"Gotcha!" Neil exclaimed that word with triumph and relief as he slammed an open jar down onto the carpet in front of him. The deer had been chasing around a tiny intruder for the past 10 minutes or so, and he finally managed to get them into a spot where he could capture them! Keeping one hand firmly on the jar, the deer wrestled around in his pocket for a moment before pulling out a piece of paper, which he carefully slid underneath the lid opening before lifting the whole jar up - with his capture tapping at the walls inside - and bringing it into the kitchen. Neil set the jar down on his kitchen table, crouching a little bit so that he could get a better look at the micro. What he had only seen as a small, light brown blur turned out to be some kind of micro otter, light brown with tan spots and red paw pads that continued to smush and press against the glass jar as Neil peered inside...the otter's name was Spott, and he had most certainly been caught in the act of attempting to raid a cabinet! He had managed to evade the giant deer for a few minutes, but now he was here, a large, scowling deer snout taking up his entire field of view! "Awh, come on dude. Let me go, I won't swipe anything…" Spott said as he banged on the walls of the jar, Neil unable to hear anything other than an incredibly high pitched squeaking from the sea otter; not only due to his size, but the confines as well. Not like he was interested in letting the micro go in the first place… Neil chuckled and tapped on the jar once or twice, watching the tiny otter flail around inside like an animal in a zoo...before he realized something. Chasing the micro around had interrupted his breakfast time! And, now, he had a bit of a snack right in front of him. He started wondering exactly what the otter tasted like, how he would feel sliding down his throat...yeah. Spott was breakfast now. Still trying his best to convince Neil to let him out, Spott watched as the deer slowly started to open his mouth...far wider than he needed to in order to talk. And was he moving it closer to the jar?...oh-oh no. Spott watched as Neil opened his jaws as far as they could possibly go, the otter getting an incredibly up close and personal look at every detail of his wet maw. The strands of drool dribbling down his tongue, the glinting of his flat teeth, the deep void of his throat way at the back - And then, that tongue rushed forward, landing right against the glass jar with a wet *splt* that shook Spott's entire world! Neil started to sloooowly slurp his tongue up the side of the jar, making sure his mouth was still as wide it possibly could to give Spott the best view, even as the glass was left smeared with deer drool! Spott could feel the heat emanating from Neil’s mouth even with the glass that was keeping him safe for the time being, the deer’s warm breath fogging up his window to the outside world...at least for a few seconds, until Neil’s constant teasing and the shaking of the jar caused the otter to fall flat on his ass! Neil snickered a little bit as he saw Spott floundering around inside of the jar, the otter trying his best to get back to his feet even as the world continued to shake around him! "Mmm...well, that jar didn't end up tasting very good. I think that you'll taste *a lot* better though~" Neil teased, opening his mouth up again and giving the otter a good view of where he would be going before the deer picked up the jar! He quickly flipped the jar right-side-up, tumbling Spott around even more before he tipped the jar towards his mouth and opened wide. "AAAAaaahhhh…" Neil groaned, really exaggerating the sound as Spott tried his best to clamber away from the void that he was quickly falling into! The glass made a loud *skRRRrrrt* noise as Spott desperately tried to fight the inevitability of gravity; the otter was actually managing to at least delay his consumption a little bit, a fact which Neil was slightly annoyed by… So Neil tilted the jar down even more, sticking his tongue in through the opening and trying his best to slurp up the otter directly! The deer shook the jar like Spott was the last chip in a Pringles can, getting tantalizing little licks and tastes every now and again and slobbering all over the inside of the jar...which only made things more slick on the inside for Spott! The otter tried his best, but the deer's breath was quickly turning this jar into a sauna, and his energy was being sapped moment-by-moment...until he felt the wet, slimy embrace of Neil's tongue manage to slip right underneath his tail and back. A drawn out "mmm…" from Neil shook the jar Spott was in as the deer got his first real sample of Spott's taste, and he was certainly interested in what he had gotten so far! That tongue continued to slip underneath Spott's body, the otter being reeled in by that tongue as it got a good grasp of him. The otter continued to struggle and tried to hold on to his surroundings, but it seemed like he was due for a one-way trip into Neil's stomach. That fleshy void continued to swallow up more and more of Spott's field of view until his entire body was laying down on Neil's tongue, the deer’s flat teeth hovering right above his head! A bit of warm saliva dribbled down onto the otter's face, his entire back matted with the thick, gooey stuff as the tongue continued to pull him inside. Those teeth clamped shut behind him a few moments later, officially trapping Spott inside the deer's humid maw. And as soon as Neil knew the otter couldn't escape, he started to really savor his little snack! As soon as those jaws closed, Spott was squished against the tongue that had drawn him in there, the thick organ smushing him to and fro inside of Neil's mouth as the deer suckled on his tiny body. Spott was completely smothered in slimy, hungry flesh on all sides, the tongue directing him every which way and mushing him into the deer's cheeks, towards the back of his throat, absolutely everywhere inside of his mouth! And all that movement disoriented Spott so much, that he didn't even know where he was as things finally started to calm down. A tiny sliver of light slowly opened up ahead of him, and the otter realized that not only was Neil opening his mouth up again, he had somehow ended up laying on his belly with his head facing the entrance of the deer mouth…perhaps there was hope after all! The otter reached out towards the light with one of his drool-soaked arms, managing to even grab onto one of Neil's teeth and start to pull himself forward. He had a little bit of leverage, now he just needed to use it… Until those jaws clamped back down. Neil knew what he was doing, and he knew that the otter had no chance of escape. He was just playing with his food at this point, and now he had a little arm hanging out of his mouth to play with. After a few moments of slimy tongue licks on the exposed appendage, Spott felt the immense pressure on his arm suddenly lift, along with a loud whooshing of air surrounding him as Neil casually slurped the arm back inside like a dangling spaghetti noodle! All that work, and Spott was still exactly where he started, with even less energy to mount an escape as Neil's mouth continued to push him around. Neil was clearly enjoying the flavor of his little snack, and playing around with him too...but there was a reason he had put him there in the first place. It was time to eat!