Update of 10/04/2022 This purchase is for personal use and see at bottom for Licensing details Additionally: I will clarify, Personal use is permitted and free to create any video or live stream of your avatar even if monotized $ ((You do not need to buy Commercial license if it only to recorded video or animation)) Commercial license will be for physical merchindise using the files or projects required to have the files packed with it, like a game. ---------------Project Folders: -there are a few versions of rigs because of the attempts to improve and avoid new VRC updates breaking things. I labeled simply what main differences are but will explain just what they were meant for and what became standard. Check the Unity descriptions which Rig version they use to make sure what your working with matches. -Unity_V002 would be using 1.2 rig -Unity_V003 would be using 1.4 rig -Unity_V004 has 3 rigs 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 versions ------Rig 1.1:-------------------------------------------------------------- -Oldest of the version I'm sharing that likely work has been built to that seem to still work for VRChat so is left as an option. ------Rig 1.2:-------------------------------------------------------------- -Likely the version that may become obsolete on any big IK updates in VRChat that possibly break the legs however because it been out the longest and most used it became the most standard rig version. -This version has the most content built for the joint positions and skin weights so if you want to ensure clothing or any assets will work for you it is advised to use this version. -Hierarchy setup for this rig is Hip/Spine/Chest/(shoulders) and Neck -still has the FBT (full body tracking) setups which just means hips/legs are flipped and spine is on top of hips. -The head joint is also down at more base of the neck that really makes the head look stiff but it prevents from weird neck bending that looks even more unatural and ugly on VRChat. ------Rig 1.3:-------------------------------------------------------------- -Mostly a failed attempt to make the neck work good for VRChat and I uploaded before making sure things worked well but in case it works on other platforms it been left as an option -The difference is the head joint is moved behind the jaw and neck is pushed farther back as the idea of real anatomy position the neck would be. (Latest Rigs) ------Rig 1.4 -------------------------------------------------------------- joints are aligned straight with no bend for anything that wants absolutely no spine bend. (possibly how HumanoidIK is even lined up as) ------Rig 1.5 ((new standard version)) -------------------------------------------------------------- setup to match very exactly as the old standard rig that everyone grown to build upon so clothing and possibly work to match just fine. (Maybe) This also all the new blendshapes in the rig that works with new animations in Unity. the only difference is there a new joint "ChestUp" that matches with the hierarchy to the new animations in Unity package. Also to explain the point of "ChestUp" is anyone that has 11 point tracking, that joint will roll a little for even more natural neck/shoulder movement with a chest tracker. If one wants to make it work exactly the same as rig 1.2 version (the old standard one) just reparent Neck and shoulders to Chest. ------Rig 1.6 --------------------------------------------------------------- very similar to 1.5 but the head joint is raised. This one a sort of experment to see if possible the head can move better in a more natural position Likely will not match with anything skinned to head joint from the older rigs so keep that in mind. -1.4,1.5,1.6 all have like exactly the same skin weights. If you really wanted to update clothing to work for them just move the joints matched up with the rig and it should work just the same. -----------------Files: -If all you want to do is upload the avatar to VRChat, then you only need to download RexouiumUnity_VRC -OneMesh is the more optimized setup version for PC (same as Public) -FthrOptions is for if you like to delete out any feather options and choose mesh options like the fox -Quest is like the OneMesh but with also eye lense mesh deleted and combined materials to work for uploading as Quest -BlenderFiles: for anyone that knows how to use Blender and make edits to the rig itself. They are saved from 2.9 Blender version. There are two types of versions of each rig. Ones that are specific for VRChat which has _VRC on the end because they are with full body fix that has Hip joint on top of Spine, and then others that are just without full body fix and hip joint is in normal spot that works for mostly everything else. -FBT: just means "full body tracking" setup that is specific for VRChat avatars that is the only way I got my rigs to work in VRChat for full body -On VRChat unity packages, if you want the normals to not act weird with the shadows. Click on the FBX, on right side click Model, then look for "normals" and set that setting from "import" to "Calculate" it is set as import for one mesh to be just more optimized but it breaks shadow normals if for example you want to flatten the fluff on the avatar with the blendshapes. (((VRC Unity Scene with the options))) for RexouiumUnity_VRC_V004 I setup 3 rigs in one scene with (((OpenMeFirst))) inside the VRC Unity package and 3 options for each 3 fbx of each rig. Default- setup with same animations as the public with most avatar controls inside VRChat -Simple- just with the face expressions and basic animations like breathing or corrective blends this one works best if u want to edit the avatar appearance like blendshapes or making your own controled animations. -Face tracking- which is explained below and is very extreme experimental and likely broken for this update I also not sure if I'm going update it as I rather wait however long VRChat ever going natively implement it... -There are the options of One Mesh, Feather options (this where you can hide feathers or have fox tail) and then Quest It is advised to use the VRC Unity Quest package as it will be setup for what works for Quest to upload. --Be sure to check in the Hierarchy of the new scene: Rexouium_V003_((OpenMeFirst)) In there will be all the options of the rigs and options to choose from. (((Advised to do a save as before removing all the other options when not needed left in there.))) I only have 1 option showing and rest hidden just bcs it gets slow showing all the avatars at once. -Face tracking recources: Discord of VRCFaceTracking https://discord.gg/ND2J9pwv -VRC face tracking app that allows it to run https://github.com/benaclejames/VRCFaceTracking/releases/tag/v3.0.0 -Tutorial on how it works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc1MJcY_WFY -SDK assets with the template to follow off and tools used to create the face tracking OSCmooth: (This is to smooth out the movement for everyone that sees you inside VRChat "not local") https://github.com/regzo2/OSCmooth Binary Parameter Tool https://github.com/regzo2/BinaryParameterTool/releases -Rexouium_Maya: if anyone owns Maya to make edits which is the main source the model was made in. -Textures: this has all the default textures that are setup on the VRChat public avatars. -BodyUV, MiscUV is textures to show how the UVs are layed out. -KritaFiles: are the files setup for 2D painting if Substance Painter is not available to use. -SubstanceZip: is the textures for Substance Painter that is the source the textures are made and easy to edit with layers. -FBXFiles: (Inside the folder BasicRigs, Rexouium_FBX_fromMaya_separated, VRChat_FBX) BasicRigs- this folder is for NeosVR and other games that use a more standard setup rig and doesn't need the odd leg flip full body fix that VRChat seems to need. Rexouium_FBX_fromMaya_separated- is the fbx from Maya with still all the pieces. Advisable to pipe it through Blender with Cat's Plugin to be setup for VRChat and using Full body Fix or it won't work well. There are skin meshes named with OptSkinning, those are for less bones skinned to be more optimized otions. (Old) VRChat_FBX- the fbx that is setup with full body fix and made to work for VRChat (There are two sets of visemes "blendshapes that change for voice and lip sync" and the basic normal ones are blendshapes that start with AA on top of the list. The others on the bottom with LT in the name are for lip tracking because the jaw doesn't open as much when a lip tracker will already open up your mouth.) -RexouiumAvatarUnity_VRM: this is the Unity package for editing and changing the .vrm You need to download a VRM unity package and the version I used is called UniVRM-0.62.0_0b7f Here is a link: https://github.com/vrm-c/UniVRM/releases I used the same Unity 2018.4.20f1 that still seems work fine for it. -Rexouium_VRM: is the .vrm format with two versions, the feathered tail and the fox tail. They just with grey basic colors but they are the setup inside the RexouiumAvatarUnity_VRM unity package ready to be edited. ---------------Features: VRSDK3 package is setup for avatar 3.0 still with similar gestures and with lot of new expresssions and controls: -ears, tail, mouth, tongue, mouth, toes can be controlled if you like farther customizing for Avatar 3.0 here is a few useful links that provide more explination and help on learning how to do that: avatar 3.0 tutorial :https://vrcudon.com/tutorials/avatars/avatars-3-0-setup/ VRChat Basic Avatars 3 Guide :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1whZRLJ8v0A&feature=youtu.be ((If having trouble with snapping into the new FBT on 3.0 go into properties of VRChat inside Steam and put this command in Launch command: "--legacy-fbt-calibrate")) I also provide a useful link where you can setup a face camera but requires some setting up which the guide is also in the link https://vrcat.club/threads/errors-hud-shader.2210/ -Original made Visemes and blendshapes for full range of lip syncs and expressions -extra toe bones They work with gesture animations labeled withBoneToeCurl -extra bones in tongue -Emission textures -All source files -many blendshapes to size body and shape to ones liking. To find them click on the root of the avatar in Hierarchy then drop down to Body, Look to the right of inspector and you find blendshapes. Good ones to turn on with gestures is Toes_In and Slit eyes that fit with gestures. -muscle normal map and body shaping blendshapes -optimized versions to keep performance down inside VRChat I made a YouTube video explaining all the features that is for VRChat https://youtu.be/sns0A2gAIYE ((Old outdated versions of the original Rexouium fbx rigs)) FBX versions for package VRCSDK3: -Opt1 keeping all joints and full feathers for all possible dynamics (same as before) -Opt2 less bones for whiskers keeping same feathers -Opt3 less bones for whiskers, Missing all feathers, least amount of bones -OptFox1 keeping all joints and full feathers no arm feathers for all possible dynamics, fox fluffy tail (same as before) -OptFox2 less bones for whiskers keeping same feathers, fox fluffy tail -OptFox3 Less whisker bones, No Feathers, fox fluffy tail Expression controller options: -The options I have for RexouiumAvatarsUnity_VRChat_SDK3 with avatar 3.0 expression is there are 3 options of controls to switch from and you need to have each expression and controller with same ending number like example Rex_ExpressionMenu 1 works with Rex_StateParameters 1 and FX_Overriders 1 which are the ones set by default. Make sure to change FX in Base, Menu and Parameters in Expressions under Inspector of the avatar descriptor. option 2 has shapes keyed on the body mesh you won't be able to edit them like sliding up fat2 for default shape on avatar. If the character doesn't load up with the edited shape you wanted you may have to change the option controller if the shape is being keyed from the controls otherwise you have to slide it up each time you load in your avatar. default with no numbers are with gesture toggle controls. -option 1 has tongue, feather controls -option 2 has belly, fat, muscle slider controls -option 3 has tongue, belly controls -option 4 was attempt to get tail with wagging so it not working unless someone has more understanding to get it working with Idle. -option 5 has tongue, feathers, belly controls -option 6 with IdleAdditive was an attempt to control over the eyes but not fully working. I got it to control the eyes but breaks blinking and auto tracking FBX Versions for package VRCSDK2: listing of features and bones taken off going down. -Opt1 most bones and full feathers for all possible dynamics -Opt2 less bones for whiskers keeping same feathers -Opt3 less bones for whiskers, Missing arm feathers -Opt4 Whiskers,Cheeks and toes with less bones to be most optimized for rig, keeping all feathers -Opt5 etc, Missing arm feathers -Opt6 etc, Missing arm, tail base feathers -Opt7 etc, Missing arm, full tail feathers -Opt8 etc, Missing arm, full tail, back feathers -Opt9 etc, Missing all feathers, least amount of bones -Opt10 Less bones for whiskers, keeping toe and cheek bones, Missing arm, tail base feathers -Opt11 Less bones for whiskers, keeping toe and cheek bones, Missing back, arm, tail base feathers -OptFox1 Keeping toe bones, extra whisker bones, Keeping head/back feathers, fox fluffy tail -OptFox2 Less whisker bones, Keeping head/back feathers, fox fluffy tail -OptFox3 Less whisker bones, less toe bones, Keeping head/back feathers, fox fluffy tail -OptFox4 Less whisker bones, less toe bones, Only head Feathers, fox fluffy tail -OptFox5 Less whisker bones, less toe bones, No Feathers, fox fluffy tail There is a FBX provided that will have all parts seperated straight from Maya for farther customizable options to download but will be advised, after you delete out uneeded pieces that you don't want, is to put it through Cats plugin in Blender to turn into single mesh, oriant bones, and get blinking to work. -----------------------------------------NeosVR----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June made a short simple video on how to get started in NeosVR https://youtu.be/6nlKk3p038c My version just a lot longer XD https://youtu.be/teGPd_pW8AM you want to use any fbx that does not have _VRC in the name of the fbx. Here is a link to show how you set it up thanks to Delirious Jax for creating the video https://youtu.be/K8zjBwwF2Z8 After the avatar is setup if you want to get the mechanics and face tracking I got setup inside NeosVR, you can find it in a world called "feedable furs" there is a folder you can save to your inventory and get the latest updated mechanic. Here is a link explaining the mechanics: https://youtu.be/EK0VxLwFJzc A note with lip tracking setup is you will want to setup some logix to get desired effect for example to make the lips grin without over exagerating the lips from having also the 4 lip corners, you need to cancel out the 4 lip corners when the grin value goes up. Also parts like the jaw and tongue joints, it best to have logix rotate them rather then using the blendshapes to move them. On my SF AV mechanics I share in NeosVR has this already setup on the mouth tracking. You just need to equip it to your avatar and then drag and drop your blendshapes to best fitting names in the blendshape driving slots. -----------------------------------------ChilloutVR------------------------------------------------------------ you will need the same dynamics we used to use in VRChat (Will Hong Dynamic bones) that you get from Unity. https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/animation/dynamic-bone-16743#description -----------------Licensing: Upon purchase, you are free to edit them however you like. Other then: -Don't do None safe for work -Keeping credit to creator. -Do not resell or share the assets (commissioning for edits are fine as long as each party owns it) -You are allowed to make the avatar set to public on VRChat, Please share the link to this Gumroad page https://gum.co/MYutV and to the Discord https://discord.gg/6mwSTtg in the avatar world or on the avatar itself if sharing public. I am not responsible for any misuse to the model or not following TOS with any platform like VRChat rules.