Redemption in the Twilight by Beetlebomb I awoke to a sensation like no other, as though I were cradled on clouds made of the softest, cleanest white linens. Blinking my eyes open, I gazed in wonder, convinced for a moment that I'd died and found myself in some heavenly afterlife. But that notion was short-lived, as I found myself locked in an entirely different kind of awe. Before me were two girls, fox girls, with proportions that could only be described as utterly fantastical, more impressively endowed and curvaceous than even the Vulpurae I had encountered earlier. My eyes traced the flawless contours of their figures before realization hit me like a ton of bricks. "V-Vulpurae!" I screamed, staggering back, terror overtaking my admiration. "Get away from me!" The girl with platinum blonde hair and bright orange eyes blinked in confusion, cocking her head to one side. "Vul... purr... aye? What ever could that be?" Her voice was as melodious as a songbird, but it did nothing to ease my fear. I could only point at her ears, my body trembling as I continued to back away. My mind raced, attempting to make sense of what was happening. The other girl, her silver hair glimmering in the soft light, simply sniffed in my direction, her blue eyes filled with caution. She seemed to be studying me, but her expression remained neutral. "I think you must be mistaken, dear," the blonde girl continued, stepping forward with a gentle smile. Her movements were graceful, almost hypnotizing. "We are not what you call Vulpurae. We are Luminarae!" My eyes widened at the mention of a dark alley and raw potatoes. I had no recollection of how I had ended up there. My last memory was of that intense encounter with the Vulpurae. "We found you in quite a state," the silver-haired fox girl said, her voice soft and melodious as she crawled closer to me. Her bare chest swung freely, drawing my eyes momentarily before I snapped back to reality, feeling her breath against my cheek. I could feel her nose, sniffing me, her body warm and inviting. But the sensation was also startling, and I couldn't suppress a shiver of confusion. "You were lifeless," the blonde girl added, her voice filled with concern. "But our starlight brought you back. You're safe now." "Safe?" I echoed, still struggling to comprehend everything. "Where am I?" "You're in our domain," she replied, her eyes twinkling like the stars above us. "A place forever bathed in starry night, where no danger can reach you." The words were meant to comfort, but the silver-haired Luminarae's closeness, her nuzzling against my face, was both soothing and unnerving. I could feel her affection, but it was too much, too soon. "I... I appreciate your help," I stammered, trying to put some distance between us without appearing rude. "But I need to understand what's happening. Why am I here? And what do you want from me?" Both of the fox girls looked at each other and nodded, their expressions shifting into something more sultry, more tantalizing. Their eyes twinkled with a mischievous glint as they moved closer to me. "You see, dear one," the platinum blonde girl began, her voice dropping to a sensual purr, "in the process of saving you, we've used up a great deal of our starlight goddess' power. We're all in quite a bit of trouble if we can't replenish it soon." Her words struck fear into my heart, and I was immediately reminded of the fatal encounter with the Vulpurae. The way she had sucked almost all of my life essence out flashed in my mind, and I could feel the terror gripping me. "Please, don't hurt me!" I begged, my voice trembling. "I'll do anything you want, just don't hurt me!" The two girls giggled, their laughter light and teasing as I shut my eyes, holding my hands up to keep them away. The sound was strangely comforting, and I dared to peek through my fingers. "We don't want to hurt you," the platinum blonde girl assured me, her smile soft and inviting. "Quite the opposite, actually. We need to extract some of your love juices, and that should be more than enough to help us." My heart raced at her words, and I couldn't help but stare as the two girls clasped their hands together, pressing their voluptuous chests against one another in an enticing display of feminine softness. I swallowed hard, trying not to sound too eager as I accepted their proposal. "Okay," I murmured, my voice betraying my excitement. The girls' eyes twinkled with a shared delight, and their smiles widened in unison before they both pounced, their graceful movements flowing together. I was sent sprawling back into the plushness of the cushions behind me, momentarily startled by their swift and deliberate advance. Their tails wagged to and fro, not merely playfully but with an alluring rhythm, a visual display of their sultry intentions. They showered me in kisses, their soft lips exploring every inch of my face, their warm breath sending shivers down my spine. Their bodies pressed passionately on either side of me, the sensation of their long, thick thighs and gigantic breasts enveloping every inch of my body sent my arousal through the roof. Their hands began to explore me, finding my cock and expertly massaging it to life. My hands snaked between their supple and smooth skin, coming to rest on each of their breasts. I squeezed, kneaded, and tugged for all my worth, taking one of their beautiful nipples between my index finger and thumb and encouraging it closer to my mouth. The silver haired one moaned as I pulled, knowing exactly where this was going. She shifted her huge ass up my body and lifted my head onto her lap, immediately draping her huge tits onto my face and feeding my parted lips with her thick nipple. With each rhythmic suck, a trickle of the sweetest nectar began to leak out from her teat. It couldn't even be described as milk. I took pride in hearing her soft moans dance into my ears from above. "No fair! I wanted to do that!" The platinum blonde one cried as she mounted my lap like I was a horse. "I guess this position will have to do." She said, winking at my half-submerged face poking out from her friend's boob. She spread her pussy lips apart and delicately lowered herself onto my throbbing cock. "Hnnngggghhh!!" I wheezed as the sensation hit me like a freight train. I could feel the nipple in my mouth engorge larger as the small trickles of milk became a steady stream. "Up, down, up, down-- UP DOWN!" The girls giggled as the blonde one's tight pussy worked me into a mind-breaking frenzy. I began whimpering like a puppy as she sped up her pace, my other hand slapping onto the wide expanse of another gargantuan tit. They were too perfect. Too sexy! "Hehe, it sounds like he's close, Astra!" The silver hared one chimed. "I think so too, Luna!" "Up down, up down, UP DOWN, UP DOWN!" They chanted together as their feminine bodies jiggled and bounced. They were milking me better and faster than I thought was possible! I gritted my teeth as I fought to contain it all. "Hey! He doesn't want to give us his cum!" Luna pouted, gesturing to my scrunched up face with eyes sealed shut. "Well, we can't have that, now can we?" The girls snapped their fingers together and suddenly, one by one, the stars in the sky seemed to rain down upon us. But they weren't hitting the ground. Instead, the stars all arced in the direction of the two Luminarae! As the stars made contact, they disappeared with a brief splash of light before the receiving each of the girls pulsed larger and more beautiful with each gift form the sky. I stared in horrific delight as the mound of breast flesh that I so fervently was suckling upon began to stretch larger and larger, obscuring more and more of my vision. I could feel her thighs beneath me growing more supple and significant by the moment. At first it was only my head and shoulder, but then her thighs began to take more of my body up into her. I could feel her breasts pouring onto my chest-- the very same one that my lips so stubbornly refused to let go off-- they were simply that huge! Below me, Astra, the blonde one, was moaning in pleasure. "Uhh... Uhhhh... UHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" With each bounce of her body, I could feel her pussy and thighs make contact with more and more of me. Her upper half leaned forward, allowing her own impressive breasts to collide onto my stomach before rolling beside me, their size was so immense that they could be both on me and off me at the same time. As the field of my vision began to shrink due to the size of Luna's breast, I felt myself convulse, exploding into Astra's wet pussy as if nothing else in the world mattered. My hips buckled as my lips parted, gasping for breath, milk splashing upon my face. The girls had grown so insanely big and curvy. I didn't want to leave this place. I prayed. Maybe this was heaven. Maybe I could stay here forever and spend the rest of eternity with Astra and Luna. That would be great! Clop clop... ...Clop clop... ...Clop clop... ...Clop clop... I awoke to the smell of horse manure, my body aching and my mind reeling. I was back in the dark alley, surrounded by sacks of dirty potatoes, my pants uncomfortably tight as I realized I had jizzed myself. "It was all a wet dream?!" I exhaled in a bittersweet reminiscence, a wistful smile tugging at my lips. "Well, at least I'm alive..." And yet, as I stumbled out of the alley, the sun blinding my eyes, I couldn't shake the feeling that something profound had changed within me. I couldn't quite come to terms with why I still held breath within my lungs. The memory of the Luminarae lingered, and I questioned if it all truly was a figment of my imagination or perhaps something much more. After dusting off the dirt from my disheveled clothes, I looked over my shoulder to see the tavern from which I thought I had died in and sneered. "Fuck the Vulpurae."