It was a good day in Aincrad today. I looked up at the beautiful sky. A beautiful blue, with only a few clouds. The wind was blowing today and the First Floor seemed more peaceful than usual today. It was a little annoying that Kirito hadn’t shown up yet though. ‘Sorry Asuna! Going to be a little late to log in, finishing up some touches on Yui’s body. We’ll all meet up with you soon!’ And everyone else seemed to have similar excuses for running late. ‘I had to check the new blacksmithing ‘tutorial’ they posted online first! I’ll be right there afterwards!’ ‘Had to help my Grandma today with some groceries, I’ll be running late.’ ‘I’m helping daddy with the last touches on my body mommy! See you soon!’ ‘Bar took some extra time to close up. I’ll be an extra 30 minutes.’ ‘Setting up a new headset after Kirito broke my last one!’ Sigh. Ever since Alfheim everyone has just been so busy. I felt a frown start to form on my face at those thoughts. Alfheim. I still wasn’t fully comfortable with the name. It was what the world and current system were based on, even after it fused with Aincrad. Thinking back to those events though, it always reminded me of my time there and of… Oberon. I feel a shudder pass through me. “Nope! No thinking about that! Might as well do something productive if I have to wait so long anyway.” I might as well, hmm. Well, it had been a while since I sorted my inventory. Actually… when was the last time I did that? I… can’t remember. Was it… whoa. The last time was probably right before the 75th floor. It’s been that long? Well, no time like the present! There’s a lot of junk in here. Mostly swords. When did I even pick up so many swords? Lots of monster materials, junk items, and how did my healing potions even end up in a different tab? My inventory is a mess… As I was going down the list, choosing and removing or moving things around, I saw something glowing. That in itself isn’t too odd, certain key items emit a glow in the inventory but this one… didn’t have a name. [-̶̧̛̻͕̹̩̖͕̑̈́̂͗̾͊̓͌̀͗́͝ͅ-̵̖͎͖̤̌̇̿̓̿̌́̆͛͆͘͝-̵̧̣̩͚̗͕̤͙͉̱͕͎͔̟͐̑͊͌ͅ-̶̻͕̲͓͈̼̥̰̘͔͛̍̊̒̉̈́̐̂̋̕͝ -̶̧̛̻͕̹̩̖͕̑̈́̂͗̾͊̓͌̀͗́͝ͅ-̵̖͎͖̤̌̇̿̓̿̌́̆͛͆͘͝-̵̧̣̩͚̗͕̤͙͉̱͕͎͔̟͐̑͊͌ͅ-̶̻͕̲͓͈̼̥̰̘͔͛̍̊̒̉̈́̐̂̋̕͝ -̶̧̛̻͕̹̩̖͕̑̈́̂͗̾͊̓͌̀͗́͝ͅ-̵̖͎͖̤̌̇̿̓̿̌́̆͛͆͘͝-̵̧̣̩͚̗͕̤͙͉̱͕͎͔̟͐̑͊͌ͅ-̶̻͕̲͓͈̼̥̰̘͔͛̍̊̒̉̈́̐̂̋̕͝ -] “What on earth?” It was a corrupted item. When did I even get this? Did an item break when Aincrad and Alfheim fused? I clicked it and out popped a purple, pulsating dungeon crystal. But every few seconds it would kinda, fracture and then unfracture. Like reality was broken where the crystal was. It was, disturbing and worrying to look at. It almost seemed to radiate evil. Before I could put it back in my inventory to ask Kirito about it later, it activated. My eyes grew wide as I felt myself being teleported. I found myself somewhere dark. With blue bricks and the only seeming light source coming from what I assumed were flames from behind me. It made everything seem to be cast in an eerie light. My sword was out the second I arrived but in that same moment of arrival, it clattered to the ground, as I found myself falling. I hit the ground with an ‘oomph’. I quickly looked at my status effects. Paralyzed. I couldn’t move. This was, hauntingly familiar. Was this a trap from Oberon? It didn’t seem like something Heathcliff would do. I tried to move, to get up, before whatever horrible trap this was could activate. Even if the death effect was removed, there was no telling what a corrupted item or dungeon could really do. As I struggled, I felt my body be locked down even further. I hadn’t managed to even move yet but even the desire to do so seemed to have activated something. I looked back at my status effects and was hit with shock. I had eight different, unique, paralyzation effects on me. I couldn’t move a single muscle. Even blinking was only happening because it was automatic. This wasn’t good. I tried messaging Kirito or Yui or anyone. But messaging was blocked. I couldn’t even pull out any crystals to try to teleport. This was seeming more and more like a boss room. I tried to mentally log out, but the option was gone. That was, horrifying. I felt my heart sink and true terror start to seep in. The logout option being gone meant this room was from the earliest days of SAO. Did that mean if I died in here… I looked around my surroundings, as best I could, to see if I had missed anything. To see if there was anything that could help me. I hadn’t missed anything the first time but the room had changed at some point. There was now a, a…? I had never seen anything like it. It looked like a melted slab of wood in the middle of the room. It had points jutting out and looked like it was meant to be something but whatever it was meant to be, it seemed like it had been corrupted too. Then I felt hands on me. I had to resist the urge to scream but it wouldn’t have mattered with my mouth unable to be opened. I frantically tried to turn around, to grab my sword and attack, to call for help. Nothing worked, my body didn’t move, and the hands continued to grab at my legs. I didn’t even know what was touching me! I felt as it grabbed me, running its hands down my body towards my feet. I didn’t know what was going on or what it was trying, but it was starting to bring back some horrible memories. I wanted to desperately kick it away, to be able to at least struggle, but I couldn’t move a single muscle. It got to my feet and I felt it…. pull off my shoes? My mind was hit by a wave of confusion. Why was it doing that? Before I had time to think it through, the hands continued to roam my body, going up my legs and higher. I would’ve been hyperventilating if I could. Kirito-kun, please, save me! It was embarrassing but he was coming, he was going to login soon. I needed his help. I didn’t know how he’d find me or save me, but he had before. Twice. I just had to hope and keep trying! But despite my wishes, the hands soon reached my waist and I felt a wave of disgust go through me where it was reaching. I didn’t think this, thing, was actually a person. The hands felt a little strange but mostly, it was just, too, alien or robotic in how it acted. Too similar to a monster, even if it did seem to have human hands. A person would have at least said something by now. The hands gripped my waist, and pulled, hard. Soon, I felt my pants being pulled off and my eyes widened in realization. This thing was undressing me! I tried to move, to kick, to fight, to break this paralysis, to escape, to get out of here! But nothing worked. Nothing worked! My hopes in my heart were dashed especially hard when I saw one of the paralysis effects flicker, before immediately returning. This room applied eight different immobility effects, constantly? My only hope was in Kirito and Yui. The hands hadn’t let up, it had grabbed my underwear along the way, and soon I felt like screaming as it pulled them down and off, shaking my body along with it, until I felt my naked waist touching the cold hard bricks. I knew what it was doing and I felt myself panicking. I had no options, I had nothing I could do, I was helpless. This wasn’t the first time but that didn’t make it any easier. But Kirito would come, he would come! As the unseen thing grabbed my shirt and started to pull up, I started to worry about how soon that would be though. How far would this thing get before I was saved? That thought chilled me. I could do nothing as I felt those hands pull up and up, while I was face down on the floor. I felt my arms be forced to straighten out and my shirt come over my head, before it all came off. The cold, hard ground met my breasts as I fell. I could feel my nipples hardening from it and an involuntary shiver pass through me. However, it wasn’t the cold from the floor that bothered me. It was the freezing chill of terror in my veins. I was naked, in a dungeon, unable to move, unable to even see what was assaulting me. Unable to call for help, unable to even ask for it to stop. I was completely at its mercy. Helpless. Alone. I felt it grab my torso and it began awkwardly dragging my body forward, across the ground. The fact that I couldn’t see it was becoming more of a presence in my mind as everything continued. There was just something about not even knowing what was touching you that made everything worse. Was it a human? Was it actually a person just being silent and strange? Or was it some kind of humanoid monster or even a spirit? That lack of knowledge wasn’t truly important but my mind couldn’t just let it go. It pressed down on me, weighed me down. It was dragging me towards that mess of wood. I felt it heave, pulling me upwards, before putting me over a piece of wood that was jutting out at around waist level. I was hung over the wide beam, feeling fear and now embarrassment at my position. My butt and… everything was just hanging out there, for all to see. Almost as if I was… presenting myself. I wanted nothing more than to not be in this position. The lack of sight was also worrying. All I could see was straight down, at the floor. I didn’t know what this thing was doing. Smack I would’ve yelped if I could open my mouth. Instead, a mumble was all I could manage as I felt something spank me. I felt my face grow red. This thing was spanking me! Smack “OW!” At least, that was what I tried to say, but I couldn’t open my mouth to say it. Hey, that hurt you stupid monster! Who even designed you?! Your entire purpose is to scare people and spank them?! I thought you were going to do something much worse you stupid- Smack Smack Smack ‘AGHHH’ That, that really hurt. How, how long was this thing going to spank me? Honestly, I don’t know how I felt. It was better than what it could do but I was starting to get a bit nervous. It had only just occurred to me but this room… the pain was probably at 100%. That was, bad. Especially if it kept spanking. I was already feeling sore. Surely, it would, stop soon… right? Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack SMACK I felt and heard tears hit the floor. I didn’t see them. This, damn Demon, had gone on and on and on and on. Hitting harder and harder over time. I thought my butt was going to break at that last hit. It hurrrrttttt. It hurt so much. Owwww. Kirito! Why couldn’t you get here sooner?! My butt is going to be sore for weeks… Stupid demon. Stupid dungeon. Stupid pain. Before I had time to curse everything and everyone anymore, I felt the Monster grab me. I tensed, worried about getting another spanking, when I felt something far worse press up against me. All that fear that disappeared after it only did this, came rushing back. It was like emotional whiplash, to be so terrified, to let it be replaced by anger and annoyance, and then to be afraid again. I felt its hands on my hips, holding me, and something hard pressed up against my vagina. I tried to move or struggle, to do anything, while the full reality of the situation tried to seep into me. The Demon pulled back, its hands tensing and gripping harder, and right before the horrible sensation hit me, the knowledge of what was happening finally made me understand. I was going to be raped. I felt something hard penetrate deep inside me and I wanted to scream and yell and cry. I could feel it, I could feel it. Deep inside me was this, thing. I felt sickened as I felt this thing pull back, felt how it rubbed against my entire being, how my body seemed to shudder with absolute revulsion. I wanted to throw up, I wanted to scream and cry, but I couldn’t move. I couldn’t do anything. It pushed into me again. Forced itself into me. I could feel every inch of it, as it took me. As it raped me. For a moment, I felt all eight paralyzations break, but the most I managed to do was a finger twitch before they all reapplied. It kept going, gripping tighter, causing me pain from my sore ass as it rammed into me again and again. I could feel it hitting my cervix and pulling me back, forcing me to slide further down its shaft. It started going faster and I nearly did puke as my body betrayed me and tried to give me a hint of ‘pleasure’ before it was destroyed by the wave of abhorrence that caused. I was, I was going to destroy this thing. I was going to, to- It hurt. It hurt. It hurt. My ass, my cervix, my body. Myself. It all hurt. I felt tears fall as I screamed, as I tried to scream for help. Only a loud muffle came out. The sounds of this Monster hitting my flesh with its own, that wet slapping, was louder. It went faster and faster, forcing me to feel a constant sliding of its dick in and out of me. The time, the time was what horrified me as it Just. Kept. Going. It felt like an eternity and I started screaming when I realized, it had no reason to stop. It wasn’t human. It could possibly go forever. It could rape me for hours and hours, maybe even days, before Kirito found me. Oh Kirito-kun. Please, save me… No one came. There was no one here. Just me and this thing. I felt my mind breaking as the feeling of it being inside me, of it raping me, started to seep into my brain. To become something I felt like I would never forget. Minutes passed but every one of them felt like forever. Then something changed. I felt its hands tense and squeeze me, hard. I felt it push forward, harder than it had ever before. I felt it go deep and stay there and then- It came. A horrible, disgustingly warm liquid poured into me. Filling me. Making me gag. It had used me. It had finished inside me, leaving me feeling broken. My spirit shattered. Its hands were still gripping me and its penis was still inside me. It had stopped, but it hadn’t left me. I felt it slowly, pull out. And with it, cum leaked out of me. It was finally over. It was finally. Over- I felt it press its penis against my vagina. My mind broke. I screamed and screamed and screamed. It was only after a few minutes, I realized I wasn’t facing a fate worse than death. I was, I was back on the First Floor. I was laying face down on the floor and still naked but, But I was free. I could move. I glanced around, quickly looking around me for the monster but all was quiet. There wasn’t even anyone walking around this time of day. I shakily opened my inventory and reequipped my clothing, never happier in my entire life to be wearing something. I sat down, still shaking, before instantly opening my inventory and looking for that item. It was there. But now it had a name. “Asuna’s Dungeon.” I tried to delete it. It didn’t work. There was no option for it. I was hyperventilating but I didn’t realize it, until my eyes saw the Log Out button and I finally breathed a sigh of relief. I instantly clicked it and found myself back at home. I threw the helmet away and just cried for a second. It must have been much longer than a second because soon a slew of messages came in, asking where I was. I wrote back a quick reply, simply saying: ‘I’m busy’ I didn’t know, I didn’t know. I was, I had been, I had just, it, my mind felt like broken glass. I didn’t know. I didn’t know what to say, what to do, who or what or why or anything! I, I needed time. Time. I pulled myself to bed, fully clothed, and fell asleep immediately. My dreams haunted with me unseen creatures pulling at me and my ass ached even in my sleep. . . . Unknown to Asuna, in a certain dungeon, buried under millions of complex lines of code, sat a creature. The creature was silently staring at where she had been. Its eyes glowed red. It had waited before. It would wait again. For her return.