1) ---Hyacinth, Yellow: jealousy 2) Girl: You're friends with Kuroo-senpai right ? 3) Girl: I was hoping you would be able to deliver this to him for me? 4) Kenma: I guess so... 5) Girl: Im sorry for the inconvenience. It's just a bit embarrassing 6) girl: Thank you for your help! 7) kuroo: so 8) kuroo: who was that girl you where talking to? 9) Kenma: What?! are you following me now? 10) kuroo: What was it some kind of a love confession? 11) Kenma: She was asking me about you … 12) Kuroo: oh oh~!? 13) Kuroo: So the love confession was for me? 14) Kenma: I never said that.... even if she did would you date her? 15) Kuroo: hmm I wouldnt see why not? She was pretty cute 16) Kenma:Too bad she said you where scary 17) Kuroo: eh!? 18) Kenma: she told me to tell you to stop coming by the classroom your scaring everyone 19) Kenma: I suggest you stop hanging around my classroom 20) Kuroo: or you could tell your classmates im not that bad of a guy 21) Kenma: no 22) Kenma: I wont let you have him 23) –---Cyclamen: timid hope, shyness 24) mama kozume: Do you want to go play with the big kids? 25) Mama kozume: I'm sure they would love to play with you 26) kenma: at one point in my life... I actually wanted to be around people... 27) kid: Why are you so weird? 28) Kid: why would we want to play with a little baby and his doll? 29) Kid: can you even talk? 30) Kenma: I was so scared … I couldn't speak 31) mama kozume: You damn kids whats wrong with you !! 32) Kenma: at that moment I thought... people are so scary 33) mama kozume: Im sorry Kenma... I forgot how ruthless kids could be 34) mama kozume: Let's go buy you a game alright? 35) Kenma: games 36) Kenma: at that point I immersed myself in games 37) Kenma: I could let my imagination run 38) kenma: I could be whoever I wanted to be 39) Kenma: and everyone was my friend 40) Kenma: But the... 41) Kenma: I met him.. 42) girl: Does Kozume-san talk? He's so quite 43) girl: I dont think Ive seen him talk to anyone before 44) girl: Ive seen a few guys bully him once it was kinda pathetic 45) girl: Hes so weird ….Does he even have any friends? 46) Girl: come on you guys dont be mean 47) girl: He might just be shy 48) guy: Kozume-kun~ 49) guy: Last time we got you to make such nice sounds 50) guy: Whats wrong? Are you too scared to talk to us 51) Kuroo: If you want someone to talk to you so bad I will 52) guy: Hes huge...!? 53) guy: w-who the hell are you 54) Kuroo: Oh~ no one important just a friend 55) guy: tsk 56) Kenma: Kuro 57) Kenma: let go. 58) Guy: you just lucky you have your body guard with you 59) Kenma: Kuro... what where you thinking you could have gotten in trouble 60) Kuroo: Huhh??? What did you want me to do? Set back and watch those guy bully you? 61) Kenma: Yes. That way you wouldn't get into a fight 62) Kenma: thats the last think I would want 63) Kenma: people are scary... but not this one 64) –---Camellia, Pink: longing 65) Bokuto: Akaashi truly is the best sometimes you know! 66) Kuroo: now that you two made your relationship offical you cant stop talking about him 67) Bokuto: Your just jelouse that I have a boyfriend and you dont even have a crush 68) Kuroo: thats not true!! I do! 69) Bokuto: …. thats kenma 70) Kuroo: yeah you idiot 71) Bokuto: You do talk about Kenma a lot now that I think about it 72) kuroo: Being honest I love him... 73) Kuroo: you would think I would have this figured out by now with how long ive felt this way about him but … I really dont know how to explain it 74) Kuroo: Hes just perfect... 75) kuroo: besides the fact that hes beautiful but hes so talented and so intelligent 76) Kuroo: Hes also been there for me more times then I can count he even played volleyball for me for half of his life 77) Kuroo: He truly is my partner 78) Bokuto:..... 79) Bokuto: You really love this guy! 80) Bokuto: I dont get it youve known him forever why dont you just ask him out 81) Kuroo: Its not that easy.... We have history 82) Bokuto: then why not try to find someone else and see how you feel? 83) kuroo: I can't date anyone... I would be that sad fool who would forever think there first love was there soulmate 84) Kuroo: that wouldn't be fair to my partner 85) Bokuto: so what your going to be signal forever ? 86) Kuroo: haha 87) Kuroo: looks like it. I dont know how Kenma would take my confusion... 88) Kuroo: and that terrifies me... I would rather keep my feelings inside then to risk what I have with Kenma 89) –---Apple: temptation 90) Kuroo: Cheers ! 91) Kuroo: Look at you ! All grown up got your own place 92) kuroo: tho I still think you should have gone to Rompii hills 93) Kuroo: Im proud of you 94) kuroo: youre even acting all tough! As if you can handle all of that alcohol 95) Kenma: well you shut up I can too! 96) Kenma: aaa~ 97) Kuroo: I told you that you couldn't handel it … 98) kuroo: what.... are you just going to stare at me for the rest of the night? 99) Kenma I was thinking... 100) Kenma: How much would it cost for you to kiss me? 101) Kuroo: EH!? Kenma you can't just buy my love I'm a classy guy! 102) Kenma: 50000yen 103) Kuroo: are you trying to make fun of me? I get it you have a lot of money 104) Kenma: its just that … 105) Kenma: Im so lonely 106) Kenma: I didn't think I would be when I moved but... being in this big house all alone is harder then I expected.... 107) Kenma: I guess humans really do need human interaction to survive … 108) Kenma: ugh what am I do... crying about being lonely... 109) Kenma: Im so pathetic 110) Kenma: what are you doing...? 111) Kuroo: Getting closer to you since your so loney 112) Kuroo: I should get going... 113) Kenma: hm? 114) Kuroo: Its getting dangerous.... 115) Kuroo: I'm not sure if I can stop myself in this current state... 116) Kenma: kuro 117) Kenma: Stay with me 118) –--Azalea: take care of yourself for me 119) Kuroo: Kenma? Are you up? 120) Kuroo: Ugh Kenma … this place is trashed.. 121) Kuroo: when was the last time you cleaned and threw out your trash? 122) Kuroo: what? Your still in bed? 123) Kuroo: Its afternoon Kenma get up already 124) kenma: hn... 125) Kenma: well you stop staring at me like that... 126) Kenma: I'm getting up... 127) Kuroo: Let me see 128) Kenma: Let go! 129) Kuroo: Kenma... 130) Kuroo: you havent been taking your medication... 131) Kuroo: and this... 132) kuroo: all this trash 133) kenma: It calms me mind a lot better than any of that medication could.. 134) Kuroo: Kenma doesnt say that 135) Kuroo: Look... If you dont want to take the medication for yourself could you at least 136) Kuroo: Do it for me? 137) Kuroo: I know your thinking whats the point in all of this … but could you try for me? 138) Kuroo: If you wont get yourself healthy for yourself could you please try to do it for me... 139) Kenma: Kuro.... 140) Kenma: I'll try.... 141) -----Rose, Red: I love you, romance 142) Kenma: hnnn... 143) Kenma: this is so embarrassing.... 144) Kenma: what was I thinking ….I dont even have the body for this 145) Kenma: yea...? 146) Kuroo: Im gonna be back late 147) Kenma: late …. 148) Kenma: but this place.... what was the point... 149) Kenma: what was the point of renting a place in the heart of the city for the weekend if we wasn't going to spend time together ... 150) Kuroo: I know I know, work is just running long sorry 151) Kuroo: I'll be back as soon as I can. Just think of this as getting some fresh air away from home ok? 152) Kenma: hm... 153) Kenma: Not really any point if I'm not spending it with you 154) Kenma: Of all days too... 155) Kenma: Kuro... 156) Kuroo: what.. what is this? 157) Kenma: hm... 158) Kenma: It was for last night but you never game back 159) Kuroo: the candles.... 160) Kuroo: What~? Where you trying to be romantic or something? 161) Kenma: …. 162) Kuroo: Sorry 163) Kenma: Its fine its not like I had the body for it 164) Kuroo: what are you talking about you have a nice body? 165) Kenma: hn 166) Kuroo: your acting like you're over weight or something 167) Kenma: I dont have as much muscle as … what I had in high school .. 168) Kuroo: Its nice tho... your soft... 169) Kenma: your dick is so big.... 170) Kuroo: why thank you 171) Kuroo: I can't believe you where trying to be romantic for me I feel honored I'm sorry I missed it 172) Kenma: Its fine.... its fine like this.... 173) Kuroo: I love you... I love you 174) Kuroo: come on at least give me this 175) Kenma: Lets shower 176) Kuroo: you know... we could try with the outfit? 177) Kenma: should have came home on time