────────────── 姉は弟の為に頑張ってます ────────────── 「くぉ~❤剣道女子は締まりが良くてええのぉ~❤お主の身体もワシのちんぽを喜んどるぞ❤」 「ッ…!くだらない事を言ってないで早く済ませてください…ッ💢」 「お主の親父さんも迷惑な死に方したもんじゃのう。赤の他人の為に借金まみれになったあげく、返済もできず事故でくたばるとは。」 「くっ…父上の事をそんな風に言うな、この下衆…ッ!」 「おおん?なんじゃあ、その態度は。弟と一緒に暮らせるのは誰のおかげかわかっとんのか?どうなんじゃおらァッ!おらァ!!」 「んぐッ!?…も、申し訳有りませんッ💢金本様の御慈悲で父の借金を全て肩代わりしていただきッ…はァッ❤…家も残って、弟の施設送りも免れましたッ…感謝してもしきれませ…んぉッ❤」 「ふん、わかっておるなら構わん。安心せい、お主の弟はちゃんと大学まで面倒見てやる。そういう約束じゃからな。ワシは約束はちゃんと守るぞ、お主の父と違ってな。ほれ、イけッ!イけッ!弟が寝てる横で無様にイキ顔晒せいッ!」 「ひッ❤ひぃッ❤イく…ッイきます…ッ❤んぉッお゛❤」 「ふぃ~…出た出た♪若い女の身体は最高じゃな」 ────────────── "Kendo girls are so tight.Your body is also enjoying my cock." "Don't talk nonsense and get it over with....💢" "Your father had a nasty way to die. He was covered in debt for a stranger, and then he couldn't repay it and died in an accident." "Don't you talk about my father like that, you lowlife!" "Oh? What's with that attitude? Do you know who it is that allows you to live with your brother? How about it, Ola? Ola!" "Ngg? I'm sorry... Kanemoto-sama's mercy took all of my father's debts on his shoulders... huh... my house is still here and my brother is spared from being sent to an institution... I can't thank you enough... I can't thank you enough." "If you know what you're doing, that's fine. Rest assured, I will take good care of your brother until he goes to college. That's the deal. I'm a man of my word, unlike your father. Come on, cum! Come on! Show your face while your brother sleeps!" "I'm coming...❤I'm coming...❤I'm coming...❤" "Whee~...there it is, there it is...the body of a young woman is the best." ────────────── Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ──────────────