------------------------------------ CHANGELOG: Mystic Knight Maya - 0.3b ------------------------------------ + Added a new enemy: Evil Paiting -> Located in the upper hallways of the castle. Some are located in a new "gallery" to the right of the save point. -> Something inhabits certain paitings on the walls disguising itself whitin. If Maya carelessly ventures underneath one of them, it pounces. -> The scene tag is tentacle, with a twist ending. -> There are 4 variants for the ending. The number of flames indicate which one will happen and no flames means choosen randomly (this is always the initial state). + Added a new enemy: Dominatrix -> Located in the lower left parts of the Castle's dungeons, which got a re-design in the layout of that area. Proceed to the left from the save point. -> She can dodge Maya's attacks and use her long whip to punish her. -> The scene tag is lesbian/yuri as she uses her strap-on dildo to train Maya in how to behave. + Added a new enemy: Latex Machine -> Located in the lower left parts of the Castle's dungeons. -> It is a stationary trap to capture unaware visitors and make movement and combat more dangerous as you navigate around them. -> The scene tag is ryona, and it works a bit differently whereas this scene is just a setup for other scenes. -> It puts Maya into an alternative fainted state. -> Enemies that can grab Maya wearing a rubber suit: Brute, Dominatrix and Purple Slime. + Added a new enemy: Dog Boy -> Located in the 2 levels of the Monster City, spread around. -> It follows Maya around and when close enough it will bark. If Maya doesn't run far away from it she will be attracted towards the dog boy (5 seconds charm debuff). -> Once Maya starts petting it, the dog will eventually start training when Maya's HP reaches half or a fixed amount of petting time has passed, whichever happens first. -> If Maya is grabbed with less than half HP or while fainted, then the training state begins immediately. -> When the dog-boy begins leading Maya around, another timer begins counting and if it reaches zero then the fainted state for Maya will occur. -> At this point, Maya is taken to a certain location and an infinite loop will play more or less as follows: 1. A mating scene will play with the 3 basic loops and the climax (Maya is transformed for the 2nd round onwards) 2. A pregnant loop, and then birthing that can range randomly from 1 to 3 spawnlings per round (until a max of 6 rounds) * Rebalanced the princess boss fight. Also her icicle skill now spawns an ice owl (in addition to the existing projectiles). * Fixed a bug that caused the princess boss to get stuck on the corners of the room. * Fixed a bug where enemies were not releasing Maya from a grab if they received damage during that period. * Fixed a bug that caused enemies to be able to grab or push Maya while she's entering a door or portal. * Other minor/undocumented fixes and changes.