Cal ducked the lightsaber as the Inquisitor swung it at him - his own blue blade swinging up to block the next attack. He was getting dangerously close to the ledge of the platform - and struck back at the Inquisitor while also throwing a Force Push at her. While she skidded back, he dove for the edge of the platform, grabbing a fueling hose as he went. Swinging beneath the platform, he landed on a catwalk. "Beedee, need the map." He muttered to the droid, which quickly produced the holographic display for him to try and figure out an escape back to the ship. But the inquisitor stopped herself and glanced at where her quarry had been. There was little place to run in the high tech floating city. She sped up to the ledge catching sight of the young Padawan running along the catwalk while a holographic map projected around him. "You cannot escape! Only the weak run!" she shouted regally as she gave chase. Luckily for Cal a heavy metal panel opened up near him revealing a passage back into the city. Cal glanced back as he heard the Inquisitor shout after him - raising his hand to hurl shipping crates at her before he ducked behind the panel - which closed behind him. He quickly disengaged his lightsaber and began to hurry along the passage, clipping the weapon back to his belt. No sooner had it shut than the searing sound of a lightsabre forcing its way through the thick panel. CAl had run a little way when a voice came from the vent above him. "Hey over here..this way hurry!" it shouted He grimaced as he heard the Inquisitor start to cut through the panel, starting to run down the passage. As a voice called out to him, he glanced up at the vent - and jumped straight up and in, moving to seal the vent cover behind him. Inside the vent he was met with a young man slightly older than him, wearing spectacles and white overalls that had been dirtied with machine oils and the contents of the vent. One hand was artificial appearing to be made of high quality polymer. "We'd better get far enough away, she can probably sense your presence!" he said as he gave Cal a quick glance over. "I've got just the thing!" he said as he produced what looked like a flash grenade. Cal quickly glanced over his unexpected savior - nodding his head lightly as he was told the Inquisitor could sense his presence. "Yeah, she can." He muttered, looking down through the vent cover before grinning at the sight of the grenade. The inquisitor has cut through and was bearing down the passage. The man grinned as instead of chucking the grenade at his chaser, he'd dropped it casually in front of them. As it touched the vent floor, it flashed, instantly teleporting him to a dingy robotics lab, which was apparent once the flash subsided. Cal's eyes widened in alarm as the man just dropped the grenade, moving to shield his eyes as it flashed. His left arm over his eyes, he slowly lowered it and looked around the dingy lab confusedly. "H-how did you do that?" He asked as BeeDee chirped on his shoulder. "mobile teleportation unit!" he replied "only works one way though...back to my labs here!" he added. He held out his artificial hand, "good thing I was nearby...I'm Pax!" Cal laughed at the answer. "Well, good thing you were nearby." He grinned slightly. "I'm Cal." He introduced himself back, reaching to shake Pax's hand, careful to keep his other arm over his lightsaber to try and conceal it. He grinned as he shook the young man's hand introducing nanobots into the Jedi's system. "Well you're safe here...but why are the Inquisitors after you here?" he asked as he broke the handshake. Cal felt a slight disturbance in the Force as the nanobots entered his body, but wrote it off as the Inquisitor's anger about his disappearance. "They think I know where some Jedi are." He informed Pax - not technically telling a lie "Ah..well you are welcome to stay here till it blows over, they won't find you here!" he said as he began tinkering with a robotic arm lying on a bench. He smiled slightly at the offer. "That sounds lovely, but I should get back to my ship before the Empire comes for my friends." He informed Pax. "How far is it to the docks from here?" He gave Cal another glance over now he was standing up, The nanobots dampening his ability to manipulate the force as they tapped into it as a source of power making them even stronger. The more force he tried to use the more control Pax would obtain of Cal's body. " I said the docks are the other side of the floating city, one hour away if you run." he said "thought it would be far enough to keep you from being sensed, now how about you take off that heavy cape coat thing!" he suggested He grimaced slightly at the mention of it being an hour to the docks. The city would be swarming with Imperials by the time he made it back to the ship. "Is there anywhere near here for a mid-sized ship to put down?" He asked his rescuer as he shifted to lean on a wall. "And I'm fine, thanks." He responded to the request to remove his cape. "Yeah, the loading bays on the east quarter of my labs! But you won't get a comm signal here, the whole place is shielded..." he replied "and you sure that coat looks pretty heavy...very heavy and it's getting pretty stuffy and hot in here!" Cal shifted slightly as he leaned against the wall. "Karabast." He swore as, without really noticing it, he was unfastening the clasps on his cape-coat and draping it over a work table, revealing his clothes beneath as BeeDee beeped at him quisically. Pax licked his lips as Cal revealed his light armoured outfit, "but I might have something that might get through the comm shields." he said "one of the bunkers in the East tunnel might have a signal enhancer that might get through the shields but the thick doors are jammed and I can't pull them apart to get in!" he said Cal listened thoughtfully as Pax spoke. "I can get the doors open." He promised, glancing at BeeDee for a moment. "Yeah?" he said "Well the bunkers are on the east tunnel through that door!" he said pointing at a metal ladder leading up to a door "I'm not sure which of the 6 bunkers it is though!" "I'll come with you" Cal glanced at the ladder, moving quickly to climb up it with Pax bringing up the rear - BeeDee perched on his shoulder and flicking on its flashlights to illuminate the bunker entrances. Pax looked up gleefully as he got a view of Cal's tight butt in motion working as he climbed the steps. "The doors here aren't electronic...all manual...old school...old republic..." he said as he knocked on the first huge metal door "Yeah?" He asked with a chuckle. "Old School Old Republic still had one weakness." He informed the droidsmith before igniting his lightsaber and starting to cut open the first door. "That's a...lightsabre.." he said, feigning surprise since he'd been watching Cal on vid screens with surveillance devices all over the floating city. "That means you're...?" He held up a finger to his lips with a playful "shhh" as he worked to slice open the first bunker doors for Pax "Ahem...of course!" he smirked as he watched Cal using some of the Force to maintain the lightsabre. Soon the door began to creak and fall towards them. Pax knew he wasn't in danger as he could easily catch the door but he looked up as if he didn't react quickly Cal stepped back as the door started to fall - reacting swiftly to catch the door with the Force, pulling it away from where it had nearly crushed Pax. "You alright? " "oh wow..thanks...that was a close one!" he chuckled as he stared at the boy's lips. The door seemed to quiver in the Padawan's force grip as if Cal was straining a little. "You look even hotter here..working up a sweat, you could do with taking off more layers!" he said as the nanobots got stronger The door shuddered and shivered as Cal laid it down, exhaling lightly. "It's no problem." He said with a smile, wiping some sweat from his brow. As the suggestion was made, he considered it. "It is pretty warm up here." He conceded, moving to open his jacket before moving to open the next door. He looked over at Beedee who seemed to be beeping suspiciously "Oh..I think your little droid's voice systems are broken can't understand them anymore!" he suggested innocently as Cal worked through another door BeeDee beeped and squealed alarmedly at that suggestion. Cal paused in cutting the door. "You're a droidsmith, right? Can you take a look at him? I think his voice box is weird." "Uh sure!" he replied as he looked at the rather angry little droid, firing a small tool at the robot making it docile and hacking the AI. "Hopefully that should work!" he said as he heard the creaking of another door falling forward Cal caught the door with the Force once more and dragged it to the side - grunting and straining with effort all the while. "How you feeling Cal?" he asked "those clothes are gonna get dirty, you should take it all off before you start another door!" he said as Beedee beeped in agreement Cal paused, breathing a little heavily as he shut off the lightsaber for a moment before tugging off his top and moving to the third door, not having quite caught the 'all' in the suggestion. he checked out Cal's topless form admiring the muscles and lightsabre scars as he grabbed the discarded top. He looked at his wrist mounted display and checked on the nanobots progress, they were absorbing more Force and had taken residence in nearly every one of Cal's bodily systems, Cal's avatar flashing at 80% saturation and control rate. As Pax checked his wrist display, Cal finished cutting open the third door, and leaned hard against it to push it inwards rather that try the Force. "how you feeling Cal?" he shouted/commanded as he seemed to be using his body to move the heavy door "I'm alright." He insisted, moving for the fourth door. "Nearly got 'em for you." "you sure?" he asked "you should take off your pants and boots" he suggested The suggestion made him pause - confusion evident on his face. "W-why?" He asked dazedly, even as he was already removing his boots. "they're too tight, constricting, gonna make it hard to push those doors if you cramp those leg muscles right?" he replied He considered even as he was removing his pants, revealing his nude body beneath - a coppery Bush of pubes surrounding his cock as he engaged the lightsaber again and began to cut through the next door. "yess" Pax muttered lewdly under his breath as he watched the package swaying as the lightsabre sliced through the door. Cal's muscles rippled and tensed as he worked, the fourth door collapsing inwards as Cal moved to the second-from-last door. "So how'd you get here?" He asked a little curiously. "Oh I work in the droid manufacturing and processing plant in the new acquisitions sector!" he replied "but the Empire wanted to steal all my research so I fled here!" Cal nodded his head slightly. "So manufacturing and processing? What kind of droids?" He asked while continuing to work. "Well they wanted droids with a single mindset for battle, shooting wildly without any accuracy!" he replied "but they won't be getting my biggest breakthrough!" he said cryptically "So tell me Cal do Jedi get turned on, aroused?" he asked/commanded He considered for a moment. "Is there any chance you still have the Imperial plans? It could be very helpful." He asked the droidsmith before blinking at the question. "We're not supposed to. The Jedi Code forbids attachment." He told Pax as his cock started to harden on command. "I think so yes!" he replied rubbing his crotch as Cal's cock hardened "they'll be a few months old but I'll put it into your memory banks once you're done. But have you ever faltered on the Jedi Code?" he pressed(edited) Cal thought his comment about memory banks seemed a little weird, but he pushed them aside for the moment. "Thanks." He said simply - before pausing at the question. "A - a few times. No major violations, though. "oh...some naughty thoughts?" he quizzed with a smirk "you must tell me!" he looked at the boy's status which was near saturated, all his systems almost under his command. Cal blushed a little at that. "I used to - well... I had feelings for another Padawan." He answered vaguely as he started to cut through the final door. "yeah..female?" he asked noting Cal's blushing "Yeah." He answered softly. "Her name was Ahsoka." " sure it wasn't a boy?" he asked leadingly as he approached the naked Padawan watching his sweat drenched muscles working to get the last door open. "you won't mind me touching you, invade your personal space" he suggested The question made him blink confusedly - the last bit of his self control resisting that suggestion. "I - I won't- won't mind?" "you won't mind!" he repeated strongly "just get through this last door!" he commanded as he stroked the boy's shoulder Cal grunted as he shoved the lightsaber deeper into the door as his sweaty shoulder was stroked. "yes keep going, thrust your lightsabre deep into the thick door!" he smirked as he stuck 3 fingers into Cal's exposed butthole As the fingers plunged into his ass, Cal yelled in surprised alarm, his lightsaber jerking in his hands to finish opening the door with a quick slash as he stumbled against it to send it crashing in A quick ping updated Pax that the nanobots were in control, aside from his mind. He walked in beckoning Cal to follow Cal glanced over at Pax as he heard the ping - moving to follow the droidsmith curiously "now I thnk it's here somewhere!" he said as he searched the shelves in the bunker "ahhere it is!" he said producing a coppery metallic phallic object "this should do it!" Cal held his lightsaber up as a source of light for them both as Pax rummaged on the shelves. As the droidsmith held up the copper object, Cal frowned slightly. "That will get through the transmission fields?" "Yep..." he said as he picked up another two and opened them up showing they were hollow then walked out back into the lab "come on!" he commanded Cal to follow Cal leaned in curiously to examine them, following Pax back out and then down the ladder into his lab. Once they get back into the lab Cal's comm suddenly comes to life crackling "Hey buddy!" a voice came through "can ya hear me?" Cal looked over quickly as he heard the voice come crackling over it. He moved to where his Cape-coat had been deposited and began to rummage for it He watched as Cal went to retrieve his comm. He knew it wouldn't be long before they found him. "Tell them everything's ok and you need to stay here and they should stay as far away as possible till the coast is will not tell them anything else!" he commanded Cal clicked on the commlink. "I'm here." He answered quickly. "BeeDee and I are fine, we're laying low. Stay where you're at, we'll come to you when the coast is clear." He shut off the transmission. "Good boy!" he commended as he stroked the naked back with one of the phallic objects Cal looked confused. "W-why am I taking orders from you?" He asked. "because a droid is programmed to take orders!" he replied "now give me your lightsabre" Cal looked incredibly confused. "I'm - I'm not a droid." He insisted even as he slowly reached to hand over the lightsaber. "You will be!" he said, taking the metal hilt and stowing it in a display case. "you see my masterpiece is to convert organics into droids!" he went on "but the nanobots did not have enough energy to maintain control...until I found an untapped reservoir in 'certain' people!" he tapped Cal on the forehead with the phallic object Cal grit his teeth in anger as he watched his lightsaber be stowed away. "Great, a mad scientist." He muttered as he reached out with the Force to try and get the saber back He watched as Cal strained, as the Force was absorbed by the nanobots before it could manifest and increasing his hold on Cal. "Having a little trouble Cal?" He grunted angrily. "What did you do to me?!" He yelled. "Like I said, I gave you a dose of nanobots that love all that Force you're generating, and I have spent maybe a little too long on my own down here...might have made me go a little stir crazy! Now stand to attention Droid!" he smirked as he slipped one of the objects into Cal's hand. "Slip this into your tight little hole!" Cal's eyes shone with fury as he listened. "So you were trapping me, not helping me." He accused before yelling in pain as he obediently pressed the object into his virginal ass. "Well why don't we say I did both!" he winked as he caught the flash of fury in Cal's glare broken by the pained expression as he shoved the hollow object into his ass Cal panted and gasped for breath as his legs shuddered. "never pushed anything up there before? where's that curious spirit?" he asked mockingly "Wondering how best to kill you." He shot back pointedly, tears of pain in his eyes. the nanobots in his ass helped pull it in and slid it into place as it pressed on his prostate, then began to fuse it to the inner walls keeping his hole wide open. "now you have a perfect place to store my lightsabre" he jested as he slapped the buttock and slipped the other object over Cal's cock which tightened over the hard member thanks to the nanobots He felt the cylinder moving within his ass, grunting in pain as it started to fuse with him. "You - " He groaned as his ass was slapped and his cock encased by the other object. "Please - please you have to let me go, or the Empire will never be stopped." "The Empire will crumble, don't you worry about that any more!" he stated into Cal's ear as he tapped on Cal's phallus which merged with the object making it shiny metallic and hard. As his cock was fully encased by the object, Cal's breathing become somewhat labored as he grunted from the pain of the sudden shift. "Now we have you prepared, you are going for a little ride through the processing line.." he said guiding him over to a conveyor belt or production line of some kind. "Stand here and do not move until you are released from the processing line!" he commanded pointing at a lit circle on the conveyor belt. As he was guided along, Cal glared as powerfully as he could at Pax - standing at attention in the lit circle on the conveyor belt. "I'm gonna kill you for this." He promised. "I doubt you have the power now!" he scoffed as the light under Cal flashed and a pole rose up slipping into his hole and locking in place pushing him up onto the balls of his feet and the belt shunted and began to move forward into the first chamber where he was sprayed with a coppery sludge all over his body. He was fully caked in the goop which the nanobots began to leech the metal from to fuse into his skin and muscles hardening it Cal opened his mouth to retaliate - only to yell once more as the pole locked into his ass, prodding his prostate as it did so, and forced him up onto the balls of his feet. His body jerked as the conveyer belt began to move, and he grimaced in obvious disgust as the sludge coated his body: yelling out in pain as his muscles began to tense and harden painfully The body stayed in the chamber for a full hour letting the metal seep deep into his muscles. Then jets of water fired onto him washing off the foamy caked on sludge revealing a somewhat tarnished looking coppery statue which was moved forward into the next chamber As he stood there - immobilized and unable to even speak thanks to the coppery sludge having metallicized his mouth - he found himself fantasizing about the various ways he would kill Pax when he got out of this. As the belt abruptly shifted forward - breaking Cal out of a fantasy of sending Pax through his own machine - he mentally flinched as he was rinsed off and moved forward. He was stopped in the next chamber and a laser aimed at his chest and etched a window which then burned through and a grabbing claw pulled out leaving a large hole into his chest, revealing metallized organs which were pulled out one by one and reprocessed into circuit boxes, fuel tanks, energy converters, servo motors and coolant containers. They left the chest area completely hollow as a large claw grabbed the back of his neck and a laser cut his in half at the waist going through the spine. The nanobots keeping him alive and aware throughout the process letting him 'feel' everything Pax chuckled as he read the thoughts being sent from Cal to his wrist display Cal mentally screamed in pain as the laser burned through his chest, trying - desperately - to move, his mental anguish increasing as his organs were removed one by one. Thinking he had experienced the worst pain imaginable, he was proved wrong once again as he was cut in half. all at once the claws were a hive of activity joining the two halves with a large servo giving him 360 degree waist articulation and then filled his cavity back up and sealing the chest plate back in place. Two clamps held onto his shoulders and pressed tightly pinching through pulling them slightly away from his torso and inserting servos in place. His arms were pulled in front of him and moulds clamped around both limbs and agonising pressure applied as they were reshaped in the moulds making them thinner and angular, the elbows reshaped flaring out like wheels once they were released from the moulds. Claws grabbed his hands and lasers cut through his wrists as they were lifted up and held in front of Cal as he watched them flattened and reshaped into spades with four sharp claws locked in a menacing curl and then they were reattached with more servos to the stubs ending his arm. AS they attached the hand rotated and fingers moved as each servo was tested. Cal was helpless to do anything but watch as his body was mutilated and reshaped by the machinery - watching his arms be clamped painfully into molds, screaming in agony from the sensation in his head, begging for it to stop as his hands were severed and reshaped, his fingers flexing as the motors were tested. The same happened with his legs as lasers cut through each joint and reattached with heavy duty motors then remoulded to thin them. His feet reshaped into flat blocks hinged only in the middle. A mould clamped over his groin pressing it into an angular looking 'nappy' still with a long metal cock protruding out the front but the balls hadd been pressed out of existence He felt as if he was going to pass out as he simply stood there and felt his legs, feet, and groin be reshaped by the molds - starting to mentally plead for death, to become one with the Force to get out of this agony. he was shunted forward to the where moulds clamped around his chest reshaping it, smoothing away his muscle definition. As this happened a claw grabbed the top of his head and a laser cut through his neck. His head was carried into a compartment where the top of his head was cut open and his metallized brain was exposed and electrodes began adding more electronics to it, then the top resealed and two cameras were pushed into the eye sockets, making Cal's vision crystal clear but there was a permanent control panel in view. A hot mould forced his lips apart as his mouth remoulded into a perfect round tunnel. His entire head was forced into a mould pressing flattening his hair and nose and reshaping his ears into flat rounds and then it was taken out and reattached to the top of the torso with hydraulic pistons and servos. Besides the pain of a laser cutting through his neck, the sensation of having your head carried away from your body was alarming. He could see his body, being gripped in the molds, as it was carried to a smaller station. His vision was upgraded - but with the curse of a new diagnostic display being a permanent feature of his vision. He felt his brain being messed with - and then his head was pressed into a mold. His mental screams of anguish continued until his head was reattached to his torso. it moved forward to the final chamber where a mould clamped around his cock reshaping it into a sleek laser weapon. When it was released it retracted seamlessly into his metal groin. A mould clamped to his back building it up making it appear like he had a blocky backpack on with vents so the coolant system would function optimally. He finally made it to the endwhere Pax was waiting. The feeling of his cock being reshaped into a weapon was worse than anything he had felt up to the that point, and left him feeling dazed and numb as he emerged from the conveyor system to stand in front of Pax - stiff limbed and at attention. A speaker was now in his chest and mouth connected to the fuel tanks too in his chest. "you can move and speak now Caldroid!" he said The speaker emitted a low, pained groan. "Well how do you feel Cal?" he asked showing him a mirror "That was the word experience of my life." Cal responded, his voice sounding tinny and digital as his cameras focused on the mirror to take in his reflection. "You look perfect...and will last forever!" he said as he nodded to Beedee who hopped onto Cal's robotised square platform that was now his shoulders Cal just stared at his reflection. "I do not look perfect." He insisted pointedly, trying to move his arm to feel his chest. "watch this! Activate laser mode!" he said and immediately Cal bent backwards into a crabwalk and his cock extended out pointing forward at a target which he fired at obliterating it. "Cal return to Droid mode!" As his body contorted, Cal yelled in alarm - his cock jutting out. Firing his laser felt almost like an orgasm, and Cal grunted before straightening back up to stand at attention. Beedee stayed on Cal and extended an interface into one of Cal's ear sockets, setting him into reprogramming mode. "now fun as it is to have someone with thoughts of killing me...I'd rather something more loyal!" he said "So you will only be able to call me master, erase all memory of your quests, you will be assigned a new designation Droid-CA7, your purpose is sex droid and personal bodyguard" he said Cal's mind went blank as soon as his ear was interfaced with and he entered reprogramming mode. Unable to even think, his mind was rewritten by the insane droidsmith as he worked - giving CA7 his designation and his purpose. After reformatting CA7's mind, Beedee leapt off and back to Pax, and 'awakening' CA7 who could now move The new droid lifted his head, swiveling it to look at Pax. "CA7 standing by." He informed Pax. "Status update CA7!" he commanded as he circled the new droid feeling the sleek angled metallic chest plate "All systems functional, master." CA7 informed Pax. he pulled down his pant to reveal his hard member, "I've been waiting too long for this-CA7 initiate protocol BJ" "Initiating Protocol BJ." CA7 announced smoothly as it fell to its knees and took Pax's hard cock into its smooth mouth - a vacuum suction system engaging to begin blowing the droidsmith. Pax moaned as the mechanical mouth subsumed his cock pleasuring it even without need to thrust on his part. "Oh yes...this is perfection!" The droid moved with perfected ease to give Pax the perfect blowjob. so perfect it didn't take long for him to arch back, throw his head back in an orgasmic groan and empty his load into the robot's throat The cum was quickly sucked into CA7's storage tanks. "Initiating fuel conversion." He announced monotonously. he gasped in delight as he disengaged from the droid's mouth. "Looks like the test was a success...time we found more Jedi huh CA7?" he said as CA7 resumed standing to attention "Of course, master." CA7 agreed in the same digital, monotonous voice that - in no way - betrayed its former status as Cal Kestis. "good...then download all data of previous jedi knowledge while we enjoy a little time in the dormitories!" he smiled leading CA7 to his bedroom "Yes, Master." He agreed simply - following Pax towards the droidsmith's bedroom - ducking his head to avoid the door frame.