Amber stood at the head of the sorority meeting room, her gaze fixed on the figure kneeling before her. “Sisters,” she said, her voice echoing with authority, “I present our newest pledge – Lacey.” The young woman looked up at Amber with wide eyes. Around her, the sorority members sat in a semi-circle, their expressions a mix of curiosity and disdain. Lacey’s blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders, framing a face that had never been very masculine but was now undeniably lovely, with rounded cheeks and full, rose-colored lips. Maybe that’s why ‘Lucas’ (as she’d been called) had been such a raging asshole to begin with—he was always trying to prove something. “H-Hello, everyone,” Lacey said. Amber smiled as she remembered her boss at Java Junction. Lucas would bark orders and condescend to his mostly female staff. Everybody hated him. God, he even refused to give time off to a girl whose mother was in the hospital. That’s when Amber knew something had to change. And so, she began grinding estrogen pills into Lucas’s ‘specialty’ coffee beans. It had taken months, but the subtle changes were delightful to watch. The rounding of his jaw, the softening of his skin, and most of all, the budding growths beneath his t-shirts. Lacey fidgeted, her fingers now adorned with pale pink polish that matched her lips. The white pledge dress had a daring cut that revealed her ample cleavage. Her breasts, once just sensitive nipples under a tight shirt, had blossomed into full, soft mounds that any sorority girl would be proud to flaunt. “You stand before us transformed,” Amber continued, stepping closer. “Once you sought to dominate with unwarranted authority, even though you were just a student like us. But now... now you seek sisterhood and understanding.” Lacey nodded, her eyes glistening. “I... I didn’t understand before. How it felt. The looks... the comments.” Her voice was higher, melodious almost – a stark difference from the gruff directives she used to give. Amber reached out and lifted Lacey’s chin gently. “And how do you feel now?” “Scared,” Lacey admitted, her new chest rising and falling with anxious breaths. “But grateful, too.” The room was silent save for the rustle of fabric as other members shifted in their seats. “Sisters,” Amber addressed the room again, placing a hand on Lacey’s shoulder. “We’ve all watched Lucas become Lacey over this past year – watched as his arrogance gave way to her humility, his aggression replaced by her grace.” Lacey’s transformation had been slow enough not to raise immediate alarm but rapid enough that, before the year was over, Lucas was asking timidly where he might find a good bra. Lacey took a shuddering breath. “I want to apologize,” she said. “For how I treated everyone when I was... before.” Amber squeezed Lacey’s shoulder reassuringly. The other sisters exchanged looks, whispering among themselves. “It takes a big person to admit their wrongs,” Amber said. “Although I supposed, in your case, the ‘bigger’ refers to those beautiful breasts you’ve grown.” The gathered women giggled. Lacey’s cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink. She nervously adjusted her dress, trying in vain to cover more skin. “I just... I hope I can be a good sister to all of you.” Amber nodded, her expression softening. “We believe in second chances here. And Lacey, you’ve earned yours.” Lacey looked up at Amber with something like awe—or maybe it was fear; they were often similar these days. “So we accept you into our fold,” Amber concluded ceremoniously while holding out a small sorority pin glittering with rhinestones—a far cry from the name tag Lucas once wore so proudly at Java Junction. “Welcome home.” The room burst into applause as she affixed the pin above Lacey’s heart. Lacey’s eyes brimmed with tears, her mascara threatening to run. Amber leaned in, her voice a low purr that only Lacey could hear. “Remember, as our newest sister, you’ll be expected to do much more than the others.” Lacey’s breath hitched. “W-what do you mean?” Amber straightened and addressed the room again. “As is tradition with new pledges,” she began. “Lacey will be taking on additional duties. She will assist with all our events and socials, serve as liaison for any... ‘special guests’ we may have, and ensure that our sorority maintains its impeccable reputation.” The sisters’ murmurs grew into excited chatter at the mention of special guests – everyone knew that meant the influential alumni who often visited during fundraising events. “And,” Amber smiled, “she will personally handle coffee runs for our meetings.” A collective snicker rose from the group. Lacey’s gaze fell to her lap. The irony wasn’t lost on her – the boss of Java Junction turned errand girl. “This isn’t forever. But it’s a lesson in humility, something you once sorely lacked,” Amber said. “You’ve always been good at giving orders. Let’s see how well you take them.” Lacey nodded. “Yes, Amber. I’ll do my best.” The room quieted as Amber gave a satisfied nod. “Good.” Her eyes scanned the crowd, settling on each member before continuing. “Now, let’s not forget – tonight is about celebration, too. Our sisterhood has grown stronger by one...and what a unique addition she is.” A few sisters approached to offer hugs and murmurs of welcome to Lacey. One girl even dared to give a playful squeeze to Lacey’s boobs before giggling and retreating back into the crowd. Amber watched it all unfold with a smile. The process had been meticulous – dosing Lucas’s coffee bit by bit, ensuring every change was irreversible before moving on to the next step. Meanwhile, Lacey stood up shakily on heels she was still mastering. It was a far cry from the confident stride Lucas used to parade through Java Junction. As Amber signaled for music to start playing, signaling the end of formalities and the beginning of festivities, she sidled up next to Lacey again. “Remember,” Amber whispered, close enough that her breath tickled Lacey’s earlobe, “you’ll need help adjusting to your new life.” Her hand slid down from Lacey’s shoulder and rested briefly at the small of her back – a possessive gesture that didn’t go unnoticed by either woman. Lacey nodded again. There were no words left for this exchange. The message was clear: Lucas might be gone, but his debts remained unpaid, and Amber intended to collect them in full.