Bamboo Planter - 3128 Bamboo Trays - 5258 Bento Box - 1626 Branch - 8086 (HIGH) Centuria tray - 494 Chest of Drawers - 798 Clay Kettle - 5722 Clay Stove - 5630 Dining Chair - 5646 (Decorative) Dinding Table - 314 (Decorative) Estelle Vase - 2878 Floorlamp - 906 Futon - 5936 (Decorative) Gaiwan Teacup - 4070 Geta - 7334 (HIGH) Harem Sofas - 6610 (Decorative and Functional options) Hatazori-gata Teacup - 4056 Hiragata Teacup - 2628 Hishaku - 2506 Hishaku v2 - 774 Irori Fireplace - 2198 Irori Kettle - 8186 (HIGH) Kusari-toi - 27k (VERY HIGH) Miroma Cupboard - 1390 Okobo Geta - 4550 Onigiri - 938 Parasol - 1742 Shoji Cabinet - 1926 Shoji Screen - 1182 Tea Tray - 450 Vase - 6998 Waterbasin - 3798 Wooden Tray - 2018 Zen Table - 494 Zen Wallshelf - 1978