隠しカメラの映像 ────────────── 最近本棚が荒らされていたり変な臭いがしていたりよくわからないゴミが落ちてることが多い。まさか動物でも紛れ込んでいるのか?それとも不審者? いつも一緒にいる図書委員の宮村さんに聞いても全く心当たりは無いという。ぽややんとした顔で首を傾げる姿がとっても可愛かった。 話は変わるが僕は宮村さんのことが好きだ。彼女はちょっと天然なところあがってとても可愛らしい。 彼女とは一年の頃から一緒に図書委員をやってるけど新刊の話で盛り上がったり好きな本を交換し合ったりとても仲がいい。 …そんな彼女の身に危険が及んではいけないと思ってこっそり隠しカメラを設置してみた。 今日も荒らされていたので犯人が映ってるに違いない。僕は映像を再生してみた。 ●登場人物 僕くん…本が大好きな図書委員。行動力はあるが明後日の方向に向いている。同じ図書委員の宮村さんが好き。 宮村さん…本が大好きな図書委員。天然な性格。ちょっと押しに弱いところがある。 ────────────── Recently, bookshelves have been vandalised, there is a strange smell and there is a lot of rubbish that I don't understand. Are there any animals mixed in, by any chance? Or is it a prowler? When I asked Miyamura-san, a member of the library committee who is always with me, she said she had no idea. The way she tilted her head with a pensive look on her face was very cute. The story changes, but I like Miyamura-san. She's a little bit natural and very cute. I've been on the library committee with her since first year, and we get on really well, talking about new books and exchanging our favourite books. ...I didn't want her to be in danger, so I secretly set up a hidden camera. The place was vandalised again today, so the culprit must have been caught on film. I played back the footage. ●Character. Boku-kun ... a member of the library committee who loves books. He is dynamic, but he looks in the opposite direction. He likes Miyamura-san, who is also a member of the library committee. Miyamura-san ... a member of the library committee who loves books. Natural personality. A bit of a pushover. ───────────── Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ──────────────