“Alright, darling, smile for the camera!” Evelyn chirped, holding up her phone to capture the moment. Donald, now Donna, glanced at the device, discomfort written all over her lovely face. She was stunning in her tight dress, the material clinging to her voluptuous figure. Her dark hair fell in soft waves, framing her striking features, and her makeup was done to perfection. To a casual observer, she was simply a breathtaking woman enjoying a night on the town. But for Donna, it was a night of profound humiliation. “Evelyn, I can’t do this,” she mumbled, her eyes downcast. Evelyn looped her arm through Donna’s. “Nonsense, sweetie. You look amazing. Just think of it as a fun night out with the girls.” Donna exhaled, her gaze lingering on the phone. “But I’m not a girl... I’m a man. Or, at least, I was...” “Donna, remember why we did this. Remember the debts, the threatening calls... We had no other way out. The hormone treatments, surgery...it was all part of our deal with the mob boss. And it worked. We keep sending him the videos and the photos and you get to keep your kneecaps…not to mention what’s left of Little Donnie.” Donna’s voice trembled. “But at what cost? I’ve lost myself.” “Better than losing your life! Look, I know you don’t need me to say this—” “That it’s all my fault? That I shouldn’t have been such a fool to gamble our lives away?” Donna interrupted. “Yes, Evelyn. I’ve said it to myself every day since—” Evelyn placed a hand on her soft cheek. “Yes, you screwed up. But that wasn’t what I was going to say. Look, I’m not a lesbian. I don’t think so, anyway. But even if we can’t be husband and wife like before, we can still support each other.” “But look at me!” Donna cried out, gesturing to her dress, her breasts, her heels. “How can you even bear to look at me?” “Remember how often I complained about not having any girlfriends to go out with?” Evelyn said with a wan smile. “Well, now I have the best girlfriend! Besides, you’re beautiful, Donna. If I was a man, I’d be all over you. Speak of which, remember we need video of you kissing a guy before the night is over.” “I know...” Donna said, grimacing. “Hey, it’s not as bad as you think. In fact, it can be kind of fun. Donna’s eyes shimmered in the glow of the city lights. Evelyn pulled her into a tight hug. “It’s okay to be scared, hon. Because I am, too. But we’ll figure this out. One high-heeled step at a time.” “I don’t want to wear high heels,” Donna grumbled against Evelyn’s shoulder. “They hurt.” Laughing, Evelyn pulled Donna back by her shoulders. “Well, you couldn’t wear flats with that dress. It’d be a crime against nature!” As they walked down the bustling streets toward the nearest club, Donna hesitated before speaking again. “Do you think... I mean... Will I ever get used to this?” “I can’t promise that, sweetie.” Evelyn squeezed her arm. “But I can promise I’ll be here every step of the way. Now, come on. Your first girls’ night out awaits…and those boys won’t kiss themselves. At least, not at the clubs I’m taking you.”