Happy Suburbs Ep. 2 *shows future pandora laying there dead* rocky: BITCH WHY YOU HAD TO SAY SOMETHING!?! SHE DIDNT TELL US EVERYTHING!!! alexis: DONT BLAME ME CUZ PANDORA HAD A STROKE MID SENTENCE YOU FUCKIN JELLY BEAN! Dre: YALL TWO SHUT UP! Future pandora gave us the journal where the vaults are! We just gotta use google translate~ *dre opens the journal to see a bunch of scribbles and doodles* Dre: ya i aint translating this shit. we fucked. *pandora grabs the journal* pandora: gimme dat shit you got it upside down dumbass! *pandora flips it and it still had scribbles and scracthes and doodles* dre: BITCH YOU MADE IT WORSE!!! alexis: Lemme see dat shit, OK. Future pandora said she translated one vault from the future with google translate. So she must have the one greed donut on her. pandora: Ayo mistake! touch her body inappropiately til you find the greed donut! rocky: You talking to me or jayden? *pandora throws a chair at rocky and he dodges* rocky: OK CHILL CHILL! Ill do it! *rocky searches her body all over* rocky: Aye i think i found something! *rocky finds her dick shaped time machine* rocky: YO WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT!!!! dre: WHAT THE FUCK WHY WAS IT INSIDE HER??? rocky: EWW DAD CATCH!! *rocky passes it to dre* dre: EWWW NIGGA I AINT TOUCHING THIS SHIT!!! pandora: WHY YALL ACTING LIKE YALL AINT SEEN A DICK BEFORE?????!!!? alexis: Hmmm im assuming that could of been her timemachine! rocky: how would you know that?? Alexis: I dont know im just guessing! rocky: Then why was it in her va jay jay??? alexis: I DONT KNOW NIGGY!!! dre: Ight guys! Lets just believe thats her time machine.. Now wheres her greed donut she took? *rocky searches her body and finds the greed donut and pulls it out* rocky: Holllllllllllllllllly shittttttttttttttt guysssss rocky: This shit feels powerfulllllllllll and smells like a donut! dre: Thats probably not its full power, Future pandora said you need all three of them from that dimension to unlock its true potiental. rocky: whats the greed donut level 1 power then?? alexis: I dont know ask future pandora! *The greed donut starts to glow* alexis: I think its trying to tell you something dre: Let the power guide you son rocky: Ummmmm *rocky closes his eye why holding the greed donut up* *it stops glowing* alexis: Bitch That was it? *big explosion outside the house* *shows hitlers and his nazis on tanks killing everyone that looks like a jew* nazis: SIEG HEIL!!! SIEG HEIL!!!!! hitler: YES! MY CHILDREN!! KILL ALL JEWS!!!! nazis: SIEG HEIL!!! SIEG HEIL!!!!! pandora: NIGGA WHAT DID YOU DO???!!??!! rocky: I DONT KNOW!!! WHEN I WAS TRYING TO USE THE POWER OF THE GREED DONUT I GOT DISTRACTED AND I THOUGHT BOUT THIS FUNNY HITLER MEME I SAW ON INSTAGRAM! Pandora: Holy shit... these greed donuts arent no joke.. Dre: So like having one greed donut from the future summons hitler and the nazis????? Alexis: nah i think having just one greed donut from the future can have the God like power to manipulate space and time. Rocky was thinking of a hilter meme which probably brought hitler and his nazis to the present day. rocky: Holy shit i did this????!!! Let me think of something else more positive! dre: NIGGA WAIT!! pandora: AYO BONE HEADS I THINK I FIGURED OUT WHERE THE FIRST VAULT IS!! Dre: wait howd you translate it??? pandora: I realized when we were looking at it earlier, we were just looking at the cover art of the book. rocky: Now that makes more sense. pandora: Look closely at this column right here! *the sentence says* "!tneserp eht fo stluav ehT" "Esuoh s'arodnaP dna erD htaeneB" "knaB ellivznooT taerG ehT" "noom ehT" rocky: That looks like how christians speak in tongues. pandora: I tried google translate that shit didnt work but then i saw that word "arodnaP" dre: ok and? pandora: SHUT UP I AINT DONE!!! "arodnaP" Its my name but backwards! rocky: But your name is mom alexis: Mom backwards is still mom dumbass rocky: Wowwwww bitch you sure like being on my COCK todayyyy alexis: NIGGY YOUR THE ONE SAYING ALL THIS STUPID SHIT!! rocky: Ya bitch keep sucking. pandora: SHUT UP! its Pandora, "arodnaP" is my name backwards. Dre: Holy shit! pandora: That means everything written in this book is backwards! rocky: Damn i didnt know The Gods were Dyslexic! pandora: I Managed to translate this column. It says.. "The Vaults of the present! Beneath Dre and pandora's house, The Great ToonZville Bank, and The Moon" dre: Ight bet!! Ones under our house yall lets get to digging! rocky: WE JUST FOUND THE LOCATIONS OF THE PRESENT ONES!! HOLY SHIT I FEEL LIKE NICOLAS CAGE IN THIS BITCH! Alexis: NIGGA YOU DID NOTHING!!!! rocky: Dont talk when your mouths full bitch. Pandora: Wait guys are we forgetting something? *everyone pauses* dre: Nah we good honey lets get to digging! *shows outside the nazis killing all jews and yelling SIEG HEIL!!! SIEG HEIL!!!!!" The End.