Interlude - Meeting


Zenker yawned as he walked through the Tournament City. It was middle of the day, and it almost seemed like everyone was out and moving about. The amount of people all around him annoyed him, he was never one for crowds. The chaotic nature of the city was what annoyed him the most. People just raised buildings in whatever place they wanted, creating a labyrinth of streets to navigate. On one side there could be a walled off compound made by some middling faction, and across the street a restaurant of some high tiered chef attempting to spread the word about their craft.

At least the four sections of the city had some separation. The place where he was currently in was the North District, which was occupied by the Adventurers Guild and the Wardens predominantly, the strongest mercenary guilds had presence there as well. The Eastern District was occupied by the merchants and crafters of all kinds, some of the other factions that had major presence in other districts had representatives there as well to sell their products or just stuff that they didnft need. The South District was the Sect territory, their district was the only one that had some kind of semblance of order. With the strongest Sects taking up the center of the district and then the others surrounding them. Except the big three, the strongest that had their compounds on top of the cliffs, just like how the Wardens and the Adventurers had theirs on the cliffs above the North District.

Zenker glanced behind him, even from here one could see the sprawling palaces that they had erected, compared to the castles that the Wardens and the Adventurers had, it was clear that they put far more importance on their image. Dragon Heart in the middle, a miniature mountain was raised in the middle of the plateau, in its sides, palaces and sprawling towers were carved out of the yellow rock. But very little of the rock could be seen, great tapestries of colorful cloth were dangling from them, in colors of black, red and gold. Their banners hanging high above any other. Zenshuen and Golden Sky sects had their own palaces on either side, smaller and different in styles. The crazy bird had plated her walls with golden plates, and had mirrors mounted at the top of her towers reflecting the light in all directions. Zenshuen Sect had their walls painted in white and dark blue of their sectfs colors. No less extravagant, with ribbons mounted on tall poles that billowed in the wind. Each of those ribbons probably cost more than a normal person earned in a year.

The Western District belonged to the outcasts, the cultists, the criminals and the freaks that came out of their hiding holes during the Peace. A part of him wanted to eradicate them now, but he knew better. Some of them held great power, and the great criminal guilds stood on the same level as the other great factions.

Zenker shook his head, the amount of wealth that all these factions spent every time the Tournament came around was insane. And yet, prestige mattered to them. It mattered little to him.

He put his thoughts aside and continued walking. He made his way through the streets and headed up the winding path to the plateau above the North District. He approached the Wardens compound and entered. Just his name was enough to grant him access, and have the guards hurry to bow and give him respect. Another thing that he didnft like, but he had stopped trying to dissuade people from doing it a while ago.

He was led through the compound and then beneath the ground. The freshly shaped hallways were already covered in plates with formations etched on them, and recognized most of the effects as he passed through. Finally he was allowed to enter the final room.

It was fairly large, and almost completely bare, aside from the huge hanging ring with a gemstone jammed in the middle that glowed with blue light, a large stone round table and chairs. The others were all already there.

gYou are late,h Yirrel announced as he made his way inside. gWe were going to start without you. You were supposed to be here months ago.h

Zenker rolled his eyes and waved a hand as he reached his seat. gI was delayed, I had to check up on a few things.h

Yirrelfs eyes narrowed at him, but then she sighed and looked around the room at the others. Next to her sat Eratemus in one of his human undead bodies, this one a female, pale skin and long blond hair fell on top of shoulders that wore a simple white tunic. On her other side was her sister, Yerala Annsi, her horns slender and curved upward, reaching high above her head. Her black hair was pulled back and braided, and her dark blue skin contrasted against her red armor. Dracael sat next to Eratemus, her head leaned on her hand and looking as if she was almost asleep. He was pretty sure that he could see a stain on her shirt.

Next to Yerala on the other side and sitting on Zenkerfs left was Raela, she glared at Zenker and snapped her beak in annoyance. Out of them, she was the most impatient one by far. Her feathers were a dancing swirl of blue and black color that constantly shifted, her True Bodyfs double wings were folded through the openings in the sides of her chair.

The last person sat on Zenkerfs right, and was brooding silently as he glared at everyone else. But then again, Sigmund had never been the most talkative one of them.

Yirrel cleared her throat. gWell,h she started as she usually did at these gatherings. She was often the one that lead their little gatherings. gWe have many things to discuss, any preference on what you to talk about first?h

Before anyone could speak Zenker remembered something and made his voice heard. gAh, right Yirrel. I got some news for you. I found your missing human.h

Yirrel blinked at that. gYou did?h

gWait, what missing human?h Raela asked, her voice clearly annoyed.

gYou missed the meeting when we talked about it,h Eratemus spoke. Even after all these years, it felt weird to hear him speak through someone else's voice. gThe missing Iteration Seven Humans. Only two of them arrived, and not in the arrival zone. We believe that they had been considered too strong to be placed there.h

gWe know what happened to them?h Raela asked. gYou didnft think that I should know that?h

gYou were in the Thundering Heavens Mountains, I am not going to waste power to get a message to you there,h Eratemus added, his monotone clearly making Raela angrier.

She opened her beak to speak, but Yirrel raised her hand. gPlease,h she said then turned back to Zenker. gAnd?h

gWell, the story you heard from the other survivor checks out,h Zenker shrugged. gHe most definitely slaughtered a large chunk of Earth. And he is a pilferer.h

Yirrel grimaced. gSo he is insane? Did you take care of him?h

gNah,h Zenker shook his head. gHe seemed pretty calm actually. Although he does have some unique titles that I havenft seen before. Like Hated Foe, it required the hate of half the world. Which is I guess an achievement in itself, not even the Grey Horde had accomplished that. He also has the Butcher of Humanity title.h

gAnd you left him alive?h Yirrel asked.

Zneker shrugged. gHe had no new criminal titles since he came to Infinite Realm. He is however very powerful, but I saw no signs that he would suddenly go on a rampage. I snooped around after I met him, he hasnft been a saint, but he hadnft been killing indiscriminately. He took over two sects, and rules them now as a Sect Head.h

Yirrel remained silent as she thought about that for a moment. A slight tap on the table brought Zenkerfs attention to the person next to him. Sigmund moved his hands and signed, and Zenker grimaced.

gVery powerful,h Zenker answered his question. gI met him a year ago. He was in the Heavenly Realm then, with a Pilfering Class that he had limited to level eighty nine, and two perfect skills. I have no doubt that he has increased in power since then. He couldfve reached Immortal by now, I feel like Cultivation is his greatest strength. He had done it correctly, at least from what I could see. Multiple named perks. But the most frightening thing was a unique perk that he possessed. It has the power to lower stats of everyone around him, while also increasing his own by half the amount he takes from everyone. He is an army killer, and I think that we will need him for what is to come.h

Zenker turned and met Eratemusf eyes. gThat perk also gives him the ability to cause True Death of everything he kills while it is active.h

gWell fuck,h Raela said. gHe is dead then. The moment the High Rankers find out about that, theyfll do everything in their power to kill him.h

gNot if we take him up under our wings,h Zenker told her, using her own racefs term. gI planted the idea that I would be at the tournament, I think that it is possible that he comes and try to find me.h

gAnd who do you think has the time to teach him?h Dracael glared with half closed eyelids.

gWell, definitely not you,h Zenker snorted in her direction. gI donft think that he is a sailor material.h

The drake woman grumbled and then leaned her head back on her hand.

gI could do it, if he wants to become an adventurer,h Yerala chimed in.

gI doubt that,h Zenker added. gHe is a Sect Head, I donft see him running around with your little band.h

gAre we sure that we even want to do that?h Raela asked.

gWhy wouldnft we?h Zenker asked. gWe donft kill those who havenft crossed the line, and he hadnft done that since he arrived here.h

Yirrel sighed. gI guess that Ifm not the one to complain, I took in the other one. Both of them seem to be advancing incredibly fast. The fact that they have history will be an issue, but not something that we need to worry about now. The same for a teacher, we have more pressing things to discuss,h she said as she looked around the room. gAre we in agreement then? We will try to nourish both of them?h

The people around the room shrugged. Despite the appearances, this issue was a minor one.

gThen, we can move on to something more important,h Yirrel said, then turned and met Eratemufs eyes. gDo you have the new talismans ready?h

Eratemus nodded, then reached into a pocket and pulled out a small piece of round metal. gI do,h he said as he placed it on the table. gThe improved version will satisfy all the requirements you had.h

gYou have something new?h Zenker asked. The talismans were the way that they decided the winner. So far, each contestant wore one, and the talisman monitored their inner state. Once a contestant was unable to continue, the talisman would flash, announcing to the other contestant that they had won. Usually, the opposing contestant needed to stop before finishing them up. Which was why powerful people like Zenker and Yirrel were nearby, to stop the fight if it looked like someone was about to die. There had still been deaths in the past, not everything can be stopped fast enough, and not everything could be healed.

gI do,h Eratemus answered then threw the talisman across the table for Zenker to catch. gThis version of the talisman will monitor the personfs body and soul, the moment it detects a lethal attack hit the wearer, and it will teleport them directly to the Healerfs clinic outside the Arena. It will do the same if sufficient non-lethal damage is accumulated to prove lethal.h

gHuh,h Zenker said looking the small device over in his hand. That would reduce the deaths a lot this time around. Still, he doubted that it would be perfect. In the end, anyone who entered the arena knew that they could die. The talisman was barely as large as his fingernail. gThey are smaller than the last version.h

gThat is because they will go beneath the contestantfs skin,h Eratemus said. gIt is the only way to make sure that they can work properly.h

gSome people have pretty powerful bodies, that might not like having a foreign matter inside them,h Zenker commented.

Eratemus nodded. gThey talismans have formations that protect them from such things, and they draw power remotely. It is unlikely that anything can overcome their defenses before it can trigger the teleportation.h

Zenker hummed in appreciation. Eratemusf genius never ceased to amaze.

gWith that out of the way,h Yirrel spoke again. gHow about we move on to more important things?h

No one had an issue with that and she continued. gEratemus, what is the status of your armies?h

gIfve moved them underground to the halfway point, the route that they plan to release the attack. I am certain that it is enough,h Eratemus answered.

gGood,h Yirrel nodded then turned to Sigmund. gAnd the Grey Horde?h

Sigmund sighed, then raised his hands and started signing.

gThe negotiations are going well. I believe that we can convince her to come to our aid and reinforce Eratemus. She understands the greater threat the same way we do. She does not wish any more needless wars.h

Zenker nearly snorted at that, but he guessed that people could change. gWhat does she want in return?h Yerala asked. gShe doesnft move without having something to gain.h

gShe wants access to the Abyssal Deepfs last floor,h Sigmund signed.

Zenker laughed, while others looked around with a wide range of emotions on their faces.

gShe is joking, right?h Yerala asked, her sister had a grimace on her face.

gOf course she isnft,h Raela squawked. gShe wants to get a skill book for herself.h

Zenker was perfectly aware of the skill book inside his own inventory, he was yet to use his. Out of the others around the table, only Sigmund, Yirrel, and Raela had used theirs. The others simply kept their own for the future, or perhaps to give to someone for whom it would be more useful. Not all of them could use skills effectively. Regardless, Zenker knew why she wanted that, and how much it would mean for her.

gFine,h Yirrel said, surprising everyone. gShe can have it.h

gAre you sure?h Eratemus asked.

gOf course not, but we will need her if we want to survive. That is a small price to pay.h

Sigmund nodded his head. gI will let her know,h Sigmund signed. gShe plans on arriving in a couple of days.h

gIf she agrees, we will need to have her move her armies quickly,h Raela said. gHer as well, she isnft Eratemus who can reach his armies in an instant.h

gThere is no need for that,h Eratemus said and then pulled out a scroll out of his storage. It looked to be made out of some type of monster skin, with what looked like formations written on it and gems mounted in the ends.

gWhat is that?h Raela asked.

gMy new invention,h Eratemus said. gA scroll of Greater Teleportation, Ifve already set its location to be my army. With this she can reach it in an instant.h

Everyone blinked at that.

gThat will change things,h Yirrel said. gIf we can have teleports that we can take with us, that can travel that distancech

gNo,h Eratemus shook his head. gIt wonft replace anything. The materials it requires to make are too much, it is a consumable and will only work once. The gems will consume the material and themselves as a price for the teleport. It is too expensive to be used regularly.h

He threw the scroll at Sigmund who caught it in one hand, then looked it over.

gAnd you want to give it to the Grey Horde?h Yerala asked. gWhat if she tries to copy it?h

gShe will fail,h Eratemus said with conviction.

gStill,h Raela said, then turned to look at Sigmund. gYou should be careful, the Grey Horde is a capricious bitch. We canft rely on her.h

gIfm sure that Sigmund knows that,h Yerala said with a smile toward the man.

Sigmund didnft react much, with told Zenker that he was still avoiding her advances. Zenker figured that either she wouldfve lost interest or he wouldfve succumbed by now, it had been a long time.

gThen we have concluded most of our pressing issues,h Yirrel said. gZenker, I will need you to get ready to oversee the tournament with me, the Healer will be providing her services but we need to make sure that the contestants have a chance to be healed by her.h

Zenker sighed, but nodded his head. gOf course, I strive to serve.h

Yerala snorted, and Dracael laughed loudly.

Zenker didnft stoop to their level, instead he ignored them.

gWhat are we going to do about the Spear of Sorrow?h Eratemus said finally.

Everyone sobered up at that topic.

gShe is strong, and she seems to be not only capable, but fair as well. She doesnft play the games that other High Rankers do,h Raela said.

gShe is not the issue,h Draceal yawned. gHer great grandfather is. Do we really want to give the old bastard a way to worm his way into our circle.h

Yirrel looked conflicted. gThere is nothing to indicate that the two of them are that close.h

Dracael raised an eyebrow. gReally? You know how Zenshuen works. He adopted her into the main branch, raised her up. Gave her everything. You think that she doesnft think that she owes him something?h

gWe will never know for sure until we at least talk with her,h Yerala added.

gIf she is who we think she is,h Eratemus said slowly. gShe will understand. And it is not like we will ask her to go against her family.h

Zenker didnft really have anything to say, so he stayed quiet. The topic didnft really interest him that much, so he slowly started to tune them out, thinking on how long it was going to be before he could return to his explorations. There was so much out there to see, and he was already getting anxious.

The sooner the tournament ended, the quicker he could get back to what he really loved.