Callum was a bit out of his element. The dragon was very big, both in terms of height and weight; but he was very shy, and a bit of a nerd to top things off. A friend of his had invited him to this party, but Callum must have misinterpreted what the vibe of this party would be, because he really only knew one person at it. As soon as he got there, he just sort of ambled into the corner of the room, messing around on his phone while the loud chatter of the party effortlessly bounced off of him. He was pretty much a ghost here, and the dragon was fine with that... Until he felt his stomach start to groan. And, with Callum being as round as he was, ignoring the demands of his gut was not the wisest idea! Accordingly, the big, gray reptile slowly got to his feet, wandering aimlessly through the crowds of unrecognizable faces until he found his way into the kitchen. He had smelled something good coming from here earlier, even through the thick odor of alcohol that permeated the entire house. "Jackpot." Callum said to himself as he looked towards the counter, finding a huge plate of brownies all cut up and ready to go, with only one or two of them missing! The starving dragon looked around for a few seconds to make sure nobody would spot him doing this before reaching for the tray, opening wide and just pouring the entire thing right into his greedy gullet. Rich, fudgy, chocolatey bliss spread across the dragon's tongue, gooey and melty warmth filling Callum’s mouth for a few moments before he gulped the mass of fudgy goodness down. There was even a hint of some kind of spice, a little bit of extra flavor that intrigued the dragon as he wiped his mouth and made his way back into the party… After the dragon's brownie excursion, and a quick conversation with his friend about how good they had tasted, Callum went back to his corner for the time being, thinking nothing of the whole experience...for around a half hour, at least. Once that half hour ended, though, things started to get a little bit...weird. At first, the dragon just felt a bit more relaxed, at ease with his surroundings, even though he wasn't still going to jump into the party or anything. But then he started to get hot. Sweaty. Really fidgety and shaky. The dragon had no idea what on earth was going on, until he managed to catch a bit of a conversation that was going on nearby… "Did you try those edibles in the kitchen? They were fucking sick last time." E-edibles? Oh. Oh god. Those were weed brownies. And Callum had eaten the entire pan like it was nothing! It wasn't like this was the first time the dragon had had gotten high or anything, but whenever he did get high, he got the munchies. To a truly insane level. To the point where no fridge or pantry in this entire house could possibly sate him… The good news was, he was a dragon. And an intimidating, 9-foot-tall one at that. And, to someone his size, everybody walking around in this room was a potential meal! It was something that Callum would never, ever even consider when he was sober, but now? Now everyone would be on the menu. The dragon immediately stood up from the couch he was sitting on, partially because he just had to move to get these shakes out of him, and partially because he wanted to scan the crowd for a suitable first meal. He looked over the few, disorganized groups of people coming before his eyes zeroed in on one in particular: the only person he really knew at this party, and the one who had brought him here in the first place. A tall, lanky, sociable meerkat named Carey, who currently seemed to be in the middle of chatting with a very attractive-looking pink cat. Callum quickly made his way through the crowds of people, bumping shoulders and perhaps not realizing how much size he had on the people around him as he stumbled up to Carey. The meerkat almost instantly noticed his friend, turning to Callum with a big grin on his face and a drink in his hand. "Hey, what's up, buddy? Enjoying the party?" He asked nonchalantly, before noticing that Callum had a bit of an uncomfortable look on his face. "Uhyeahdo you think you could come upstairs so I can talk to you for a moment?" the dragon sputtered, talking a mile a minute and not really even giving Carey a chance to respond before grabbing the meerkat by the arm and tugging him out of the conversation. "Hey! What's the big idea dude, I was totally about to score…" Carey responded; Callum was much larger than the meerkat, though, so he just had to sort of contend with the dragon dragging him around like a ragdoll for the time being as the two made their way into a more private space. After the two of them stumbled up the stairs together, Callum made his way over to a large closet and pulled Carey inside before slamming the door shut behind the two of them. While Callum took a moment to catch his breath and wipe the sweat from his brow, Carey had a moment to really take in how distressed Callum was looking right now. "Y-you all right, big guy? Maybe I could get you some water or something?" Callum took another moment to collect himself before responding, blurting out his answer in a very long run-on sentence. "Well I was really hungry and I saw the brownies in the kitchen and they looked really good so I ate them all but then I found out they were weed brownies and now I'm having a really bad trip and you know how I get when I get high and…" *gWwWwWWWwwoorrRRRrrrblll…* The last point that Callum was trying to make was explained much better by his own stomach. The raucous, unpleasant noise bounced off the tiny walls of the closet, ringing in Carey's ears as he struggled to understand the fast talking dragon. "Wait wait wait wait wait. So you're tripping balls right now?" Callum didn't respond to that question verbally. Instead, the dragon looked down at his growling stomach with a bit of annoyance, before once again staring at the friend he had cornered in this closet...yeah. Carey was food now. The dragon lunged forward with both arms outstretched, opening his mouth wide and scooping Carey up into his arms in, frankly, quite the impressively speedy motion for someone of his voluptuousness! Callum quickly CHOMPED down on the meerkat's head to muffle any potential yells or curse words while he pinned the rest of his friend into the corner of the closet with his massive, hungry gray belly. Callum's beak-like snout fit over Carey's head with ease, the dragon firmly gripping his friend's sides and starting to just shovel the mongoose into his slavering maw. He didn't even bother with tasting his friend at all; he just wanted, no, *needed* to fill up his angry gut with whomever was in range of his chompers. Carey just happened to be the easiest meal around, but once the dragon's belly was full of meerkat, he would have even more weight to throw around in order to add to it… In just a few moments, Callum had managed to cram half of the meerkat into his mouth, greedily sucking down the squirmy mammal with loud, satisfying *gllRRrk*s and *glllp*s that gave his throat plenty to latch onto and pull down into that awaiting cauldron of a gut! Callum slowly backed away from the corner as he finished scarfing Carey down, stuffing the meerkat’s legs into his mouth before pursing his lips around the frantically-flailing tail attached to Carey's hind end. There was a bit of a bulge in Callum’s throat, but it soon disappeared behind the dragon's black hoodie, all of Carey’s movements completely absorbed and disguised by the thick layers of belly fat that Callum had going on. Once Callum had finished his meal, no one would be the wiser as to what he had just least, until he ended up coughing up those clothes a few hours later! The dragon turned to face the closed door a few seconds later, the very tip of a wiggling tail all that stuck out from between his lips - and that quickly disappeared as well with a simple *shlrrph*. Callum's belly let out a low, satisfied *grrWWwwrrggll* as it accepted Carry inside, a bit of a wet splashing sound coming from the stomach as the meerkat landed in a thick, fudgy soup, but there was very clearly so much more room inside that needed to be filled...luckily, there were plenty of snacks downstairs for Callum to scarf down, and as the high only got stronger, any inhibitions the dragon had about just walking up and snatching one of them up continued to diminish. The derg slowly made his way back down the staircase, thumping at his grumbling gut as he took a moment to scan the floor for any potential meals. His eyes eventually landed on that cute pink cat from earlier, the one Carey had been very obviously flirting with...perhaps he could pick up where his friend left off. "Yeah, I don't know where he went. Dude ran off with that dragon guy like a half hour ago. He was kind of cute, but like, how do you just leave me like that?" the cat complained to the group of girls she had rejoined after Carey wandered off. Geez, had the two of them really been in that closet for that long? Callum thought about it as he walked up to the group of girls with his hands in his hoodie pocket, everyone turning to face him with looks ranging from ambivalence to disgust. "Oh. Hey guy, where's your friend? Did he ditch me or something?" the pink cat asked, trying to look around Callum's sides to see if Carey was trailing him, oblivious to the slight wiggling of the dragon's potbelly. Callum responded a few moments later. He was still a bit jittery from the high, but getting something in his stomach had brought the dragon back to Earth somewhat "Nah, he's still around. In fact, I can show you where he went." The cat glanced at her girls for a few moments, as if to gauge whether or not going with this guy would be a good idea. "Well, he couldn't have gone too far, right?" she eventually acquiesced, taking the hand that Callum offered and quickly disappearing into the crowd of least, that's what she thought would happen. No, instead, once Callum gripped her petite hand in his own, he casually yanked the feline up into the air and over his head like it was nothing! Immediately, every head in the party turned towards Callum, the cat's friends instantly starting to yell and beat against the dragon's thighs as he opened his mouth wide and shoved the cat's feet right on inside! "HEY! Let me go, fatty!" the feline cried out as she tried to scratch at Callum with her free hand, the other still suspended in the air and both of her feet trapped in the hot, slimy dragon maw, the flesh only tugging and pulling down on her even more! In the midst of all this, somebody in the crowd yelled out. "HE'S EATING HER!"...and, just like that, everyone scattered in panic. Predators weren't unheard of in these parts, though you usually knew who to look out for and who not to invite to your parties. But Callum? The guy wouldn't hurt a fly...or, at least, that's what Carey thought when he invited him here. How wrong he was. Now he was squirming and fighting against the dragon's stomach walls, and as the party goers all scattered and trampled over each other trying to pick up their stuff and get the hell out of here, the cute kitty he was chatting up earlier would be joining him pretty soon… As the living room descended into complete chaos, and as she realized that nearly half of her body was now in Callum's mouth, the cat's expression started to morph from annoyance and anger to disgust and disbelief. She really was being eaten right now, and there really wasn't anyone around to help her out. Anyone that hadn't gotten the hell out of here was too busy trying to pick up their phones or keys off the ground or something...Callum saw one of them out of the corner of his eye while he worked on shoving the cat deeper into his hungry gullet, some sort of nervous-looking bird fellow. He was using Callum's apparent preoccupation with his current meal to try and skitter past the dragon in search of his belongings...but Callum saw it all. Without missing a beat, the dragon stuck out one of his legs in the bird's path, the avian yelling out and crashing to the floor a moment later with a THUNK! The next maneuver that Callum was going to do would require his second meal to not be so...fiesty. The cat was still screaming her head off, her fists battering the tip of the dragon's nose in a way that honestly just annoyed Callum more than anything else. He was tired of it. So he slipped his tongue up underneath the cat's back, his meal letting out a startled mewl as the wet muscle slid up underneath her shirt before it yanked the cat right inside of Callum's mouth. At the same time, the dragon *GLRK*d on the paws and legs that were already dangling over the edge of his throat, pulling pretty much everything but the cat's head between his lips...he could feel his meal's arms trying to pry and push apart his jaws, but there was a clear power and size disparity at play here, so he wasn't really bothered by it. He was more focused on the bird behind him, who was still catching their bearings from the fall they had just taken. Of course, they wouldn't get to do that. Not as Callum buckled his knees and sent his ass careening to the floor, the dragon landing with a heavy SQUISH and a grunt of pain from the bird as several hundred pounds of dragon fell right onto his back, smothering the bird under bare, fluffy asscheeks and absolutely ensuring that he couldn't go anywhere while Callum worked on finishing up the cat lodged in his gullet. She had mostly stopped battering the dragon's snout with her fists by now, just sort of dangling out of Callum's mouth after having spent all of her energy in a few quick bursts. That made it easy for the dragon to slowly purse his lips around her neck, sucking inward and *shhLRRrp*ing up the last of the squirmy, pink feline before tilting his head back and finishing her off with a final, satisfying *g-ggLLlk*! Callum poked at his tummy as it quickly came back to life, the sloshing even audible to his own ears as the cat was unceremoniously dumped inside by Callum's gullet… There was a bit of extra squirming inside of Callum as the cat arrived, as if she had woken up Carey inside or something...ah, they could squabble all they wanted to in there. Soon, they would be one and the same anyways. Callum was more interested in the bird still under his ass right now...his belly might have been full, but there were plenty of other parts of his digestive tract that needed something squirming around in them as well! Gradually, Callum started to scooch his ass back over the bird's body, grunting until he felt his cheeks pressing up against the back of the avian's head. It was going to be a bit weird to do what he wanted in this position, but he had to keep smothering the bird to make sure he didn't get was basically just the two of them in this house at this point, and Callum didn't count on being faster than his prey with two meals currently liquefying inside of him! - The dragon started to wiggle his rump back and forth now that he knew where his meal's head was, graaaadually getting the bird lodged between his ass cheeks until he felt flesh meet feathers. It almost tickled his pucker, in a very strange sort of way! On top of that, it was a good indicator that the dragon was on the right path towards cramming the bird up inside of his rear. Now, Callum just had to keep pressing down, continuing to wiggle his ass side to side until he felt his pucker spreading over and swallowing up the back of the bird's head! It was a bit of a strange way to shove someone up your butt, but, well...eating someone with your rear was already pretty weird. With a clench and a *shhLRP~*, Callum was able to pull the bird's head up into his rectum, his tail hole now working on spreading over and swallowing up the avian's broad shoulders. "Nngh~ you slide in there good, honestly…" Callum said to himself, a hand idly reaching into his pants and playing around with himself as he felt the wiggly bird being pulled up deeper into his bowels. Those feathers just continued to tickle him on the inside, a very strange sensation that only caused his innards to twitch and clench and squeeze even more was as if his body's unconscious processes were being turbocharged by the nature of his rump meal. Of course, Callum was more than fine with this development! It allowed him to keep doting on and rubbing his gut while the bird underneath him steadily slipped deeper inside his rear end, the dragon occasionally lifting his haunches up to allow his pucker to do its job more efficiently. He occasionally glanced at the silent chaos that had been left around him; belongings, clothing, empty bottles, all strewn about as if a tornado had ripped through the inside of this house and left only him to survey the carnage. He was kind of disappointed at the lack of food left behind, both of the squirmy and non-squirmy variety...but, the dragon would manage. Perhaps there was still a little bit left in the fridge… With about half of his buttmeal inside of him, Callum slowly stumbled back to his feet once more. His hefty stomach SLOSHed forward as he stood up, the inertia nearly causing him to faceplant the floor...guess he had forgotten how to move around with a wiggly belly in the past few minutes! The bird up his ass just kind of dangled out from between his cheeks as he stumbled around, occasionally slipping a few inches deeper between the crack those bulbous orbs formed and adding just a bit to the already-swollen, groaning gut that the dragon was sporting...and, yet, Callum still wanted more! There weren't any more people around for him to chow down on, but cookies and pasta and whatever else had been left in the fridge would more than suffice right now. Especially because Callum could feel himself slowly starting to come down from that massive high...god, he hoped there weren't any leftover edibles in the fridge he might scarf down by accident! The avian inside of Callum was being bent in all sorts of directions by the dragon's innards, quite literally being bent out of shape by the trip! The fact that his predator was mobile now certainly didn't help the situation either; all the constant movement around the bird made it difficult for him to tell up from down. Being smothered under that thick rump for so long had already smothered away most of the bird's energy, and the slimy, encroaching bowel walls were doing a great job of working out whatever fight the bird may have had left in him. He kicked his legs every now and again in a futile attempt to cause any sort of discomfort for Callum, but all that really seemed to do was trigger the pucker to clench and pull up another few inches of the was really only his talons sticking out from between Callum's cheeks now, the dragon barely noticing anymore as he stuck his head into the refrigerator. Callum dug around inside of the fridge for a minute, pulling out various tupperware containers and pizza boxes and haphazardly setting them on the counter beside him. The dragon was a tiny bit disappointed in the haul as he closed the door and looked at the pile of food he had assembled...but it should have been enough to tide him over until he finally came down from that high and returned to some semblance of normalcy! At some point during his fridge excursion, the dragon's hind end tensed up and finished off the bird with one last, wet *SHLrrp*, but Callum had barely noticed it at all. As far as he was concerned, the bird was food already eaten, and there was more food than needed to be eaten in front of him! The dragon licked his lips as he tore into container after container, downing pasta, chips, crackers, cookies, and more leftovers from the party. Chewed up food mush just funneled down the dragon's throat, piling on to the sludge that was already filling his foul gut and smothering whoever was left in there. No container was left unopened, no jar left unlicked...mmh. Some of the stuff didn't taste all that good, but Callum didn't care in the moment. He just needed something to fill up his belly, and all this stuff was doing a great job of it! *BWWwwuuuUUUUuuurrrppphhh* Callum's hoodie rode all the way up on his belly as the dragon waddled back out of the kitchen, making his way over to a nearby couch and flopping down on his was bedtime. All that food had completely knocked the dragon out, and a good rest would give his body time to fully process everything the dragon had scarfed down! Callum's bloated gut twitched slightly every now and again, but it was pretty clear that the dragon was just full of thick, sloshy food chyme at this point. If someone were to walk in, it really would have looked like Callum had devoured the entire party...and, in a way, that was true. Nobody could say otherwise. Callum squinted and groaned as sunlight peeked its way through one of the open windows in the front of the house, hitting the dragon directly in the eye and killing any chance he had of getting some more sleep. He grumpily scrounged around on the night table next to the couch he passed out on for his phone, finding it a few moments later. He had to squint and rub the crust from his eyes to see the time properly, but eventually the blurry shapes condensed into 11:05. The dragon had no idea when he went to sleep, but he didn't feel all too would probably be a good idea to get out of here, though. He could sleep again when he got back to his place. After a few minutes of lazing about, Callum slowly stumbled to his feet, stretching up to the sky and letting out a huge, euphoric yawn before realizing that his hoodie was *really* riding up on his belly, now that everything was said and done...Callum poked at the jiggly tummy a few times, surprised at how deep he could press into the fat; he must have gained 30, maybe 40 pounds overnight! He tried his best to suck in the new fat so he could slip his hoodie over it, but there simply didn't seem to be enough room for the fabric to stretch over. No matter how hard he tried, that tum just popped back out as soon as he thought it was secure! After a few tries, the dragon just gave up, doing his best to tiptoe over all the strewn-about possessions as he made his way out of the house. As he opened the door, Callum looked back one last time...geez, it looked like an earthquake had struck the house. Seemed like he was a real force of nature.