Interlude – War Camp


Lesamitrius sometimes wondered if his life was a dream. Once, so long ago that it almost seemed like a different life, he had been a promising young warrior in the Green Rain Sect. His father had been one of the distinguished members of the sect, someone who was close to breaking into the Immortal Realm. His family held much honor, and obligation in the sect. And Lesamitrius was the prime heir of his family, set to inherit a powerful family in a mid-sized sect on the edge of the Frontier. That had been such a high honor, a great achievement, once.

His father had reached Immortal, was a Sect Leader of Green Rain Sect, and Lesamitriusf life had taken a far different turn. Now, he was a warrior of a different Sect. A Heavenly Realm Commander, and enjoyed influence of a different kind.

Now, he walked around with legends. He walked around with Anatallien Far Solla-Woll, the Ruler of the Empty Sky. For all intents and purposes, he fulfilled the same role for her that Anrosh did for Ryun. He dealt withc everything that she needed. He shadowed her around, and he watched, he learned. He still couldnft quite believe it, but being in the presence of so many greats wasc the Immortal Realm was more than a dream for him. It was almost a certainty. Just listening, watching, experiencing, had given him insights into his own Path, into his own inspiration. He felt like he could reach Immortal in the next few years, and he was not even forty!

It was madness. Butc he wouldnft change it for the world. He had found a second family in the Twilight Melody Sect, and his father was proud of what he had achieved too. The Twilight Melody Sect had grown, and their relations and friendship with Lesamitriusf former sect had only grown.

And to think on who he used to bec how arrogant he was. Still, who he used to be had led him to who he was now, and that he wouldnft change either.

He stood in the corner of the large tent along with a few other warriors, staying at attention as legends discussed things just in front of him. The war planning was proceeding steadily. They had already gathered nearly half of their army here at the edge of the Sect territory bordering the Classer territories, and would soon begin the march across the core. The way in which they would accomplish this was the topic of todayfs meeting.

gIt will not take us months,h Eratemus Prideborne, the Lord of Death, said. He wore a female drake body, pale of scales and milky blue eyes.

gWe canft move that many troops that fast,h Hitor argued.

gWe can if we use the right powers,h Eratemus said.

Hitor tilted his head. gCultivators donft havec ah,h he stopped himself.

Eratemus nodded his head. gWe will use Classers, Commander Classes have required perks.h

A woman with golden-red, almost blond, hair, spoke next. gMy people have a few such perks,h Eternal Master Karya Ornn-Dagda said. It had taken somec adjustments to having Classers in the sect. But they had adapted. They simply called them by the equivalent of Cultivator Realms, and since her Class has reached its final tier, she held the title of Eternal Master. Other Sects would probably have an issue with that, but Lesamitrius knew that Twilight Melody didnft care that much.

gBut,h she continued. gIf we burn them on getting there, we will not have them available for the fighting. Being able to reposition in an instant across the battlefield is far more important. Besides, I donft have enough of them to move all of the army.h

Eratemus nodded. gOf course, I was not referring to your people,h he gestured at the blond man standing next to him, Sigmund Otensson. gSigmund had managed to secure the people necessary for the task.h

gThey are willing to join the war?h Weir Fo Fol, Sect Head of the Reges Ahn Sect, asked.

gNo, at least not all of them,h Eratemus shook his head. gBut they are willing to help transport the troops. For a fee, of course.h

gYou are talking about mercenaries?h Hitor grimaced. Lesamitrius shared the sentiment, mercenaries werec distasteful in Sect culture.

gYes,h Eratemus said. gBut they will get the job done. We even have one that is willing to fight with our armies. And we are going to need everyone we can get.h

gAt least that much we can agree on,h Awirren Goldenfeather of the Golden Sky Sect said. It surprised Lesamitrius to hear her speak, she only rarely spoke at these meetings. gIfve read the newest reports,h she said. gWefve underestimated the number of monsters in the enemy territory. We will be fighting through several monster swarms just to get to the taken.h

gWhat?h Henna Rai Tarun, Sect Head of the Starlight Call Sect asked. gI was not made aware of this.h

Hitor gave Awirren a glare, then turned to the human woman. gWefve only just received word this morning, I was going to bring it up after this, but we can transition.h

He pulled out a large map and laid it over the map already on the table. It was the same map, only the new one had more notes and markings on it.

gAs you can see,h Hitor started. gThere are several monster swarms moving from here,h He pointed at the Tournament City, then traced a line down south across their planned route. gAll the way to the Elder Kingdom and the Citadel.h

gThey know?h Weir Fo Fol asked.

gIt could be nothing,h Eratemus said. gThey are always patrolling their territory. Wefve never known their exact numbers, and swarms such as these could be the reason why we donft see much word getting out of those territories.h

gOr they could know about this army,h Weir insisted.

gThere are no taken in the army,h Eratemus continued. gSomeone betraying us is a possibility but unlikely, giving the army to the taken makes little sense for anyone but the most despised of focus holders. And I do not believe even most of them would agree.h

gSome people are serving them willingly,h Karya Ornn-Dagda said.

gThose who had nowhere to run,h Eratemus added. gRegardless, wefve always known that we would have a fight on our hands. This isnft a quick battle; this is a war.h

A young drake opened the tent flap and entered, quickly running over to Hitor and offering a small piece of paper. Hitor read then waved the boy away. gIt seems like our Warden friends have just arrived. I suggest we take a break and gather in a couple of hours. I am sure that the Wardens will be able to give us the information we need, in order to plan the Elder Kingdomfs campaign.h

Everyone grumbled their agreements and started leaving the tent, Lesamitrius waited as Tali exchanged a few words with Weir Fo Fol. After a few minutes, the tall minotaur left. She turned to him as they were left all alone in the tent.

gSo, bored werenft you?h Tali asked as they started heading out.

gOf course, not master,h Lesamitrius said immediately, and it was the truth. Seeing the way that the powerful talked with each other and how they planned the war was fascinating. gIfm learning a lot.h

Tali glanced at him, and for a moment he thought he saw satisfaction, but then her face turned amused. gOh, I am sure that listening to a bunch of old arrogant fools is interesting.h

Lesamitrius didnft answer, he had learned a lot while serving Master Anatalien. Like when she wanted to make him say somethingc less than honorable.

gYoufre no fun,h Tali added. Then she stopped as they rounded a corner around a small supply tent. Her eyes narrowed and Lesamitrius noticed the reason for their stop.

gAwirren,h Anatalien said with what Lesamitrius recognized as a fake smile. gIfve wondered when you were going toc ambush me. Took you long enough.h

gAnatalien,h the golden feathered karura said, flanked with two karura warriors standing at attention. gWefve all been very busy, there was a war to prepare for.h

gOf course,h Anatalien nodded. gIfve been wondering why you havenft talked with.h

gYouc you must know that I wasc unwell,h Awirren Goldenfeather said.

Anatalien didnft respond immediately, she took a few seconds to watch the Sect Head carefully. gOh,h her face softened. gI know old friend. It is a terrible thing.h

gYoucknow?h Awirren asked.

gOf course I do, but some wounds takec centuries to heal,h Anatalien said. gWefll talk more in time,h with that Anatalien walked around the karura and Lesamitrius hurried to follow.

He didnft know what it was about, and if he was honest, he was a bit afraid to ask. They walked through the camps until they reached the area designated for Twilight Melody Sect. It was surrounded by the sects allied with them, many smaller ones from the Frontier, and adjacent to the Midnight Reign Sect.

Tali made a straight line for one of the bigger tents near the center. They entered and found Ryun sitting on the floor, a shah table in between him and Kri.

She sat down next to them without a word spoken, and Lesamitrius took a position behind her.

gTough meeting, huh,h Ryun said, neither he nor Kri raised their eyes from the board. But then again, they didnft need them to see.

gThey are annoying, I wish I could throw you in them, see how you like them,h Anatalien said.

gI know war, I donft know planning,h Ryun told her.

gYou know how to drop down on an army and make a mess, that is what you know,h Anatalien shook her head. gSorry, didnft mean that. They frustrate me. We are united in purpose, butc everyone wants to gain something.h

Ryun nodded, then moved a pawn forward. gIt is the way of some people.h

gWe are going to split the main army again,h Anatalien said.

Lesamitrius blinked, that hadnft been discussed, he wondered if he missed something. They already had three fronts. The Tournament City which will be attacked by the Triumphant Hive. The southern city of Insil, which was one of the enemy staging points and which would be hit from the river. That part of the army was gathering south on the Golden Coast. And the third being the city of Emaros, in the Elder Kingdom, the home of the Warden Citadel.

gThe enemy has more troops than we thought,h Anatalien continued. gIt is the only thing that makes sense. If we hit Emaros first, any siege we make will be surrounded and destroyed. We need to tie down their armies somewhere else.h

gI thought that Helse was supposed to be that?h Ryun asked, then moved his rook.

Anatalien shook her head. gThey have more troops, even if our attack south draws away half of them, there is still enough to make any siege difficult.h

gAnd what do you think the answer is?h Ryun asked.

gTwo armies, one hunts down the largest monster swarm, or several if we can draw them together, and the other continues to Emaros and lays siege.h

gI guess that wefll see once it is decided,h Anatalien said.

A sect warrior entered the tent, interrupting their discussion. gPardon Sect Head, two wardens just arrived at the camp.h

Ryun raised his head for the first time and looked at the warrior. gThey want to meet with me?h

gApologies, but no Sect Head, they are asking permission to speak with Eternal Master Karya,h the warrior said.

Ryun blinked, and then closed his eyes. A few moments later he opened them and spoke. gThey have it, lead them to Dagda camp.h

Once the warrior left Anatalien turned to Ryun.

gI wonder what that is about.h