“Stand up straight, shoulders back, and keep your chin up,” Bianca ordered, her manicured fingers pressing into Raymond’s soft bicep. He winced. “I’m trying.” “Trying isn’t good enough,” Bianca snapped. She stepped back to survey the changes. “And your breasts are still far too small to afford any imperfections. I’ll have to look into your regimen.” He moaned. “More hormones?” “You know, when I was in your position, no one was there to guide me. I was the first. You should be grateful you have me.” Raymond narrowed his pretty dark eyes. “Grateful? Are you insane? You’re helping the bastards who’re doing this to me.” “I’m helping you, not them, you stupid girl. They were so cruel when I first arrived. They reshaped every inch of me without mercy. And when I tried to resist…” Raymond shivered. “What did they do?” Bianca turned away, her voice shaking. “They made sure the changes were inflicted in the most painful ways possible. I cried myself to sleep every night, but no one cared. There was nobody else for me to shriek at but my reflection.” Raymond swallowed. “I didn’t know—” “Of course you didn’t,” Bianca cut him off. “I keep some painful truths from you. But I won’t let you make the same mistakes I did.” She grabbed a hairbrush from the vanity and handed it to Raymond. “Now, brush your hair until it’s smooth and shiny. No tangles, no frizz.” Raymond took the brush with trembling hands. “Fine.” Bianca watched him pull the brush through his hair. She stepped closer, her voice softening ever so slightly. “I survived by becoming what they wanted, but also by finding something to care about. You girls, specifically.” Raymond paused. “Girls? Wait, there are others?” “Many.” Bianca laughed grimly. “If you do well, you will meet them. If you do not…” She shook her head. “Never mind. I believe I’ve scared you enough for one evening. Continue brushing, a hundred strokes, and then we’ll work on your makeup again. You must master it. And soon.” Raymond nodded, his eyes like dark pools as he gazed at Bianca in the mirror. “I will.”