adjacent bedchamber, yet the dark robe was open loosely up front, exposing the thick member that hung dramatically low between the thin, knobby legs. Even now, after everything, she had to consciously will herself to look up, to not stare. "Everything?" "Everything." She winced. The original recordings would seem tame in comparison and she knew it. "I swear, if it's a trick... If this ever gets out-" "You don't need to worry about that." Casually, the Skrull walked towards her, oversized genitalia swinging heavily with each step. "Things will be different now. They already are. Between the Empire and Xandar. Between us." She frowned, deliberately keeping her eyes up, fixed on the green alien visage. "Us?" There was that mocking smile again. "We no longer need to be enemies, Susan." "Doesn't mean that we're now friends, either. Or anything else." The thick ridged brows rose. "Even after last night?" "Particularly after last night." Nervously, she gathered the bed sheet higher before her, a flimsy barrier held up between them in a perfunctory attempt at modesty or protection, a dubious, almost absurd gesture now, after all that had happened. "We had an agreement. For one night. All night. But now it's done. And we're done." The smiling Skrull face stopped just before hers, as strikingly ugly as ever. As arrogant and mocking and overbearing and hateful as ever. And so close. "But agreements can always be... renegotiated." She did not flinch; she knew this woud come. But she shook her head. "No. I did as you wanted. As you demanded of me. And now I must go." "But you wanted it, too. You still do." "I... Maybe I did feel... attracted to you. Physically. Sexually. Despite how much you otherwise... disgusted me. Despite... everything." Her free hand almost reached out, hesitantly, before moving back to hug the bed sheet closer about her. "Maybe somehow I still am." Her face felt hot, flushed with the shame of such an admission. But how could she deny it? Despite her many furious protests, she had ended in his arms, being his, just as he had boasted she would. Even now, her nipples pushed at the bed sheet's silken fabric, almost painfully stiff, and all too noticeable. For both. "But that does not mean I hate you any less. Because I do. I hate you, Dorrek. I hate you and everything you made do, too. I really do." The deep-set eyes narrowed, so close to her. "Didn't that make the fucking even better?" There was a pause. She bit her lower lip. "Maybe." She had come so hard. So often. How could he have been so good? Make her feel so...? Perhaps it may have been easier if he had instead actually raped her, fully, without reprieve, as he had meant to when holding her prisoner back at the Skrull world, when she would have had no further choice about it. Even she had been just as overwhelmed, by his prowess and size, Kl'rt and Terrax would have come afterwards, proving even more violent and dominating. Would that have been better? For her? For her peace of mind? So she would not have been left... wondering? If it could have ever been... different? "But you're still an evil, cruel bastard. You threatened me and all that I love. You abused me and blackmailed me and forced me into this, into being here, into... being yours. Into everything. I can't just forgive that. Or forgive you. No matter how much... I-I just can't." "Forgive? Or forget?" She looked away, grimacing. "Is there a difference? Does it matter?" "There could be." A green hand reached for her. "You could stay. Here. On Xandar. Or even back on Tarnax-IV. As your world's ambassador. To better keep good... diplomatic relations. For all. For us." "No," she muttered, almost inaudibly, as the hand seized the top edge of the bed sheet draped before her torso. "You and the Skrull Empire, Susan Storm of Earth." The bed sheet was pulled down and away forcefully, dropping to the floor between them, leaving her exposed breasts jostling with the violence of the motion for just a moment, before she was grabbed by the waist and pulled irresistibly towards the alien body and mouth. *************************************************** "He was probably a jerk, too." "Uh?" Rich looked up from his drink. "Why?" "It's always the same. Always. Just like with Crystal. The hottest babes somehow always end up with the most unlikely jerks. Can't figure why." "Come on. Can't generalize like that. Not every woman is that way. Some are... nice girls. I mean, there's your sister, right?" *************************************************** "Richards," she gasped, breathlessly. "What?" Her hand pushed flat against the narrow green chest, forcing them apart. "Susan Storm Richards. That-That's my name. That's who I am." She lowered her arm, eyes unwavering, even as her chest heaved with her labored breathing, her hardened nipples aching. "I am married, Dorrek. I love my husband. And I love my family. And now it's time I left. Time I got back to my life. My real life." There was a brief pause as the blond Earthling beauty stood naked and tall before the short green creature, her blue eyes matching the alien stare, waiting, knowing she had to keep her resolve firm, had to be strong enough, no matter what else he said, or proposed, or demanded. No matter what. Then the Skrull shrugged and turned away. "Fine. It's your choice." The nearby doors slid open at a gesture on a control pad. "Go then." Sue stood motionless, eyebrows raised, for a stretch of uncomfortable silence. "Just like that?" She asked, finally, with a frown. "Yes. Go, if you wish." "You won't... demand anything... further?" The ridged Skrull brow rose quizzically. "Did you expect me to?" "I... I just wasn't.... sure of how much I could really trust you to... honor what we agreed." She had been ready, hadn't she? Ready to stand firm and refuse his further advances, his threats, his attempts to extract from her any other concessions, any new surrenders. Ready to fight, to resist... Ready perhaps for even an eventual... capitulation? Was he right? Had she bracing herself for that, too? Anticipating it? Maybe even looking forward to it? To being his one more time, one last time? Both fearful and anxious about it? About the inevitable struggle and surrender? And the attempt to not yield to him too far beyond the merely physical? To not give in too deeply beyond just the sex? To not give in to the point of...? The green smile returned. "Are you disappointed, then?" "No!" She brushed the hair off her now too-warm face. "Don't be ridiculous." She just had not expected it to be over so easily. Not after everything. After all she had... All he had her... She nervously glanced down at the bed sheet on the floor between them, the bed sheet he had just ripped off her. The bed sheet he should have made her drop herself. Just as he should be making her do whatever he would of her. Making her... She tensed, staring back at the lined, homely Skrull face and the deep-set, narrow eyes. His face. His eyes. Dorrek's. She suddenly felt cold and more naked than ever. Surely it couldn't be. Not now. Not after... everything. It couldn't. Yet she knew. She knew. "You-You are not him." *************************************************** Johnny shrugged. "Yeah, right. There's Sue." His sister at least had some standards, didn't she? Sure, there had been that whole Namor thing, and all that at the Skrull party, but really, it was Sue. It wasn't like she would sleep with just anyone. *************************************************** The green ridged brow arched high. "Not him?" Sue stepped back warily, shaking her head, ready to marshal her powers if needed, while internally cursing her foolishness. "He would not let me go just like that. Not him. Not Dorrek. And he wouldn't have let any others have me but him." Unlike the previous night. He would've kept her, just for him alone. She knew that. And she should've known. There had been so many hints. Why hadn't she realized it sooner? Had some part of her actually wanted it to be true? Even if she now realized it would've likely been much worse? He would've hurt her far more, through all of it. And made it harder. Much harder. To take. Or to resist. In so many ways. "You aren't Kl'rt, either." The green eyes sparkled with sudden laughter. "Kl'rt? That oaf? No!" Of course not. Kl'rt would have been the same. He would've never shared her, not with other males. And he would've never taken Dorrek's shape; he hated him too much for that. So it wasn't him, either, even if she had been startled momentarily by the idea, struck by the possibility that he could have somehow survived and come back, come for her yet again, to claim her, as he had sworn. But it could not be. Not him. Not Kl'rt. Much as that... But who, then? Who could have known so well how...? "So did you really kill him, then? Your own husband?" A smile filled the alien face as the Skrull body began to change, tissues rearranging into smoother, rounder shapes, while dark hair grew long from the former bald scalp to frame features that softened into a finer and regal bearing. The waist narrowed while the chest swelled, bulging outward, becoming large, full female breasts that would not be contained under the now too-small and too-short purple robe. Only the big, thick phallus and testicles hanging heavily between the now-longer legs remained unchanged, still very drastically male, while everything else grew more and more fetchingly feminine. "Maybe I did." Susan looked away, unsettled at the incongruous sight, taking in fully what that meant. About what had really happened. And what hadn't. "Why, Empress? Just... why?" "Do you really care that much? For him? Why, dear, did you actually fall-?" "No!" She paled, clenching her fists, her anger rising. "I mean, why this... charade? This deceit?" "Deceit can be useful. To keep some things ambiguous, contingent, for my convenience. To keep some guessing, until the new balance of political power is consolidated. And perhaps some other things also needed to be... settled. For everyone." The green eyes shone. "I meant what I said before, Susan. We're not enemies. We-" "You used me. Took me. For a fool. And more." Was everyone in all of damn space really just out to fuck her? Literally? "At least he... he was honest in what he did and wanted. But you..." "Maybe you should be thankful." "Thankful-?" "For a chance to have what you had so narrowly missed before. And needed so much." "You-You couldn't know what I'd need, what I-" "It seemed quite clear, last night. Wasn't it... close enough?" "Nothing was clear last night. Or true. Nothing. And I'm fed up with lies." She turned about, walking towards the door. "Goodbye, Empress. Enjoy your petty games. But stay away from Earth. And my family." "Just one last thing. When did you start to suspect? It is about personal pride, see?" Sue stopped just at the threshold, not looking back. "You asked me, before, if back at your world, when I had to dance for him, and when bound before him, if I... if I had..." She breathed deeply, her anger suddenly spent, faded away, leaving a kind of emptiness behind. "But he... wouldn't have needed to ask." Without any further word, she stepped out into the corridor and vanished from sight, her shape and expression alike cloaked in invisibility just before the doors closed behind her. *************************************************** "You're too late. She just left." "That's a pity." Walking nude into the lounge, Adora stretched both arms above her head and then ran her hands through her wildly tangled hair. "I'd have wanted a good, long goodbye." "She knows." "Ah. Did she take it well?" Empress R'Klll shrugged, sitting at a nearby couch, her large breasts spreading wide, as did her legs, showcasing the oversized masculine equipment there. "Not that." "Oh, poor thing." The Suzerain of Xandar dropped to her knees and reached for the heavy phallus between the shapely thighs. "I can sympathize, though." Her hand was unable to encompass fully even the partially-erect girth. "If he was really as..." "He was. Damn him." "As much as-?" "More, even." "I really missed out, then." She sighed dramatically. "If I'd known there was really so, so much behind all the boasts, there could've been... extensive diplomatic negotiations. For the good of our worlds, of course." "Of course." "Perhaps it was my loss, too, that he could not take Xandar by force." She licked her lips. "And me with it, too." "Oh, that juicy Xandarian cunt of yours would have been totally ruined. For any other male. Forever." "Fuck. Now you're breaking my heart, too." Her tongue ran teasingly over the thick, veiny shaft, before looking up. "Because he's really gone, right? You did kill him, didn't you?" "Did I? Maybe. Maybe not." "You damn tease." Then her mouth was too full to speak anymore. *************************************************** "Sue? Dear?" Susan Storm walked out of the bathroom, covered by a thick bathrobe, wrapping a towel around her wet hair. "Reed? I was beginning to get worried. It's late in the morning already." "Sorry, sorry. Things rather got out of hand. Took much more than expected." Sue nodded. "Yes. That can happen." "We'll have work enough for weeks with what we postulated! We..." He noticed the redness in her eyes. "You didn't stay up all night waiting for me, did you?" "Waiting? No, of course not." Sue looked up at her husband, hands on hips, lips pressed tight. "Reed, I think we must talk. Really talk." "Of course! I have so much to tell you! You remember the Poincare Conjecture I had told you about? About the mathematical characterization of a hyper-sphere? How it related to universal topology? Well, that is just the beginning-" Sue stared as he went on and on. She then breathed out slowly. On the bedside table was the holo chip. She would of course save it somewhere safe. Just in case. But should Reed see it? Someday? How would he react to it? To watching all of it? And how would she feel about it? About him watching it? Or... the two of them watching it? Together? *************************************************** Johnny shifted his overnight bag to his other shoulder. "So you aren't coming with us?" Rich shrugged, casting a look over the large hangar-like enclosure. "I think I may get to know Xandar better before going back to Earth." "Whatever's best for you, man." Rich met in half-hearted fashion Johnny's fist bump, his attention still drawn elsewhere. She stood there, next to her husband while the portal was being activated, as beautiful as ever in the tight-fitting Fantastic Four suit, if not even more. Was there something different about her now? Something that in every motion, every gesture, somehow made her look even hotter? A kind of more relaxed sexy sway that he had not noticed before? She turned towards him and Johnny, like sensing his attention, and smiling, walked towards them, all bright blue eyes and loose golden hair and that swaying body. He must not be a creep. He must not stare, stare at all of her, so curvy and bouncy and... She reached for his arm, warmly. "Take care, Rich. Thank you again for all your help." "Ah, was happy. To help. Help you, Mrs. Richards. Really. I was." Nervously, he remembered the last time she had bid him farewell. How could he forget that? Would she again...? "Sue. Call me Sue." She leaned forward and gave him a quick peck in the cheek. "Er, sure, Mrs. Richards." Even as his face dropped in disappointment, she moved closer and embraced him. "Sue," she repeated, holding him. Tightly. He stiffened. Everywhere. Hopefully he wasn't as red-faced as he felt; and other things weren't too noticeable, either. "Sis, looks like the whole brass is here to see us off." All too soon, she stepped back. "Drop by the Baxter Building any time you want." "Bring chicks if you do," Johnny said, starting towards the portal and those gathered about it. "But no pissed-off bodyguards, alright?" "Ah. Sure. Will keep that in mind." She followed her brother, smiling at Rich over her shoulder. "Really, would love having you there, Rich." Futilely, Rich tried to not stare at her walking away. *************************************************** She stopped abruptly at the arrival of the short purple-robed figure, who went to casually shook hands with her husband. Then she hurried towards them, deliberately not looking at that ugly Skrull face, or at those of the massively-built guards standing a few steps behind, loath to risk recognizing any of them, risk remembering. "-Maybe later, at greater length, Ambassador." "REED." "Ah, here's your lovely wife." The ugly deep-lined face turned towards her, mouth spread into a wide smile. "It shall be a real pity to no longer have you. Here." A green hand reached out for hers with a flourish, but she refused to acknowledge the gesture. "We must go. NOW." "But we must say goodbye properly, first." The grinning alien turned back towards her husband. "Perhaps I should indeed visit your world in the near future, to see about those mutually beneficial exchanges. If you would not mind my openly abusing your... hospitality." "Oh, Of course not," Reed replied pleasantly. "Reed!" "After all, with your husband's transporter, distance is not important anymore, is it?" "Distances are always important." She raged with anger and disbelief at such insolence. "To keep. To respect." "Ah, but some things demand... close proximity. To better-" "Reed! Susan!" With her full retinue in tow, the Xandarian Suzerain came towards them, garbed in far more clothing than the previous night, yet still too lightly dressed for any Earth streetwalker. She effusively greeted each one, although Sue saw that her hands lingered on Reed far more than necessary. Then Master Xar began reciting a formal speech of gratitude and farewell, and Sue closed her eyes with frustration. "You asked a question, before." The Skull's voice was hushed, just for the two of them. "Stop it. Stop playing games," Sue muttered back, her eyes averted, with barely contained anger. "The reply was 'maybe'. But maybe has... wide latitude. Maybe it was just as it had first seemed. As it was first believed." She glared at the short Skrull face, tired, fed up with it all. "What're you trying-?" "Maybe you met someone different. Each time. Last night. At the party. Then later. And now." "What-?" "Maybe it could be true. Now. Here. For you. Wouldn't you want that?" *************************************************** Johnny frowned. What was with Susan? Why all the weird faces and whispering with that green midget bastard? *************************************************** For an instant, absurd as the suggestion surely was, and despite herself, she hesitated, nervously recalling the previous night. The party. The balcony. The dancing. The room. The morning after. But it could not be. It was just another trick, another deception. Another sick, twisted Skrull game. It had to be that. He was dead. As Kl'rt likely was, too. Both were. Much as she... "No," she muttered. "I would not." "Really? Ah, perhaps it would be too much? For you? To know? To take? To face? To realize you could still be-?" "I said 'no'. And even if..." She shook her head. "It wouldn't matter anyway. It wouldn't." "Is that what you believe? Or what you'd want to believe?" *************************************************** Johnny kept staring at his sister, baffled. Was it THAT cold here? Then the old scientist finished his boring speech and that hottie Adora just went ahead and embraced and kissed Susan. Long and hard. Then she drew back from his sister, saying something about thanks for everything, and turned towards him. Now that was what he been talking about! *************************************************** Adora broke her kiss quickly, to Johnny's obvious disappointment, and moved towards Reed. Susan stared, open-mouthed with disbelief, as the damned minx then kissed her husband, tongue and all, right before her. For much longer. So much longer. As quickly as Adora would let him, Reed staggered back, glancing red-faced at Sue, and mumbling: "Ah, it’s just, see, um, local customs..." "Fine. Local customs," echoed Sue and pulled the purple-robed green alien towards her. *************************************************** Johnny's eyes bulged. So did Rich's. And Reed's. And most everyone else's. Adora smiled. *************************************************** It was foolish and dangerous. A mistake. She knew that. But she was too angry to think. Then the green corrugated lips were rough against hers and the large strong hands grabbed first her waist and then elsewhere, pulling them even closer, into a tighter embrace, and the alien tongue was down her throat, so hot and long and knowing, much like the whole kiss. She knew Reed was watching. Everyone was. So she had to break it fast, before it could became too long, too involved, too obvious, too much, even if served him right, for letting that rude slut get her hands on him again. But that just made it feel more urgent, made her more aware of it all, of each fraction of a second of standing there, kissing the very semblance of the damn ugly alien fiend right before everyone, and her whole body pressed aggressively against that short, gangling Skrull frame and that enormous bulge down there between them that felt so hard and big, so damned hard and big, and so, so overwhelmingly male, that for an instant, just an instant, she dared to wonder. Wonder if maybe, despite everything, it could actually be true. If it could have ever been true. Just for an instant. Then she pulled back, gasping softly, her face flushed, her wet, parted lips trembling, while her chest rose and fell fast with her quickened breathing, her nipples poking through her top right by the sides the Fantastic Four symbol centered there. "You were right," she rasped softly, blue eyes shining. "We did need to say goodbye. Properly. Ambassador... Dorrek." Perhaps it was better. To not know. To never really know. To let it all behind her. Him. Kl'rt. All Skrulls. All about them. Better. And easier. And safer. For her family. Her marriage. And her. She turned towards Reed. "Local customs." She then strode resolutely towards the transporter, not looking back. *************************************************** "That was some goodbye," Johnny muttered, still rattled. He turned to watch Reed, concerned, but the guy just walked right after his wife without a word, holding right before him a big equipment case. Johnny shrugged and followed. It was time to go home. *************************************************** The portal shone bright and the Fantastic Four were gone, returned to Earth at last. Rich ambled away, back through the corridors for a while, restlessly looking for the way out of the complex sprawl of Master Xar's labs, still thinking of it. Thinking of her, so lovely and nice and perfect, kissing that way that damn ugly alien. That... bad guy! And not like she had kissed him, just before, or way back. Not at all. And he was sure it hadn't been him imagining things this time. Why? Why would she? It was not fair. He had saved her, hadn't he? Back at the Skrull place. She had said so. Had risked his life for her. What had that alien guy done? For her? What that was so much better? He could not make sense of it, could not get it out of his mind. Because it had also been somehow... How could he call it? Because really, as beautiful as she was, always, had she ever looked so... hot? So damned hot? So hot that... Not that she'd ever... Because of course she never would, right? Never! How could he even think that? He had to access his suit to get some directions again. Stepping into an elevator tube, he was surprised to see a tall Skrull female in ornate body-hugging robes that looked far too tight on that statuesque frame. Where had she come from? "Uh, good morning." He reached for the control panel. "Going down? Or up?" "Depends." She looked him over, carefully. "We need to talk." "We do?" "I understand you met my daughter recently. That you are now... friends." "Your daughter?" She moved much closer to him, green eyes shining. "It may be best if we are friends, too. If we get to know each other." Rich's eyes grew wide. The doors slid closed. THE END