// Koikatsu Delinquent a135_k0_000_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I'll call you your nickname when I feel like it. You can do the same." a135_k0_000_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I was planning on using you as an errand boy at first, though." a135_k0_000_01_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "But hey, now I'm glad I didn't. I woulda missed out big time on all this stuff." a135_k0_000_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I dreamed of you last night, y'know." a135_k0_000_02_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You were rad as hell in it, just like in real life." a135_k0_000_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hahah, every day's been great since I met you." a135_k0_000_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "So, uh... You ever wish you could see a girl naked? J-Just askin'." a135_k0_000_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You too, huh? It's like we're compatible or something!" a135_k0_000_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ugh, I'm not in the mood to talk to you." a135_k0_000_06_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ugh... What?" a135_k0_000_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Look, uh... If you need anything from me, just say the word, okay?" a135_k0_000_08_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, I don't like the way you're starin' at my chest. Keep it in your pants." a135_k0_000_09_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Don't go peekin' at anybody else. I should be all you need, right?" a135_k0_000_10_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Can't you tell I'm pissed? Think about what why that is!" a135_k0_000_11_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "*sigh*..." a135_k0_000_12_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "*mumble* Gettin' real drowsy..." a135_k0_000_13_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "The way you're lookin' at me is kinda makin' me tingle..." a135_k0_000_14_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What? You want somethin'?" a135_k0_000_15_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Where're you takin' me?" a135_k0_000_16_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "So, uh, am I dressed okay for a date?" a135_k0_000_16_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Sh-Shut the hell up. Let's just get moving." a135_k0_000_17_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Maybe I'd count the minutes you were late and make you say I loves you that many times." a135_k0_000_18_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I don't wanna see your face again." a135_k0_000_19_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "WHOA! Watch it, asshole! Don't talk to me outta nowhere like that!" a135_k0_000_20_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oh, okay. Guess you've got plans to do it with another girl." a135_k0_000_21_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "How about you save it for after you apologize?" a135_k0_000_22_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Why'd you go all quiet on me? C'mon, say somethin'." a135_k0_000_23_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Do you have your act together or what?" a135_k0_000_24_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You're into that too, huh?" a135_k0_000_25_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Don't stare, you're embarrassin' me." a135_k0_000_26_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Don't go getting' whiplash from lookin' around too much. Just focus on me, huh" a135_k0_000_27_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, dipshit! You got a death wish or what? OUT." a135_k0_000_28_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You'd better not stare. Turn around, creepo." a135_k0_000_29_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Beat it. You're botherin' me." a135_k0_000_30_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Heya. Morning." a135_k0_000_31_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You here for a show, asshole?! Get out!" a135_k0_000_32_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, uh... Not for nothin', but you might wanna XYZ." a135_k0_000_33_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What's so great about looking at this getup, anyway?" a135_k0_000_34_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I'm way more pumped for our date than you'd think, okay?" a135_k0_001_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, whatever should be fine, right?" a135_k0_001_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ah, I get you. I can just be myself!" a135_k0_001_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Get lost. I'm not in the mood to chat." a135_k0_001_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You're sayin' words, but they ain't the right ones. Try again." a135_k0_002_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Well, man up and get your shit together." a135_k0_002_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Wow... You really vouched for me there, huh. Thanks, you're a pal." a135_k0_003_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Y'know what? You're all right. I've never met a anyone half as decent as you before." a135_k0_003_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Dang, you're an odd duck. I'll take it, thanks." a135_k0_003_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "HELL no! That ain't me. Try again." a135_k0_004_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Do I look like I can't handle a fight? That ain't me, right?" a135_k0_004_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, no shit, Sherlock." a135_k0_004_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Nah, hate you. Can't stand you. Kidding, what did you think I was gonna say?" a135_k0_005_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Sorry. I shouldn't have come down on you that hard. We're cool, right?" a135_k0_005_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, well, I wasn't exactly a saint myself. Let's call it good." a135_k0_005_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Shut up. Stop talking to me. You don't get off that easy." a135_k0_006_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Sure, why not? Gotta study sometime." a135_k0_007_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You know what I mean, fuckwit! Exercise!" a135_k0_008_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Have you been in your club, anyway?" a135_k0_009_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I'll take nice over mean any day of the week." a135_k0_010_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What, do you think I'm here for you to get off on?!" a135_k0_011_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Wow... @ really knows what's up, huh." a135_k0_011_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oh man, are you for real? Come on, tell me more!" a135_k0_011_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You know I don't give a shit." a135_k0_012_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Man, twist my arm, why don't ya? Fine, get along with @." a135_k0_013_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Sup. If you've got nowhere to be, how's about you help me with @?" a135_k0_013_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "They've got a real punchable face." a135_k0_014_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "That's a generous way of describing @ : a self-absorbed shithead." a135_k0_014_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "For real? Ouch..." a135_k0_014_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "No offense, but could you please not?" a135_k0_015_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I feel like @ been gettin' to know you better lately. What's your take?" a135_k0_015_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You like me. Were you fishing for me to say you?" a135_k0_015_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, and it's none of anyone's damn business." a135_k0_015_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Haha, they're a pretty cool guy to talk to." a135_k0_015_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "It's like there ain't enough hours in the day when I'm with them." a135_k0_015_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Get outta here with that shit." a135_k0_015_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Huh? Hell if I know." a135_k0_015_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What kinda dumbass topic is that?" a135_k0_016_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I think we can spill our guts talkin' today." a135_k0_016_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I guess I'd be down for that..." a135_k0_016_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hell no. You can keep yourself company." a135_k0_016_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Sorry, not in the mood." a135_k0_021_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, there's somethin' here that doesn't make sense to me. Could you lay it out for me?" a135_k0_021_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, wanna study with me?" a135_k0_022_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Let's work out. I really feel like movin' my body right now." a135_k0_023_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, wanna practice some club crap together?" a135_k0_024_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You got a thing for my hand or somethin'?" a135_k0_025_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Would you believe me if I said we'd walk to class?" a135_k0_026_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, uh... If you're walkin' home, wanna walk with me?" a135_k0_027_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, how'd ya like to grab lunch with me today?" a135_k0_027_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Sorry, I ate my lunch last period." a135_k0_028_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Cool deal! Food just tastes more bland when you're eatin' it by yourself." a135_k0_029_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "The hell do I care?! Let's ditch this stupid place." a135_k0_029_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Get outta here with that shit." a135_k0_030_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, sure! Where do you wanna eat?" a135_k0_031_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, sure. I was just in the mood to work off some energy anyway." a135_k0_032_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You any good at studying?" a135_k0_032_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "It's not the worst for me, either. We could do it together, maybe." a135_k0_032_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, I was just about to head home myself. Are we on the same wavelength or what? a135_k0_032_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Great, let's get goin'." a135_k0_032_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You've got your mind in the gutter, don't you? I saw that creepy look in your eye" a135_k0_032_09_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, comin' in... Whoa!" a135_k0_032_09_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What the hell?! Where'd that come from?! You love this stuff, huh." a135_k0_032_10_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Okay, that takes care of all the studyin'. How about some foolin' around?" a135_k0_033_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Man, of all the times to go for this. Did you get dropped on the head as a child?" a135_k0_033_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You didn't even let me finish my? Oooh!" a135_k0_033_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Do you WANT a knuckle sandwich?" a135_k0_034_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "The trick is to look your opponent in the eye and never, EVER look away...Y'know, like this." a135_k0_034_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I will END you, asshole!" a135_k0_034_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Watch it. I'm not your buddy, pal.." a135_k0_034_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Beat it. You're botherin' me." a135_k0_034_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Bwha?! Are you shitting me?!" a135_k0_035_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You again? Don't talk to @ in class." a135_k0_035_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You want it that bad, huh?" a135_k0_035_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Do you want it or not? Make up your damn mind." a135_k0_036_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "C'mon, you gotta show me somethin'." a135_k0_037_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You're part of the show, so stick it in." a135_k0_037_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Haw! Nice try!" a135_k0_038_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "It's getting' hot in here. Could you help me outta my top?" a135_k0_039_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, I got a favor to ask. Could you join the \ Club?" a135_k0_039_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "This club seriously throws me off..." a135_k0_040_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, um... Wanna go on a date?" a135_k0_040_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Uh... Sure! Man, you've got bigger balls than I thought." a135_k0_040_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, you'd better not be late!" a135_k0_040_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "A date? Aren't you jumpin' the gun a little there?" a135_k0_040_15_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I'm never going to forget today! Let's do it again sometime, okay? See you!" a135_k0_040_16_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Is this 'cuz I'm mad? If that's how it's gonna be, then fine. Beat it. Fuck off!" a135_k0_041_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "If only it could stay like this forever..." a135_k0_041_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, s'about what I figured." a135_k0_041_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Thanks. Same here. Yeah, uh... Cool." a135_k0_041_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You think you're hot shit, huh?" a135_k0_042_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, uh, I think I really like you. Whaddya say?" a135_k0_042_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, say the word and I'll drop it, but uh, how'd you like to go out with me?" a135_k0_042_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah... I had a feeling. But you're cool with it if I don't let go of my feelings, right?" a135_k0_042_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You swear not to laugh? Okay. What if we're destined for each other? NO LAUGHING." a135_k0_042_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Are you for real? I mean, if you are, I'm cool with that... ――― The two of you are now a couple ―――" a135_k0_042_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Really? For real?! Cool! I'm your girlfriend now! ――― The two of you are now a couple ―――" a135_k0_042_09_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hell no, and I wouldn't want 'em to. Guys, who needs 'em." a135_k0_042_10_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Seriously, you're gonna give other people funny ideas about us!" a135_k0_042_11_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oh... Oh well, worth a shot. But just remember, we're still friends, okay?" a135_k0_042_12_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hmm, I'm not so sure... I should really think about it more!" a135_k0_042_13_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Dude, there's an order to these things." a135_k0_043_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Look, uh... I think we oughta call it quits." a135_k0_043_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Huh, so that's the kinda girl you go for..." a135_k0_043_01_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yo. If you don't want me for anything, can I go?" a135_k0_043_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Why're you givin' me the silent treatment?" a135_k0_043_02_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Maybe we should avoid talkin' to each other for a while." a135_k0_043_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Son of a bitch... Fine, whatever, fuckhead. Later. ――― The two of you are no longer a couple ―――" a135_k0_043_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I've got places to be. Later.――― The two of you are no longer a couple ―――" a135_k0_043_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Huh? What do you mean, you want to break up? Was it something I did?" a135_k0_043_06_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "The fuck does that even mean?! How am I supposed to get anything outta that?!" a135_k0_044_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Close your eyes real quick?" a135_k0_044_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I ain't a damn cat, okay?" a135_k0_044_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Geez... Um... You good?" a135_k0_044_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Y'know, it's pretty relaxin' when it's you doin' that." a135_k0_045_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You can wipe that stupid grin off your face now." a135_k0_045_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, thanks! You can hug me 'till I can't breathe if you want." a135_k0_046_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "*peck* You're wide open. That's what you get!" a135_k0_046_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Here... my first kiss, this is how it's done, right? Nn..chu...nn...chu...here..." a135_k0_046_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Nn...chu...feels good...chu..." a135_k0_046_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Nnnchu...hmmm...nnnchuu...mmmmph...Hmm...nnn...mmmchu...mmm!" a135_k0_046_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Guess you've got a cute side after all." a135_k0_046_08_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Nn...chu..mmmm....chu... Kissing...it's embarassing..." a135_k0_046_09_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Mm... Kissing...feels good." a135_k0_047_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Heh, nothin's hotter than a normal bod." a135_k0_047_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, can't ask for more than normal, huh?" a135_k0_047_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Great, I was kinda worried you might wish they was smaller or somethin'. Gotcha. I'll grow 'em out and make sure they fill your hands nice and good." a135_k0_047_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, standard's the way to go! That's a load off. Yeah, this is just right, huh? You gotta go standard with this stuff." a135_k0_047_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Nice! Yeah, the smaller they are, the more sensitive they get! You can fondle 'em all you like.」" a135_k0_048_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Wherever you wanna go's fine by me." a135_k0_048_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You're stealing my first time. You'd better be ready to take some damn responsibility." a135_k0_048_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I dunno, why don't you tweak yours and find out?" a135_k0_048_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You'd better not be buyin' for one." a135_k0_048_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You want somethin'? 'Cuz I'm down if you are." a135_k0_048_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Great! Get on with it, then. I can barely hold it in as it is..." a135_k0_048_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Great, then I'll take more liberties, if y'know what I'm sayin'." a135_k0_048_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "How about you put it in and see for yourself?" a135_k0_048_08_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "ou're so damn direct. Fine, I'm down whenever you are.." a135_k0_048_09_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Aww, you're leavin'?" a135_k0_048_10_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hell yeah, time to jet." a135_k0_048_11_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Sure, just uh...you'd better be gentle, okay?" a135_k0_048_12_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You gonna look all day or do somethin'? Heh, just jerkin' your chain." a135_k0_048_13_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oh damn, for real? Cool, I'm ready to do pretty much whatever, long as you're there with me." a135_k0_048_14_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Thank God! It's like, I was thinkin' about you and figured, what the hell, y'know?" a135_k0_048_15_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What the hell do you get outta this, anyway?" a135_k0_048_16_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about! You know what's up..." a135_k0_048_16_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, you know too much is bad for you, but you just can't pass it up. I hear that!?" a135_k0_048_17_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You really like that, huh? HEY. Watch it!" a135_k0_048_17_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Don't cum in here! Geez!" a135_k0_048_18_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You'd better not be buyin' for one." a135_k0_048_19_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, pretty much. Just let people do their thing." a135_k0_048_20_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "That's a pretty goddamn sensitive area, you know!" a135_k0_048_22_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, you good? Sure looks that way." a135_k0_048_24_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Can we talk about something else? Sorry." a135_k0_048_25_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You can put your hands all over me later, y'know. It doesn't have to be here." a135_k0_048_26_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Man, right here? Can't we go somewhere else first?" a135_k0_048_28_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hell no! It'd be a huge shitstorm if somebody walked in on us!" a135_k0_048_29_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Right here? What are you, stupid?! You're gonna get us arrested!" a135_k0_048_30_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Look, it's nothin' against you, just... Now ain't the right time, y'know?" a135_k0_048_31_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Man, I'm gonna pass right the hell out. You sure you wanna keep it up?" a135_k0_048_34_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Look, I'll visit you as much as you want in your dreams, so go to sleep already." a135_k0_048_35_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "If you must know, mine are pretty light. But seriously, WHAT THE FUCK MAN." a135_k0_049_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ahhh... Time to jet." a135_k0_050_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What's on your mind? Dirty stuff? Is it that hot doin' it in a place like this?" a135_k0_050_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Goin' where you're not supposed to again, huh? Wanna do somethin'?" a135_k0_050_01_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, yeah. Keep lookin', whatever." a135_k0_051_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, dipshit! You got a death wish or what? OUT." a135_k0_051_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "See ya!" a135_k0_052_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "So, are ya goin' to * today?" a135_k0_052_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "See ya around. Let's talk more at * later." a135_k0_053_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, uh, sorry, but I've gotta get going." a135_k0_053_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hah?" a135_k0_064_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, you're in my way. Scram." a135_k0_064_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I think you'd better check yourself before you try that shit." a135_k0_064_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "See ya around. Let's talk more later." a135_k0_064_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "That ain't for me to decide. That's on you." a135_k0_064_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You, duh!" a135_k0_064_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Let's talk about something more interesting." a135_k0_064_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ah, I'm kind of tired right now. Maybe later, okay?" a135_k0_064_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Seriously? Nothin'? Just me, huh..." a135_k0_064_08_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Whew... If you think I'm relieved, think again!" a135_k0_064_09_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I can't stand fence-sitters." a135_k0_065_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oh hey, it's you. What's up?" a135_k0_065_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Dang, right to the point, huh? Go ahead, let's hear it." a135_k0_065_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What do you care?" a135_k0_065_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "The hell are you lookin' at?!" a135_k0_066_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "'Scuse me, I got places to be." a135_k0_066_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Whaddya think you're doin'?" a135_k0_067_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I know what you mean. They don't know when to back off." a135_k0_067_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What're YOU lookin' at?" a135_k0_067_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Sure, I'm up for it! Just tell me what to do, okay?" a135_k0_067_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "That ain't for me to decide. That's on you." a135_k0_067_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You, duh!" a135_k0_067_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oh shoot, I gotta go! Catch up later, okay?" a135_k0_067_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oh... Was it too much? I just really wanted to hang out with you!" a135_k0_067_09_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, where do you think you're touching, you horndog?!" a135_k0_067_10_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Bullshit. I've seen the way you leer at me!" a135_k0_068_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What the hell, you little creep?! I'll fuckin' end you, don't think I won't." a135_k0_068_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What the hell? Don't talk to me, stupid." a135_k0_068_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I'm not your damn dog!" a135_k0_069_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Wanna try me? I'm pretty good, myself." a135_k0_069_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You're into that too, huh?" a135_k0_069_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Can't you do that with someone else? Man, you're hopeless. I guess I'm down. What's the plan?" a135_k0_069_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Cool, let's move then." a135_k0_070_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, go check it out if you've got time." a135_k0_071_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Close your eyes real quick?" a135_k0_071_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Mm...nnn...chu...it's...chu..." a135_k0_072_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Whaddya think of my tits?" a135_k0_072_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, sure. It ain't my thing, but I'll do what I can." a135_k0_073_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "If you're gonna cut class, this is the best spot for it, huh?" a135_k0_074_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What? You make out with @ or somethin'?" a135_k0_074_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Sure I have, are you shitting me?" a135_k0_074_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hell no. Sometimes I hear other people talk about that stuff, but that's pretty much it." a135_k0_075_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ugh, really? Fine, whatever, have your little peep show." a135_k0_075_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, yeah. Keep lookin', whatever." a135_k0_076_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Just wanted to know if you've done it. Don't mind me." a135_k0_076_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Of course I know! How old do you think I am?!" a135_k0_076_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I mean, uh... I get the general idea..." a135_k0_077_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey. Swap My $ and your #." a135_k0_078_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, eyes up here, asshole!" a135_k0_079_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I gotta go. But hey, if you wanna talk dirtier next time, score highest in /." a135_k0_080_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, I'm lookin' forward to this. You know what we're doin' yet?" a135_k0_081_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Okay, you're gettin' on my nerves now. Ah, whatever. You're off the hook this time." a135_k0_082_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You don't even know why I'm mad, do you. Son of a bitch... Fine, whatever, fuckhead. Later." a135_k0_083_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What the hell are you lookin' at?" a135_k0_084_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Chu...Mm! Chu..mm! What's it say about me that this is the first thing I wanna do in the morning?" a135_k0_085_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Mmm...chu...mm...more...mm... Well, this is my turn-off point. Later." a135_k0_087_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I think maybe we should both take some time to cool off. Later. ――― The two of you are no longer a couple ―――" a135_k0_088_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Do you have an idea of how big a family you wanna make? I think that one depends on you, buddy. ――― You got her pregnant ~Pregnancy Ending~ ―――" a135_k0_089_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You know I can't stand pickup artists, and that's what that'd be. Lookin' for a show? Nice try, stupid. You can get lost now." a135_k0_090_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "If you're tryin' to mess with me, I'll break your nose." a135_k0_091_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey! I'm starting to lose my patience!" a135_k0_092_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Seriously, what the hell? Stop staring at them! I will curbstomp your ass!" a135_k0_093_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Sure, @'ll go out with you. They've kinda been into you for a little while." a135_k0_094_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, sure. Guess someone gave @ a fair shake." a135_k0_095_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "A date?! As in, like, a DATE-date? With @?" a135_k0_096_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Damn, right behind the school? That's bold." a135_k0_096_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I mean, I get them, but not like 24/7 like @ or anything." a135_k0_097_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What does @ want from me? 'Cuz I got a fist right here." a135_k0_098_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Thinking... Thinking... Man, what is this, a quiz show?!" a135_k0_099_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Look, uh, I'mma be real with you... I've been achin' down there, if y'know what I mean..." a135_k0_100_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, hey." a135_k0_100_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Heh..." a135_k0_100_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You want somethin'? 'Cuz I'm down if you are." a135_k0_102_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Don't touch the face. I mean it." a135_k0_104_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hm? Are you talkin' to me?" a135_k0_105_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You like holdin' hands? I kinda do, too." a135_k0_106_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Uh, hell no, I'm not comin' in here. What are you, stupid?" a135_k0_108_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ugh, whatever. I'm outta here." a135_k0_109_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Geez, you scared the shit outta me!" a135_k1_000_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hell yeah!" a135_k1_001_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ugh..." a135_k1_002_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ah,thanks for that." a135_k1_003_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ugh..." a135_k1_004_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oh...?" a135_k1_005_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What the hell do you get outta this, anyway?" a135_k1_006_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Huh...?!" a135_k1_007_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Bye, see ya. ――― The two of you are no longer a couple ―――" a135_k1_009_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "So?" a135_k1_010_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Wow... You really vouched for me there, huh. Thanks, you're a pal. ――― Traded personal items ―――" a135_k1_011_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Eyes up here, you perv!" a135_k2_000_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Really? That's a load off." a135_k2_000_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, uh... Thanks for takin' the lead there. That was real good." a135_k2_000_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I mean, I'm cool with that..." a135_k2_000_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, uh... Thanks for takin' the lead there. That was real good." a135_k2_000_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oh, uh... Hey. I gotta say... Today was pretty hot..." a135_k2_000_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Nnn, chu....nn! Chu..." a135_k2_001_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Whoa, no shit? Seriously? Damn, that's hot." a135_k2_001_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "*huff* *huff* That was too intense... I can't even stand up..." a135_k2_001_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, relax your pace a little." a135_k2_001_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You can wipe that stupid grin off your face now." a135_k2_001_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Geez... Um... You good?" a135_k2_001_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Guess I embarrassed myself there... Oh well, guess it's okay around you." a135_k2_001_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hell no. You're like the only one who'd say that about me." a135_k2_002_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Dude, for real?! Why didn't you get me in on that?!" a135_k2_002_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Do you think I'm too shy in bed?" a135_k2_002_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I might consider lettin' you put it in there if you apologize." a135_k2_003_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oh, a towel? Thanks." a135_k2_003_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Don't stare. It's embarrassin', okay?" a135_k2_003_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What, you're done? Not gonna stick it out and finish me off?" a135_k2_003_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "D-Dude, what the hell?! You're givin me a freakin' heart attack!" a135_k2_003_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Inside sounds good, actually...Wait, no, what the hell are you asking?!" a135_k2_003_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Mm... That was, uh...pretty good." a135_k2_003_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You're...calling it done already? Fuck that, I've barely gotten anything outta my system!" a135_k2_003_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What's so damn fascinating about my face?" a135_k2_003_08_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You can't have coffee without milk and sugar, huh?" a135_k2_003_09_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Wh-What? Something on my face?" a135_k2_003_10_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You can't have coffee without milk and sugar, huh?" a135_k2_003_11_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Huh? You've had enough already? Was it...not good?" a135_k2_003_12_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Studyholics aren't really my thing." a135_k2_003_13_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Thanks for that. Back to hittin' the books." a135_k2_003_14_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I don't give a fuck what anybody thinks of me. We do what we want." a135_k2_003_15_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | It's about time class got out. I can't stand havin' to spend all that time away from you." a135_k2_003_16_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "It just don't feel right anymore without you inside of me..." a135_k2_003_17_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Dude, not now! Get out, quick...and don't look at anybody else!!" a135_k2_003_18_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Y'know, doin' it in places like this is actually pretty hot..." a135_k2_003_19_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Thanks for bringin' me with you for this.. And you'd sure as hell better keep askin' me. I'll hold you to that." a135_k2_003_20_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You're...calling it done already? Fuck that, I've barely gotten anything outta my system!" a135_k2_003_21_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You know damn well I don't have friends that would do me any favors like that." a135_k2_003_22_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Chu~... I love you." a135_k2_003_23_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "The hell is that look on your face? Eh, I guess boys will be boys." a135_k2_003_24_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You saw it too, huh? Yeah, you know what's up." a135_k2_003_25_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Man, @ and I are just two different people, huh" a135_k2_003_26_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Are you really gonna ditch this smokin' hot bod to go off and do somethin' else?" a135_k2_003_28_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "It's embarrassin' when someone sees me seriously tryin'." a135_k2_003_29_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You just sit tight. I'll bust that nut, shouldn't take long at all." a135_k2_004_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, I'd say this was a decent way to fill time. See ya around." a135_k2_005_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Are you nuts? Ain't nobody got nothin' to teach me." a135_k2_005_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Look who's talking." a135_k0_001_15_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You're eyeballin' me a little too hard there." a135_k0_001_15_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Do you want somethin' or what?" a135_k0_045_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You too, huh. Yeah, it's like my one weakness." a135_k0_044_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Geez, how long are you gonna keep touching me?" a135_k0_016_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeah, sure. Guess I'll give it a fair shake." a135_k0_029_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Laaame." a135_k0_040_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, I'm lookin' forward to this. You know where we're goin' yet?" a135_k0_029_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Maybe we should avoid talkin' to each other for a while." //Koikatsu Delinquent Side a134_k0_016_04_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "You good? Nobody sticking tacks in your shoes, right? Lemme know if anybody pulls that shit." a134_k0_017_04_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "What do you wear outside school? You ever dress to impress?" a134_k0_017_04_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Oh yeah, looking presentable's a major life skill. We should go out clothes shopping sometime." a134_k0_018_04_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Can you eat spicy foods?" a134_k0_018_04_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "In that case, you should try the mabo-don at this place near the station! I'm a regular there." a134_k0_019_04_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Huh? I mean, it's not a total turnoff, if that's what you're askin'..." a134_k0_019_04_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "I guess if a prince rolled up to give me a lift, I'd take him up on it." a134_k0_019_05_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Maybe. It'd be a shame to let the whole morning I spent coming up with that one go to waste." a134_k0_019_05_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Ahh, fuck, it's still killin' me. That's what I get for bustin' it out at random." a134_k0_020_04_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Huh? I guess there was this one time back home a few years ago when I found a vi?*cough*" a134_k0_020_04_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "You know what, never mind, drop the subject!" a134_k0_020_05_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Depends on where you're doin' the lickin'." a134_k0_020_05_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "It feels real good in sensitive spots, if y'know what I mean." a134_k0_020_06_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Is there anything you'd wanna try with a romantic partner?" a134_k0_020_06_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Oh yeah? Like with the fingers locked and stuff? Let's try it." a134_k0_020_07_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Man, what is it with you and hands? Is this a fetish?" a134_k0_020_07_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Yeah, what the fuck were you expecting? I got a body ready to feel your D..." a134_k0_020_08_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "It's like there ain't enough hours in the day when I'm with you." a134_k0_020_08_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Aww man, I just can't live without you." a134_k0_020_09_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "What is it about looking down someone's shirt that gets you off?" a134_k0_020_09_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Lewd jokes? Really? That's the best you've got?" a134_k0_021_05_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Cool, thanks. I never even wanna open the books when I'm doing it by myself." a134_k0_021_06_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Why the hell do we have to do all this stupid-ass busywork, anyway?" a134_k0_021_07_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Lemme see it. I got this. Hmm... Yup... Uh-huh... ...I got nothin'." a134_k0_021_08_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Been a while since I used my noggin' for anything." a134_k0_022_05_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Whew, I'm feelin' hot after that... No, not THAT kinda hot." a134_k0_022_07_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Are you holdin' back for some reason?" a134_k0_023_06_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Aww, yeah! We're doin' this hardcore! Go big or go home!" a134_k0_023_08_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Hey, push harder, dammit! This is supposed to build flexibility!" a134_k0_024_04_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Uh, thanks. Just lemme know if I get on your nerves or anything." a134_k0_024_05_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Oh, so it's okay when YOU want it, but not me, huh. I get it." a134_k0_024_06_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Then push harder already!" a134_k0_024_07_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Mmm... Ahh... Ngh, not there..." a134_k0_027_05_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "You sure know how to put food away. Hey, there's some on your cheek." a134_k0_027_06_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "You too, huh? Sickeningly sweet stuff pisses me off." a134_k0_028_04_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Hey, bringing a bento lunch today? Lemme try some of that." a134_k0_028_05_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Nah, same. I eat anything you put in front of me." a134_k0_029_05_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Yeah, totally. I'm gonna ride the bronco!" a134_k0_030_05_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Yeah, I've been eating too much for my own good lately. Starting to round out a little..." a134_k0_031_05_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Sure, as long as you're okay with me giving you rug burns if it turns out boring." a134_k0_032_08_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Mind if I snuggle some? What?! That's what you invited me in here for, right?" a134_k0_040_07_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Oh man, that was a great match. Oh yeah, I'm STILL pumped. Thanks for takin' me to that." a134_k0_040_08_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "What the hell, you little creep?! I'll fuckin' end you, don't think I won't." a134_k0_040_09_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Oh yeah? Glad to hear it. I wasn't expecting to enjoy myself so much at a park." a134_k0_040_10_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "That's a generous way of describing self-absorbed shitheads." a134_k0_040_11_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Sooo. Do you like animals? Yeah, same. They don't lie to you." a134_k0_040_12_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "I dunno if this is gonna be a real date, or just us hangin' out and shootin' the shit..." a134_k0_040_13_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Yeah, pretty much just novels, though. I got a lot of alone time to fill." a134_k0_040_14_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Look, I'm not sayin' that's lame or anything, but you can do better than that." a134_k0_054_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Guys, let's go study." a134_k0_055_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Guys, let's go get some exercise." a134_k0_056_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Club-members, come with me." a134_k0_057_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Guys, lunch time. Let's go." a134_k0_058_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Anyone who wants some tea, come with me to the courtyard." a134_k0_059_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Who wants to go hang out for a bit?" a134_k0_060_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Anyone want to go grab a bite with me?" a134_k0_061_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Anyone want to go to karaoke?" a134_k0_062_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Guys, @ is a good person." a134_k0_063_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Everyone, come." a134_k0_073_04_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Are you up? You should've seen how doofy you looked when you were sleepin'." a134_k0_073_05_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Are you really gonna ditch this smokin' hot bod to go off and do somethin' else?" //Koikatsu Delinquent H Lines a135_h0_008_00_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "I'll make you feel good. I'll make it feel really good! Let's cum together!♥" a135_h0_008_01_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "It's so intense right now, I can't! You're going too fast!! ♥" a135_h0_008_02_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Ah~ It's too intense!! ♥" a135_h0_008_03_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Anh~ Don't touch me there! I'm really sensitive!! ♥" a135_h0_008_04_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Anhhh~ It feels so fierce! It feels so good!♥" a135_h0_008_05_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "Move more! Move more inside me! My pussy!! Fill me up! ♥" a135_h0_008_06_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Let's cum together! It makes me feel so alive!! It feels so goood!! " a135_h0_008_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ah!! We're going together! It makes me feel so happy!!♥" a135_h0_008_08_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Ahh! Poke me more inside! Oh!! Oh!! This is- I'm going to-!♥" a135_h0_008_09_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "My butt!! You're going to tear open my butt!" a135_h0_008_10_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "Why...! My butt!! It feels so messed up, but it feels so good!" a135_h0_008_11_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "Nooo! Stop! I don't want to cum like this!" a135_h0_008_12_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Hurry! Just move on already! Oh! Don't do that!" a135_h0_008_13_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oh my god! Others are going to see! But it feels so good!" a135_h0_008_14_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "It's too loud! I don't like it! I can feel it a lot! No!!" a135_h0_009_00_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "Are you ready to cum? Just cum already!" a135_h0_009_01_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "Are you worrying about me? Just go ahead! Cum!" a135_h0_009_02_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Cum and cover me in your penis juice!" a135_h0_009_03_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "It feels really good! Fill me up inside!!" a135_h0_009_04_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "Don't cum inside! I don't want it! Stop!! That's too much!!" a135_h0_009_05_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Let's do it! Cum inside me! Cum inside me!" a135_h0_009_06_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Noo!! I can feel it! Don't do it!" a135_h0_009_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I love it! Cum inside! It's poking inside of me!!" a135_h0_009_08_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Cum in my butt... Let it out... Let it all out!" a135_h0_009_09_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "My butt! It makes me feel so good! Cum inside me!" a135_h0_009_10_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "I can feel it moving! Well, if you're going to cum, then do it!" a135_h0_009_11_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Is it going to come out? I can feel it..." a135_h0_009_12_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "No! Stop! Don't do it! Ah! There, just don't!" a135_h0_009_13_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Fill me up already!" a135_h0_009_14_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "I'm licking it really hard, aren't I? Isn't it exciting?" a135_h0_009_15_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "Doesn't it feel good? Cum more~" a135_h0_009_16_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "If you're gonna cum.. Hurry and let it out. I want it all over me!" a135_h0_009_17_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "Hurry, let it all out" a135_h0_009_18_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Are you going to cum? Don't hold back... Go on.. Let it all out!" a135_h0_009_19_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It feels so much better than before!" a135_h0_010_04_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It feels so good!" a135_h0_010_05_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "My pussy! It feels so good! Ah it feels so better when its harder~" a135_h0_010_06_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Being touched together! It feels so good! Let's cum together!" a135_h0_010_07_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It's so hot! I'm cumming!! Cumming!! Fill me up!!" a135_h0_010_08_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "That's fine!! Move as you like! Ok! Just do it!" a135_h0_011_04_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "Aaah! Your cock is cumming inside of me! Its filling me up to the brim!" a135_h0_011_05_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Your semen is pouring directly in me! My stomach is being filled with your semen..." a135_h0_011_06_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It's so sensitive! It's filling me up inside!" a135_h0_011_07_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "I'm cumming!! Nooo! Don't cum inside!! " a135_h0_011_08_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "I can feel you! It feels so good! It's cumming!! No! Take it out!" a135_h0_011_09_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It's entered inside~ become one with me~ Fill me up right now!" a135_h0_012_04_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "How does it feel? Feels good right? Please give me a lot!" a135_h0_013_02_07.wav | 0 | 3065 | "No." a135_h1_000_00_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "My vagina is trembling..." a135_h1_000_01_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "My butt...is going crazy~" a135_h1_000_02_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Your finger feels so good!!" a135_h1_000_03_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Good it's so nice..." a135_h1_000_04_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "It's so dirty...!" a135_h1_000_05_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Ah, there....more..." a135_h1_000_06_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "My womb... it feels so confortable~" a135_h1_000_07_00.wav | 0 | 4000 | "Ah! Wait, I'm weak there~" a135_h1_000_08_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "That feels good~" a135_h1_000_09_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Ohh! Feels so good~" a135_h1_000_10_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "This is real embarrassing..." a135_h1_000_11_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Stop, it feels too good!" a135_h1_000_12_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It's too intense... I can't!" a135_h1_000_13_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Your penis...feel really good you know!" a135_h1_000_14_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "This...there...!" a135_h1_000_15_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Hmmm... it tickles..." a135_h1_000_16_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Ngh...it feels so good..." a135_h1_000_17_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Wah! So good...." a135_h1_000_18_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "So amazing...." a135_h1_000_19_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Wait! I can't...." a135_h1_000_20_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Yeah...More..." a135_h1_000_21_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "I'm weak there..." a135_h1_000_22_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Nn! I love it..." a135_h1_000_23_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "There you...hyan" a135_h1_000_24_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "I'm reaching my limit..." a135_h1_000_25_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It's so dirty there..." a135_h1_000_26_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Hehe, I can't wait anymore~" a135_h1_000_27_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "This feels... strange..." a135_h1_000_28_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "So intense!" a135_h1_000_29_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Is this alright?" a135_h1_000_30_00.wav | 0 | 4000 | "Uu, the tension..." a135_h1_000_31_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Hya...it's embarrassing..." a135_h1_000_32_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Okay...let's do it..." a135_h1_000_33_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "I think I love it..." a135_h1_001_00_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Like this...?" a135_h1_001_01_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "I feel it more! I feel it..." a135_h1_001_02_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Feels good...Thank goodness..." a135_h1_001_03_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Yup." a135_h1_002_00_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Your penis..." a135_h1_002_01_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "My vagina...." a135_h1_002_02_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Amazing...." a135_h1_002_03_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It's no good...." a135_h1_002_04_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Mooore...." a135_h1_002_05_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Feels shoo good....." a135_h1_002_06_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "I love it...." a135_h1_003_00_00.wav | 0 | 4000 | "It hurts, but...." a135_h1_003_01_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Even though its my first time...." a135_h1_003_02_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It won't fit...." a135_h1_003_03_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Amazing...." a135_h1_004_00_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Your penis..." a135_h1_004_01_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Hey...." a135_h1_004_02_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Feels good with my hand?" a135_h1_004_03_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Inside my mouth...it's a bit difficult" a135_h1_004_04_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Tongue..." a135_h1_004_05_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Got it. Please enjoy my pussy." a135_h1_004_06_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Semen so sticky!" a135_h1_004_07_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Is this...alright?" a135_h1_004_09_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Oh...is this gentle enough?" a135_h1_004_10_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Alright...I'll do my best." a135_h1_004_11_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Ah, let it all out!" a135_h1_004_12_00.wav | 0 | 4000 | "Does it feel good....?" a135_h1_004_13_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Yeah... does it feel good?" a135_h1_004_14_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "How does it feel....?" a135_h1_004_15_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "You...it feels good, doesn't it?" a135_h1_004_16_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Alright. It feels good." a135_h1_004_17_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Licking it is difficult..." a135_h1_004_18_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "How...is it?" a135_h1_004_19_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "If it's yours, I'll drink it..." a135_h1_005_00_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Yeah, come I'll say." a135_h1_005_01_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "This will feel nice!" a135_h1_006_00_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "You penis is so good!" a135_h1_006_02_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Hand and mouth." a135_h1_006_03_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Example with my mouth." a135_h1_006_04_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "My tongue, feels good?" a135_h1_006_05_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "So vigerous!" a135_h1_006_07_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Delicious." a135_h1_006_08_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "How does it feel?" a135_h1_006_09_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "So strong!" a135_h1_006_10_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "I'm increasing speed..." a135_h1_006_11_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Feels way too good!" a135_h1_006_12_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Does it feel good....?" a135_h1_006_13_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It's coming back now." a135_h1_006_14_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "I got it!" a135_h1_006_15_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Cum...more..." a135_h1_006_16_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Hehe..." a135_h1_006_17_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Licking it..." a135_h1_006_18_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Stuffy, feels like this..." a135_h1_006_19_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Should I drink it for you....?" a135_h1_007_00_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "I understand." a135_h1_007_01_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Blowjob... like this?" a135_h1_008_00_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Haa! That was!" a135_h1_008_01_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "How is it? Does it feel good?" a135_h1_008_02_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Right!" a135_h1_008_03_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "So good!" //Delinquent SFX a135_k0_101_00_00.wav | 0 | 2900 | ⌂ a135_k0_110_00_00.wav | 0 | 2995 | !? a135_h0_000_02_01.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a135_h0_000_04_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a135_h0_000_05_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a135_h0_005_03_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a135_h0_000_06_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a135_h0_001_06_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a135_h0_002_00_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a135_h0_002_01_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a135_h0_002_02_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a135_h0_005_00_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a135_h0_005_01_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a135_h0_005_02_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a135_h0_007_02_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥