How to use the character model in your scenes If you're unsure about how to actually use the model, here is a quick start guide. When you are preparing scenes with the model, you should NOT be using the Blender file you downloaded for it. It is just there to store the model, and can act as a centralized file for when you want to make changes. Instead create a new Blender file and then LINK the character collection into it. This model was made in Blender version 3.4.0 Make sure that you are using the same Blender version or higher. You can get the newest release here: Make a new Blender file -> File -> Link -> -> Collection -> This will allow you to not clutter up your new scene with the character data, while being able to make updates to the original (or download new versions whenever I update it), and have those changes be effective in all scenes that use this linking method. To make it fully usable, you need to make it library overridable. Select the linked object in the 3D viewport -> Object -> Relations -> Make Library Override And you're done! You should now be able to go into pose mode and start working with the character.