You’ve never been to Jack’s house before, and now that you’re here he’s acting weirdly cordial. You were about to ask him what was going on, when he suddenly turns you around and presses your body into his shirtless torso.

“I’m not gay bro! Get your hands off me!!” You scream, but then he kisses your neck and it starts feeling really good.

Jack simply ignores your pleas, and rips your shirt open. The shocking thing wasn’t his sudden outburst, it was the way your chest falls out through the open shirt.

You gasp, choking on your voice as you realize it’s now feminine. The rolls of fat on your chest jiggle as you look down at them, and you feel a noticeable gap between your legs.

“What did you do to me!?” You yell, smacking Jack in the face and pushing him off you.

“I need someone to watch my brother, but he gets really weird with new people. He’s great with my step mom though, so I thought you could help me out. Plus I know how much you love being a woman…” Jack says, trailing off.

“What the hell are you talking about?? I don’t wanna babysit your autistic brother!! And your stepmom’s boobs are not this big!!” You say, holding your enormous naked breasts together for emphasis.

“And what about Katie?? Where is she??” You demand.

“Don’t worry, she won’t see her busty clone, she’s in the Bahamas for the summer.” Jack responds calmly.

“The summer?? How long am I supposed to stay like this???” You ask, trying to ignore the itch in your crotch.

“I’m gonna give you twenty four hours in this body to make a final decision, tomorrow you could let me know how much fun you had!

And my brother’s not autistic! Just really quiet…” Jack says, closing the door behind him as he leaves.

“Wait where are you going, Jack?

Drive safe!” You say behind him automatically, opening your eyes wide when you realize you had reflexively acted like his mom.

“Yeah… I’m not gonna tell you where I’m headed, but enjoy your new maternal instincts!! I gave you a few other basic accommodations to help make it easy, and they’ll get a little more intense as time goes on.

You gotta just go with the flow of those instincts I gave you and make my brother think you’re Katie, cuz I don’t want him finding out about my powers!” Jack finishes his soliloquy, and closes the door behind him on the last word.

You can’t help but resent what Jack had just pulled, but at least he gave you these bigger boobs…

“Good morning Katie!” Lawrence says as he comes down the stairs, “What’s for breakfast??”

Your stomach flushes with an oddly familiar arousal when you hear Lawrence’s voice, and your mouth opens automatically without a thought. You manage to hold the words back though, fearing you might be caught up in the arousal and proposition something you don’t actually wanna do.

“Errr- Just some cereal, Lawrence!” You say in a strange tone, definitely not sounding like Katie’s usual upbeat singsongy voice.

“Oh…” Lawrence responds, sounding disappointed. “I’ll just go back upstairs for now, I guess…”

A need to have Lawrence come downstairs suddenly consumes you, and you feel the instincts Jack spoke of before take over. You quickly crack two eggs open in a bowl, and start whisking.

“I was just kidding around, honey!! I’m making bacon pancakes and eggs, you want any?!” You can’t believe that such luscious sounding, kind words just came out of you.

Lawrence now comes downstairs, looking your posture over before you realize you were standing like a guy and correct yourself. Though he could’ve been looking at your oversized chest as well…

“They’ll just be a few minutes, sugar!” You feel yourself say cheerfully, leaning over a bit to give Lawrence a better look down your cleavage.

Through making breakfast and eating it, Lawrence just watches your body oscillate from natural woman to manly. It seems like he enjoys it though, giving you weird looks but clearly horny ones. You hope nothing’s secretly going on between Lawrence and Katie, but your body and vision seem to gravitate toward his crotch a lot.

Lawrence walks out after finishing his food, and you feel your teeth bite down on your bottom lip as you watch his boner bounce in his pants. You could see a smirk on his face as he leaves, and your jaw stays open as you follow him back to his room.

Apparently Lawrence and Katie were doing this often, cuz he doesn’t blink when he sees you enter the room looking horny. He just drops his pants, and whips out his massive cock. Your mind doesn’t even try holding back, and you find yourself with at least eight of his twelve plus inches in your mouth.

“Jack said it would take at least twelve hours for you to come around! He must be getting much more powerful…” Lawrence says, holding your head down as you deepthroat his entire cock.

Suddenly the door opens, “There was a huge fire in the Bahamas, I- Hey!! Who are you?!?

Why are you having sex with a busty version of me, Lawrence!?!?” Katie screams angrily.

“I… I-I- I thought this was you!

She told me you got breast enhancement surgery in the Bahamas!! Who are you??” Lawrence yells, turning toward you and feigning surprise.

You’re speechless, and desperately look around the room for some type of way out. You can’t even stutter a response as Katie stares death daggers at you, and you could only resign to admit fault. Then your mouth begins speaking, and you can’t stop the words flowing out.

“I thought it would be cool to take you over while you were gone, but I didn’t think Lawrence would let me fuck him if i didn’t lie to him about who I was.” You say, head down in shame.

“But why are you fucking him??? I would never do that with my son!?

You took advantage of an innocent man!! Who are you???” Katie demands.

You want to tell her about what Jack did, but you continue lying for a few seconds before Katie cuts you off.

“Forget it, you’re probably lying anyway! I’m gonna give you some of your own medicine!

You’re not the only one with secret magic powers…” Katie says, an evil look in her eye as she performs the same magic Jack had.

“No please, I- nghhhhhh!! I- FAWWKKKK!!! My pussy!!!” You scream in erotic bliss, trying to hold your chest and hips down as they inflate.

Lawrence watches in shock, he never thought Katie was such a powerful witch.

“We’ll take this elsewhere, Lawrence. You don’t need to see this!” Katie says as she brings you into the hallway.

She sits you down on an ottoman, brushing the now blonde hair out of your eyes. You feel your body giving in, but struggle to try and explain yourself. You open your mouth to speak, but Katie plants a kiss on your lips. Your changing body and increasing arousal make you get lost in Katie’s lips, and you inhale her essence while she fondles your breast.

“No, no!! Please!! I’ll change and leave right now!!” You beg, gushing cum onto the ottoman from your engorged pussy as Katie twists your nipples violently.

“You’re gonna be under my control now, if you even try to change you’ll regret it.” Katie whispers menacingly, performing a booby trap spell on your body to stop you from changing yourself. “We’re gonna have a lot of fun, scumbag…

I just wish I could change you back to original and see who you are, but you encrypted your original form and locked it away permanently!”

You can’t even notice the deepening femininity in your mind anymore, you’re too focused on Jack having locked away your original body and making you lie about what was going on!!

“I can’t even tell if you did this or were tricked into it honestly, there seems to be a forced lie spell on you… So I’ll try not to be too cruel, but I hope you understand that I have to do what I’m about to do…” Katie says, trailing off as she performs another spell. “You wanted to sleep with Lawrence so bad? I’ll set you up real nice…

Lawrence!! Get down here!!” Katie screams up the stairs, releasing what she called an ultra sex pheromone before running into the kitchen and watching from around the corner.

“What's up mom? I- Whoa…” Lawrence trails off, his lip picking up a bit as the pheromones enter his nostrils.

Your body’s already pretty close to orgasm from all that touching and kissing with Katie, and now these pheromones are driving you past the brink of sexual sanity. You can barely stand still, bouncing on your feet from pure ecstasy and excitement as Lawrence slowly approaches you with his foot long boner practically coming out the pant leg of his loose basketball shorts.

Your pussy throbs as Lawrence approaches, and you start coming while he takes your top off.

The jiggle of your boobs makes you moan as Lawrence kisses your nipples, and a yelp escapes your lips as he sticks a finger into your pussy.

You could hear Katie giggling, and wonder if Lawrence could hear her. Though it doesn’t seem like he does, and his cock presses up into your ass crack as he brings you into the kitchen and bends you over the counter. Lawrence is so caught up in penetrtsaing you, he doesn’t even see Katie scramble around to the other side of the wall.

The distance between you and Katie seems to make her freezing grasp on you disappear, and you could feel yourself slowly gain control of your body. You smile and jump up from your position over the counter, getting ready to run out the door and wait for Jack from somewhere else.

“Oh no, you don’t” Lawrence says, laughing and grabbing your neck with both hands.

“Please let me go!!! Your m-Ahhhhhh!!!!” You try screaming, but find yourself moaning in a sexy raspy voice as Lawrence thrusts in and out of you.

The feeling is unlike anything you've experienced before, and your knees practically buckle as you soak in the fullness of Lawrence’s shaft in your soft folds. You can feel the tip of Lawrence’s cock tickle your deepest regions, and could only moan as it throbs violently.

Katie comes out laughing as Lawrence pumps his seed into you, surprising him and causing him to drop you on the floor in a pile of hot cum. Before she could say a word, he’s in his room with the door locked.

“I never imagined he had such a big cock…” Katie says, leaving her finger on her lip and clearly daydreaming about Lawrence’s member. “That was just the beginning, you bitch. I-”

Suddenly the door opens, “Oh fuck!! Uhh, what are you doing back so early Katie???” Jack asks, trying to sound casual.

“Jack, I’m gonna let this woman speak and tell me what’s happening. If you say she’s lying and you are, bad things are gonna happen.” Katie warns, knowing right away that Jack is up to no good.

“Can’t believe I taught her magic…” Jack grumbles under his breath.

He then springs into action, and performs a spell. A cloud of smoke erupts from the center of the room, completely disorienting your senses. You then realize you’re on your knees with a cock in your cleavage, and hear an unfamiliar chuckle from above you. There were also sexy moans next to you, then your vision comes back and you see a blonde beauty just inches from your face.

“I can’t believe you tried that Jack!” The manly voice above you chuckles, but somehow worryingly. “My booby trap spell! I made it so if she tried changing she would become an oversexxed version of herself, and I would have to fuck her for an hour. I wasn’t so specific with the spell, so I guess you’re both just busty oversexxed bimbos now. I hope the time isn’t doubled too!!”

You weren’t listening though, Jack had snaked his tongue between your pouting lips while Katie spoke and now the two of you were going at it. You wanted to stop giving Katie a boob job and hold Jack’s sexy body, but the spell had your body stuck on boobjob autopilot.

“Jack, tell me what happened.” Katie demands between moans, slack jawed as she watches you two make out.

Jack lets your lips go and begins talking fast, though he doesn't seem to be in control of his mouth. “I tricked my friend into becoming you, and even helped Lawrence fulfill a fetish he had.

I was gonna come later when Greg would be really intensely deep in the spell and permanently change him. I didn’t really have a plan for after that for when you got home, maybe I would change how he looked a bit?”

“I’m gonna have to come up with something pretty creative to punish you, Jack.” Katie said, trailing off in deep thought.
