When you become a discord mod: *juicy, daniel, & rufus sitting on the couch* juicy: So yall tryin to listen to my new album? refus: HAHA NOPE! juicy: how bout you daniel? Im tellin ya track 7 goes hard bro! daniel: Ayo guys imagine this real quick.. What if Rosa Parks was riding your dick and you said "get up" *everyone stares* *billy pops up* billy: YO EVERYONE! EVERYONEEE!!! EVERYONE!!!! juicy: BRUH WHAT?!? billy: BOW TO ME AND SUCK DIS CHESTNUT! rufus: Yo bro you talkin madddd reckless *slaps him* billy: keep talkin ill hit you wit dat !mute bitch ass boi! daniel: bruh i peed myself.. that must explain this DRIP! heheheee.. *everyone stares* daniel: YALL NIGGAS BETTER START LAUGHING!! *daniel pulls out a gun* everyone: HAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!! juicy: haha anyway.. juicy: BILLY! stop tryin to be godddd billy: you see this badge?? billy: YOU SEE THIS BADGE?? billy: WHAT DAT SAY?? billy: DISCORD MOD NIGGA!! DISCORD MOD NIGGA!!! billy: I have the power to take over the world!! billy: ITS BILLYS TIME TO SHINE!!! ITS MY TIMEE! juicy: BILLY STOP YOUR ABUSING YOUR POWERS!! *billy does !ban* *juicy leaves* *juicy calls rufus* rufus: Hehhe hello? juicy: AYO TELL BILLY TO UNBAN ME! billy: I revoked yo ban! juicy: SEND ME A INVITE NIGGA DAMN!!! *juicy pops back up* daniel: mannn what color is a mirror? juicy: BILLY! YOUR MOD! YOU MUST STAND DOWN FROM MOD!! *shows billy standing menancinly* *billy starts doing a evil dramatic laugh* daniel: if my son turns out to be gay, im giving dat nigga a sex change. *cuts to billy flying in the air over toonzvile* billy: THIS WORLD SHALL KNO TRUE BAN!!! *billy teleports infront of random people* billy: NO MEMES IN MAINCHAT!!!! guy: what the hell? billy: BAN!! *billy slaps him and he disappears* girl: OH NO!!! MY MAIN MONEY SOURCE!!! billy: BANN!!!! *billy slaps her and she disappears* billy: BAN!! BANN! BANN!! BANNNN! BANNNNNNN!!!!! *slaps random person and they disappears over and over and over* *cuts to him transforming* billy: I feel the power.. discords love... discordss life.... now that i got power.. i changed my name... i am no longer billy.. my name.. is now Galactic_President_Superstar_McAwesomevill *billy sings his own version of heartless by the weeknd* called "cuz im Mod bitch" *randomly cuts to a boy and a girl talking* guy: ok i swear to god the funniest shit just happened at work! guy: so i work at papa johns now right *girl starts laughing like a crazy person* girl: HAHA HAAAAAHAAAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA!!! guy: i havent even told the story yet what the fuck are you laughing at *billy pops up* billy: h-hey leave her alone.. guy: shut up you double cheese burger! billy: BANNN!!! *billy does !ban to the boy* billy: hey sweetie you doin ok? Did he hurt you? girl: ummm no? billy: how old are you? girl: im 28 billy: ooo your little too old for me shorty *random dude cross dressed as a little girl with a picture of a anime girl on his face* kitten: im 13 and im lookin for a daddy *billy does that ZAMN meme* billy: ZAMNNN *billy gets close to the girl* billy: Hello, I noticed you have a profile picture of a very beautiful (but also intelligent looking) female, and i am under the presumption that this goddess is you? It is quite astonishing to see a female here in the ToonZville offical discord. I am a discord mod so im a pretty big deal right now. So if you require any guidance, please, throw me a mention If you ever need someone to talk to baby, I MEAN ma'am. my dms are always open. ALWAYS open. I will assist you at any hour, day or night. and, before you are mistaken, i do not seek your hand in a romantic way; although, i am not opposed in the event you are interested in me, as many women often are cuz im a discord mod. I am a man of standard, and i do not bow to just any female that comes my way, unlike my peers.. Anyways like i said if you need me my dms are open and i look forward to our future together as friends of courses.. *gravity king pops up with his 2 minions* billy: DISCORD ADMIN GRAVITY KING!? GK: billy *breathes* you have abused your powers of the Toonzville discord server! *breathes* If you wont stop.. *breathes* i will tell the discord owner on you.. *breathes* minion: ya ya y-you. stupid! billy: WAIT WAIT WAIT! I-I WASNT ABUSING MY POWERS!! GK: ok *breathes* i wont tell the owner.. *breathes* billy: thank you gravity kin- GK: Only if you guess the song im gonna sing. *breathes* billy: WAIT WAIT!! GK: aaaa oooo aaaa! *breathes* GK: As he came into the window *breathes* Was the sound of a crescendo *breathes* He came into her apartment *breathes* He left the bloodstains on the carpet *breathes* She ran underneath the table *breathes* He could see she was unable *breathes* So she ran into the bedroom *breathes* She was struck down, it was her doom *breathes* GK: Annie, are you okay? *breathes* So, Annie, are you okay? Are you okay, Annie? *breathes* Annie, are you okay? GK: *breathes* Annie, are you okay? Will you tell us that you're okay? *breathes* There's a sound at the window *breathes* billy: uhhh the beatles? GK: DISCORD OWNER DISCORD OWNER!! billy: WAIT STOP STOP!! YOOO YOOO YOOOO!!! *ryan pops up* ryan: WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!!!??? ryan: YO BRO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU PIECE OF SHIT!? billy: PRESIDENT RYAN I CAN EXPLAIN!! ryan: WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE KITTENS MY NIGGA?!! billy: IF SHE CAN READ, SHE CAN BREED MR PRESIDENT! ryan: GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY COUNTRY!!!! billy: I WASNT ABUSING MY POWER!!! ryan: NAH KEEP YO FUCKIN VOICE DOWN BROOOO billy: BUT BUT!! ryan: NAH SHUT THE FUCK UP!! SHUT THE FUCK UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! ryan: IM TAKING YO POWERS BRO!!! REAL SHIT!! billy: NOO RYANNN! RYANNN!!!!!!!! ryan: YOU GET YOUR POWERS WHEN YOU FIX THIS DAMN DOOR!! billy: RYANNN!!! *ryan snaps his powers away* ryan: GOOD RIDDANCE! *ryan pops away* *discord disconnect sound* *shows billy on the ground* *juicy pops up* juicy: BILLY WHAT HAPPEN?! billy: SQUID GAMES *the end*