The train was late as usual. Nothing on the island worked as it should have. The only things you could rely on were corruption, scandal, and the fact that everyone in power was a worthless bastard. Brian closed his eyes and sighed. What on earth was he doing here? He didn't even believe in the monarchy. He wanted the entire institution burned to the fucking ground. Then why'd you apply for the Royal Selection, you fucking hypocrite? Brian could lie and claim he wanted to destroy the monarchy from within. He could even say he had no idea what he was getting himself into when he signed up, but that would make him an idiot. Everybody knew the monarchy was searching for "commoners" (Aargh, he despised that term) to add to their ranks to keep the public happy. Princess Amelia had to marry one by her twenty-fifth birthday or she'd lose her claim to the throne. But the truth was that he'd signed up for the Selection because he was tired of being poor, hungry, and fighting everything and everyone every day of his life and getting absolutely nowhere. A man could only rage against the system so long before he gave up. Instead, he'd resolved to get a royal-sized slice of the pie. That he'd been shortlisted for the Selection was a damn miracle. He was a criminal and a troublemaker, according to the authorities. He was also skinny, short, and angry. Not exactly prince material. But here he was, waiting to board the train to Haven Island to compete in a "romantic" contest to see who would marry Princess Amelia. Life was insane sometimes. *** "Me?" Brian said, when Princess Amelia chose him. He was still in shock, trying to process what was happening. "Yes, you," she said, smiling. "I could tell you were special the moment we met. You defy convention and do things your own way. You're not afraid to be yourself, even when everyone else tells you it's wrong. That's who I aspire to be, Brian. I want us to change the monarchy, you and me. Of course, the fact that you're so pretty doesn't hurt." "Pretty?" Brian said. "Are you making fun of me? I'm short, I'm skinny, I'm baby-faced, and my hair looks like it was styled by a hurricane." Amelia laughed. "We can work on the hair. The rest of you is flawless. My taste in men, you see, is unconventional. All those other big, muscly guys were a total bore. I want my partner to be just as lovely as I am." Brian's mouth dropped open. "You can't be serious, Princess." "I'm dead serious. The truth is, I think you may even look better in a dress than I do. Have you ever worn one?" Brian's head shook. What the hell was going on? This was bizarre. "I knew you wouldn't get all worked up if I didn't wish to uphold traditional gender norms. You don't believe in them, do you? After all, more punk than a prince dressed as a princess?" Brian stared at her. Was she for real? "Please, Brian, will you marry me?" she said, her eyes brimming with tears. Brian looked into her face, into her blue eyes, and couldn't help himself. "Why the hell not." Amelia squealed and threw her arms around him. He stood there in shock, totally and utterly speechless, as she kissed him *** Brian sat on the grass in the palace garden, watching the butterflies glide by. The makeup on his face still felt weird, and his dress was a little scratchy, but he felt strangely at ease. The last six months had been a whirlwind of activity, working with Amelia to enact reforms and change the way the aristocracy worked. They hadn't achieved all of their objectives, but they had made significant progress. "Hello, my darling," Amelia said, coming up behind. She wore a stylish suit and her hair was styled in a pageboy cut. These days, she tended to wear pants more often than skirts, and she'd all but given up makeup. Meanwhile, the royal tailors seemed to enjoy dressing Brian in the most outrageously feminine outfits they could concoct. Brian stood, faced her, and curtsied, as was appropriate. He tried not to think about how odd it was that he now had to curtsy to his wife. Amelia took him in her arms. She'd been working out with the Royal Guard, and her arms were even more muscled than his own. Long days of lounging around the palace doing nothing had left him softer than he would have liked. "You look so pretty today," she said, running her fingers through his soft brown hair. "I'm so glad you agreed to these extensions, at least until your hair grows out." Brian gave a nod. It felt good to be pampered and fussed over, even if it meant letting the royal beauticians work on him every morning. "You don't think it's too much?" "Too much is our brand, my love," Amelia chuckled. Brian winced as she squeezed him. His nipples were sore from where the dress was rubbing against them. Strangely, they seemed to be getting bigger as well. "Remember," Amelia said, "we have an appointment with the royal doctor tonight. I don't think this can wait any longer." Brian nodded. He knew what was coming. They'd been trying for a baby for months, but nothing seemed to be happening (in more ways than one). Brian was beginning to worry that something was seriously wrong with him. "And after, we can try that new toy," Amelia said with a grin. "You mean the strap-on?" Brian said, rolling his eyes. "The ROYAL strap-on." Amelia laughed. "Pretty please?" Brian would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it, but he would also be lying if he said he wasn't starting to wonder if he was becoming a little too submissive. Where was his rage? His dissatisfaction? Ah, well. Sometimes, a guy just had to go with the flow. Brian was still a punk at heart, even if he was fighting the system from the inside, wearing a gown.