------------------------------------------------ CHANGELOG: Mystic Knight Maya - version 0.6.1 (2023/August/30) ------------------------------------------------ [MAIN FEATURES] + Added a new special skill: Ground Pound -> Obtained after defeating the Minotaur Champion. -> The skill is activated while in the air, by pressing DOWN + A (default key for attack skills) -> Maya drops straight down to hit the ground, hitting a small area with great force and sending nearby enemies flying. + Added a new special skill: Drill Dash (a.k.a Spin Dash) -> Obtained after defeating the Swamp's Boss, Mausolea. -> The skill is activated by pressing the DASH button (default D) while in the air. -> Essentially, this is a straight air-dash that is even faster than the basic ground variant. -> Maya can first dash on the ground, then jump and drill dash to reach great speeds, covering a lot of distance in one go. -> And like the basic dash, the drill dash lets Maya phase through enemies and projectiles unharmed. -> It can also be used to enter small tunnels, break certain blocks, and do a small amount of damage to enemies. + Added animation when drinking potions (the instant heal from the debug command is still present, for now) -> Maya cannot move/attack for the entire duration (currently 1.5 seconds). -> Whitin that duration, Maya receives a short boost of health regeneration equal to her max health. -> For an example, if Maya has 200 max HP but is weak currently at 1 health, the potion will regen her to full health during that time. -> The healing effect can be interrupted by enemy attacks/grabs etc, destroying the potion and halting the regen. -> This is just an initial implementation, and it will be further tested and balanced while the other game's systems are reworked. -> Potion fatigue (reduced efficiency if used in quick succesion), cooldown, altered duration, max carried limit in inventory, etc are all being considered. [FIXES/OTHER] * New: When Maya is jump-attacking, a smoke/cloud effect now appears beneath her feet (this hovering feature was already present for basic jump-attacks). * New: Increased the number of active item slots from 4 to 8. This is in anticipation of many new items and gear that will be added in following updates. -> All small/medium versions of potions were converted into big ones. All equiped items in the belt were unequiped for a proper reset. * New: Changed how Maya uses items. One single button for item usage, and two buttons to cycle the list of equiped items fowards and backwards. -> These new button configurations can be modified as usual. * QoL: In the inventory screen, pressing the confirm button on the big icons now auto select the first item in their respective list. * QoL: When equiping an item on Maya's belt, the first free/open slot is now directly highlighted. * QoL: In the belt equipment, if an item is already equiped into a belt slot, that slot is now highlighted instead. * QoL: In the belt equipment, two equiped items can now directly swap their positions. * QoL: Refactored the Control Configuration screen to be more readable and usable (laying groundwork for upcoming gamepad support, and improvements for custom bindings). * QoL: Integrated the "Statistics Screen" to be directly displayed in the in-game pause menu. * Bugfix: When Maya became fainted while a boss is respawning for a rematch, some UI elements were not properly deactivating. * Bugfix: Minotaur Champion was not moving if Maya became fainted at the same moment that the fight started. * Bugfix: When navigating the game's menus, sometimes the highlight would disappear from UI elements, preventing further interaction (mostly when clicking with the mouse)