You weren’t aware of the gravity of the situation you were in right now as you spied a glimmering pair of eyes watching you from the trees right outside your home, accompanied by the signature jingle of a cow bell you had grown accustomed to. Waving at the bestial woman lying on the branches of the sturdy oak tree growing outside your home in nothing more than a lewd mockery of a Santa's outfit complete with a pure white leotard wrapped over her bodaceous figure, returning your greeting with foxy eyes narrowing in glee, licking her lips with a sleek tongue as she waves back at you in a stunted way, as if mimicking your actions. With Christmas just a few hours away, you were free to spend the day off at home. A few days ago, you had just finished swapping shifts with the morning guard at a factory you worked in, passing him the keys before preparing to head home for a good nap in bed before the next shift at night. That was when you received a message on your phone, thinking nothing of it until you reached the bus stop, where upon taking out your phone to load up some songs, you were greeted with a rather simple, yet strange photo taking app. After playing around with it for a bit, you realize it was basically a What-If filter; displaying different versions of people you could only guess were their inversions if the name of the application was any indication. And so you'd decided to give this baby a test run, directing the camera over to a snoozing Santa lazing on the job. But with Christmas still weeks away, you sort of understood his plight. Fiddling around with the 'LEVEL' scroll, you watch as the obese figure of the Santa morphs between a young salacious hooker in a Santakini to a kindly old lady dressed up in the same suffocating suit. That was when you noticed a cloud of static after turning the scroll up too high, ending with a cloud of gray and white pixels. Intrigued by its meaning, you decide to snap a picture, blinding yourself as a bright pink flash fills the world around you… Blinking away the sting in your eyes however, you turn your attention back to the storefront where the Santa was sleeping under to find an eight feet tall amazon of a woman standing deathly still where the young man once sat, gazing right at you with vibrant eyes lined with sinister serpentine slits. But her body, while tantalizingly thicc in all the right places, was anything but human. Sporting triple jointed legs, large cruel horns and equally wicked claws tipping her unusually large hands reminiscent of fusion between man and canine. All of it wrapped up in a package of matte smooth ebony brown skin with thick clumps of animal fur coating her extremities. And that face…that gorgeous face staring at you with bedroom eyes so intense you thought you might cream yourself then and there, framed by a messy head of raven black hair trickling all the way down to her shapely butt. You had never seen a woman as bestial and beautiful as the one staring you down right now. Only snapping out of her hypnotic trance with the bus driver honking at you to get on. By the time you were seated, the mysterious animal woman you had inadvertently created was nowhere to be seen, just in time for your phone to beep as a message flashes on your screen. [THANK YOU FOR USING INVERSHOT B1.0 - UNINSTALLING] Soon after, the Black Nanny as you would come to call her, would begin stalking you wherever you went. Standing deathly still while smiling creepily at you from a distance before vanishing in the blink of an eye before you could get close. Even stranger however, was the fact that no one but you could see her. Pointing her out one day to your friend when he came over for a game or two to pass the time. "You need to touch the grass more dude, there's no goat lady in the kitchen." With each passing day, the sightings would begin to grow more frequent…and arousing. With her arrival now signified by the eerie jingle of the heavy chains that hung off her bodacious figure and the distinct chime of cowbells, you would now find her behaving absolutely wild; humping the walls, playing with her dripping snatch in the middle of the crowd or even pressing her face and overwhelming bosom against the glass booth of your security room, exhaling sharply over the window before tracing a heart shape from the condensation with a mischievous cackle. But you thought nothing of it, welcoming the perverted woman and her sexual antics with your formerly boring night shifts now rife with anticipation and excitement, eagerly awaiting the sound of chains and bells like a dog waiting for his owner to feed him at 7oclock sharp. Realizing you still had that image you took of her before she was even a 'she'. You plug your phone into your laptop, loading up a photo editing software in an attempt to clean up and process the image the InverShot had failed to capture. After about an hour of hard work, you were greeted with a clean image of the Black Nanny in all her glory, appreciating her beauty in still form as you eyed up her delectable hips and milk filled teats, hoping to one day feel her warmth in your hands. Zooming in closer however, you realize there was something huge and bulky behind, it looked to be a sack of sorts, the type where Santa would store the gifts he would send to good children…only, hers weren't filled with presents judging by the overly bulky nature of the package…a package with vaguely humanoid faces peering through the thick cloth. Before you can put two and two together though, the familiar jingle of chains fills your ears, sending a chill down your spine as it comes accompanied with a seductive giggle right in your ears…before your vision fades to black as a rough pull forces you inside a suffocating black void… With her latest man bagged and secured right before Christmas, the Black Nanny plants her fat ass over the sack, claws wrapping around the hardened member of another of her faceless husbands as she peels apart the soaked fabric of her leotard before impaling herself then and there in the middle of the empty room she stood in, eager to fill herself by the time Christmas was over. By the time the festivities were over, your disappearance would soon be reported to the police, but with no viable evidence to follow up on, the case would soon be dropped. But elsewhere in the ice cold mountain wilderness, hikers and travelers would soon begin to report "hauntings" accompanied with sightings of a demon shrouded in darkness, carrying a sack filled with the bodies of the men who fell victim to her seductive wile, such was the fate that awaited all unlucky enough to catch the attention of the Krampus' maddening lust…