Chapter 4 — I Want to Go Home _December 28, 2002, Chicago, Illinois_ 🎤 Jesse {psc} "I'm not really comfortable with the idea of being naked in front of a bunch of High School boys," Scarlett said while we were setting up for the party. "Nobody is forcing you," I replied. "You don't have to join us in the sauna." "But I feel like if I don't, it's over between us," she replied. "I'm not sure why you would think that." "Because you want to do that for the rest of your life, and include your kids, too." "While that's true, compromise is possible. My dad has variable rules for the sauna, and everyone decides what works for them." "But you'd be unhappy," Scarlett protested. "And I don't think that's something I could ever do, and I'm not sure I'd want my kids to do it." "I'm not sure what you want me to say," I replied. "But don't do something you're uncomfortable doing simply because you think I want you to." "You _do_ want me to," Scarlett protested. "In the sense that I invited you, yes. It's the same with everyone on the hockey team and the softball team who decided to attend." "But they all agreed." "All the ones who were at least Sophomores who chose to attend, yes." "And you're OK with other guys staring at me and getting erections?" "First of all, nobody is going to stare. We've discussed proper sauna etiquette. As for having an erection, it's normal until you get used to it. I didn't have that problem because I've been in the sauna since I was a baby, but teens and adults eventually don't have the reaction because they learn that nudity does not imply sex. Americans are simply too prudish about our bodies and WAY too hung up about sex." "And if your _dad_ saw me?" "My dad has seen hundreds, and I mean _hundreds_ of naked girls, of all ages, in the sauna, including his sister. He wouldn't stare and wouldn't even really notice." "Oh, give me a break! Seriously?" "Seriously. I've seen scores of girls naked in the sauna, including my moms and my sisters. It has ZERO to do with sex. ZERO." "I think you're wrong." I shrugged, "If that's the case, then you're probably right about us. What do you want to do?" "I want to go home." I suppressed a sigh and said, "I'd prefer you stayed and just skipped the sauna." "I'm not sleeping with you, if that's what you think is going to happen." "That's up to you, too. The sofa in our living room is a sleeper sofa, and you're welcome to use it." "I'm going to call and change my flight." "If that's what you want to do, and you can, I'll ask my moms to take you to the airport, because I'm hosting the party." "It is." "Suit yourself," I replied. ————— 🎤 Steve "How about a shower and then we go for lunch?" I asked Emma after I'd licked her to a dozen orgasms, and we'd had a slow, sensual screw. She agreed, and I led her across the hall to the bathroom. I adjusted the shower controls, and once the water was warm, we stepped in and began to wash each other. "Remember your question about what I want?" "Yes." "What would you say if I decided to move to Chicago, become your karate student, get a degree in computer science, and eventually work for your company?" Liz would object, but I already had made an exception for Cecily Younger, so the key would be to ensure things with Emma ended before it was time to apply for a job. I suspected they would, as she didn't strike me as someone who would, in effect, put her life on hold for a long-term relationship with me. "I'd say we'd need to discuss it, but it's not out of the realm of possibilities. May I make one suggestion?" "What's that?" "Think about it for a few days, when you've had some time to think about it." "Could I see you again before I go home? Maybe next weekend? Well, in addition to New Year's Eve?" "We can probably arrange that," I replied. "It would have to be next Saturday, given my commitments between now and then. That would give you a week to think about what you just suggested, and we can discuss it." "You think the afterglow of sex is interfering with my thought process?" "It sure does mine," I chuckled. "I certainly wasn't thinking straight after a dozen orgasms from your tongue, that's for sure! What do you like best?" "What we just did — slow, gentle, missionary-position lovemaking." "I have to assume you've done basically everything a guy could do with a girl?" "Including multiple girls at once," I chuckled. "I am SO not surprised!" Emma exclaimed. "Mind if I ask how old you were the first time?" "Fourteen. She was twenty-three." "How the heck did a fourteen-year-old kid get a twenty-three-year-old woman into bed?!" "She asked me," I replied. "She thought I was around eighteen because I looked older as a teen." We finished washing, rinsed off, and got out of the shower. We dried ourselves, dressed, and then left the apartment for the walk to Potbelly's for lunch. "Hi, Steve!" Katelyn Shanahan exclaimed when we approached the counter. "Hi, Katelyn! How is Senior year going?" "You know, it's Senior year! I can't wait to graduate!" "How are things with Tim?" "Great! Who's your friend?" "This is Emma," I said. "She's visiting from California. Emma, my friend Katelyn Shanahan." They greeted each other and then we placed our orders. "Did you hear anything more from my dad?" Katelyn asked as she swiped my credit card. "No." "He busted those three cops who tried to shake you down," she said. "They're all suspended as of last Monday." "Not surprising," I replied. "I take it they found a complainant who had actually succumbed to their scam?" "I don't know the details, but I think so, yes." I signed the credit card receipt and Emma and I moved away from the register, and Katelyn helped the next customer. "You have to explain," Emma said quietly. "Once we have our food." My salad and Katelyn's soup/sandwich combo were made, and we took them to a seat near the front window. "Her dad works in Internal Affairs," I said. "In late September last year, a female cop and her two male partners tried to entrap me into solicitation charges with a supposedly underage girl, but I caught on." "They had your number," Emma smirked. "But you don't have to pay for it!" "They actually had no idea. They were targeting professional men in their thirties and forties at Union Station and shaking them down after making an arrest." "How did you know?" "I work with teens and young adults at the dojo, and I'm also very good at reading people. The female cop was pretending to be a teenager. She was twenty-six, but looked sixteen or seventeen the way she was dressed and made up. It was her eyes that gave her away. They clearly had run the scam successfully in the past, and at some point, Internal Affairs became aware and investigated. Katelyn's dad called me to ask questions, but given I'd avoided their setup, I didn't have much to offer, as it could have been a legit sting." "Was that call before or after you slept with his daughter?" Emma asked with a smirk. "After," I chuckled. "I met her here. It was a complete coincidence that her dad was the IAD investigator." "I'm going to guess that Tim is her boyfriend?" "Yes. He asked her to a school dance, and she decided to end our relationship." "Who approached whom?" Emma asked. "I ordered, she asked for my card, I gave it to her, she called me, and you've already deduced what happened after that." "You said the girls approached you, and I took that with a grain of salt, but now I'm reconsidering." "You should, given with very few exceptions, every girl I've been with since age fourteen has been the one to initiate the relationship. The most important exception is Kara, who I chased in High School." "And caught, obviously, given you're married to her!" "Obviously! There was one other, but that was one of the low points in my history. Basically, I set out to corrupt a girl my girlfriend didn't like." "Wait!" Emma protested. "I know," I replied. "My entire existence is a complex set of seeming contradictions. I chalk it all up to Loki." "The Norse god?" "Yes. I think he's a better personification of Fate than anyone or anything else. Change and chaos are the only consistent things in my life. But I wouldn't trade my life for anything." "Did you catch that girl?" "Unfortunately. It created years of turmoil and emotional pain for everyone involved. It took nearly nine years for both of us to make peace with what happened between us." "That sounds more than just a bad reaction to losing her virginity." "It was way more complicated. There's a lot about me you don't know, which you'll discover over time if you're here and attend Philosophy Club, which I think you should. Also, let me know when you're ready to apply to college. I know several professors at IIT. I take it you'll start Fall semester 2004 and move here the Summer before?" "You missed the implication of what I said," Emma replied. "I meant move here as soon as possible, so probably June. I can finish High School here." "I did miss that. I assumed you meant after graduation. Is that going to cause trouble with your parents?" "Mom will be pissed, but I don't care, given she's married to her job. Dad will be OK with it, and his condo has two bedrooms. It might cramp his style, but he won't object." "And your relationship with me?" "If you're good friends with Mrs. Spencer and Ms. Spurgeon, I can't imagine he'd object to me joining your dojo or even coming to your Philosophy Club. I'm obviously not going to tell him about the other stuff!" "Then I'm positive you should think it through, and we'll discuss it next Saturday." ————— 🎤 Jesse "Would you be able to take Scarlett to the airport at 4:00pm?" I asked Mom One. "Why? What happened?" "We had a disagreement about the sauna," I replied. "She feels compelled, even though I made it clear she could simply skip it. She's uncomfortable with the idea of co-ed saunas, even if it's only family." "And that caused her to want to go home?" Mom Two asked. "She said we're through, and despite offering her the sleeper sofa, she insisted on calling to change her flight. I tried to talk to her about Dad's philosophy and about nudity, but she strongly disagrees. In her mind, if she doesn't do it, we're done, and she's not going to do it." "You know we support you, but are you sure you're making a wise decision?" "Luna and I spoke to each person who's coming to the party and explained exactly what we intended. Luna and I both discussed the 'nudity is not about sex' philosophy with them. WE could call it off, but I think it's important to get the point across. People need to stop being so prudish." "You sound like your dad," Mom One said. "And that's a compliment. So long as you're sure." "I am. I don't think there's any risk of anyone saying anything because everyone has known for over a month and it hasn't leaked. And they all know that no fooling around or teasing is allowed, so we can honestly answer any questions from any parents if they ever arise." "Are you going to try to stay in touch with Scarlett?" Mom Two asked. "I'll call her in a few weeks, but I suspect that won't change anything." "I think one of us should stay as the nominal chaperone with Yuriko," Mom One said. "I'll take Scarlett and Mom Two will stay." "Thanks," I replied. ————— 🎤 Birgit "Aren't you going to the hockey team party?" Peter asked Nicholas as we walked to the museum after lunch. "They didn't invite Freshmen," Nicholas replied. "Jesse talked to me and they wanted everyone to be at least fifteen, and you know I'm only thirteen, even though I'm a Freshman." "Did you skip a grade or start early?" Julie asked. "I started early," Nicholas replied. "And it's OK, because I'm not sure I could handle being naked in the sauna with fifteen girls! I might have a very embarrassing problem!" Everyone laughed, and I thought that was a problem I'd help with if he were fourteen! "Leave it to Jesse," Peter said, shaking his head. "As if you'd pass it up!" Julie teased. "I didn't say THAT," Peter replied. "Just that only Jesse could get the entire girls' softball team naked in the sauna!" "For the third time," I giggled. "The first two times, he was the only guy." "«Herregud!»" Kjell exclaimed, shaking his head. ("Holy crap!") "«Svartsjuk?»" I asked. ("Jealous?") "«Självklart!»" Kjell chuckled. ("Obviously!") "There they go speaking in secret code again!" Peter exclaimed. "Oh, please!" I protested. "Your dad taught you to speak Greek! And you went to Greek School at your church on Sunday afternoons!" "You don't hear me speaking it except occasionally with Dad! Mostly it's the old men at church, and of course, some of the prayers." "You go to church?" Kjell asked. "Yes. We're Greek Orthodox. Birgit's dad's Swedish doctor friend is a member of our church, along with her husband." "Who's that?" Kjell asked. "Sofia Katsaros," I replied. "You'll meet her, her husband, and their daughter Alexa, on New Year's Eve. She's my pediatrician. And, when I asked to go on the Pill, and told her who I was planning to be with, she called me a scamp! She also said the boy should be VERY afraid!" Everyone laughed. "TMI, Sis!" Albert declared, even though he'd laughed. "Right," I giggled, "because Kjell is sleeping in the guest room! And your Yorkie will be here on Tuesday!" "A gentleman who is planning to be an officer does not kiss and tell!" Albert said firmly. "It wasn't kissing I was referring to!" I declared. We reached the museum and after showing our family passes, we went in. ————— 🎤 Steve "What next?" Emma asked when we returned to the NIKA apartment after lunch. "That's up to you," I replied. "At some point, we should take a bubble bath." "How about after dinner? Or maybe it's the last thing?" "That works! I really like everything we've done and we can just keep doing that, but would you be willing to give me a good, hard fucking?" "Your wish is my command!" I declared. As she'd requested, we engaged in what I'd once promised Tabitha — a raw, animalistic, mattress-pounding, headboard-banging, multi-orgasmic fuck, and I surprised Emma by pulling out and cumming in her mouth, instructing her not to swallow before we exchanged a deep French kiss. "I didn't expect that!" she gasped, breathing heavily after the kiss. "Which part?" I asked. "Cumming in my mouth _and_ telling me not to swallow first!" "And?" "Wild and crazy! I was actually excited by the way we finished, and you clearly were!" "As I said, my preferences lie at the other end of the spectrum, but my goal is always to please my partner." "OK, to ask what the craziest thing you've done is?" "It's OK to ask," I replied. Emma laughed and rolled her eyes. "What's the craziest thing you've done?" "I think it has to be the threesome where two seventeen-year-old girls started as virgins, I took them around the world and they both pegged me. Seventeen is legal in Illinois, by the way." "Around the world…as in anal?" "Yes." "And I'm going to surmise 'pegged' means the same thing, but I'm curious how that would work." "A harness and a dildo," I replied. "And lots of lube!" "And that was pleasurable?" Emma asked. "Yes, but not physically." "You've lost me." "Remember what I said about pleasing my partner? That made both girls happy, so it made me happy. Oh, and I left out one thing — it was arranged by Kara and she watched." "NO WAY!" Emma gasped. "Completely true," I replied. "Kara has both voyeuristic and exhibitionist desires. If we'd followed the typical pattern, you'd have asked her about being with me and she'd have suggested watching, especially if you were a virgin." "Can this get _any_ stranger?" "Do NOT ask that question," I chuckled. "Asking it guarantees that Loki will ensure it does!" "Girls ask your wife if they can sleep with you?" "Yes." "And she agrees." "Yes." "And asks if she can watch." "Yes." "_Twilight Zone_ time!" "You aren't the first person to suggest that! I typically use the Lewis Carroll reference of _Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There_." "The Heinlein parallels are interesting," Emma observed. "As I said in San Francisco, it's usually the first book I recommend to my students or anyone I'm mentoring." "That makes sense. The other thing that makes sense at this point is for me to complete the around-the-world tour." "You're sure?" "Positive." ————— [Cincinnati, Ohio] 🎤 Matthew "This is a great group," I said to Chelsea as we stood together in the Art Museum. "I think so, too. I'm really glad I met Pavel and Larisa. I actually like hanging out with them more than the girls from High School." "Everyone is so mature, including Jordan. It reminds me of my family." "All of their parents are more like your mom and Eduardo than they are the typical Ohio parents. They're all treated as adults and given quite a bit of freedom, though probably not as much as your dad gives Birgit." "I think you have that backwards," I chuckled. "Dad tries to rein her in, but _nobody_ can control Birgit!" Chelsea laughed, "There might be some truth to that! Abi is a free spirit, very much like that, but with a bit more self-control." "That's a low bar," I replied with a grin. "A _very_ low bar." "I was thinking of inviting some of them to visit next Summer. Would that be OK?" "Absolutely. We just need to check with Eduardo about the townhouse, or my dad about guest rooms. Who were you thinking?" "Abi, Rachel, Pavel, and Larisa." "Sounds good." ————— [Chicago, Illinois] 🎤 Jesse Luna arrived as planned about thirty minutes before the party so she could help finish setting up. I greeted her with a hug and invited her in. "Where's Scarlett?" she asked. "She decided to go home," I replied. "Trouble in paradise?" "She's upset about the sauna plans. What's annoying is she's known about it for over a month, and I had made it clear it was OK if she didn't participate. I thought everything was cool until she objected this morning and created an impasse." "What's her problem with it?" "That she'd have to be naked in front of a bunch of High School guys, but it was more than that, really. You know how our family is with the sauna." "I was a bit weirded out by that at first because of your moms and your sisters, but I totally get your perspective now, even if I'm not sure I could do that with my kids." "And that's OK," I replied. "The key is being on the same page. Dad always had variable rules for the sauna, depending on who was around and the day of the week. The key is that his wives and girlfriends are all on the same page with him. And you know my little sisters wear bathing suits." "Ashley and Stephie, but not Birgit! She'd walk naked down Woodlawn Avenue if she wouldn't be arrested for doing it!" "That is my sister," I agreed. "Are you doing anything tomorrow?" "Just going to church, why?" "I'll tag along if we can spend some time together afterwards." "Your parents won't be upset if you go to my church rather than yours?" "Our priest says going to an Orthodox church fulfills our Sunday obligation." "You catha-holics are weird!" I teased. "Oh, please! If there's any mainstream church weirder than the Orthodox Church, I want to know what it is!" "Well, we don't use actual live snakes in worship, so I think there's weirder!" "That's why I said 'mainstream'. Pick me up at 7:00am?" "I could, but you'd need to come to lunch with Jerry, Mia, Mikey, Nicole, Birgit, and Kjell. We're hanging out in the afternoon, too." "That kind of ruins my plan," Luna groused. "But you know what? I'll come along if it's OK." "It is. If you aren't doing anything on Monday, you could come over." "I'll be at your house at 8:00am!" Luna declared happily. We made sure the coolers were full of soda and put out snacks. I turned on the sauna and put out towels for everyone to sit on. We had just finished when Lee, Freddy, and Mitch arrived, followed quickly by Keisha, Jazlyn, and Tyra. Fifteen minutes later, everyone had arrived, and we all went to the basement. "Team," Luna smirked, "Strip!" The girls all laughed and began taking off their clothes, as did I. "What are you waiting for, boys?" Shelly teased. Hilariously, at least in my mind, the guys were shier than the girls, but most of the girls had participated in at least one of the saunas, and most in both. I totally wasn't surprised that several of the guys held their hands over their groin to cover obvious boners, and we all went into the sauna and sat down, guys on one side and girls on the other, as Luna and I had agreed, with her sitting just to my left. "OK, this is weird," Owen said, pulling a towel from the pile and putting it on his lap. "You get used to it," I said. "Just remember the guidelines." "What guidelines?" Shelly asked. "It's OK to notice, it's not OK to stare," I replied. "And no innuendos or teasing. Didn't Luna mention that?" "Just the no innuendos part," Shelly replied. "I guess girls are less likely to stare." "Speak for yourself!" Jazlyn exclaimed, causing all the girls and some guys to laugh. "Jesse, who's chaperoning?" Shelly asked. "In case my parents ask when I get home." "Mom Two and Yuriko," I replied. "Neither of them will bother us at all. But I promised my dad we'd all be responsible, and nobody would drink any alcohol. Drugs aren't a question because both teams can be randomly tested, but beer could get my dad in serious trouble with the law." "Congratulations, Lee," he said, speaking about himself. "You can be killed fighting for your country, but no fucking way you can have a legal beer!" "You aren't enlisting, are you?" D'Andra asked. "No, but I had to register for the draft when I turned eighteen last month. If I don't, no scholarships, grant money, or federal student loans. I'm sorry, but if you can be drafted, you should be able to legally drink." "No need to apologize," Pete said. "I bet everyone here agrees with you." There were nods and words of assent from everyone in the sauna. "What about other stuff?" Destinee asked. "Europe has it right," I said. "Fifteen for most everything except voting and driving. Some are higher, but Germany is fourteen for age of consent, beer, and wine. I know Sweden is stricter, with eighteen to buy or consume, but none of them are idiotic like the US at twenty-one for alcohol, or completely insane like California with 18 as the age of consent and no close-in-age exemption. Illinois is almost as bad. Ohio, where my mom and dad grew up, is saner — it's sixteen and as low as thirteen as long as you're close in age." "Control freaks," Keisha declared. "It's like with abortion — old men telling girls and women what they can do with their bodies. It's none of their fucking business!" "They believe you fucking IS their business," Elena declared. "People just need to mind their own business," Lee declared. "About ALL that stuff." "Amen, Brother!" Glen declared. ————— 🎤 Steve "You were right, it _did_ get weirder!" Emma declared as we cleaned up after I fulfilled her request. "You asked for it," I chuckled. "Directly, not just by daring Loki to make it weirder!" "When you have threesomes, do the girls do stuff together?" "Some do, some don't. Most experimented once or twice, and that was the extent of it. A few discovered they were bisexual, and one discovered she was lesbian." "Discovered?" "The 70s were seriously repressive and her attempts to conform to social norms led to all manner of problems, including alcohol abuse and drugs. She thought, for a time, she might be bisexual, but once she was in a loving, caring relationship with another young woman in a place that was more tolerant than a rural county east of Cincinnati, she realized she was purely lesbian." "I'm going to ask a question which you absolutely can refuse to answer, but your wives?" "We all sleep together in the same bed, with all that implies, whether I'm there or not." "That puts a different spin on it. Your girlfriends?" "Both are completely straight," I replied. "Just as I am." "No interest in experimenting?" "None." "I have a physiology question — how many times?" "Given we've spaced them out somewhat, probably eight total before midnight. But my tongue doesn't wear out!" Emma laughed, "You said your jaw hurt a bit." "A minor inconvenience," I replied. "Twice your preferred way, and the other one a good, hard fucking?" "Same as before?" "Absolutely." ————— 🎤 Jesse When we finished in the sauna, everyone took turns rinsing off — the guys using the basement shower and the girls the one off the kitchen, and then we went up to the attic room to listen to music and hang out. "Anyone want to play _Twister_?" Luna asked, seeing the box on the shelf. "Two guys, two girls?" "Naked?" Simone asked with a smirk. "I think that violates Jesse's agreement with his dad," Luna said. "If everyone was seventeen, there wouldn't be a problem," I said. "The sauna could be explained because nobody touched each other, but _Twister_ involves touching pretty much no matter what you do." "Bummer!" Simone declared. We played fully clothed, and it was still fun, and everyone laughed hard at some of the contortions necessary to avoid being eliminated. Besides _Twister_, some people played _Catan_ and _Pirate's Cove_, and at 5:30pm, our pizzas were delivered. We ate, then went upstairs to the attic room, this time to dance. "Jesse, put on a CD of slow songs," Luna suggested. "Then we'll pair off, dance, and change partners after every song until every guy has had a slow dance with every girl." "Naked?" Simone teased, causing everyone to laugh. "You know why Baptists don't have sex standing up, right?" Destinee asked. "Because it might lead to dancing," I replied, having heard the joke from Dad, causing everyone to laugh. "I think that would be an even bigger violation of Jesse's promise," Luna said. "But too bad!" "You're just no fun, Luna!" Simone declared. "We need to have a party for Juniors and Seniors!" "Actually, it would have to be seventeen and up, so we stay out of trouble," I corrected. "I don't turn seventeen until February." "Valentine's Day?" Simone suggested. "Let me think about it," I replied. I put in the disk and everyone paired off, with me dancing with Luna first. When the song ended, the girls moved to their right, and Simone was my partner. "I really want to dance naked with you," she whispered as we swayed back and forth. "I have to clear that with my dad," I replied. "And he's going to verify everyone is at least seventeen." "Maybe I'll arrange a private party with you in January!" she whispered, grinding against me. "Talk to me when school starts again," I replied. "I will!" After our dance finished, we swapped, and I danced with Tyra, Keisha, Luna, Tanisha, Shelly, Elena, Destinee, Ayana, Jazlyn, Daniela, Brandi, Simone, and D'Andra, and finally Chung Cha. "You don't have a girlfriend, right?" Chung Cha asked as we danced, her body pressed tightly against mine. "No." "My parents are out of town…if you want to be together." Despite being used to being around pretty girls, and having had them rubbing their bodies against mine, I hadn't had a reaction until the pretty Korean girl had suggested being together. Chung Cha noticed and ground against the bulge in my jeans. "STD test?" I asked. "Yes. And on the Pill." "I have to be up early tomorrow, so I can go to church." "That's OK." "Then stay the night, if you want." "I do," she whispered, then put her head on my chest and tightened her arms around me. ————— 🎤 Steve "What High School would you recommend?" Emma asked as we lounged in a bubble bath late on Saturday evening after having completed our three additional rounds. "Lane Tech," I replied. "It's selective admission, but I'm positive you'd pass the necessary tests and meet the admission requirements. Between Samantha, your dad, and me, we should be able to ensure you can transfer there." "How long have you known Ms. Spurgeon?" "Since just before her sixteenth birthday." "NO!" Emma said, laughing. "Seriously?" "You inferred from the simple fact that I met her when she was fifteen that she and I slept together?" "I'm going to wager that you do not have a single friend over the age of fourteen you haven't slept with!" "You'd lose that bet," I replied. "OK, then the percentage you haven't slept with is so small as to be meaningless except to the girl in question! I tweaked both of Emma's nipples hard in response. "That tells me I'm right," she exclaimed. "Perhaps," I replied. "But I cannot name names nor reveal those specific confidences." "You obviously have a thing for teenage girls; besides your first, how many have been older?" "Very few," I replied. "And with one exception, the age difference was no more than two or three years." "How much older?" "Fifteen years, about a year ago." "Did you avoid older women?" "Not specifically, no, but I tend to be the prey, not the predator." "And girls just come up to you and ask you to go to bed with them?" "That has happened, but with few exceptions, they receive a mindfuck before a regular one." "A 'mindfuck'?" "A conversation with the goal of breaking down their social programming and freeing them from the constraints of what passes for public morality and regimented thinking. Or as my wives have said, I prefer to open their minds before I open their thighs." Emma laughed, "Nice! You didn't do that with me, though." "I told my wives that YOU did the mindfuck! Remember, I called you my intellectual equal?" "But you're totally open-minded." "Yes, but it's also about who has the upper hand in a conversation such as that one. It's nearly always me. You're one of the few who immediately seized and held the high ground. And for complete disclosure, I find that _very_ sexy." "I shouldn't be surprised by that given your wives are a medical doctor, a PhD research professor, and a pre-law student." "I've always preferred smart girls; the smarter the better." "Opposite what I've seen in High School," Emma replied. "And even with the college guys I've hung out with. They're all intimidated." "Your goal is to find the guy who isn't; that's the one you marry, assuming that's your plan." "Eventually, but around age twenty-five, at the earliest. How does it work if I date?" "So long as you don't have a steady boyfriend, and any guy you do more than kiss with has a clean STI test, there's no concern on my part. I don't condone cheating and won't be party to it. As I mentioned, my wives know I'm here, and do not have a problem with it. They'll be amused that I ended up in 'Luckiest Dumb Boy' territory again." "You're going to have to explain that one." "My sister has called me a 'dumb boy' since we were kids, and later, a young woman I dated in Sweden called me «jävla idiot», which means 'fucking idiot'. Both were well deserved. 'Luckiest Dumb Boy' is when a perfect girl shows up, wants to fuck, and is a virgin." "So your fetish is actually teen virgins, not just teens?" "Yes, but as I've grown older, the opportunities have been reduced, and I'm in a slow transition period." "Meaning?" "Around my birthday, I'll begin refusing most approaches, maybe even all." "Why?" "Call it a mental block, or whatever you will, but turning forty puts me at more than twice the age of a twenty-year-old, let alone a sixteen-year-old. Will I _always_ say 'no'? Probably not." "I'm curious, but does your transitional thinking mean you'd have said 'no' to me?" "I seriously hate 'what if?' questions because they're idle speculation. There is no way to know what might have happened if things had been different, and you can't go back and change things, nor predict how you might react in the future with any kind of certainty. That said, I suspect you would have succeeded in getting me into your bed even with my new thinking. Let me ask you a similar question — how old is too old for you?" "I'm not sure there's a specific age," she replied. "I was attracted to you, and as I said, you look like you're about thirty. If you looked old, I probably wouldn't have been attracted; no offense." "None taken," I replied. "We can't control attraction, only action." "What's the plan for next Saturday?" she asked. "I'll pick you up at the same time, we'll have breakfast again, but we'll need to use the playroom at home, as the apartment will be in use." "Playroom?" "The house has servant's quarters just off the kitchen. Our nannies used it over the years, and now it's been dubbed my 'playroom' by my wives. Nobody is allowed in our bed except the four of us." "That makes sense, but literally every time I ask a question, the answer is mind-blowing!" "Wait until you meet my kids!" I chuckled. ————— 🎤 Jesse Around 11:15pm, most of the guests had left, but Lee, Pete, Luna, and Chung Cha had stayed to help clean up. The house wasn't very messy, but there were quite a few empty cans to collect and put in the recycling bin, the floor in the attic room needed to be swept, and the sauna needed to be wiped down. Luna left first, because her dad had arrived to walk her home, and shortly after, Lee and Pete left, in Lee's car. Once they had driven away, I took Chung Cha's hand and led her into the coach house. "Do you want to be called by your Korean name or your nickname?" I asked as I led her upstairs. "Either one is OK, and almost everyone calls me Shauna because my name is so different." "What does your given name mean?" I asked as we went into my room and I shut the door. "It literally means 'noble daughter' or 'righteous daughter'," she replied. "Do you have your test paper?" "Yes, of course! I remember what Luna said." She showed me her test paper and her prescription, though on that I would have trusted her. I reciprocated, then turned on my stereo and put in a CD. "Want to dance?" I asked. "Naked?" she asked with a smile. I nodded and began undressing and she did the same, then we took each other in our arms, she pressed her naked body against mine, put her head on my shoulder, and we began to sway gently with the music. Chung Cha was taller than most of the Oriental girls I knew, and was only about three inches shorter than me, with long legs, small boobs, and a neatly trimmed V of black pubic hair. She was, like all the girls on the softball team, in great shape with great muscle tone, including very firm butt cheeks which I enjoyed running my hands over as we danced. As the team shortstop, she had cat-like reflexes, and I was absolutely positive she was going to be a wildcat in bed. We danced to two songs before she lifted her head and we exchanged a soft kiss, our tongues tangling with each other. After a minute, I scooped her into my arms and laid her on the bed. I climbed in after her, we kissed for a bit, then I lowered my head to her boob and licked and sucked her nipple for a minute before switching to the other one, then kissing my way down her body. She was soaking wet, so after planting a few kisses on her labia, I moved on top of her. "Be gentle," she whispered as I positioned myself against her. "I'm a virgin." I nodded, kissed her softly, and slowly pushed forward, my glans parting her labia and entering her hot, slick pussy. A few gentle thrusts and I was fully inside her, enjoying the tightness and the soft ripples of her muscles massaging my shaft. Chung Cha wrapped her arms and legs around me and squeezed them tightly. I waited another minute, then began thrusting slowly in and out, with Chung Cha matching my movements. After perhaps a dozen thrusts, she began moving more urgently, and my prediction of her behavior in bed was proven true — she began humping wildly and I thrust harder and harder until we were fucking wildly. After a couple of minutes, she broke the kiss, tightened her body, and groaned loudly as she had her first orgasm of the night.