a朱念姳,大秋朝末代公主,生于战乱,后由皇家侍卫拼死护卫,杀出重围后送于前秋将领关霆与杨佐抚养。关杨夫妇被荆廷擒杀后,念姳随关翎及杨氏姐妹一同流落江湖,后为“逍遥道人”劫走并收为徒。十八岁时以“玉蝴蝶”之名出山。彼时她武艺虽还平平,轻功却已是一流,纵使数十人围堵依旧能轻松脱困。她四处盗取官宦人家宝物并接济穷人,成为显赫一时的侠盗神偷。然而当面对顶尖高手时,她依旧明显落于下风,故而在行刺大荆六皇子的行动中被六皇子贴身护卫莫澜英击败,失手被擒,遭受严刑拷打。幸而六皇子不知其身份,只当作一般匪盗下令押回京城候审。这才给了关翎机会,在押解途中将念姳救走。后随关翎、杨牧红多次正面兴兵对抗大荆。在翎、牧红均兵败身死后,念姳逃回早年与关杨姐妹共同栖身的姊妹山中隐居,不想两年后遭人认出,遭数百名百花使追击包围。念姳施展绝世轻功,利用对地形的熟悉逃出生天。此时她已无力再组织起声势浩大的民变,也不想再过东躲西藏的糟心日子,故下定决心,进宫行刺。她躲过层层哨卡,成功潜入皇宫正殿,但令她始料未及的是,荆帝竟有一身绝世武功,只寥寥数招便将她击倒。念姳被擒后,旋即被投入百花炼狱,严刑拷问半年后,于次年三月在京城菜市口凌迟剐决,时年二十九岁。 Nianming Zhu, the last princess of Qiu Dynasty, was born in the battle and sent to parents of Ling Guan, Muqing Yang and Muhong Yang since they used to be generals of Qiu Dynasty. After their parents’ death, Ling took care of her three sworn sisters and they lived on each other together. Later, Nianming was taken by an old man and studied from him. When she was 18 years old, she left her teacher and began her own career as a brace thief. She usually stole the most precious things from the officials of Jing Dynasty and divided the money to the poor people. At that time, she was still not very strong in fighting but had already possessed the top speed. Even when she was surrounded by hundreds of people, she could still escape. However, when she tried to assassin the Sixth Prince of Jing Dynasty, she was still captured because he had a very strong guard. Luckily, the Sixth Prince didn’t know her real identity and only ordered to send her to the capital as a normal criminal. It gave Ling the chance. Nianming was successfully saved by Ling and Muhong. After that, Nianming led several rebellions against Jing Dynasty together with Ling and Muhong. After Ling and Muhong’s death, Nianming escaped to their hometown and lived in a peaceful life there for two years. However, she was recognized by an old soldier and then surrounded by hundreds of agents from the Devil of Flowers. By her incredible speed, she successfully escaped again. As she realized that she could live in such kind of running life for no more time, she made a crazy decision: Get into the imperial palace and killed the King of Jing Dynasty! By her great ability in moving, nobody found her before she got to the bedroom of the King, but something unbelievable happened: The King is a master of Kung Fu. He beat her in only 5 rounds. Nianming was captured and sent to Devils of Flowers. Half a year later, she was executed in public by Ling-Chi at the age of 29. 当牢门推开的时候,人群沸腾了。按理说,对于这样的场景,京城百姓应当已经不再陌生了。自从百花炼狱设立之后,已有不少名震天下的女子被剥得精赤条条地从这扇牢门里推出来,身骑木驴,游遍全城,在袒胸露乳地接受凌迟碎剐的酷刑,最后人头挂在城门上示众一月,让往来经过者无不唏嘘感叹。这般场景,京城百姓已看了许多次了。可今日终究不同,无论是前朝公主这一高贵的身份,还是“三蝶”全都被擒凌迟这样可以写成话本的故事,都从大半个月前起就已成为了全京城百姓茶余饭后的必备谈资。这样长久的铺垫,也难怪百姓会在看到一丝不挂,头戴凤冠,口含横棍,乳挂铜铃的朱念姳时,爆发出野兽一般狂欢的怒吼和邪笑。今日的木驴与往常一样,都是专驴专用,为女犯量身定制。众所周知,朱念姳身体极软,轻功绝世,故而将她双脚向后反折起来与双手捆绑在一起,再悬于一横木之上,下身仅用一根木杵顶住。而这座木驴最玄妙之处,就在于着木杵。看似只是自后向前斜插而入,实则由于木杵底端并未固定,故而在木驴行进途中会在朱念姳密穴之中左右乱晃,与普通木驴的抽插效果之上更平添一份痛苦,可谓是狠毒至极的毒刑。念姳只得目视远方,竭力忘记自己正身处的极端窘境,但双眼噙不住的泪水还是在默默悲泣她心中的不甘和她这无力左右的结局命运。