“The Hookup” by mZmm “Oh geez, am I about to do this…” Leng’s finger was shaking as he hovered over a new message icon on his phone. It was from the dating app he had installed a few days ago, which very many people, including hopefully himself, used primarily for booty calls. He hadn't even checked the app after setting up his profile, and he was sure nothing would ever actually come out of installing it. But, here he was, a few days later, with a message in his inbox from someone… He had seen it earlier in the day, but wasn't able or willing enough to even think about checking it until now. He could see the name, the message was from someone named Vinora, but that was about it...it was a pretty simple introduction as well. Most people tried to be polite on this app, but everyone mostly understood what they were actually there for… The green tiger took a deep breath before pressing down on the message. Immediately Vinora's profile popped up. His eyebrows slowly raised up as he saw the image she selected to show; the gal was actually quite a catch. She listed herself as a fluff dragon, with the technical name of “Tu'unadra dragon” listed in parentheses next to it, and overall she was quite appealing! The cream color of her body went well with the yellow markings, and she seemed to know her closet quite well, choosing some darker clothes that contrasted nice with her skin and muzzle… She was quite attractive. Which just made Leng wonder even more what she wanted with a nerdy tiger like him...after a bit more debate he decided to click on the message; it was pretty plain. He responded back in kind, and eventually the two started talking a little bit. They actually hit it off relatively well, minus a few speed bumps, and Leng was actually enjoying the conversation a bit… Then, midway through their conversation, Vinora sent an image to the tiger! Leng wasn't sure what it was, and after asking the fluff dragon and not really getting a satisfactory answer, he clicked on it himself… What popped up on screen made his cheeks red and almost immediately. The fluff dragon was laying on her bed, spreading her legs and showing off her plump pucker. She was looking into the camera and smiling, and some details the tiger didn't expect were made apparent...namely the thick equine cock between her legs. “O-oh……… >////>” was all the tiger could reply. He figured something like this would happen soon, but he didn't really have a contingency plan for when it did...! “Think you can fill me up?” Vinora said a few seconds later, adding a winking face to the end. The tiger could feel his cheeks flush even more in response; the fluff dragon’s teasing was working. He could feel a slight throbbing in his pants, and he started realizing how pent-up he had been recently… “Let's find out :3” he sent back, closing his phone immediately and watching it for a response from Vinora. It buzzed a few minutes later, to reveal that the dragon head only sent an address. The implication was clear. After a few more minutes of general the debate and squirming from the tiger, Leng finally decided to take the invitation. “On my way!” he texted Vinora, before going out to his car. He had never heard of the street she lived on, but when he plugged it into his phone he saw that she only lived a couple minutes away! He was surprised at how accurate the location display on the app was... The drive was short, but it felt like an eternity to the tiger. He wondered what he was going to say, what would happen, if she actually wanted to do anything with him or if she was just teasing, if he was taking the hint the wrong way...he had a lot of anxiety about this whole situation. But, he didn't have much more time to think about it as he pulled into the driveway and parking lot of the apartment building she had sent him to. “Well...here we go.” The tiger took a deep breath as he opened the door, walking up a couple flights of stairs before finding her room number. He took another deep breath before knocking twice. At first, there was no response. He took this time to notice the fact that the door frame on this specific apartment was almost 3 ft taller than any of the other ones...but before he could think of why, he got his answer as the door opened. Vinora was...very very tall. The fluffy dragon completely dwarfed Leng, measuring in at just barely over twice the height of the 4-foot 6-inch tiger. His eyes widened as he looked up to meet her gaze, a friendly smile beaming down at him. “Woah...you're...tall…” is all he could get out. Vinora was used to being taller than a lot of her perspective partners. But the fact she was double the tiger's size was something she did not see coming, and in fact, something she rather liked. Originally, she was just going to play around with the tiger, but considering how much taller and more built she was, she could probably boss him around relatively easily...and that was giving her some ideas… “Yeah, I get that a lot. Do come in~” the fluff dragon said, stepping to the side to allow the tiger entry. Her apartment was nothing special, but it still had plenty of furniture and wall decorations and, strangely, an inordinate amount of pillows. Leng noticed this, but didn't bother to ask as he took off his coat and shoes. “So how was the drive?” the fluff dragon asked, sipping on some tea she had already prepared. “Oh, it was almost nothing. You live a lot closer than I thought you would…” The two had a relatively normal conversation for a while. Leng was actually getting to enjoy the dragon’s company, and in fact, he almost forgot about why he came here in the first place. After a few more slightly awkward platitudes, the conversation moved to her apartment; and then they started talking about clothes, and Vinora mentioned the black skirt she was wearing, something she picked up at a thrift store recently, actually. And for the fluff dragon, this was the perfect segue to what she wanted to do with this little green tiger. “And the other thing about this skirt, is that I'm not wearing anything under it~” she teased, twirling a bit of her neck fur in her claws as she waited for the tiger to respond. His eyebrows raised up, and he started to blush a little bit already. “O-oh...um…” was all he could get out. “Oh, you boys are so cute when you're flustered... let's take this to the bedroom~” Vinora got up out of her seat, almost snatching the tiger up and dragging him into her bedroom. “You seem new to this, it's alright. Just sit down on my bed and I'll take care of you~ and don't forget to let me see all of that body…” The tiger quickly obeyed, stripping himself and tossing his clothes into the corner. It revealed just how aroused he was, the length between his legs already starting to throb as he thought about what he was going to do with the dragon girl...“Good boy~” she said as she turned around to see him naked and waiting on her bed. “Time for some fun…” she continued as she walked over to the tiger, turning around and lifting her skirt up a little bit to let him see her ass. But, instead of sitting down on the length between his legs, something came out of her mouth that the tiger didn't see coming… “Eat me out, tiger boy.” She said, bringing her ass closer to the tiger's face. “Right now. And don't forget to reach around and help a girl out a little bit…” The tiger blinked a few times as he processed what Vinora said. “What...?” he finally sputtered out in disbelief at what she was telling him to do. He thought they were going to do something a bit more traditional...! “You heard me. Or do I have to sit on you?” was all that she responded, her ass inching closer to Leng's face. The tiger blushed obviously, not sure how to react to how dominant she was being...but her ass was right in front of his face, she was so much taller than him...he probably should go along with it, who knows what would happen if he didn't...and so, she let out a soft sigh as Leng's tongue scraped across her pucker, an earthy and slightly musky taste spreading across the tiger's tongue. It wasn't a secret that cats had pretty rough tongues, and that only made his licking feel better, Vinora easing her hips down a little bit, her booty pressing down onto the cat's face a bit... “Don't forget the front, hun~” she teased, stroking at her length to remind the tiger of what he was supposed to do. A muffled noise came out of the tiger's mouth as he continued licking, his hand reaching around to stroke at the equine length that was gradually hardening in front of him. It was long, so long that he couldn't even go all the way up the shaft from his current position, but it was obvious that he was still doing a good job, the fluff dragon moaning with increased frequency above him...“Come on, Leng. Get a good taste~” He picked up the frequency of his rimming, his tongue starting to go deeper into the pucker, Leng feeling her body shudder a bit in response. The fact that she was pressing down harder and harder on to him was a bit concerning though, the tiger’s head almost against the bed at this point...soon, she would be sitting on him anyway! He tried to wiggle his way out a little bit, but Vinora just increased her pressure on his face as he did, eventually pressing his head right into the bed! Vinora's scent was all that the tiger could smell at this point, a light, feminine smell, but with touches of muskier elements. It smelled nice, sure, but he didn't want it to be all he smelled! And the dragon was only pressing deeper...Leng's muzzle was right up against her pucker at this point, the tiger's tongue as deep as it could possibly go, Vinora starting to sigh and moan with increased intensity. She was playing with her cock head as the tiger stroked up and down her lower half as well, the stimulation starting to get to her just a bit... “Oh, dang, you're being a great toy so far…” she said as she pressed down even harder, starting to grind wroughly on the tiger's face. Leng was just focusing on eating her out at this point, not paying attention to his surroundings, knowing that if he just went along with it, maybe he would get a reward at the end for being such a nice...toy...he couldn't help but notice that her pucker was starting to yawn open around his snout, though... *SHLORP!* The tiger's world suddenly went dark as he lurched forward, a wet sucking sound accompanying the drastic change. His head was stuck somewhere tight and dark, and vaguely earthy smelling...he started to feel around a bit with his hands, which were still outside of whatever he was stuck in, only to feel the familiar plush squish of Vinora's rear. he heard a sharp moan from the fluff dragon as he wiggled around underneath, a strong clenching sensation grabbing on his face and tucking him in deeper...was he inside of his lover's ass?!? “OOooohhh my goodness...good boy~” the dragon exclaimed as she felt Leng's head pop up into her backside, her pucker clenched firmly around the tiger’s neck at this point, Leng's squirms feeling absolutely wonderful deep inside of her ass...pulling the tiger up there had yanked his hand away from her length, but she could deal with it herself now, especially as the tiger continued trying to find his way out of the musky tunnel he was now lodged in! There was definitely no escape though, and all his movements and vocalizations only served to heighten the fluff dragon’s arousal, which only made her clench the tiger in deeper...it was a vicious cycle for Leng, and a pleasurable one for Vinora! With every stroke of her throbbing length, Leng felt a crushing pressure around his head, before he was yanked even further into the tight tunnel. She was working on his shoulders at this point, rocking her ass back and forth to try and stretch her pucker around those wide, bony structures...Leng was trying to keep his hands out so he could press against the ass cheeks, but once the fluff dragon finally worked her way over his shoulders, his arms were locked at his sides, only leaving his feet still able to struggle and move around in any noticeable way...but they were bent over the side of the bed, and in no useful place for him! Everytime Vinora clenched, she clenched a bit harder, betraying the fact that she was closer and closer to orgasm. Her length was rock hard in her hands now, and she was eagerly stroking with both hands as she pressed herself further down onto her makeshift dildo. Any teasing she was doing was replaced mostly with high-pitched huffs and moans as she got closer and closer, stroking at her throbbing length with an ever-increasing intensity until, with one earth-shattering yell and muscular contraction, she blew, sticky ropes of seed splashing on the walls and floor and even the ceiling in front of her. Every orgasmic clench dragged the tiger in by inches at a time, Leng now bulging out Vinora's lower belly considerably, as he was now waist-deep in dragon ass...the messy orgasm continued too, a veritable pool of cum splattered in front of the fluff dragon as it kept coming...Her entire cock with slick with cream, her hands wet with the stuff as well, all the fluid that trickled down her length instead of being propelled against the wall...but eventually her wild pleasure tapered off, and with her cock head still dripping occasionally, she relaxed back onto the tiger that she had slurped halfway into her already… “Oh, fuck, you did make a good toy~” she teased as she rubbed at the bulge the tiger made in her lower gut. “But a good play session always makes me a bit hungry...so I hope you had fun while you could!” She clenched again as she said that, lifting her ass off off the bed as she did, the tiger’s legs and tail dangling out of her rear. “Time for dinner~” she said as she pressed her ass back down onto the bed, this time with the tiger’s legs pressing against it, Leng standing up in a way inside of her ass! At this point, he was so deep into the maze of bowels that he was starting to feel a bit woozy, and his center of gravity being moved around so much as Vinora situated herself only made it feel worse...the hot, humid, tight environment around him made him sweat, and getting breaths full of digestion and musk didn't make it any easier...he didn't even realize that his feet were touching the bed until he felt her ass pressing down around his legs a lot quicker, the fluff dragon definitely using him as a dildo now, her rump easily able to slide over his knees and calves while his feet were braced against the bed… Leng felt his eyebrows raised up as the world around him shifted, this time upwards. He heard a sharp moan outside of him, as those slick walls raised up slightly, the fluff dragon most certainly using him for pleasure, those tight walls releasing their grip just a tiny bit as he slid out of her ass. But, before the tiger could enjoy the slight increase in room he was offered, he felt Vinora slam herself back down on him, slurping up everything except his feet! “Aaah, so FULL!” the dragon exclaimed with glee as her ass met the bed again, Vinora claiming all of the tiger as her own...only part of Leng's feet stuck out at this point, the tiger almost entirely trapped within the hot, tight maze of bowels deep within the dragon. She rubbed and poked at the bulge that was steadily traveling deeper into her body, giggling as she felt Leng wiggle in response inside. She sucked in a breath before clenching a few last times, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she felt those toe claws slip past her pucker...the tiger she had met not even a few hours ago was now completely an ass snack. The tiger whimpered deep within the maze of fleshy tunnels as he felt the last of his body get slurped into the fluff dragon. It already felt like hours he had spent inside of her, and he had no idea how much longer it would take before he would get into someplace more roomy...after all, Vinora was so much taller than him...it's not surprising that she ended up using him as a dildo. Judging by the teasing, this is what she had planned all along, to use him as a snack...or maybe she just got hungry and her predatory instincts overwhelmed her. It didn't matter; what did matter is that he was now a snack for this dragon. It wasn't the worst thing he could be, at least… Vinora laid back on her bed and let out a big, deep sigh as she rubbed at her engorged stomach. She could feel Leng snaking through every corner of her intestines, poking and prodding at him every once in awhile to make sure he was still wiggling. After about a half hour of just enjoying the feeling of him lodged so deep within her body, stretching out the deepest parts of her system in ways she hadn't felt in a long time, she got a familiar sensation. Her belly rumbled joyously as the tiger slowly made his way into his new home, being squeezed out into the dragons second stomach like a tube of toothpaste... Leng was about to be given a lesson in Tu'unadra dragon anatomy. Slowly, he was pushed out into the second stomach, the tight, hot chamber accepting him with joy, the belly letting out a satisfied roar that shook the enclosure around the tiger as he was forced to curl up inside of the stomach. It was certainly more roomy than the intestines he had just been shoved through for a couple hours, and definitely stretched out a lot more, but it was still rather tight compared to...not being inside of someone. The tiger pressed on the stomach walls around him, his paws leaving small imprints on the outside of Vinora's belly, but he had been so worn out by the maze of bowels he was just shoved through, that he couldn't really make any concrete escape attempt. And it was good that he was out of energy, because the secondary stomach in Tu'unadra dragons was very quick, efficient, and acidic… Vinora let out a long, satisfied belch as she rubbed and patted at her stomach. “BUUUuuuooooOOOoorrrpppp...I hope you like the new digs, sweetie~ I know they'll just love you…” the dragon teased, squishing and playing with the bulge in her stomach for a little while longer. This feeling of fullness was so nice and rare, especially because most of the time, food wasn't solid by the time it got into her second stomach...she laid there for a while, appreciating the sensation a bit more before stretching out and letting out a rather powerful yawn. “But, you know, a good meal always seems to make me drowsy...night-night, ass fat~” she said, before rolling over and flicking off the light. She would leave the tiger and her stomach alone, to work things out just between the two of them… The fluids in the tight digestive chamber were already starting to become a bit caustic. There was a little pool at the bottom when the tiger entered, but now they were starting to rise up around the tiger quickly, already going up over his knees...the light-headedness he had felt in the bowels was becoming more intense inside the stomach, especially as it tightened around him as a result of the dragon’s belch. The stomach was starting to get a bit rougher, sapping his energy as it pressed and massaged against him, the caustic fluids starting to soak into every crevice of his body...it was time for him to become a meal. He could hear the rhythmic snoring of his lover turned predator as he faded from consciousness, surprised at how this whole situation turned out, honestly… The second stomach was equipped with a myriad of powerful enzymes and acids that worked to break down their food entirely in little more than an hour. As Vinora slept, the bulge in her stomach gradually softened, rounded out, and shrunk as the tiger she had crammed in there was quickly melted down into a nutritious soup, Vinora's belly sloshing heftily as she rolled over in her sleep. The bulge in her lower gut was becoming more akin to having eaten a lot of stew at this point, a noticeable chunky weight still inside, although it was much more fluid and soft and noisy. Throughout the night, the fluff dragon belched up various mouthfuls of fur and other undigestables, like his glasses, as the tiger finished melting up into a soup, the bulge continuing to shrink and round out until what was left was funneled into her intestines, leaving behind only the fat that had went directly to her stomach... Vinora smacked her lips as she awoke from her food coma the next day. Immediately remembering the events of the night prior, she looked down to her stomach, a smile spreading across her face as she saw how nice and rounded out the tiger had made it. She gave it a few rubs and pats and jiggles, pleased with the meal she had selected. “Good boys make good fat~” she said as she rolled out of bed, feeling the lovely weight and squish the tiger had added to her stomach and ass. “They also make something else though…” she said as she got up, heading towards the bathroom… “Nngh. I hope I coughed up everything…” Vinora said as she plopped her new, chubbier rear down onto her toilet to dispose of the last of Leng. The pressure in her lower abdomen being relieved felt almost as good as taking him up there in the first place, and it was a relatively smooth and quick experience for the dragon. She played with her new assets on the toilet for a little bit longer, pinching and rubbing at the new fat the tiger had contributed to her figure as she finished up before getting up and wiping, turning around to look at the waste she had turned the tiger into. “I think we're missing something…” she said as she pulled the tiger’s glasses out of her pocket, setting them atop the pile. “There we go~” she giggled, before flushing the tiger away, sealing his fate as waste and jiggly curves on a cute dragon girl. “I need to use that app more, it looks like…” she mused as she walked out of the bathroom, already thinking about what or who she would have for lunch that day...