// Koikatsu Chuuni a137_k0_000_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gwa ha ha! Walking alongside you is quite enjoyable, human." a137_k0_000_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Verily! A dark grin spreads across my demonic maw!" a137_k0_000_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I expected nothing less, for our souls are bound together as one. Let us join hands, my sweet." a137_k0_000_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ahhhh... I grow more and more infatuated with you by the day." a137_k0_000_02_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Let's cuddle more. I'm very bored today, and thy task is to entertain me!" a137_k0_000_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Sitting here by thy side seems to ease my mind and my heart." a137_k0_000_03_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "From infernal ally to infernal girlfriend... Gwa ha ha!" a137_k0_000_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I-If thou looketh too closely, the spell I cast to disguise myself as human will fail!" a137_k0_000_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Heh heh heh, that is correct. I tend to my friends quite well." a137_k0_000_05_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yes, we shall speak of matters again, my dark accomplice!" a137_k0_000_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You are brave to ignore me. Brave, and foolish." a137_k0_000_06_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "It seems that thou seekest a one-way trip to hell. Gwa ha ha!" a137_k0_000_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hrm? What is it? I sense unspoken words on your lips." a137_k0_000_07_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Do you- Dost thou have need of me?" a137_k0_000_08_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "C-Contain yourself, scoundrel! You dare gaze upon the fleshy wonders that are my breasts?" a137_k0_000_09_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "If you did this with another girl...I'd be most displeased." a137_k0_000_09_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "L-Look me in the eyes!" a137_k0_000_10_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You dare incur my wrath?" a137_k0_000_10_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You would do well not to anger me, human." a137_k0_000_11_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Grrr, rrnngh... *mumblegrumble*" a137_k0_000_12_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "*mumblemumble*... I will make him join the forces of Chaos..." a137_k0_000_13_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Do not stare at me with such a fierce look in your eyes!" a137_k0_000_13_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "D-Don't gaze so lovingly at my voluptuous valley!" a137_k0_000_13_02.wav | 0 | 7000 | "That wasn't an invitation to check me -er, gaze upon me!" a137_k0_000_14_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Y-You are drawn to my power?! ...Of course!" a137_k0_000_14_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "We must have known one another in an age long past!" a137_k0_000_15_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hrm hrm, what is it? You long to speak with me?" a137_k0_000_16_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yes, the time has come to return to my infernal halls!" a137_k0_000_17_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You dare make me wait? Unforgiveable! Heh heh heh, I jest." a137_k0_000_18_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Do you dare toy with me, as if I were a mere child?!" a137_k0_000_19_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Nngah! D-Do not sneak up on me! Bah." a137_k0_000_20_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Cheating on me. If you dared, my fist would visit your face with all the fury of the inferno!" a137_k0_000_21_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Nrrrgh! Apologize from the heart, you swine!" a137_k0_000_22_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "My third eye saw your approach... Gwa ha ha!" a137_k0_000_23_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What?! When did those two get that close?!" a137_k0_000_24_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What?! Dark temptations and forbidden love?!" a137_k0_000_25_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Th-This is most embarrassing!" a137_k0_000_25_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You would have me dishonor myself yet again?!" a137_k0_000_26_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hyaah! Thou shalt not break forbidden taboos around me. I find it embarrassing." a137_k0_000_27_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Th-This realm is forbidden to man!" a137_k0_000_28_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ah, aaah... H-Hello...m'lord." a137_k0_000_29_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ugh! I'm going back to the Infernal Plane!" a137_k0_000_30_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Lord of Light, thy servant has awoken and the Age of Darkness comes to an end. Good morning." a137_k0_000_31_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Y-You are brave to meet my eyes without flinching, human." a137_k0_000_32_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Do you often, er...play your own fiddle?" a137_k0_000_32_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "H-Has lust driven thee mad?!" a137_k0_000_33_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "In common parlance, yes. Continue to amuse me, human." a137_k0_000_34_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "♪Demon date, demon date♪ This will be glorious!" a137_k0_001_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Thy soul is an open book to me and my third eye." a137_k0_001_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Th-Thou art performing admirably, say I!" a137_k0_001_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oho! Thy words have soothed my troubled soul!" a137_k0_001_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ugh. I shall return to the Infernal Plane now." a137_k0_001_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hmm? Is your mind on other things?" a137_k0_002_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "A clear wind blows in this place." a137_k0_002_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "My star shall shine quiet but bright here today... Will you join me in tranquility?" a137_k0_002_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I-I am in your debt. I will grant you a boon later, in return." a137_k0_003_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Thou art the first to withstand the fury of my aura for long. Thy power and endurance is to be commended." a137_k0_003_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gwa ha ha! Shall I force you to bow before my might?" a137_k0_003_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Thou dost not... I mean, it's okay." a137_k0_003_02_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You don't have to pretend to get me. I'm used to being misunderstood." a137_k0_004_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Dost thou...think me peculiar?" a137_k0_004_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "D-Do not sully my soul with your foul whispers!" a137_k0_004_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "My lofty ears heard nothing but the buzzing of mayflies!" a137_k0_005_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "A-Apologies. My magic grew tempestuous and wild." a137_k0_005_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hrmmm... I will forgive you, but just this once!" a137_k0_005_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "My fury still roils like a sea of molten lava!" a137_k0_005_02_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yes, I think thou hast earned bitter punishment!" a137_k0_006_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "How dost thou feel about daily study? Art thou a skilled scholar?" a137_k0_007_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Dost exerting thyself pleaseth you?" a137_k0_008_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "A fine day's work, my malicious thrall! Let us do clubs again some day!" a137_k0_009_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hrmm, let me see... Befriending humans, I believe." a137_k0_009_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "One must cherish their time with friends, too!" a137_k0_010_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Fwaah! S-Sex?! Out of nowhere?!" a137_k0_010_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "C-Can we dispose of this topic already? It troubles me." a137_k0_011_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "@'s really easy to talk to... Er, for a human!" a137_k0_011_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What?! Is that true? Ahem. Tell me more." a137_k0_011_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I'm not good with guys like that. Hard nay." a137_k0_012_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Friend of darkness, I wish for you and @ to grow more familiar with one another." a137_k0_012_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What say you?" a137_k0_013_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "@ hast piqued my interest." a137_k0_013_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I command thee to entertain me during my sojourn here on the Material Plane." a137_k0_013_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Cast thine eyes upon other vistas, fool!" a137_k0_014_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "That vexatious sort of fool such as @ would soon incur my wrath." a137_k0_014_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oh yeah, I totally- Ahem, I too bore witness to that frightful scene. 'Twas fascinating, indeed." a137_k0_014_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Desist, will you? I desire to speak of other things." a137_k0_015_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You...wish to seal a pact with @, human?" a137_k0_015_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Fwaagh?! Th-Thou art truly besmitten with me, aren't you?" a137_k0_015_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "O-Of course. One day, I hope to- ah! Y-You heard nothing!" a137_k0_015_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "My infernal accomplice! We strove for mastery of the mind today, did we not?!" a137_k0_015_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Speaking with you is a source of endless joy, though our time together flies quickly." a137_k0_015_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What?! If I was there, I would have stripped the flesh from their bones for such insolence!" a137_k0_015_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Stop. I do not hold thou in close enough confidence to discuss this topic." a137_k0_015_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I grow uncomfortable with this topic. Thus! Let us discuss something else!" a137_k0_016_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gwa ha ha! Let us swap tales!" a137_k0_016_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yes! Show me the extent of thy power!" a137_k0_016_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Forgive me, my pernicious pretty. The time is not yet ripe." a137_k0_016_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "It pains me to refuse, but I have an audience with The Baleful King today." a137_k0_021_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "The mysteries of my latest class confound me!" a137_k0_021_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Grace me with thy knowledge, and your reward will be most great. What say you?" a137_k0_021_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "If you wish to study the Dark Arts... I shall be your master!" a137_k0_022_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Let us engage in sports and hustle! So! What say ye?!" a137_k0_023_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Have you interest in your club? I wish to partake in it with thee." a137_k0_024_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "M-My hands are cold, correct? It is the icy blood of a demon that makes them so." a137_k0_025_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Very well, my malevolent ally! Let us walk the shadowy paths back to our citadels together." a137_k0_026_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Accompany me on my walk home this day?" a137_k0_027_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Lunch... I demand edible tribute!" a137_k0_027_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Forgive me... I wish to feast alongside you, but I promised a friend I'd eat with her." a137_k0_028_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "A quest for thee! Will you break bread with me?" a137_k0_029_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I require a moment of respite. Let us indulge in leisure together!" a137_k0_029_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "C-Calm thyself! My presence is required in the teachers' room- the Hall of Sages erelong!" a137_k0_030_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Uugh... I hunger for souls..." a137_k0_030_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Lunch! Let's eat! Let's EAT!" a137_k0_031_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hrmmm... It is a wondrous place, filled with the bleached bones of monsters and men alike." a137_k0_031_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Would you like to visit?" a137_k0_032_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "H-How about having a study session at one of our, er, castles?" a137_k0_032_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Join me for a journey to the Infernal Plane? I w-wish to spend more time with thee." a137_k0_032_01_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Physical strength is important for many things, like battle and se- Ah, you heard nothing!" a137_k0_032_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I never thought I'd be invited into thy castle! H-Huzzah!" a137_k0_032_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gah?! What malicious plots are you hatching, fiend?!" a137_k0_032_09_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Thy lust for me cannot be contained, correct? Truth be told, I too am feeling...frisky." a137_k0_032_09_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Heel! D-Down! Don't throw yourself at me!" a137_k0_032_10_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "So, this is thy castle. You are a meticulous steward, it seems." a137_k0_032_10_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hmm... Now then, what comes next, I wonder? My heart dances with anticipation." a137_k0_033_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Do not test my patience, worm." a137_k0_033_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oh, yeaaah... *gasp*! Wh-What was that?! You charmed me with some sort of spell just now!" a137_k0_033_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What do you seek to accomplish? This makes me ill at ease!" a137_k0_034_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You have angered me. Punishment will be swift." a137_k0_034_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You do not yet see how to quell my wrath. You have earned great punishment this day." a137_k0_034_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "...I'm not in the mood." a137_k0_034_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Those who earn my wrath live to regret it. Remember that. Gwa ha ha!" a137_k0_034_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey! What madness is this?!" a137_k0_035_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "D-Desist! You cannot pass this threshold of @'s words without my blessing!" a137_k0_035_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Urk... Hmph, if you insist, so shall it be." a137_k0_035_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Y-You already know the answer to that, right? ...Sex maniac." a137_k0_036_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Give a peek, I command thee! It is quite fun here." a137_k0_037_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I look forward to our sojourn. I shalt have you don my special garb," a137_k0_037_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "sealed away until this day within my wardrobe's darkest corner. Gwa ha ha!" a137_k0_037_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "D-Don't you dare mock me!" a137_k0_038_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "The force of my eyes will yet make thee quail!" a137_k0_039_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "A question for thee! Will you join the \ guild?" a137_k0_039_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hrmm... What quests shall we undertake?" a137_k0_040_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "A d-date... Gwa ha ha! Let us stroll arm-in-arm through the blasted fields of Gehenna!" a137_k0_040_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You want to...in p-public? I did not expect to hear that...but I'm n-not against the idea." a137_k0_040_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Date time, date time... Gwa ha ha! Let us explore every inch of the Infernal Plane!" a137_k0_040_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Urk, I beg forgiveness! I have a previous engagement with my cohorts." a137_k0_040_15_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "The time of parting approaches... Next time we tread this path, I hope we'll have sealed a dark pact." a137_k0_040_15_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I-In other words, I, umm... Would really like us to get a lot closer, okay? S-So, bye!" a137_k0_040_16_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "It seems the time for us to part approaches." a137_k0_040_16_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hrm, I am summoned back to the Infernal Plane. Fare thee well." a137_k0_041_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Aww... Time passes so quickly when I'm with thee." a137_k0_041_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I see. You too are replenishing your mana pool, I take it?" a137_k0_041_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Wait... This is a true confession of love?!" a137_k0_041_02_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I-If you're really okay with that... I-I mean, if that is thy desire, let it be done!" a137_k0_041_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Y-You're not scheming to make me lower my guard for a slap, are you?" a137_k0_042_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Th-That's a malicious question. I am...somewhat interested in that. Maybe." a137_k0_042_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I-If you seek my pact, then...okay. a137_k0_042_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I h-have a boon to ask of thee. A proposal? A new demonic pact, perhaps?" a137_k0_042_02_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Thou dost walk the path of ambition and power, mortal!" a137_k0_042_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "*sigh*... I surrender. Stare to your heart's content!" a137_k0_042_03_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Correct. However, there is a price to pay. Grant me a new epithet, as well!" a137_k0_042_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gwa ha ha! Thou art well prepared, it seems. Then, let the pact be sealed! Behold! Thy new title!" a137_k0_042_05_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I finally have you... It's a miracle! ――― The two of you are now a couple ―――" a137_k0_042_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I-If you wish it...I would be delighted to!" a137_k0_042_06_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Fwaaagh! A-Are you sure? O, sweet bliss! ――― The two of you are now a couple ―――" a137_k0_042_09_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "M-Men are creatures of Chaos that spread discord in the Infernal Plane..." a137_k0_042_10_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Wh-Where did that come from?! You surprised me with your hypothetical musings!" a137_k0_042_11_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I... I see. But know this! We shall forever be dark...friends!" a137_k0_042_12_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Forgive me! I am otherwise engaged." a137_k0_042_13_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "It is a world beyond the imagination of a mere human." a137_k0_043_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Let's...break up. ...Being with you wears me out." a137_k0_043_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey! Don't you dare ignore me!" a137_k0_043_01_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Why aren't you chasing me?! Fine! I'm leaving for real!" a137_k0_043_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Forgive me, but I hereby dissolve our pact." a137_k0_043_02_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "My time here is short. I must return." a137_k0_043_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You don't have to apologize, I d-don't mind. I... I guess this means you hate me now." a137_k0_043_03_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "*sniff* Fine, I understand. Goodbye. *sob*! ――― The two of you are no longer a couple ―――" a137_k0_043_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Huh, but?? (W-Wait, I should be nice and just let him go...) Very well, goodbye.――― The two of you are no longer a couple ―――" a137_k0_043_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "If thou spendest thy life alongside me, eventually." a137_k0_043_06_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You realize that I am a demon, and I will twist you around my finger? Gwa ha ha!" a137_k0_044_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey! *poke*" a137_k0_044_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Fwaaagh! D-Don't touch me there." a137_k0_044_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Do you like this petting act that much, human?" a137_k0_044_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Good. That is good. Now come, continue to give me a loving pat on the head." a137_k0_044_04_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Your hands are flushed with warmth..." a137_k0_045_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "The perfect shape for snuggling... F-Forget I said that!" a137_k0_045_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hold me... In thy arms." a137_k0_045_05_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Wanted, is it? Hrmm... Like this? *glomp*!" a137_k0_046_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hehe...I'm going to give you a good kiss..." a137_k0_046_03_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Nn, chu... mnn, churu..." a137_k0_046_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Mmm! Chuu...slurp...mmm...chu... Sorry, my kisses are still..." a137_k0_046_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Mmm...chu...mmm...sweet...hah..." a137_k0_046_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Mn, chu... nnn... sweet... Mmm...chu...mmm....more vigerous...mmm...chu..." a137_k0_046_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Fwagh!" a137_k0_046_07_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "That kiss was a little...you know..." a137_k0_046_08_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Mmm...chu...mmm...chu... T-That was my first... ah... it was so nice...." a137_k0_046_09_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Mmm, chu, nn...chu...nnn... Was that kiss...um... was it good?" a137_k0_047_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Why, I wonder, do only human females have soft curves and gentle mounds on their chests?" a137_k0_047_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Your power and insight are still lacking. You must undergo more rigorous training to stay by my side!" a137_k0_047_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Their size is epic, is it not? You...may touch them whenever you want. I'm very sensitive there, I'll have you know... Nnh." a137_k0_047_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "So, you appreciate normal proportions. H-Hey! What's that look of hunger in your eyes?! D-Desist at once! How long do you intend to grab me? Bah!" a137_k0_047_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I used to hate that mine were so petite, but if you like them... Y-You squeeze too much today! What will you do if I cast Giant Growth on them?" a137_k0_048_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Will hand holding satiate you? I...can feel the tension inside thee." a137_k0_048_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ack, what to do... I'm interested, but...this isn't the sort of thing a girl- er, demon should do lightly!" a137_k0_048_01_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Nnnn... Okay! If you promise to be gentle, I'm up to try it. Just a bit!" a137_k0_048_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Fweegh?! M-Mastur?...Sometimes." a137_k0_048_02_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "O-Oh... That makes sense! I'll always be with you, so no need for a solo act!" a137_k0_048_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ngggh! Wh-What a question... Well, yes, we do..." a137_k0_048_03_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "D-Don't you laugh at me! *grumblemumble*" a137_k0_048_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "My l-lust has still not been sated. Give me more! More!" a137_k0_048_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "If anyone spotted you here, there would be hell to pay..." a137_k0_048_05_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "And yet, I feel myself longing for your...touch." a137_k0_048_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gwa ha ha... Indoor indecency. Most delightful, indeed!" a137_k0_048_06_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Strike while the demon is hot! Ah, that was a joke?" a137_k0_048_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Y-You are enthralled by my chest? Touch me, I'm soft as silk. No need to be shy!" a137_k0_048_08_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Dost thou fancy my figure? The m-more the better. I'll leave it to thee." a137_k0_048_09_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hrmm... If I was unable to see you again. Ah, speak of the demon... We were all discussing you." a137_k0_048_10_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Excellent! I cannot wait! Hmm hmm!" a137_k0_048_11_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Inti... You mean intercourse?! Us?! Human, you overstep your bounds!" a137_k0_048_11_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "N-No, you're not. I am nervous, but I'm happy, too." a137_k0_048_12_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hrmm... Yes, but do not forget to take me out now and then, or I shall grow disgruntled!" a137_k0_048_12_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Yeep! S-Stop, that's embarrassing." a137_k0_048_13_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ah, urk... It made you happy? Well...I would be willing to consider it...I suppose." a137_k0_048_14_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "H-Here?! You're a demon of lust! There are people around..." a137_k0_048_14_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "We have yet to seal a pact, but...it appears that resistance is futile." a137_k0_048_15_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "S-Sex?! *mumble*... Sometimes. Gyah! Details, details... Fwaaagh!" a137_k0_048_16_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gwa ha ha! Thy eyes are always drawn to my breasts. You like them that much?" a137_k0_048_16_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "D-Don't stare. But...do you like what you see?" a137_k0_048_17_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Y-You seek to glimpse my unearthly beauty? ...Your gaze stirs a d-dark lust within me." a137_k0_048_17_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I-I didn't mean let it inside NOW!" a137_k0_048_18_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "M-My figure...it is as fine as any maiden's here, is it not?" a137_k0_048_18_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oho? Is that how it appears to thine mortal eyes?" a137_k0_048_19_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "For some reason, I've been beset by an insatiable lust since sunrise..." a137_k0_048_20_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey. There's...something hard poking into my butt." a137_k0_048_22_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Excellent! I wish to sample thy skills. Prepare a feast for me." a137_k0_048_24_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "M-My mana pool has grown stormy, and may soon overflow..." a137_k0_048_24_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "So stop right there!" a137_k0_048_25_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Fwagh! H-Here?! What'll we do if someone comes by? Y-You fiend..." a137_k0_048_26_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "N-Not in public, no way. We could get some privacy over there, though." a137_k0_048_28_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Wha??! You want to, here? Isn't that a bit too bold?" a137_k0_048_29_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "B-Bad! We're surrounded by townsfolk! What are you thinking?" a137_k0_048_30_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ah. Your will be done. We shall do it another day." a137_k0_048_31_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "*pant* *pant*... I c-can't take any more, or I'll break in two." a137_k0_048_34_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "My infernal accomplice...tame the raging fires" a137_k0_048_34_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "of thy loins until we know each other's minds better." a137_k0_048_35_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "H-Halt! The time is not yet ripe! ...Maybe later?" a137_k0_049_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Very well! Come, take my hand and I shall guide thee to the Infernal Plane!" a137_k0_050_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Wh-What is thy most sensual spot?" a137_k0_050_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Th-Then I shall pay special attention to it during the ritual." a137_k0_050_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I demand you arouse me with thy honeyed words. If you do well, I shall reward thee." a137_k0_050_01_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Fwaaagh! You rakish rogue... Okay, I'm turned on." a137_k0_051_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Wh-What are you doing?! You're horrible! Get the heck out of here!" a137_k0_051_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gwah! I'll n-never live this down." a137_k0_052_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "* is a fine place to rest...my, uh, limbs?" a137_k0_052_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oi! Can you spare some time later at *? Good. Farewell, for now." a137_k0_053_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I want?! ...Er, never mind. We shall meet again!" a137_k0_053_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hrm? What?" a137_k0_064_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Do you...need...something?" a137_k0_064_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Caution irks me to no end." a137_k0_064_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I have business in the Infernal Plane. Forgive me! I am off!" a137_k0_064_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "*mumblemumble*... With this, a tale of destiny and magic..." a137_k0_064_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I wish to know more about thee." a137_k0_064_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Let's talk about something more interesting." a137_k0_064_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hrmm... I shall lurk in the shadows and observe for now." a137_k0_064_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Fwaaagh! Why would you??! Ugh." a137_k0_064_08_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gwa ha ha! Excellent. Let us boost our power together!" a137_k0_064_09_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hrmm... It seems you must be chastised for your indiscretion." a137_k0_065_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Now, of what shall we speak??" a137_k0_065_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "My fellow dark lord, I am here! a137_k0_065_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Fare thee well, we shall meet again!" a137_k0_065_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "*mumblegrumble-a-hex-upon-thee-mumble*" a137_k0_066_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Your discomfort makes me feel all weird- er, it unnerves me." a137_k0_066_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I am detained at this foul place today. Detention... Fah! They will pay for humiliating me!" a137_k0_067_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Desire is etched across your face. What do you seek?" a137_k0_067_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hrm? What need have you of me?" a137_k0_067_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Y-You're very obvious about your intentions. Gwa ha ha, very well! If we must." a137_k0_067_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "*mumblemumble*... With this, a tale of destiny and magic..." a137_k0_067_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "W-We've gotten quite close of late, have we not? Gwa ha ha!" a137_k0_067_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Forget you! I'm going back to the Infernal Plane!" a137_k0_067_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "The fetters have been cast off!" a137_k0_067_07_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Now that we are free from scholarly chains...let the snuggling begin!" a137_k0_067_09_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Y-You're resisting my charms? Fwaaagh..." a137_k0_067_10_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Y-You're demeaning me, aren't you? Bah!" a137_k0_068_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "D-Do not seek to distract me with thy sensual stroking! I am furious!" a137_k0_068_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Th-That's...forbidden lore! And don't ask awkward questions! Hmph!" a137_k0_068_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I-I am furious!" a137_k0_069_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Halt! Hrm? Why dost thou look so perversely excited?" a137_k0_069_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hmm, very well! Is there some merchant you wish to call upon?" a137_k0_069_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Th-That topic is far too titillating for one such as I. I...don't mind, however." a137_k0_069_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "K-Knave! You overstep your bounds!" a137_k0_069_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Y-You ask me? I'd...like to know myself.!" a137_k0_069_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Good, good! Let us be nimble and quick!" a137_k0_070_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "So? What say thee? Feel good?" a137_k0_071_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I...I love your kisses..." a137_k0_071_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Mmm..chu... slurp...mmm....chuu...fu... ehehe... ♪" a137_k0_072_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oho! My interest is piqued!" a137_k0_072_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "If you allow it, I'll snuggle in and hang onto your arm." a137_k0_072_04_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What? You think that's cute? Well then... *glomp*" a137_k0_073_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ha ha! At last, I am free from the fetters of human education!" a137_k0_074_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "W-Wait... You lust after @, don't you?!" a137_k0_074_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "W-We do. Do you desire...further knowledge?" a137_k0_074_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "N-No! This topic is forbidden! It makes me get all sweaty and nervous!" a137_k0_075_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Do you wish to see what I'm wearing underneath my clothes, today?" a137_k0_075_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I p-permit you to imagine what's under these garments. Nothing more!" a137_k0_076_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You do not possess the power of sexual energies...right?" a137_k0_076_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Sometimes, I fantasize about them ripping off my- ah! Y-You heard nothing!" a137_k0_076_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "D-Demons are more, uhh... Stoic! Chaste! Pure!" a137_k0_077_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "By the way...I wish to exchange $ and your #." a137_k0_078_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "D-Does my u-unclad figure truly tempt thee so? Then we will speak of this later..." a137_k0_079_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I have a proposition for thee! Pore over tomes alongside me, in preparation for our /?" a137_k0_079_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I s-see. I too am blessed with soft curves ripe for squeezing... Just so you know." a137_k0_080_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Excellent. Shedding sweat and blood is a noble thing. Continue." a137_k0_081_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gwa ha ha, curious, are you? But it is too late for you, my sorcery has already captured your heart and made you my slave." a137_k0_081_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gwa ha ha! I too enjoy the taste of bitter darkness. We share that, it seems." a137_k0_082_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I see you have not yet seen the error of your ways. Heh heh heh... That proposition was a stroke of genius, was it not?" a137_k0_083_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "The flames of my rage burn bright!" a137_k0_084_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "A fine morning...Mmmm....chu...more... please?" a137_k0_085_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Chu...Kissing is.. so good!... Chu...」" a137_k0_087_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Don't bother talking to me anymore. Goodbye. ――― The two of you are no longer a couple ―――" a137_k0_088_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Don't you think it's time to...s-seal a pact with me? ..Very well. The pact is made. ――― You got her pregnant ~Pregnancy Ending~ ―――" a137_k0_089_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Grrrrrrr! Y-You wretch! Do not DARE to be tempted by any maiden's body but mine!" a137_k0_089_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gnh?! You! You plan dark deeds, I know it! You knave!" a137_k0_090_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gwaah! D-Don't scare me like that!" a137_k0_090_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Romance...nnngah! A dark curse assails my mind!" a137_k0_091_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Halt. Gaze not upon the otherworldly charms of my chest." a137_k0_092_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "If you apologize, I may find it in my heart to forgive you." a137_k0_092_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Huh?! Th-That isn't in characte? Ahem, I mean, that name is beneath thee!" a137_k0_093_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "@ have been seeking an advisor both analytic, cautious, and wise. Gwa ha ha!" a137_k0_094_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I m-might like a guy who's passionate enough to pursue me, like @." a137_k0_095_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "A homeward bound date with @... How elegant!" a137_k0_096_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What?! @ grow t-tempted by carnal delights? What madness is this?!" a137_k0_097_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Could a someone like @ who walks the straight and narrow fulfill my devilish desires? I think not." a137_k0_098_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ah! Perhaps your short-term memory was stolen by a demon?" a137_k0_099_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Being the one to suggest this makes me no better than a common succubus..." a137_k0_099_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "But...I want you." a137_k0_100_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, so... Listen..." a137_k0_100_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Heh heh." a137_k0_100_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hey, I want it... Will you give it to me?" a137_k0_102_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ahm... Gwah hah hah..." a137_k0_102_00_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Make haste! Let us spread chaos and discord!" a137_k0_104_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Wh-What is it?" a137_k0_105_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I...wish to...hold thy hand." a137_k0_106_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I...do not wish to walk!" a137_k0_108_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You pester me with bawdy topics today. I command you to change the subject." a137_k0_109_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gyah! Wh-What?! Why?!" a137_k1_000_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gwa ha ha! I am pleased!" a137_k1_001_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "*sniff*... That makes me sad." a137_k1_002_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Right. Perhaps another time." a137_k1_003_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Nnngh... You dare treat me like a child? HMPH!" a137_k1_004_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I-It cannot be!" a137_k1_005_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Wh-What?!" a137_k1_006_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Y-You dare?!" a137_k1_007_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I see... It pains me to say this, but farewell for now. ――― The two of you are no longer a couple ―――" a137_k1_009_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oho..." a137_k1_010_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Good, good. ――― Traded personal items ―――" a137_k1_011_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You're staring... Are you smitten with me? I'm finding it most uncomfortable." a137_k2_000_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Thy magical power is vast, potent, and wild. It fills me with fire this morn!" a137_k2_000_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "It...still kinda hurts. But I'm really, really glad you were my first." a137_k2_000_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Ah, you rise. You were bold to do such things with me." a137_k2_000_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "It...still kinda hurts. But I'm really, really glad you were my first." a137_k2_000_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "A-Ahhh... How was it? Did you- I mean, did thee enjoy my succulent fruits?" a137_k2_000_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Muah...chu...more....chuuu...even more... A sensual kiss then..." a137_k2_001_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "WMmm... Thank you for quelling the raging beast within me." a137_k2_001_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Heh. Wonderful." a137_k2_001_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gwa ha ha! I bet you'd leap upon my chest like an animal if I dangled a succulent cut of meat in front of it." a137_k2_001_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "*pant* *pant*... Wh-What just happened... I can't even move." a137_k2_001_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Oh, are you done? I...would be happy to help you finish this particular quest, you know?" a137_k2_001_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "pant* *pant*... Our spirits merged, melded, and separated- yet, a portion of each's essence remains." a137_k2_001_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "C-Can we cuddle some more?" a137_k2_002_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hrmm... You're not putting it somewhere weird, are you?" a137_k2_002_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gyaaah! No no no, SO embarrassing!" a137_k2_002_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I would...enjoy that. Ah, that's not right! I mean, verily! I shall permit it in my butt!" a137_k2_003_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Heh heh heh... Absolutely nothing. So, did that turn you on?" a137_k2_003_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gwah! D-Do not speak of such things!" a137_k2_003_02_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "N-Not in the least! I do hear them out, but..." a137_k2_003_03_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Fwaagh! Aaah... I c-cannot bear this." a137_k2_003_04_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I-It's not time to seal a pact quite yet." a137_k2_003_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "J-Just recalling them has brought a heat to my cheeks." a137_k2_003_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "My l-lust has still not been sated. Give me more! More!" a137_k2_003_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hrm? Is something on my face?" a137_k2_003_08_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "This tavern's fare does make my mouth water, but I'd prefer to savor your home cooking." a137_k2_003_09_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Y-You wish to stare deep into my eyes? W-Well, too bad!" a137_k2_003_10_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "*pant* *gasp* AH! Perfect timing-my throat was parched! I am glad to see you!" a137_k2_003_11_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "W-Was it my quick temper that brought this to pass? Wh-Why?" a137_k2_003_12_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Tests are the mind killer... Let us strive for knowledge together!" a137_k2_003_13_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Our scholarly pursuits are finished for the day! Now, how about we study the mysteries of the flesh?" a137_k2_003_14_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "What are you blushing for?! It was more embarrassing for me to ask than you to hear!" a137_k2_003_15_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Perhaps healthy exercise on this fairground could be nice...once every long while." a137_k2_003_16_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You have my gratitude. It's embarrassing to admit, but...I'm hornier than a balrog." a137_k2_003_17_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "People will see us! Bad!" a137_k2_003_18_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I can't believe I got off in public..." a137_k2_003_18_01.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I should've been freaking out, but all I could think about was how good it felt." a137_k2_003_19_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hrm? Time to go already? That saddens me. We'll finish this later. The anticipation will make it all the more sweet. Gwa ha ha!" a137_k2_003_20_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You deny me? You insist that I endure these urges, unsatisfied? Grrrnh..." a137_k2_003_21_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Am I s-sexier lately?" a137_k2_003_22_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Mmm... chu... more...please... Just being with me is enough? Y-You have a honeyed tongue..." a137_k2_003_23_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "The fiery magic of thy little monster fills me with warm contentment." a137_k2_003_24_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Today was most enjoyable! I'm glad I chose to dally on the Material Plane." a137_k2_003_25_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "So I am just right? That makes me happy." a137_k2_003_26_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hrm, I do. The black arts, spells and sorcery! Self-taught, of course." a137_k2_003_28_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You! Wh-Why are you... So embarrassing..." a137_k2_003_29_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Dark accomplice! 'Tis a good morning, indeed!" a137_k2_004_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I am most satisfied! Let us wander the town again!" a137_k2_005_00_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Mmm, that was a fine feast! I am content." a137_k2_005_01_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Urk?! That is a foul question!" a137_k0_001_15_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Gah! Sometimes, thinking of you fills my head with wicked thoughts. Wicked, delightful thoughts." a137_k0_045_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Urk! I haven't come up with background lore for-ack! I mean...shut up!" a137_k0_044_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "H-Hey! Do not pat me so long!" a137_k0_016_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "I feel the same... I want to make merry with you more!" a137_k0_029_06_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "D-Desist! You cannot pass this threshold without my blessing!" a137_k0_040_05_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Hrmm... By all means! I had tarried long hoping for this invitation! Gwa ha ha!" a137_k0_029_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "H-Hands off. We're not that close yet." //Koikatsu Chuuni Side a137_k0_016_04_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "I...am born from darkness! Honest." a137_k0_016_04_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Huh?! What do you mean, "setting"? Don't talk about it like that, it ruins the whole vibe. Ugh." a137_k0_017_04_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Music is dear to me, but not many humans can comprehend my tastes." a137_k0_017_04_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Demonic choirs echo day and night through my mind." a137_k0_018_04_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Dost thou imbibe copious quantities of provisions on a regular basis?" a137_k0_018_04_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "As do I, most vile one! However, I require my thralls to feast daily on flesh and blood!" a137_k0_019_04_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "A...kind human, willing to enter into a demonic pact with me." a137_k0_019_04_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "I'm not sure. Perhaps if it was the right guy - er, Immortal Lord of Darkness?" a137_k0_019_05_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Hrm, let me see. Ah, yes. First, a quiet stroll through the Gates of Pandemonium." a137_k0_019_05_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "That would be most lovely. Oho! Excellent, this will be most enjoyable. What shall we do?" a137_k0_020_04_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Sensitive? To arcane energie- *gasp*! You mean, s-sexually?! That's forbidden knowledge!" a137_k0_020_04_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "D-Demons do not engage in self-satisfaction! I swear!" a137_k0_020_05_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "A-As do I... It's like a fiery passion, rising like a tide within me..." a137_k0_020_05_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Our hands press together, sweat mingling... Perfect lubrication." a137_k0_020_06_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Watch closely, and see your glorious girlfriend in action!" a137_k0_020_06_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Umm... I'd like to encircle my arms around thee with a big, juicy hug... No?" a137_k0_020_07_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "When you look at me, do you get...a-aroused?" a137_k0_020_07_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "I am quite bountiful, I admit. I can see it in your eyes; you long for a fondle." a137_k0_020_08_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "A date?! Th-Thy honeyed words will not cause my heart to tremble!" a137_k0_020_08_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "I shall warm their cold hearts with torturous balls of hellfire!" a137_k0_020_09_00_A.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Er, no... Not dressing up, I... It's...war gear? I'm...pretty excited about this." a137_k0_020_09_00_B.wav | 0 | 6000 | "You do not possess the power of second sight...right?" a137_k0_021_05_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Oho! Two minds, combining their wisdom...far more efficient than solitary study! A brilliant plan!" a137_k0_021_06_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "A library is silence given physical form. A quiet sanctuary for seekers of knowledge like us." a137_k0_021_07_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Hrmm... Yes, yes! Today, we will study the vile secrets of the Infernal Pla- huh? No vile secrets? Aw, rats." a137_k0_021_08_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Oh, sweet, another bad stu- Ahem. I mean, it is a shame that the humans put so much stock in meaningless grades.」" a137_k0_022_05_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Y-Yes, we must gather our strength for the prophesized battle against the accursed Gods of Light!" a137_k0_022_07_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "What a coincidence, I feel the same. However, I must train daily to improve my mastery of this borrowed form." a137_k0_023_06_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Yes, YES! That training has increased my strength tenfold!" a137_k0_023_08_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "I, well... My mana reserves are still insufficient. Yeah." a137_k0_024_04_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "O-One day, thou shalt comprehend my magnificence!" a137_k0_024_05_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Fweegh?! S-So, my spells are working." a137_k0_024_06_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "My malevolent ally, I wish to stretch. Push down upon my back?" a137_k0_024_07_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "C-Careful! Accidental groping, planned or not, is forbidden!" a137_k0_027_05_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Breaking bread with you is a delight of delights! My belly and heart are full of contentment!" a137_k0_027_06_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Grk...! This tastes different than usual." a137_k0_028_04_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Sugar is a great source of mana. Let us go feast on mountainous stacks of pancakes together sometime!" a137_k0_028_05_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Phew... My belly is full, and my eyes grow heavy." a137_k0_029_05_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Today my third eye pulses with barely contained magicks!" a137_k0_030_05_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "This is a trifling question, but do you drink coffee black, like my soul? What?! Sugar? Milk?! Are you a child?! ...Me? O-Of course I drink my coffee black! Black like the night!" a137_k0_031_05_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Oho... Finally, the day has come to discard thy human identity! Excellent! I shalt bestow upon thee a name worthy of a demon lord!" a137_k0_032_08_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "What?! You tempt, yet you do not deliver? Bah!" a137_k0_040_07_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Ah! I shalt guide thee to a shop run by demons in disguise! My infernal brethren will give us a warm welcome!" a137_k0_040_08_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Gah! You're?I mean, thou dost conspire to lure me into a trap?!" a137_k0_040_09_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Yes... O-Oh, I know! Lend me your shoulders for a...a piggyback!" a137_k0_040_10_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "I tire of walking. Perhaps my mana stores have been depleted?" a137_k0_040_11_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "I see. I too like canine companions. They are loyal." a137_k0_040_12_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "I shall warm their cold hearts with torturous balls of hellfire!" a137_k0_040_13_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "For weak-minded humans like you, I recommend "Surviving the Dark Apocalypse: Techniques for Resisting Demonic Corruption."" a137_k0_040_14_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "The tomes produced by humanity are pathetic scribblings. They cannot slake my mind's thirst." a137_k0_054_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Dost thou want to study?" a137_k0_055_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Dost thou wish to exercise?" a137_k0_056_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Dost thou wish to do club stuff?" a137_k0_057_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Cometh with me to lunch!" a137_k0_058_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Does thou wish to break bread with me?" a137_k0_059_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Dost thou wish to go out for fun?" a137_k0_060_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Dost thou wish for food?" a137_k0_061_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Dost thou wish for song?" a137_k0_062_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Everyone! Become dark fellows with @!" a137_k0_063_00_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Cometh here!" a137_k0_073_04_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "*yaaawn*... So relaxing..." a137_k0_073_05_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Sweaty palms! Gwa ha ha, I am indeed wet." //Koikatsu Chuuni H Lines a137_h0_008_00_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "It's so good! Let us take it out again!" a137_h0_008_01_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "The magic inside is increasing! Something is coming out!! ♥" a137_h0_008_02_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "I can feel it! I'm getting so excited! I'm going to cum!!♥" a137_h0_008_03_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "You're attacking me there! It feels so nice to be touched there!! ♥" a137_h0_008_04_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "It's fast!! You're going too fast! I'm...already... at my limit!!♥" a137_h0_008_05_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "Together! Let's cum together!! Come on! Let's do it together!" a137_h0_008_06_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "When we do it together, it must be fate! Together! Let's cum now!!" a137_h0_008_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "Together... together we're... I'm cumming.. I'm cumming!" a137_h0_008_08_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "It's too vigerous! It feels too good! I'm going to-!!" a137_h0_008_09_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "I feel something in my but! I'm such a pervert! My butt! I'm going to cum!!" a137_h0_008_10_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "My butt! I can feel it, it's like you're filling me up! My butt! I can feel it in my stomach!!" a137_h0_008_11_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "Stop, stop! It's going to break!! No! You can't just keep it in there!" a137_h0_008_12_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "So strong!! I can feel your magic! Ah!! You're attacking me there!" a137_h0_008_13_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "You can hear my voice leaking out! Too sensitive!!" a137_h0_008_14_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "My voice!! My voice is leaking!! It's coming out! My voice is so hoarse, it's leaking!!" a137_h0_009_00_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "Is this where you feel good? Thou is always comfortable in this place." a137_h0_009_01_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "Resistance! I can't... you know! Oh! Oh! It feels funny!" a137_h0_009_02_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Your penis! You're going to break me! Your penis! It feels so hot!" a137_h0_009_03_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "Fill me up today to the fullest! So chaotic inside me! It's overflowing me with pleasure!!" a137_h0_009_04_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "It's too good!! Wait, stop! Don't cum inside! Stop! Don't!" a137_h0_009_05_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "It's getting bigger again! Cum! Cum inside of me!" a137_h0_009_06_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Wait! Wait! Don't cum inside of me! No! Focus on the insertion!" a137_h0_009_07_00.wav | 0 | 7000 | "So strong! But it feels so good! This is what I seek! So perverted!" a137_h0_009_08_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "I'm sorry but... I'm going to cum with my butt! My butt doesn't wants to keep your shape!" a137_h0_009_09_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "My butt is my erogonous zone! It's so strange!! The monster is going crazy in my butt!" a137_h0_009_10_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "I'm going to get addicted to this! The pleasure I feel! It's so good!" a137_h0_009_11_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "We're at our limits! Cum inside me, make me hot! I leave the rest to you!" a137_h0_009_12_00.wav | 0 | 6000 | "Wait! Don't do it inside! No! You're turning me on too much! Don't!" a137_h0_009_13_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Oh my! It's coming! It doesn't matter if it's inside or out! Do as you please!" a137_h0_009_14_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "More and more, your soup comes overflowing. Quickly, give me your liquids!" a137_h0_009_15_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "Now it becomes easy...Patience becomes harmful for your health." a137_h0_009_16_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "This place? Do you like this place?" a137_h0_009_17_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "Let me service you then." a137_h0_009_18_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Don't worry, just let it all out! Just do it as much as you can!" a137_h0_009_19_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "I want to feel more in thee!" a137_h0_010_04_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "This state continues to fill me with pleasure! If you're stuck like this! There's no choice but to do it!" a137_h0_010_05_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "My pussy will take it all! It feels so good!!" a137_h0_010_06_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "With the last force! The last force, we'll make it! We're cumming together!" a137_h0_010_07_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It's expanding! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! It's coming out!!" a137_h0_010_08_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "There! I'm coming out now!! I'm going to cum!!" a137_h0_011_04_00.wav | 0 | 8000 | "Your semen inside of me! My world is dirtying! Give it to me! Dye my dark abyss white!" a137_h0_011_05_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Your semen is spreading inside of me! There's so much semen coming out than before..." a137_h0_011_06_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "If you're going to service me, fill it up to the brim! Stuff me more!" a137_h0_011_07_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "How can I get used to this? Don't cum inside, it's dangerous!" a137_h0_011_08_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "This is making me feel so funny! Wait don't cum inside today!!" a137_h0_011_09_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It makes me feel so alive!! But I want to tell you! My body is flushed in heat!" a137_h0_012_04_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Become bound to me! The darkness, give it to me!" a137_h0_013_02_07.wav | 0 | 3065 | "No! Stop!" a137_h1_000_00_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "My vagina...it feels so..." a137_h1_000_01_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "My butt...I'm shaking my hips..." a137_h1_000_02_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It feels different with the hand!" a137_h1_000_03_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "This is a secret weapon that goes to the lower world!" a137_h1_000_04_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "This is a strange feeling...." a137_h1_000_05_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Oh! You know my weakness..." a137_h1_000_06_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It feels so dirty there..." a137_h1_000_07_00.wav | 0 | 4000 | "It's reaching my deepest parts..." a137_h1_000_08_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Oh, my weak point..." a137_h1_000_09_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "There feels pleasant!" a137_h1_000_10_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "That's embarrassing!" a137_h1_000_11_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Ehehe...my magic has gotten..." a137_h1_000_12_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "My voice is sounding!" a137_h1_000_13_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Your penis is in joy..." a137_h1_000_14_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Uuh...I'm getting nervous..." a137_h1_000_15_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "So wet..." a137_h1_000_16_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "So rough... it feels so good..." a137_h1_000_17_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Thou...I'm glad to hear..." a137_h1_000_18_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It feels soo good..." a137_h1_000_19_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "When I'm stirred up, I-!" a137_h1_000_20_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "More...Give me more..." a137_h1_000_21_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Wait! I haven't allowed that yet..." a137_h1_000_22_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "I can't help it...I think its time to release my strength." a137_h1_000_23_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Do not have fun teasing thou!" a137_h1_000_24_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "My skin sensation, so sensitive..." a137_h1_000_25_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Ah! There it is!" a137_h1_000_26_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "My inner pleasure...." a137_h1_000_27_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "I can't stop!" a137_h1_000_28_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Feels ticklish..." a137_h1_000_29_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Calm down...touch me there." a137_h1_000_30_00.wav | 0 | 4000 | "These vibrations!" a137_h1_000_31_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "I can't believe it feels so good..." a137_h1_000_32_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "It's moving well...!" a137_h1_000_33_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "I think I love it..." a137_h1_001_00_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Don't be so mean! You're like a beast!" a137_h1_001_01_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "There! There feels..." a137_h1_001_02_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "D-Don't make such a fuss!" a137_h1_001_03_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "I can feel it!" a137_h1_002_00_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Your penis is so warm and pleasant..." a137_h1_002_01_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "My vagina....more..." a137_h1_002_02_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Too good! Ah, there!" a137_h1_002_03_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Rubbing it...so hard..." a137_h1_002_04_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Let me feel more..." a137_h1_002_05_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "You're going to mess me up more!" a137_h1_002_06_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "There! I'm gooing to draw a magic circle...!" a137_h1_003_00_00.wav | 0 | 4000 | "It hurts, but...." a137_h1_003_01_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "That's where it comes from..." a137_h1_003_02_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It's easy to admit to your intrusion... a137_h1_003_03_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Weak there...!" a137_h1_004_00_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Your penis is jumping..." a137_h1_004_01_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Hey...." a137_h1_004_02_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Shall I serve you with my hand?" a137_h1_004_03_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Huh? You're suppose to do it with your mouth?" a137_h1_004_04_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Tongue...more with my tongue..." a137_h1_004_05_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "This posture?" a137_h1_004_06_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It came out with so much semen..." a137_h1_004_07_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Got it..." a137_h1_004_09_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Eh?! Isn't this embarrassing..." a137_h1_004_10_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Should I go faster?" a137_h1_004_11_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Up and down slower?" a137_h1_004_12_00.wav | 0 | 4000 | "Hehe... for the things that are hidden..." a137_h1_004_13_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "There, things are good, right?" a137_h1_004_14_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Yes! It must feel very good." a137_h1_004_15_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Should I go with something like this?" a137_h1_004_16_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Ehehe...I'm satisfied!" a137_h1_004_17_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "So hot...and embarrassing..." a137_h1_004_18_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Let it out...." a137_h1_004_19_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Should I go faster...?" a137_h1_005_00_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Did you like the stonger ones?" a137_h1_005_01_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Let me give you my magic." a137_h1_006_00_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "The taste of your penis..." a137_h1_006_02_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It's so big..." a137_h1_006_03_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "How is my mouth?" a137_h1_006_04_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Tongue feels hot...how about you?" a137_h1_006_05_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "The tension..." a137_h1_006_06_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "What, do you feel good?" a137_h1_006_07_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "How is it...." a137_h1_006_08_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Slurrp!" a137_h1_006_09_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Cum already..." a137_h1_006_10_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Hows my mouth?" a137_h1_006_11_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "So hot..." a137_h1_006_12_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It's getting larger...!" a137_h1_006_13_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Feel good there?" a137_h1_006_14_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Your penis...so hot!" a137_h1_006_15_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It's going faster...!" a137_h1_006_16_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Feel good?" a137_h1_006_17_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "It's more comfortable than before~" a137_h1_006_18_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Impossible, it's pushing me out..." a137_h1_006_19_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "So mushy in my mouth!" a137_h1_007_00_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Adding more in the back!" a137_h1_007_01_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "I feel more inside of me!" a137_h1_008_00_00.wav | 0 | 3065 | "Licking, I want more..." a137_h1_008_01_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Tongue, so hot and exciting..." a137_h1_008_02_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "Delicious..." a137_h1_008_03_00.wav | 0 | 5000 | "I want anymore out..." //Chuuni SFX a137_k0_101_00_00.wav | 0 | 2900 | ⌂ a137_k0_110_00_00.wav | 0 | 2995 | !? a137_h0_000_02_01.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a137_h0_000_04_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a137_h0_000_05_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a137_h0_005_03_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a137_h0_000_06_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a137_h0_001_06_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a137_h0_002_00_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a137_h0_002_01_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a137_h0_002_02_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a137_h0_005_00_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a137_h0_005_01_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a137_h0_005_02_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥ a137_h0_007_02_00.wav | 0 | 3000 | ♥