Neil peered over the sunglasses he was wearing as he stepped through the door of a local cafe. He had rarely ever been on this side of town, and certainly had never patronized this particular establishment, but there was a time and place for everything… The deer wasn't just deciding to try out a new place for the heck of it, though. He was meeting someone today, and a very unique person at that! Neil was a streamer on the side, so when one of his viewers suggested paying for a day out with him...well, he couldn't refuse the opportunity for free food and a day out on the town. Maybe even some stream content, if things went well enough! He had been given a picture and a name, and now the deer was just sort of wandering around looking for anyone that matched the image on his phone. They would stick out like a sore thumb against the typical clientele of this place, so it shouldn't have been too difficult to find them… Specifically, Neil was looking for a kitsune named Drift, with red markings on his face and tail that matched the red and black hoodie he would be wearing. He had walked through pretty much all of the cafe with no luck before he spotted his man sitting in a corner booth. "Drift?" Neil asked as he approached, the kitsune's head perking up from his phone as he heard his name. "Oh! Neil!" Drift said as he set his phone down on the table, his face immediately lighting up as the deer set his bag down and took a seat opposite him. "Hah, for a second there, I thought you wouldn't come…" "Nah, I've just never been over on this side of town before. Nice place, honestly." Neil responded as he settled in a bit more, looking around at every piece of furniture and every frame on the wall...really just absorbing the ambiance of this little hole in the wall. "Oh, they didn't leave me a menu. Mind passing over yours?" - After Neil perused through the menu a bit and a waitress came by to take their order, he and Drift started to engage in a little bit of small talk. Weather, what they had ordered, little bit about video games and stuff like that. At least, until Neil got up from the table, saying that he needed to hit up the bathroom...but in reality, Neil was planning something quite different. The deer wasn't only a game streamer; he had a stream on the side, and much more lurid and lewd one at that...and if Drift was paying so much to meet up with him in person, then he'd probably be willing to come back home with him after a day out on the town! It was a perfect little arrangement. He just had to tease Drift enough into doing such a thing… Drift dawdled about and played with his thumbs for a few minutes while Neil ran to the restroom, but once he emerged from around the corner and started walking back towards the kitsune, it was clear that there was something a little bit different about the deer. The sweater he was wearing looked a touch more filled out and stretched, and at some points it even seemed like the deer was losing his balance just a bit! "Y-you all right there?" Drift asked as Neil once again sat down across from him, the dear stuffing his slightly larger stomach underneath the table. "Oh, yeah. Just feeling a little bit bloated, is all. Might decide against dessert this time around…" Despite that little hitch in the middle of lunch, the rest of their time in the cafe progressed relatively normally. Neil had two plates worth of food, the two of them continued talking about video games and whatever other nonsense, and Drift daydreamed about what they would be doing next. Oh, perhaps a museum, or they could go shopping, or… *UUUuuuaaAAAaarrrppphhh* Neil's lack of manners ripped Drift right out of his fantasizing, a heavy, sweet-and-sour scent wafting across the table as the deer wiped his mouth, leaned back and patted his firm gut. "AAAAaaahhh, that was goooood...definitely going to be coming back here!" the deer said as he looked across the table over at Drift, the kitsune's face turning a shade of red as he realized just what Neil had done. And of course, it was very much on purpose. Neil was more than capable of covering his mouth or belching into his elbow or something, but he let it rip just so he could see how the kitsune would react...and he was liking what he was seeing so far, that was for sure! "Geez, Neil. What happened to being bloated?" Drift asked, setting down his silverware and putting his head in his hands to hide the blush that was still there. "Not a problem anymore~" the deer replied smugly, licking his lips before shoving both of his plates towards the edge of the table. Lunch was taken care of, and now he was sizing up dinner right across the table from him...yeah. He was gonna scarf that kitsune down before the end of the night. The two of them paid for their meals and started to get out of the cafe, the unlucky patron that Neil had scarfed down during his "bathroom break" mostly quiet now that they were smothered under two piled high plates worth of food! "So, where to next?~" The next place the two of them hit up was a bit quieter and more low-key than Drift had expected, but Neil had wanted to stop by the local library, so Drift obliged. He had never been here himself, and who knows? Maybe he would find something that sounded interesting, something he could absorb himself into for a few nights. "The real good stuff is usually on the second floor…" Neil said as the two of them walked up a rather ornate staircase, Drift lagging a bit behind his deer friend...partially because he was taking much more time to look at everything in here, and partially because one of those things was Neil's rear end! The deer was a bit sloshy and sway-y with all that food in his gut, and every step made his rump jiggle just a bit more...geez, he had really only watched Neil for gaming content before, but now Drift was starting to realize that Neil was actually kind of cute. Perhaps even more than cute...