init: $ d43_elena = False $ d44_gym = False $ mia = False $ kenny = False $ d44_nicole = False image d43_elena_fuck = Movie(play="images/anim/d43/d43_elena_01.webm") image d43_elena_fuck2 = Movie(play="images/anim/d43/d43_elena_02.webm") image d44_nicole_stroke = Movie(play="images/anim/d44/d44_nicole_stroke.webm") image d44_nicole_ride = Movie(play="images/anim/d44/d44_nicole_ride.webm") image d44_nicole_ride2 = Movie(play="images/anim/d44/d44_nicole_ride2.webm") image d45_mms_004 = Movie(play="images/anim/d45/d45_mms_4.webm") label day_43: #Mon scene day43 with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (2.0, hard = True) scene d43_morning_001 with dissolve a "Good morning!" scene d43_morning_002 with dissolve t "Were you just watching me sleep." scene d43_morning_003 with dissolve a "Maybe." scene d43_morning_004 with dissolve t "Creepy...Haha." scene d43_morning_003 with dissolve a "You looked so peaceful, and I was just thinking how lucky I am to have such a caring husband." scene d43_morning_004 with dissolve t "I’m the lucky one. Look at yourself, you are the perfect woman." scene d43_morning_005 with dissolve a "Thanks babe. I guess I need to get up and get ready for New York, do you mind making breakfast?" scene d43_morning_006 with dissolve t "Of course! Anything for my beautiful wife." scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene breakfast_waffle with dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d43_breakfast_001 with dissolve a "Hmmm, thanks for making my favorite babe! I love waffles!" scene d43_breakfast_003 with dissolve t "You're welcome. I Hope you get some quality time to tease Kenny over the next couple days." scene d43_breakfast_002 with dissolve a "We’ll see, I know he has a few big meetings but I’ll do what I can babe." scene d43_breakfast_003 with dissolve t "Do you have your own room?" scene d43_breakfast_002 with dissolve a "You know what? I have no idea. He didn’t say and I didn’t think to ask. I would assume so though!" scene d43_breakfast_003 with dissolve t "Hmmm maybe he has a plan for you." scene d43_breakfast_002 with dissolve a "There’s that wild imagination of yours." if vincent: scene d43_breakfast_003 with dissolve t "Are you still gonna give Vincent another chance to redeem himself?" scene d43_breakfast_002 with dissolve a "Of course! I'll text him when I'm back and see if we can set something up." scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}20 minutes later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump d43_morning else: scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}20 minutes later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump d43_morning label d43_morning: scene d43_breakfast_004 with dissolve a "Well I should get going, I’m meeting him at the airport." scene d43_breakfast_005 with dissolve t "I love you baby, and hope you have a great couple days in New York with Kenny." scene d43_breakfast_006 with dissolve a "I love you too babe!" scene d43_breakfast_007 with dissolve tt "*Hopefully she gets to do some teasing or have some fun.*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene new_office_01 with dissolve tt "*Let's get some work done!*" scene new_office_02 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene new_office_04 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (2.0, hard = True) scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}2 hours later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) if elena_suck: scene d43_office_001 with dissolve tt "*Pretty sure I just heard my phone vibrate.*" scene new_office_05 with dissolve show elena_text_00 at truecenter with dissolve tt "*Oh wow, it's Elena*" hide elena_text_00 nvl_narrator "ELENA" e_nvl "Hey you, guess where I am?" n_nvl "No idea! Back in Dominican Republic?" e_nvl "Nope, I’m right here in Vancouver" n_nvl "No way, that's amazing!" e_nvl "Do you want to meet up?" scene new_office_04 tt "*Should I meet up with her?*" menu: "Yes": $ d43_elena = True jump d43_elena "No": jump d43_elena else: scene new_office_02 with dissolve tt "*I'm gonna take a break.*" scene d43_home_001 with dissolve tt "*Let's see if we can find something to watch.*" scene d43_home_002 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}6 hours later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d43_home_003 with dissolve tt "*Oh fuck! I fell asleep, what time is it?*" scene d43_home_004 with dissolve show phone_001 at truecenter with dissolve "Oh my god, it's 8 o’clock already." hide phone_001 scene d43_home_003 with dissolve tt "*Fuck! What a waste of a day.*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene dinner_alone_01 with dissolve tt "*I'll have some supper then wait for Anne's call in the bedroom.*" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene dinner_alone_02 with dissolve tt "*Alright, I'll go wait for her call.*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene bedroom with dissolve tt "*I can't wait to hear about how her flight went.*" scene bed_alone_night with dissolve tt "*Hopefully she calls soon...*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump day_44 label d43_elena: if d43_elena: scene new_office_05 tt "*Fuck ya, she’ll be able to keep me occupied.*" scene new_office_05 nvl_narrator "ELENA" n_nvl "You bet, where are you?" e_nvl "At The Vancouver Hotel on Georgia Street! There’s a coffee shop next door." n_nvl "I know the one, I’ll be there in 30 minutes" nvl clear scene new_office_01 with dissolve tt "*Fucking rights, this is great!*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}30 minutes later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d43_elena_001 with dissolve tt "*There she is. Just as sexy as she was in Punta Cana!*" scene d43_elena_002 with dissolve e "Hello handsome." scene d43_elena_004 with dissolve t "Hello sexy, I honestly didn't think I'd get to see your beautiful face again, let alone this soon." scene d43_elena_003 with dissolve e "You’re so sweet. I didn't think we'd see each other this soon either, but when I got back home I decided to take another week off work and come see Vancouver and you of course." scene d43_elena_005 with dissolve t "It’s really good to see you." scene d43_elena_006 with dissolve e "I wanted to surprise you but, I was so afraid to get here and you not be around or wouldn’t want to meet up with me." scene d43_elena_005 with dissolve t "I'm very happy you came and of course I would meet up with you any day." scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}An hour later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d43_elena_006 with dissolve t "There's a nice seawall not far from here, do you feel like going for a walk with me?" scene d43_elena_005 with dissolve e "That sounds really nice, I’m really enjoying my time with you." scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d43_elena_007 with dissolve e "Wow!" scene d43_elena_008 with dissolve e "It's really nice here." scene d43_elena_009 with dissolve e "I'm glad you brought me here." scene d43_elena_010 with dissolve t "Me too, I love it here. I'll go get us some ice cream and I'll be right back." scene d43_elena_011 with dissolve t "What kind would you like?" scene d43_elena_012 with dissolve e "I like all ice cream, surprise me." scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d43_elena_013 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d43_elena_014 with dissolve tt "*She sure looks good standing there like that.*" scene d43_elena_015 with dissolve t "Here you go!" scene d43_elena_016 with dissolve e "Oh wow, look at those." scene d43_elena_017 with dissolve t "We have Vanila and Strawberry or Vanila and Chocolate, which one would you like?" scene d43_elena_018 with dissolve e "Vanila and Strawberry for sure please." scene d43_elena_019 with dissolve t "Let's sit and enjoy these." scene d43_elena_020 with dissolve t "You know, there's something about the sound of waves crashing against this seawall that's just so mesmerizing." scene d43_elena_021 with dissolve e "I know, right? It's like nature's own sound show. And this ice cream makes it even better!" scene d43_elena_022 with dissolve t "Definitely! So when did you get here?" scene d43_elena_023 with dissolve e "Yesterday afternoon, I wanted to rest a little before messaging you." scene d43_elena_024 with dissolve t "I wasn't even home until very late last night, or I should say early this morning." scene d43_elena_025 with dissolve e "Oh right, I forgot you were coming home on Sunday. You must be really tired?" scene d43_elena_026 with dissolve t "I'm OK, I had a really good night sleep." scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}30 minutes later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d43_elena_027 with dissolve t "Shall we continue the walk?" scene d43_elena_028 with dissolve e "Sure!" scene d43_elena_029 with dissolve e "I must confess something to you!" scene d43_elena_030 with dissolve t "You’re in love with me!" scene d43_elena_031 with dissolve e "Haha not yet. I love how you can easily make me laugh, but that’s not it" scene d43_elena_032 with dissolve e "At the resort, I forget which night it was, but I saw you standing outside your room window and was wondering what you were looking at.{p}So, I snuck up closer and then saw what you were umm... watching." scene d43_elena_033 with dissolve t "And what was it that I was watching?" scene d43_elena_034 with dissolve e "I saw your wife, and ummm, let’s just say she was having a great time." scene d43_elena_030 with dissolve t "Ok so you busted me watching my wife having fun. You should have joined me!" scene d43_elena_031 with dissolve e "I thought about it but you looked so into what you were watching, I didn’t want to disturb you." scene d43_elena_032 with dissolve t "Let me ask you this then, did you leave or stay and watch?" scene d43_elena_035 with dissolve e "I stayed and watched." scene d43_elena_036 with dissolve t "You like to watch?" scene d43_elena_035 with dissolve e "I didn't think I did until that night, but I now know that I do. {p} Would you like to watch me like that?" scene d43_elena_036 with dissolve t "I would, but I would also very much like to be with you like that." scene d43_elena_035 with dissolve e "Let’s go to my hotel, I want you." scene d43_elena_036 with dissolve t "Sounds like a plan to me." scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}15 minutes later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d43_elena_037 with dissolve t "Oh wow, nice room Elena." scene d43_elena_038 with dissolve e "I know right. It's actually nicer than the room I had in Punta Cana." scene d43_elena_039 with dissolve e "Do you watch your wife with other men often?" scene d43_elena_040 with dissolve t "Not often no, we're new to this stag and vixen type lifestyle. But we do both enjoy it very much." scene d43_elena_039 with dissolve e "I kinda envy you and your wife, I wish I had someone I could watch or have watch me. I've always been a bit of an exhibitionist and recently, as you know, found out that I'm also a little bit of a voyeur." scene d43_elena_040 with dissolve t "Why don’t you give me something to watch now?" scene d43_elena_041 with dissolve e "OK, I can do that." scene d43_elena_042 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d43_elena_043 with dissolve t "Ooh, I like where you're going with this." scene d43_elena_044 with dissolve e "I thought you might." scene d43_elena_045 with dissolve t "Damn Elena, you are so fucking sexy!" scene d43_elena_046 with dissolve e "Thanks %(t)s!" scene d43_elena_047 with dissolve t "I could watch you crawl on the bed for hours." scene d43_elena_048 with dissolve e "I'm sure you'll enjoy what I'm about to do a lot more than me crawling around." scene d43_elena_049 with dissolve t "Oh I'm sure I will." scene d43_elena_050 with dissolve t "You sure are quite the tease." scene d43_elena_dildo with dissolve e "Is this better?" t "Beautiful, simply beautiful." e "Oh god that feels so good!" tt "*I need to get in closer.*" scene d43_elena_dildo2 with dissolve t "You are so hot Elena." e "Shhh, just watch! I love knowing that you're watching me right now." tt "*Fuck! Do I ever want to get my cock in there.*" e "Hmmmm yessss fuck me, fuck me!" e "OH god yessss, I'm getting so close." e "OH fuckkkkk yesssss I'm gonnna cummmmmm!" scene d43_elena_dildo3 with flash e "OH fuck yesssss yesssss yesssss!" scene d43_elena_057 with dissolve e "Come over here, I want you now!" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d43_elena_fuck with dissolve e "Yess, that's exactly what I needed. Fuck me %(t)s, fuck me good!" e "So good %(t)s, this feels so good!" t "It really does, your pussy is fire Elena!" e "Oh fuckk yesss, don't stop. I love it!" scene d43_elena_fuck2 with dissolve e "I just want to make you cum, it turns me on so much! I want it all over me." t "Oh fuck yeah, I'll cover you up with my hot cum Elena!" e "You make me feel so slutty, I fucking love it! OH god yesss! Harder! Harder!" e "Get back on top again, I need to feel you deeper!" scene d43_elena_fuck with dissolve e "Jesus, you feel so good when you’re on top." e "Oh god I'm so fucking close! Harder! Yessss that's it, yessssss!" scene d43_elena_058 with flash e "OH MY GODDDDDD YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" t "Oh fuck, I can feel you!" scene d43_elena_059 with flash e "YESSSSSSSSS OH FUCKKKKK YESSSSSSSSS!" t "Your pussy is convulsing!" scene d43_elena_058 with flash e "Hmmmmmmmm!" t "OH shittttt, here it comess!" scene d43_elena_060 with dissolve t "OH SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" e "Yessss give it to me, cover my slutty body in your cum!" scene d43_elena_061 with dissolve t "Oh fuckkkk!" scene d43_elena_062 with dissolve e "Yes, that's what I wanted. You gave me lots." scene d43_elena_063 with dissolve t "It looks pretty good all over you." scene d43_elena_064 with dissolve e "I know right, I like it a lot! I love the feeling of it all over me." scene d43_elena_063 with dissolve t "That's pretty hot! How long are you here for?" scene d43_elena_064 with dissolve e "Just one more day.{p}Maybe we can get together again tomorrow?" scene d43_elena_063 with dissolve t "Maybe, I'll have to see how much work I have to do." scene d43_elena_065 with dissolve t "Speaking of work, I really don’t want to leave, but I have so much to get done." scene d43_elena_066 with dissolve e "I understand, hopefully I can see you again tomorrow." scene d43_elena_065 with dissolve t "This was really nice, I'm glad we were able to spend some time together. I will try my hardest to make it happen again tomorrow," scene d43_elena_066 with dissolve e "Ok, bye! And thanks for a great afternoon." scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene new_office_01 with dissolve tt "*Let's get a bit more work done before supper!*" scene new_office_02 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene new_office_04 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (2.0, hard = True) scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}2 hours later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene new_office_02 with dissolve tt "*I'm hungry, time for supper.*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump d43_dinner else: scene new_office_05 with dissolve nvl_narrator "ELENA" n_nvl "I’m sorry but I can’t today, I have so much work to do. How long are you in town for?" nvl clear scene new_office_04 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (2.0, hard = True) scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}2 hours later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene new_office_02 with dissolve tt "*I'm hungry, time for supper.*" scene new_office_01 with dissolve tt "*It's kinda weird that she never texted back.*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump d43_dinner label d43_dinner: scene dinner_alone_01 with dissolve tt "*Nothing better than a good steak!*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}15 minutes later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene dinner_alone_02 with dissolve tt "*That'was delicious! Time to wait for Anne's call.*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene bed_alone_night with dissolve tt "*I hope she calls soon.*" scene black with fade $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump day_44 label day_44: #Tues scene day44 with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (2.0, hard = True) scene bed_alone_morning with dissolve t "*Guess I was more tired than I thought, I wonder if she called*" if d43_elena: scene bed_alone_morning_02 with dissolve show phone_002 tt "*No missed call but there's texts from Anne and Elena." hide phone_002 menu: "Read Anne's text first.": jump d44_annetext "Read Elena's text first.": jump d44_elena_text else: scene bed_alone_morning_02 with dissolve show phone_002a tt "*No missed call but there's a text from her.*" hide phone_002a nvl_narrator "ANNE My beautiful wife!" a_nvl "Hi babe, sorry I didn’t call you last night. I was… ummm a little occupied!! I’ll text you later today" scene bed_alone_morning_03 with dissolve tt "*What does that mean? Hopefully occupied with Kenny.*" jump d44_morning label d44_annetext: scene bed_alone_morning_02 with dissolve nvl_narrator "ANNE My beautiful wife!" a_nvl "Hi babe, sorry I didn’t call you last night. I was… ummm, a little occupied!! I’ll text you later today" nvl clear scene bed_alone_morning_03 with dissolve tt "*What does that mean? Hopefully occupied with Kenny.*" tt "*Now for Elena's text.*" scene bed_alone_morning_02 with dissolve nvl_narrator "ELENA" e_nvl "I’m sorry but there’s an emergency at home and I have to head back right away. Yesterday was fun! Hopefully we can do it again soon." scene bed_alone_morning_03 with dissolve tt "*Ah shit, that sucks! I was really hoping to get together with her again today.*" scene bed_alone_morning_02 with dissolve nvl_narrator "ELENA" n_nvl "Hope everything is ok and hope to see you again soon." nvl clear scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump d44_morning label d44_elena_text: scene bed_alone_morning_02 with dissolve nvl_narrator "ELENA" e_nvl "I’m sorry but there’s an emergency at home and I have to head back right away. Yesterday was fun! Hopefully we can do it again soon." scene bed_alone_morning_03 with dissolve tt "*Ah shit, that sucks! I was really hoping to get together with her again today.*" scene bed_alone_morning_02 with dissolve nvl_narrator "ELENA" n_nvl "Hope everything is ok and hope to see you again soon." nvl clear scene bed_alone_morning_03 with dissolve tt "*Now for Anne's text....hopefully something juicy!*" scene bed_alone_morning_02 with dissolve nvl_narrator "ANNE My beautiful wife!" a_nvl "Hi babe, sorry I didn’t call you last night. I was… ummm, a little occupied!! I’ll text you later today" nvl clear scene bed_alone_morning_03 with dissolve tt "*What does that mean? Hopefully occupied with Kenny.*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump d44_morning label d44_morning: scene new_breakfast with dissolve tt "*Now that's a breakfast!*" scene new_breakfast_02 with dissolve tt "*Let's get some work done while we wait for Anne's call.*" scene new_office_01 with dissolve tt "*Let's get a bit more work done before supper!*" scene new_office_02 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene new_office_04 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (2.0, hard = True) scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}an hour later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene new_office_02 with dissolve tt "*I can’t stop thinking about Anne, fuck! Work is not keeping my mind occupied.*" scene new_office_04 with dissolve tt "*Oh shit, maybe we got the new activity email.*" show d44_activity at truecenter with dissolve tt "Enter yourself into an amateur night at your local strip club." tt "*Oh man! That’s a good one. I hope Anne will agree.*" tt "ps. Some of you may find it easier to do this out of your local area." tt "Maybe? I wonder which she will prefer, if any!" tt "*Now what to do?*" menu: "Go to the gym!": $ d44_gym = True jump d44_gym "Just work through it!": jump d44_work label d44_work: scene new_office_02 with slow_dissolve tt "*Fuck it! I have to get some work done...Just need to focus!*" scene new_office_04 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (2.0, hard = True) scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}three hours later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene new_office_02 with slow_dissolve tt "Can't believe I managed to get some work done." jump d44_afternoon label d44_gym: scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d44_gym_001 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d44_gym_002 with dissolve tt "*Definitely a cute little butt on her.*" scene d44_gym_003 with dissolve t "*Hmm, pretty busy here today, and it's all girls.{p}I picked the right time to come that's for sure.*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d44_gym_spot with dissolve tt "*This spot will do just fine!*" tt "*Great spot I must say!*" $ renpy.pause (2.0, hard = True) scene d44_gym_008 with dissolve tt "*Nice abs on her!*" scene d44_gym_spot2 with dissolve tt "*Drops the weight and goes right back to squatting, wow!*" tt "*I fucking hate squatting. I hate leg day period!*" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d44_gym_spot3 with dissolve tt "*Oh god, I'm finding it such a struggle today.*" tt "*One of these girls could help me keep my mind off Anne.*" $ renpy.pause (2.0, hard = True) scene d44_gym_spot4 with dissolve tt "*Yeah, I really can't complain about this spot. Great view!*" $ renpy.pause (3.0, hard = True) scene d44_gym_spot5 with dissolve tt "*Oh yes, that's it girl. Stretch that tight little body of yours.*" tt "*Damn!*" scene d44_gym_023 with dissolve t "*Holy shit her whole left tit is showing...*" scene d44_gym_024 with dissolve menu: "Yeah I like her I should tell her": $ mia = True jump d44_gym2 "Nah, don't tell her.": $ mia = False jump d44_gym2 label d44_gym2: if mia: scene d44_gym_024 t "Excuse me! Excuse me miss?" scene d44_gym_025 with dissolve st "Me?" scene d44_gym_026 with dissolve tt "*Holy shit those eyes!*" t "Umm yes, if it's done on purpose then let me just say, thank you. But if not, then I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your top seems to have slipped a little and your left breast is on full display." scene d44_gym_027 with dissolve st "Oh my god!! How embarassing!" scene d44_gym_028 with dissolve st "I was wondering why everyone was staring all of a sudden. Thank you so much for letting me know, and I guess you're welcome!" scene d44_gym_029 with dissolve t "My pleasure!" scene d44_gym_028 with dissolve st "I'm sure it was!" scene d44_gym_029 t "Haha! I can't lie, it was nice for sure!" scene d44_gym_028 with dissolve st "Thanks again, bye!" t "Bye!" scene d44_gym_030 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}an hour later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d44_gym_031 with dissolve tt "*OK I'm exhausted now! I need to go home.*" scene d44_gym_032 with dissolve st "I just want to say thanks again." scene d44_gym_033 with dissolve t "Of course, don't mention it. As I said, It was my pleasure!" scene d44_gym_034 with dissolve st "I like you, I'm Mia!" scene d44_gym_033 with dissolve t "Nice to meet you Mia, I'm %(t)s and I like you too." scene d44_gym_034 with dissolve mi "Hope to run in to you here again." scene d44_gym_033 with dissolve t "And if we do? Then we know it's fate!" scene d44_gym_034 with dissolve mi "You make me laugh, I like that. Bye for now %(t)s." scene d44_gym_033 with dissolve t "Take care Mia." scene d44_gym_035 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}20 minutes later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump d44_afternoon else: scene d44_gym_030 with dissolve t "Nah.... I'll let her keep showing it. It's hot!" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}an hour later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d44_gym_031 with dissolve tt "*OK I'm exhausted now! I need to go home.*" scene d44_gym_035 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}20 minutes later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump d44_afternoon label d44_afternoon: if d44_gym: scene d44_home_001 with fade tt "I can feel my phone vibrating in my back pocket." scene d44_home_002 with dissolve show phone_003 at truecenter with dissolve t "*Sweet it's a text from Anne!*" hide phone_003 jump d44_phone else: scene new_office_02a with dissolve show phone_003 at truecenter with dissolve tt "*Sweet it's finaly here, a text from Anne!*" hide phone_003 scene new_office_01 with dissolve tt "*I'm gonna move to the living room to read this.*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump d44_phone label d44_phone: scene d44_home_003 with dissolve tt "*Let's get comfortable for this.*" scene d44_home_004 with dissolve nvl_narrator "ANNE My beautiful wife!" a_nvl "Hey babe, hope you’re having a good day" n_nvl "Its been ok, been thinking about your text from this morning." a_nvl "Oh yeah? That's good, that’s what I wanted lol." n_nvl "lol, so what was it that kept you so occupied?" a_nvl "Well you know how you told me to have fun?" n_nvl "Ya??" a_nvl "Well this is what kept me occupied." a_nvl "{image=images/d43-d49/d44/d44_mms_01m.png}" scene d44_home_004 show d44_mms_01 at truecenter with dissolve pause nvl_narrator "ANNE My beautiful wife!" n_nvl "Holy fuck! Is that Kenny’s cock? You took pictures?" a_nvl "Yep Yep. Here’s a few more pictures for you." a_nvl "{image=images/d43-d49/d44/d44_mms_02m.png}" scene d44_home_004 show d44_mms_02 at truecenter with dissolve pause hide d44_mms_02 nvl_narrator "ANNE My beautiful wife!" a_nvl "{image=images/d43-d49/d44/d44_mms_03m.png}" scene d44_home_004 show d44_mms_03 at truecenter with dissolve pause hide d44_mms_03 nvl_narrator "ANNE My beautiful wife!" a_nvl "{image=images/d43-d49/d44/d44_mms_04m.png}" scene d44_home_004 show d44_mms_04 at truecenter with dissolve pause hide d44_mms_04 nvl_narrator "ANNE My beautiful wife!" a_nvl "{image=images/d43-d49/d44/d44_mms_05m.png}" scene d44_home_004 show d44_mms_05 at truecenter with dissolve pause hide d44_mms_05 nvl_narrator "ANNE My beautiful wife!" n_nvl "Damn baby! That's fucking hot!" a_nvl "I thought you'd like those." n_nvl "Did you fuck him?" a_nvl "No, we didn't! I didn't know if you wanted me to or not." scene d44_home_003 with dissolve tt "*Hmmmmm, how do I feel about this?*" menu: "You want her to fuck him!": $ kenny = True jump d44_afternoon2 "You don't want her to fuck him!": jump d44_afternoon2 label d44_afternoon2: scene d44_home_004 with dissolve if kenny: nvl_narrator "Anne My beautiful wife!" n_nvl "Honestly baby, I don't want to put limits on things." n_nvl "If you want to fuck him then fuck him! I think it would be hot to see pictures of you fucking him." a_nvl "Oh do you? Maybe if we play again tonight I'll try to fuck him and take pictures for you." scene d44_home_003 with dissolve tt "*Fuck me, I'm so horny right now!*" jump d44_afternoon3 else: nvl_narrator "Anne My beautiful wife!" n_nvl "Since you work with him every day I think I would prefer if you didn't fuck him." a_nvl "Yeah, good point babe. Maybe I shouldn't." scene d44_home_003 with dissolve tt "Those pictures made me so fucking horny!" jump d44_afternoon3 label d44_afternoon3: scene d44_home_004 with dissolve nvl_narrator "Anne My beautiful wife!" n_nvl "I really wish you were home right now, I want you!" if d22_nicfuck: a_nvl "I'm really sorry babe that I can't be there for you." a_nvl "I got an idea, why don't you go visit Nicole? {image=images/emoji/winky.png}" n_nvl "I thought you didn't want me to fool around with her anymore?" a_nvl "I know but I guess since I'm not there that once more would be OK." n_nvl "I don't think I will but we'll see!" a_nvl "I should get going, I'll try to call or text you later tonight. Love you babe! {image=images/emoji/kissy.png}" n_nvl "Love you too baby!" nvl clear jump d44_afternoon4 else: a_nvl "I'm sorry babe.... I'll be home tomorrow night, we can have our fun then. {image=images/emoji/winky.png}" n_nvl "I love you!" a_nvl "I love you too! {image=images/emoji/kissy.png} I’ll try and call you tonight if I’m not to occupied lol." nvl clear jump d44_afternoon4 label d44_afternoon4: scene d44_home_003 with dissolve tt "*What to do now?*" menu: "Work until dinner!": jump d44_work2 "Do as Anne said, visit Nicole!" if d22_nicfuck == True: $ d44_nicole = True jump d44_nicole "Watch TV until dinner!": jump d44_tv label d44_nicole: scene d44_home_003 tt "*Let's see if Nicole would like some company.*" nvl_narrator "NICOLE" n_nvl "Hey Nic, just wondering if you'd like a little company this evening?" t_nvl "Hey stranger, can't wait to hear about your trip." t_nvl "I'm out right now, near your place actually, I could be there in 15 minutes if you'd like?" n_nvl "Perfect! See you soon!" nvl clear scene d44_home_009 with dissolve tt "*I need to get freshened up before she gets here.*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}30 minutes later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d44_nicole_001 with dissolve t "Come in Nicole!" scene d44_nicole_002 with dissolve ni "There's my handsome lover!" scene d44_nicole_003 with dissolve t "My god look at you, you look incredible in that dress Nic." scene d44_nicole_004 with dissolve ni "Hmmmmm!" tt "*Wow, she's not wasting any time at all.*" scene d44_nicole_005 with dissolve t "Wow Nicole, that was nice!" scene d44_nicole_006 with dissolve ni "I guess you can say I missed you." scene d44_nicole_007 with dissolve ni "So come on, come tell me about your vacation." scene d44_nicole_008 with dissolve t "It was incredible! The weather was scorching every day and the people were so friendly." scene d44_nicole_009 with dissolve ni "I'm so jealous, I wish I could have gone with you guys." scene d44_nicole_008 with dissolve t "We definitely gotta do that, get a bunch of friends together and go away somewhere." scene d44_nicole_009 with dissolve ni "Totally, that would be so much fun!" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}20 minutes later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d44_nicole_010 with dissolve ni "Anne told me she was going away for work for a couple days, so I kinda figured I'd hear from you." scene d44_nicole_011 with dissolve t "Can you blame me, just take a look at you." scene d44_nicole_012 with dissolve ni "Why don't I take this dress off and get a little more comfortable." scene d44_nicole_013 with dissolve t "Oh hell yes, that's what I'm talking about!" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d44_nicole_stroke with dissolve ni "Hmmmm, I've missed this cock!" t "Oh fuck that's nice, it's missed you too Nic!" ni "I love how hard you get, it feels so good in my hand!" t "I guess you're the one who gets me really hard!" ni "I want this hard cock inside me, do you want to fuck me %(t)s?" t "Oh god yes, you know I do Nic! Of course I do!" scene d44_nicole_ride with dissolve ni "My god does that thing ever feel good inside me." t "Oh fuck my cock Nic, fuck my big cock!" ni "Oh fuck yeah, I love when you talk dirty to me..." t "Ride my cock you slut, ride my fucking cock!" ni "Damn %(t)s, I didn't know you had it in you." t "Turn around! I want to see you titties bounce as you ride my cock!" scene d44_nicole_ride2 with dissolve ni "OH fuck that feel so goooooodd!" tt "*My god, just look at those fucking things bounce!*" t "Damn Nicole, you're fuckin amazing!" scene d44_nicole_014 with flash ni "OHHHH FUCKKK YOUR'REEE MAKKIINNGGG MEEEEEE CUMMMMMMMM!" t "Yessss cum on my cockk.. yesss!" scene d44_nicole_015 with flash ni "OHHHH FUCKKKKK MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" menu: "Cum inside her!": jump d44_nic_inside "Cum on her face!": jump d44_nic_face "Cum in her mouth!": jump d44_nic_mouth label d44_nic_mouth: scene d44_nicole_015 t "Oh fuck oh fuck here it comes, I wanna cum in sexy mouth of yours!" scene d44_nicole_025 with flash t "OH SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" scene d44_nicole_026 with dissolve t "Damn, that was good!" scene d44_nicole_027 with dissolve ni "You have no idea! I loved every second of that." scene d44_nicole_024 with dissolve t "Oh fuck, me too Nic, me too!" scene d44_nicole_022 with dissolve ni "I'm gonna go use the washroom, I'll be right back." scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}A few minutes later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump d44_nicole2 label d44_nic_face: scene d44_nicole_015 t "Oh fuck oh fuck here it comes, let me cum on your beautiful slutty face!" scene d44_nicole_028 with dissolve t "OH SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" scene d44_nicole_030 with dissolve t "Damn, that was good!" scene d44_nicole_029 with dissolve ni "You have no idea! I loved every second of that." scene d44_nicole_023 with dissolve t "Me too Nic, me too!" scene d44_nicole_021 with dissolve ni "I'm gonna go use the washroom, I'll be right back." scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}A few minutes later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump d44_nicole2 label d44_nic_inside: scene d44_nicole_015 t "Oh fuck oh fuck here it comes!" scene d44_nicole_016 with flash t "OH SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" ni "Oh my god yesss fill me up! Oh fuck that feels so goood!" scene d44_nicole_017 with dissolve t "Damn, that was good!" scene d44_nicole_018 with dissolve ni "You have no idea! I loved every second of that." scene d44_nicole_019 with dissolve t "Me too Nic, me too!" scene d44_nicole_020 with dissolve ni "I'm gonna go use the washroom, I'll be right back." scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}A few minutes later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump d44_nicole2 label d44_nicole2: scene d44_nicole_031 with dissolve ni "Thank you so much for a great time but I will go now." scene d44_nicole_032 with dissolve t "Are you sure, you're more than welcome to stay the night." scene d44_nicole_033 with dissolve ni "I'd love to but I have some stuff to do at home. But again, thank you so much for a great fuck!" scene d44_nicole_032 with dissolve t "And thank you, always great pleasure." scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}2 hours and 35 minutes later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d44_home_003 with dissolve tt "*I'm hungry, I need to eat something.*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene dinner_alone_01 with dissolve tt "*I could get used to eating like this everyday.{p}Steak and potatoes, food I could never get sick of.*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}20 minutes later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene dinner_alone_02 with dissolve tt "*Damn good! Let's get everything cleaned up and wait for Anne to call in bed.*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene bedroom with dissolve $ renpy.pause (2.0, hard = True) scene bed_alone_night with dissolve tt "*Parts of me wants her to call but other parts of me wants her to be occupied. haha!*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}an hour later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene bed_alone_night with dissolve tt "*I guess she’s occupied, let's try to get some sleep.*" jump d44_sleep label d44_work2: scene new_office_02 with slow_dissolve tt "*Sometimes when working the time goes by fast...fingers crossed!*" scene new_office_04 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (2.0, hard = True) scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}three hours later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene new_office_02 with slow_dissolve tt "Holy shit! It's 11 O'clock. I'm guessing she's occupied. I'm going to bed!" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene bed_alone_night with dissolve tt "*Alright, let's try to get some sleep.*" jump d44_sleep label d44_tv: scene d44_home_005 with dissolve tt "*Let's see what's on TV!*" scene d44_home_006 with dissolve tt "*Nice, it's an early game! Let's go Avs!*" scene d44_home_007 with dissolve tt "YESSS! Nice goal Nichuskin!" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}2 hours and 35 minutes later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene d44_home_008 with dissolve tt "*I'm hungry, I need to eat something. Only 5 minutes left, they've definitely won this game!*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene dinner_alone_01 with dissolve tt "*I could get used to eating like this everyday.{p}Steak and potatoes, food I could never get sick of.*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}20 minutes later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene dinner_alone_02 with dissolve tt "*Damn good! Let's get everything cleaned up and wait for Anne to call in bed.*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene bedroom with dissolve $ renpy.pause (2.0, hard = True) scene bed_alone_night with dissolve tt "*Parts of me wants her to call but other parts of me wants her to be occupied. haha!*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}an hour later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene bed_alone_night with dissolve tt "*I guess she’s occupied, let's try to get some sleep.*" jump d44_sleep label d44_sleep: scene black with slow_dissolve if d40_ted_alone: scene dream_ted_003 with dissolve ted "I'm so glad you came alone Anne." a "Me too, now nothing can get in our way." scene dream_ted_005 with dissolve a "Take your clothes off Ted, and let me return that favor." scene dream_ted_007 with dissolve a "Hmmmm you have a very nice cock Ted." ted "Thank you Anne, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!" scene dream_ted_suck with dissolve ted "Oh god that feels good Anne." a "Hmmmm!" ted "Your tongue is incredible." scene dream_ted_suck2 with dissolve ted "Oh fuck, that's so good!" ted "The mouth of a true slut!" a "HMMMMMMM!" ted "OH yesss you slut, suck my fucking cock!" a "Uhhh huhhhh!" scene dream_ted_013 with dissolve ted "Suck it, suck it! You gonna make me cum. Oh yes, take it slut. Yesss!" scene dream_ted_014 with flash ted "Fuckkkkk fukkkkkk yessss!" scene dream_ted_015 with dissolve ted "Damn, you were really enjoying sucking my cock weren't you?" a "Yeah!" scene dream_ted_016 with dissolve a "Hmmmmmmm" scene dream_ted_017 with dissolve ted "Oh shit yeah you slut, swallow it!" scene dream_ted_018 with dissolve ted "Oh what a good little slut you are!" scene dream_ted_019 with dissolve ted "That was amazing, by far the best head I've ever gotten. You must practice lots." scene dream_ted_020 with dissolve a "Not as much as I would like but I get my share." scene dream_ted_021 with dissolve a "I'll be right back, just gonna clean up my face." scene dream_ted_022 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene dream_ted_023 with dissolve a "You don't feel like getting dressed?" scene dream_ted_024 with dissolve ted "Well, I thought maybe since we still have some time before my son and daughter get back, that we might enjoy each other a little more in a 69?" a "Ooh yes, I think I might enjoy that very much!" scene dream_ted_025 with dissolve ted "You are a dream Anne, such a dream!" scene dream_ted_026 with dissolve ted "The perfect body and the perfect slut!" scene dream_ted_027 with dissolve ted "You got a taste of mine, now let me taste that delectable pussy of yours." scene dream_ted_rub with dissolve ted "Oh my god, you're so fucking wet!" a "Uhhh huhhh yeeaaahhh!" scene dream_ted_finger with dissolve a "Oh my god yesss, that feels so good!" ted "You like my fingers fucking your wet slutty pussy?" a "Oh fuck you're gonna make me cummm!" scene dream_ted_032 with flash a "Oh fuckkk meee yesssss yesssss!" ted "That's a girl, cum for daddy, yessss!" scene dream_ted_033 with dissolve ted "You need some more don't you, you little nymph?" a "Uhhh huhhhh!" scene dream_ted_sixtynine with dissolve a "Hmmmmmmmm" ted "So good, you taste so fucking goood!" scene dream_ted_sixtynine2 with dissolve a "Hmmmmmmmm!" pause scene dream_ted_040 with flash a "YESSS OH FUCKKKKK YESSSSSSSS THAT'S ITTTTTTTT!" scene dream_ted_041 with dissolve ted "You just cum again?" a "Yes!" ted "I need to fuck you!" a "Yes please!" scene dream_ted_043 with dissolve a "Oh fuck, you stretch me out!" ted "Holy shit you feel good!" scene dream_ted_fuck with dissolve a "Oh god yes, fuck me! Fuck me Ted!" ted "I've never felt anything so fucking good!" a "OH fuck Ted, I love the way you fill my pussy!" scene dream_ted_fuck2 with dissolve ted "Oh fuck, I can't believe how good this feels." a "Uh huhhh yeahhh fuck me, fuck me Ted, fuck me!" scene dream_ted_048 with dissolve a "Take me from behind, fuck me doggy Ted, please fuck me doggy!" scene dream_ted_fuck3 with dissolve ted "Oh fuck, you slut! You feel fucking incredible!" a "Fuck my pussy Ted, fuck my slutty pussy with your big cock" ted "You love my big cock don't you, you slut?" a "Oh fuck yeah, fuck yeah I love it!" scene dream_ted_fuck4 with dissolve ted "I want to fuck you all night long!" a "Oh god Ted don't slow down! Fuck me fuck me harder!" scene dream_ted_fuck5 with dissolve ted "Is that what you want, you want it deeper?" a "Oh fuck!! Yesssss Oh fuck me! Fuck me Ted!" ted "I'm about to cummmm!" a "Give it to me Ted, give it to me!" scene dream_ted_056 with flash a "AHHHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!" ted "Oh god you slut, you're choking my cock!" a "Yes yes yes fill me up!" scene dream_ted_057 with flash ted "Oh my god! Shittttt!" scene dream_ted_059 with dissolve a "Holy shit that was intense! I felt you shoot right up inside me!" scene dream_ted_058 with dissolve ted "Intense is an understatement, you gave me the best head I've ever had and now the best fucking lay I've ever had too." scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene dream_ted_061 with dissolve a "I kinda wish we had more time here together, I'd love to feel that a few more times." scene dream_ted_063 with dissolve ted "Me too, that's for damn sure!" scene dream_ted_062 with dissolve a "Wow ted, this is great wine!" scene dream_ted_063 with dissolve ted "Thanks, it's a 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon from my vineyard in Napa!" scene dream_ted_062 with dissolve a "So, you're from California? And you have your own vineyard?" scene dream_ted_063 with dissolve ted "Yes, and you're more than welcome to visit anytime to enjoy some great wine and of course, me!" scene dream_ted_064 with dissolve st "Hi Dad, who's this?" ted "Kids, this is Anne, Anne, this is my son River and my daughter Cynthia!" scene dream_ted_065 with dissolve riv "Where did you two meet?" a "Your dad and I met at the swim up bar in the pool, we had a few drinks we enjoyed good conversation." cyn "Yes, we know how good of a talker dad can be. Especially with the pretty ladies." a "I guess he is a bit of a charmer isn't he!" scene dream_ted_066 with dissolve cyn "I'm gonna go to my room now, I'm beat! I just wanted to come by and say goodnight. And it was good meeting you Anne!" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene dream_ted_067 with dissolve riv "So how does an old geezer convince such a beautiful woman to come back to his room?" a "Well, as your sister said, he's a bit of a smooth talker and I guess he knew just the right things to say, or do, to me!" riv "What was it he said, or did?" ted "Why don't we show him, are you up for that Anne?" a "Yes, I sure am!" scene dream_ted_068 with dissolve a "Your dad may have been a little handsy in the pool and made me feel really good." riv "How?" a "He just knew how to touch me." scene dream_ted_069 with dissolve ted "Look at those beautiful tits son!" ted "Oh my god Ted!" riv "Damn! Those are nice." scene dream_ted_070 with dissolve a "I wanted to show him how appreciative I was for how good he made me feel by coming to his room and returning the favor." scene dream_ted_071 with dissolve riv "Your tits look amazing, can I touch them?" a "Yes, you may!" scene dream_ted_072 with dissolve ted "Aren't they amazing, Riv?" riv "So soft, and perky little nipples." scene dream_ted_073 with dissolve a "I think it may be more comfortable if we all get on the bed. Wouldn't you agree?" scene dream_ted_074 with dissolve riv "Oh my god!" ted "You hear the girl River, get on the bed with her." scene dream_ted_075 with dissolve riv "She is the sexiest girl I've ever seen." ted "Wait till you see what she can do River, she's the best I've ever had." scene dream_ted_076 with dissolve riv "You are beautiful! So beautiful!" a "Thank you River!" scene dream_ted_077 with dissolve riv "Your pussy is so wet and sticky. Did dad do this to you?" ted "I did, and get out of the way so I can do it again." scene dream_ted_fuck6 with dissolve a "HhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmM!" riv "I love the way she licks and sucks my balls! Oh man that feels good!" ted "You haven't felt nothing yet Riv, wait till you get a piece this sluts pussy, there's nothing like it!" scene dream_ted_fuck7 with dissolve ted "I just can't get over it, this pussy is by far the greatest pussy ever." scene dream_ted_fuck8 with dissolve ted "Isn't her mouth just fucking amazing?" scene dream_ted_fuck9 with dissolve riv "Hell yeah! She's fucking amazing!" scene dream_ted_091 with dissolve riv "I want to fuck her now, let me fuck her!" scene dream_ted_fuck10 with dissolve a "Oh my god River yesss, fuck me! Fuck my pussy!" riv "Oh my god dad, you weren't kidding, she feels amazing!" ted "Give it to her son, fuck her pussy! Make her scream with pleasure." a "Fuck me! Fuck me, yesss harder! I'm gonna cummmm!" scene dream_ted_094 with flash a "FUKKKK YESSSSSSSS YESSSSSSSSSSSS!" scene dream_ted_fuck11 with dissolve riv "I'm getting so close, I can feel it coming.." a "Uh hHmmmmmm!" scene dream_ted_097 with flash riv "Ohhhhh FUCKKKKKKKKKK!" scene dream_ted_fuck12 with dissolve a "Oh yes Ted, fuck me hard! Fuck me hard!" ted "Ride my big cock you slut, ride my big cock!" a "Oh my god, oh my god, I'm gonna cum again!" scene dream_ted_100 with flash a "YESSSS YESSS SYESSSSSSSSSSSS!" ted "Oh fuck Anne you just keep cumming, I love the feel of you convulsing on top of me." scene dream_ted_fuck13 with dissolve ted "Like I said earlier, I'm gonna fuck you all night long!" a "Oh yesss please do! Please fuck me, fuck my pussy Ted!" scene dream_ted_fuck14 with dissolve a "You are so good Ted, you're making me feel so good!" ted "Oh god, yesss I'm gonnna cummmmm!" a "Yes fill me up again, fill me up!" scene dream_ted_105 with flash ted "YESSSSSSSS YESSSSSSSS YESSSSSSSS!" a "Oh god yesss, my pussy feels so fullll!" scene dream_ted_106 with dissolve a "I love you Ted!" scene bed_alone_night with flash tt "*What the fuck?*" tt "*Oh my god that seemed so real, thank god it was just a dream.*" tt "*I wonder though, is that what happened? Did she tell Ted she loved him?*" tt "*Oh my god, what am I thinking. Of course she didn't, It's just a dream!*" tt "*Fuck this, let's get back to sleep.*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump day_45 else: scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump day_45 label day_45:#wed scene day45 with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (2.0, hard = True) scene bed_alone_morning with dissolve tt "*Let's see if there's a message from Anne.*" scene bed_alone_morning_02 with dissolve show dad_text at truecenter with dissolve t "*Hmmm! No text or call from her but I have a text from Dad. That's weird, I haven't heard from him since the wedding.*" hide phone_004 nvl_narrator "DAD" m_nvl "Hi son!" n_nvl "Hi dad, it's sure been a while." m_nvl "It sure has %(t)s, I'm sorry about that." n_nvl "What is it you need dad?" m_nvl "I don't need anything son." m_nvl "I'm in town and I was thinking of coming to see you tomorrow mid afternoon." n_nvl "Sounds good dad, see you tomorrow." nvl clear scene bed_alone_morning_03 with dissolve tt "*Hmmm, I think there's more to this visit.*" scene black with dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene new_breakfast with dissolve tt "*Perfect breakfast to start the day.*" scene new_breakfast_02 with dissolve tt "*I should text her to tell her about the amateur night.*" scene new_breakfast_03 with dissolve nvl_narrator "ANNE My beautiful wife!" n_nvl "Good morning baby, hope you had a fun night." n_nvl "The activity for this week is for you to participate in amateur night." nvl clear scene new_breakfast_02 with dissolve tt "*Hopefully I hear from her soon. Let's get some work done.*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene new_office_01 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene new_office_02 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene new_office_04 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (2.0, hard = True) scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}an hour later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene new_office_04 with dissolve tt "*My phone's ringing!*" scene new_office_05 with dissolve show phone_005 at truecenter with dissolve t "*It's Anne!!!*" hide phone_005 show phone_call_anne at truecenter with dissolve t "Hello beautiful!" a "Hi babe, how are you?" t "Good, just been anxiously awaiting to hear from you." a "You’re cute! So Kenny and I had fun again last night." t "I figured as much." if kenny: a "But I won’t say anything now and let the pictures speak for themselves. I’ll send them to you after we get off the phone." t "Ok, bye baby, I love you!" a "Haha, funny guy!{p}So amateur night, I don’t know about that one, we’ll have to see how I feel about it when I get home." t "Ok but just think of all those horny guys watching you." a "That’s what I’m worried about." t "I think you’d be the sexiest dancer that place had ever seen. But it’s up to you baby!" a "Kenny’s calling me, we're about to board the plane. Love you, see you tonight!" t "Love you too baby." scene new_office_04 with dissolve t "*I hope she gets to send the pictures before having to put her phone in airplane mode!*" tt "*Back to work*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}10 minutes later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene new_office_04 with dissolve tt "*Just heard my phone, please let it be the pictures.*" scene new_office_05 with dissolve nvl_narrator "ANNE My beautiful wife!" a_nvl "We're sitting on the runway waiting to take off." a_nvl "Hopefully these send before airplane mode." a_nvl "Hope you enjoy these! Love you!" a_nvl "{image=images/d43-d49/d45/d45_mms_001m.png}" scene new_office_05 show d45_mms_001 at truecenter with dissolve pause hide d45_mms_001 nvl_narrator "ANNE My beautiful wife!" a_nvl "{image=images/d43-d49/d45/d45_mms_002m.png}" scene new_office_05 show d45_mms_002 at truecenter with dissolve pause hide d45_mms_002 nvl_narrator "ANNE My beautiful wife!" a_nvl "{image=images/d43-d49/d45/d45_mms_003m.png}" scene new_office_05 show d45_mms_003 at truecenter with dissolve pause hide d45_mms_003 nvl_narrator "ANNE My beautiful wife!" a_nvl "{image=images/d43-d49/d45/d45_mms_004m.png}" scene new_office_05 show d45_mms_004 at truecenter with dissolve tt "*He's fucking her! Oh shit that's hot!*" hide d45_mms_004 nvl_narrator "ANNE My beautiful wife!" a_nvl "{image=images/d43-d49/d45/d45_mms_005m.png}" nvl clear scene new_office_05 show d45_mms_005 at truecenter with dissolve pause hide d45_mms_005 scene new_office_04 with dissolve tt "*Can't wait for her to get home*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}6 hours later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene new_office_04 with dissolve a "Hi babe, I'm home!" jump d45_anne else: a "We did the exact same as the last night, I sucked his cock and he ate my pussy. No new pictures for you this time." t "That's OK, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." a "So amateur night, I don’t know about that one, we’ll have to see how I feel about it when I get home." t "Ok but just think of all those Horny guys watching you." a "That’s what I’m worried about." t "I think you’d be the sexiest dancer that place had ever seen. But it’s up to you baby!" a "Kenny’s calling me, we're boarding the plane. Love you, see you tonight!" t "Love you too baby." scene new_office_04 with dissolve tt "*Back to work*" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) centered "{p=.25}{p=.25}7 hours later...{p=.25}{p=.25}" $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene new_office_04 with dissolve a "Hi babe, I'm home!" jump d45_anne label d45_anne: scene d45_anne_001 with dissolve t "Hello beautiful! I'm so happy to have you home." scene d45_anne_002 with dissolve a "Hi babe, it was a really fun couple of days but yes, it's good to be home and to see you too of course." scene d45_anne_003 with dissolve a "Hmmmm" scene d45_anne_004 with dissolve a "I missed you!" scene d45_anne_005 with dissolve t "Even with Kenny keeping you occupied?" scene d45_anne_004 with dissolve a "Of course, you're my husband!" scene d45_anne_005 with dissolve t "I missed you too baby.{p}Did you eat?" scene d45_anne_004 with dissolve a "Yeah, we had a very nice dinner on the flight. I’m really tired, I just wanna go right to bed." scene d45_anne_006 with dissolve t "You didn’t get much sleep did ya?" if kenny: a "Do I even need to answer that?" scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump d45_bed else: a "I did, but flying always makes me sleepy. Too many flights in the last 4 days." scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump d45_bed label d45_bed: scene d45_anne_007 with dissolve if d22_nicfuck: a "So, did you end up meeting up with Nicole as I suggested?" jump d45_bed2 else: a "Goodnight babe! I love you." scene d33_bed_009 with dissolve t "Love you too baby, nite!" scene d33_bed_010 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump day_46 label d45_bed2: scene d45_anne_008 with dissolve if d44_nicole: t "I did, she came over here actually." scene d45_anne_007 with dissolve a "Oh really? Did you two fuck again?" scene d45_anne_008 with dissolve t "Yes we did." scene d45_anne_007 with dissolve a "Good on her to help you out. Did you do it in our bed?" scene d45_anne_008 with dissolve t "No, I wouldn't do that without you here." scene d45_anne_007 with dissolve a "Thanks babe, I appreciate that." jump d45_bed3 else: t "No I didn't" scene d45_anne_007 with dissolve a "That makes me happy." jump d45_bed3 label d45_bed3: if d43_elena: menu: "Tell Anne about Elena!": jump d45_bed4 "Don't!": $ faithful = False jump d45_bed5 else: jump d45_bed5 label d45_bed4: scene d45_anne_008 with dissolve t "I have to be honest with you baby.{p}Remember the girl in Punta Cana that gave me a blowjob?" scene d45_anne_007 with dissolve a "Yeah, I remember her!" scene d45_anne_008 with dissolve t "She was here in town for a couple days and we met up." scene d45_anne_007 with dissolve a "I see, so she sucked your cock again?" scene d45_anne_008 with dissolve t "No, not this time. We had sex!" scene d45_anne_007 with dissolve a "Hmmm, this hurts me a little, but as I said before, it would be hyprocritical of me to get upset. Though, I do appreciate and thank you for being honest with me." scene d45_anne_008 with dissolve t "Of course baby, I will always be honest with you." if d44_nicole: scene d45_anne_007 with dissolve a "Look at you getting more action than me, both Nicole and Elena in two days." scene d45_anne_008 with dissolve t "You had your fun too." jump d45_bed5 else: jump d45_bed5 label d45_bed5: scene d45_anne_007 with dissolve a "Let's go to sleep now, I'm exhausted." scene d45_anne_008 with dissolve t "OK, goodnight baby!" scene d45_anne_007 with dissolve a "Nite babe, I love you." scene d33_bed_009 with dissolve t "Love you too beautiful." scene d33_bed_010 with dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) scene black with slow_dissolve $ renpy.pause (1.0, hard = True) jump day_46