Happy Suburbs Ep. 6 pt 2 myron: How the fuck are we gonna get inside that shit?? rocky: Ya! We aint obama! dahmir: how bout this! I go to the front door and knock! *cuts to dahmir at the front door of the white house* *dahmir knocks* dahmir: excuse me can the president come out and play- *a bunch of security pops up and beats him up* *cuts to dahmir coming back to them* dahmir: it didnt go well.. alexis: dafuq you thought was gonna happen goofy? pandora: theres gotta be something we can do. *dahmir sees a bunch of guys in suits standing outside near the white house* dahmir: Hey guys! I got a plan *cuts to the guys in suits standing there, happy gang jumps on them and beat them up and steals their suits* *cuts to them walking in the walk house dressed in suits they stole* dre: Ok guys, imma sneak around and get dat greed donut- *some secretary pops up to them before dre finished his sentence* secretary: HEY! We got a Emergency meeting right now! Cmon! Follow me the president needs to see everyone! rocky: Wait what- *the secretary grabs them then cuts to the next scene of everyone in the presidents office* *rocky whispering to alexidria* rocky: damn i cant believe were actually in the white house right now- alexis: SHUSH! Your gonna get us caught! rocky: STAY AWAY FROM FROM MY COCK! *pandora intervenes whispering loudly* pandora: SHUT THE FUCK UP! BOTH OF YOU! *the president walks in with a tin foil hat and hes in his tighty whities* *its president ryan* *happy gang is confused and shocked to see president ryan* rocky: NIGGA WHAT THE FUC- HES HERE TOO!? myron: How long has this nigga been president?? president: IGHT EVERYONE SHUT UP AND LISTEN!! SECRETARY WRITE THAT DOWN!! secretary: why sir? president: CUZ YOUR WOMAN YOUR WOMAN YOUR WOMAN YOUR WOMAN! secretary: yessir! *shows the secretary writing very fast on her notepad* president: ALIENS DO EXIST!!! THEY REALLY DO BRO! REAL SHIT! guy: But mr president, we discussed this before! president: NAH SHUT THE FUCK UP SHUT THE FUCK UP SHUT THE FUCK UP! guy: but sir.. secretary: Do you have evidence Mr president? *president pulls out a white board* president: ITS THE OVAL!!!! ITS THE OVAL!! *hes smacking the white board* rocky: whelp i guess i see where our president gets it from. president: WE MUST KILL ALL THE COMIES BRO!! REAL SHIT WE MUST KILL THEM ALL!! *he slams his fist to a red button then it shows canada on a globe and gets exploded* president: DOWN WITH THE COMIES!!!! *Everyone in the office starts clapping and cheering* *happy gang is staring all confused* alexis: yo.. did they just blow up canada? rocky: what the fuck is canada? *the people stop celebrating* president: Oh shit! I think i just blew up canada. president: IT WAS HIM!! *he points at dahmir* president: SECRETARY! WRITE THAT DOWN! secretary: Yessir. *shows the secretary writing very fast on her notepad* dahmir: I am deeply sorry for my actions, and i hope we can move forward from this together! *big explosion destroys the roof* *and tiny dick senpai appears from the smoke* TDS: I FUCKIN KNEW YALL FUCKERS WERE HERE! pandora: SHIT SHIT SHIT FUCK FUCK!! TDS: NAH NAH!!! IM TIRED BEING PATIENT BRO REAL SHIT! GIVE ME THE FUCKIN DONUT!! guy: You mean bagel? *tiny dick senpai throws that guy out the window* TDS: Anyone else want to try me?? *everyone is quiet* TDS: OH SO YALL GOT NOTHIN SAY NOW? rocky: dude what you want us to say? TDS: Ight fuck this shit! TDS: BOOM NIGGA!! *tiny dick senpai explodes the whole 2nd floor of the white house* *everyone is falling down* *happy gang lands on the ground* rocky: Guys get up quick! Ditch the suits we gotta get outta here! *shows happy gang running out the door of the white house* *they all outside and infront of them they see juicy, billy, and fantastic standing there* rocky: Oh shit! Hey billy! Fantastic! Juicy! What yall doin here?? Howd yall even get here??? *billy, juicy, and fantastic just stare at them not saying a word* rocky: Umm? Yall niggas deaf or something? how yall get here? *Tiny dick senpai floats down infront of billy and juicy and fantastic* TDS: Cuz they wit me. I struck out a lil deal wit yo friends *happy gang stares at them* myron: ykno i always knew yall were some ops fuck yall. dahmir: yo.. how can yall do this to us? arent we your friends? juicy: Sorry guys, shit happens pandora: howd u even get them to your side? TDS: alot of persuasion and force!! *shows a flash back oh tiny dick senpai babying fantastic, juicy and billy* *talking to them in a baby voice* TDS: awww you want yo own studio? and record label? Dont ya juicy? juicy: yesss i dooooo TDS: how bout you billy willy? you just dont want to get bullied anymore? billy: yesssss senpai i doooooo TDS: how bout you big booty? you want to never lose again? dont ya big booty fantastic! fantastic: Hoiiii yessss i doooo daddy senpai! *flash back ends* *shows happy gang disgusted* alexis: ok, hes a aware we just saw that right? rocky: grown ass man *tiny dick senpai gets mad* TDS: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! *tiny charges and punches dahmir and he flew across the field and crashed into some trees* rocky: YEYO dahmir!! IGHT TINY BITCH SENPAI! ITS ON SIGHT! *happy gang begins fighting tiny dick senpai* *hes dodging all their moves and brutally beating every last memeber of happy gang up* alexis: AYO TEA CUP!! teacup: IM HERE MOMMA!! alexis: LETS TRY OUT THAT COMBO! *alexis tries using tea cup in a combo but tiny beats her and teacup too* *myron tries to do his nut spray but he grabs the hand myron has the blast in and puts to his own face* *pandora comes in using jayden as a weapon trying to hit tiny but he weaves all of it* *then he breaks her arm and takes jayden from her and starts beating her with him yelling at her* TDS: ITS NOT FUN IS IT BITCH? *then tiny throws jayden then pandora activates her simp power she did to greasy in the kirby cartoon* *tiny dick senpai acts like its affecting him* TDS: Ohhh noooo ima simp no ohh nooooo oh noooooooo im a simp! oh godd help me! TDS: SIKE NIGGA!! *tiny charges at pandora and hits her with a endless barrage of punches why hes talkin shit to her* *then he does one final punch knocking her far away into some moutains or something* *dre tries to step in and defend pandora but then tiny instantly kills dre by cutting his head off and dre dies on impact* *everyone stares in shocked for a little* *pandora stares in shock* pandora: GOD DAMMIT I ACTUALLY HAVE TO GET A JOB NOW! *Blehhh* *pandora passes out* rocky: MOM!!! DAD!!! NO!!!!! TDS: SHUTCHO ASS UP! *rocky gets bitch slapped* TDS: bro yall really trash bro. rocky: i kno yo ass aint talkin wit dat high top- TDS: SHUT THE FUCK UP! *tiny knocks out rocky* TDS: really? thats all yall got? did i really need you two? *he looks at his bounty hunters and they get scared* TDS: man fuck it ill keep yall for now TDS: hmmm *tiny dick senpai steps on their time machine and breaks it then he takes their backpack full greed donuts as well* TDS: Thank you for the donuts real shit! *tiny holds up a donut and it glows* TDS: And it beginss *tiny opens a portal and takes his minons to the future to start his plan* *shows happy gang brutally beaten on the ground everyones knocked out* *then a figure appears behind them saying thrasha* *screen cuts to black* *they wake up in some underground nursey* rocky: uhhh what the hell? emani: THRASHA! rocky: YO WHAT THE FUCK!? EMANI?? DAFUQ YOU DOIN HERE RETARD!? emani: Yes! rocky: where is everyone?? pandor: were over here. *shows the happy gang members in their beds* rocky: wait. how long yall been awake?? alexis: for a couple hours now. we were waiting for you rocky: bruhhh guys i had the most weirdest dream! a future version of my mom came to see us on jaydens birthday then she told us about these magically artifects we had to gather to stop some evil god with a penis in his nam- *he stops and stares with a annoyed expression on their face* *rocky stares at them* rocky: shit it was real was it.. rocky: wait! wheres dre at??? *everyone is quiet* alexis: listen.. rocky... pandora: Shitttttt dat nigga dead rocky: WELL DAMN MOM! DIDNT HAVE TO BE SO FORWARD! pandora: What?! The awkward silences was getting annoying. *mystery voice appears* woman: damn your finally awake *happy gang turns around and see a woman sitting on a desk* woman: Emani you did good, return to your hyper sleep and praise yo thrasha emani: Yezzir! rocky: what the fu- lyyydia: ok lets get the introduction out the way, The names Lyyydia. Now i brought- rocky: AYO YOUR FINE AS FUCK!! LIKE DEADASS YO!! I WASNT GONNA SAY SHIT!! myron: SPRAY THIS BOTTLE OF WHIP CREAM ON YO ASS RIGHT NOW!! lyyydia: Im not into guys with vaginas *rockys and myrons mouth open in shock* alexis: hold up wait. did you bring us here? where are we? lyyydia: ya me and emani did. its 2121, your in the future. dahmir: JESUS! HOW LONG WERE WE OUT! lyyydia: a month. rocky: then how is it 2121?? lyyydia: i got yall stupid asses from the past and brought you to the current future. lyyydia: yall were in pretty bad shape lyyydia: my stupid Grand dad really wanted me to help YOU people for some reason. rocky: ayo what do you mean by YOU people? lyyydia: Bro are you still talking? HOLY SHIT!! YOU GUYS TALK SO MUCH! *Sighs* i cant with YOU people, take over old man! *she walks away* *a old man walking slowing wit a IV machine connected to him* with one arm walks in the room laughing* old man: YEYOOO! MY FAVORITE AFRICAN AMERICAN PPL! *they stare at him confused* pandora: uhh who are you?? rocky: wait a minute theres only one person who wears that "greasin" headband *its a long pause then the old man says* old man: Pretty greasy aint it fellas. The End.