Sam's In a Bad Spot - Part (2/2) by Zmeydros (Based on a comic of the same name by Ironmane) (Edited by Tiliquain and Journeymaniac) My bunk was so damn uncomfortable! I didn’t know if it was the hangover, which felt like someone had tried to jam a concrete block into my head, or the fact that I’d been laying on my back for the entire night. “Good morning,” I thought to myself. “This is your life, your life sucks when you wake up.” This was a bizarre hangover, actually. Yes, my head ached with each beat of my heart, but there was also this thrumming, like I was only a few feet away from high-tension power lines. Had I had sex last night? Damn it! What point was seducing that doberman guy if I was just going to black out? Well, that was the last time I was buying a whole bottle without some friends to help me drink it. This hangover...I felt like I was upright in my bed! My inner ear had gone all crazy. I tried to roll onto my side to get more comfortable, but I couldn’t move. I opened my eyes to find the room was far too dim for it to be morning. The shapes in the room were hazy as my brain tried to remember how to do its damn job. The buzz of an industrial high-intensity light signaled that I’d be seeing what was going on very soon. bunk wasn’t in a hangar. And it smelled like an OR in here. “What? Where am I?” I said as squinted to try and make out the thing I was strapped to. It was clear I was being held upright with my arms outstretched. There was a very faint air current flowing across my skin. I was finally awake enough to make out shapes... Well, fucknuts! I was naked and strapped to a massive metal cross. “What the fuck? What!? WHAT THE FUCK!?” My yells echoed loudly in that hermetically sealed room. The walls and floor were a matte-finished steel.  The ceiling was probably twenty feet high? Maybe a bit less? There was a long viewing window with thick glass cut horizontally into a wall that was almost twenty feet away from me. In that wall was what looked like a bank vault door. On either side of me were these ten-foot-in-diameter metal pad things with concentric circles cut into them. Were they hydraulic rams that were going to squish me? Was this a vault where random people were squished as a form of entertainment? Below me there was a door that made just as little sense. It was circular and split in the middle. Great, I was gonna be crushed and then dropped into a pit. Well, I wasn’t crushed yet! “Someone FUCKING answer me! I swear to Jesus CHRIST, I’m going to beat the first ass I see!” Over a speaker, I heard, “Oh my dear, wish granted.” Lu’s carefree chuckle filled the whole room. “Lu! You goddamn piece of shit! I’m gonna rip your furry head off!” “You’ve recovered from your hangover quite nicely, I see. Such a tough physique and force of will, you never cease impressing me.” He stepped in front of the viewing window and took a sip from his coffee mug before setting it down on the window ledge. Steam fogged up the area of the window nearest the lip of the mug as he started fiddling with something just below the window. His carefree demeanor only made me want to murder him more! I clenched both my hands into fists, adrenaline surge making my hangover seem like a a case of the sniffles. Straining against the thick metal keeping me in place, I yelled obscenities until my voice was hoarse. “Your heart rate is exceeding my target range, please calm down a bit. I mean you no harm.” It looked like he was preparing a syringe. “No harm!? No harm! You strapped me to a cross, you have to know the connotations of doing that, right? If not, what is wrong with you?” “The cross is merely the most efficient positioning for the process. Nothing more.” I glared at him through the glass. “What process? Crushing me with a hydraulic press?” He laughed again. “Those aren’t anything of the sort. They’re field stabilizers. Take some deep breaths and relax, my dear.” “Okay, if you really mean me no harm, then explain to me in detail what the fuck is going on. Right now!” He set the syringe down and went over to get something in the corner of his observation room.“Oh, I’ve already explained everything to you, every last detail.” Pressing a piece of paper up to the window, he said, “You even signed this contract to go through the procedure I’ll be administering shortly.” Shit! Did I trust drunk me or him at all? Hell no! “Look, I don’t remember last night, so could we just start over?” Fuck! Should I have told him that I didn’t remember? “I’m afraid not, I already have your signature which is a record of your consent.” He put the contract away. “Consider this an opportunity, you’re about to get a lovely surprise! On an amusement ride, isn’t the thrill of the unknown the best part?” “B-but roller coasters have rails! How can I be sure that the big drop won’t kill me?” Scooping up the syringe and walking toward that massive vault door, he said, “What do you take me for? Some back-alley hack?” He put his hand on the wall near the door for a moment. "Every part of this process has been optimized to perfection. We spared no expense.” The door interrupted him as the steel bolts retracted and it swung open. "Besides, you had a bit of a precognitive moment last night. You told me to keep hush hush should you awaken like this. I'm just following your instructions. Hands are tied. You know how it is." Now that he was in the room, still dressed to the tens, I looked him up and down. Why did I still want to fuck him? Did I think he’d cum gold or something? I looked at the big syringe in his hand with green liquid in it and cringed. Showing weakness was probably the worst thing I could have done right then, but being immobilized and forced to get a shot was straight out of a horror film. Horror films were a lot more fun when you weren’t actually living them. "I'm not a heartless monster, dear." He smiled while that stupid floofy tail of his wagged behind him and jostled his lab coat. "But oh do I love a little cheek." He was up in front of me now looking at me with his billionaire smile. I stared him down and said, “Say, how’s about you let me down from here and I only kill you a little?” “But then you’d deprive yourself of all the fun!” Putting his hand under my chin and looking at me the way a doctor would look at a blemish on my cheek, he said, “Has anyone ever complimented you on your broad structure?” He looked down at my rack. “Remarkable how generous your breasts are…” “Um, where is this going?” I asked wondering if I should tip my head down and try to catch his fingers with my teeth. Only way out of this contraption was him as far as I could tell and pissing off someone holding a big needle seemed like a bad idea. “I’m just here to fulfill your most intimate and wild dreams!” The way he said it, you’d think it made perfect sense. It didn’t… As he let go of my chin and brought the syringe up to my arm, I said, “I’m not sure that’s entirely accurate.” “Trust me.” He swiftly found a vein in my arm and stabbed me with the needle. “Ow!” I complained as he depressed the plunger. A cold stream of whatever mad scientist concoction he’d put in me flowed up my arm, mingling with my blood. As he retreated toward that heavy door, I called out after him, “You make that hard!” “It won’t matter in a minute, anyway.” His tail was wagging furiously. Great, the more excited he got, the more screwed I felt. Just as he got up to the door, I said, “I have to pee.” “Liar!” he barked back. After he shut the door and I heard it latch, I yelled, “You left the door open!” His voice came over the loudspeaker, “You can say you tried.” I looked over at the side of the room near the door and said, “You left your coffee!” He strode over to his coffee cup and picked it up from the windowsill. “I’m going to press the button now.” Using all my strength, I gave getting out of my restraints one last go...nothing. With his eyes fixed on something that was on the wall just next to where the window ended, he said, “Are you prepared?” “Just do it already! I’m bored,” I shot back. “Patience is a virtue, my dear.” After he hit the button, that electric hum I’d been hearing was now a vibration throughout my whole body. The hiss of compressed air was coming from right behind me and a heavy metal-on-metal clunking sound was coming from that door beneath my feet. As that door cracked open, I stared into a green abyss. I’d never seen anything so green in my life. It was like someone had taken the concept of the color green and just duct taped it to reality. “So, uhh, is this gonna hurt?” Hopefully, he was just giving me a sound and light show, testing out a new ride for some sort of mad scientist theme park. Given the noises I was hearing, I didn’t want to imagine what was about to happen. As he sat down in an office chair that was just on the other side of the window, he said, “Personally, I enjoyed the process.” He put his paw-like feet up on the windowsill. “Trust me, you’ll enjoy it too.” The cross I was on tilted forward while lifting me up so that my whole body was suspended ten feet above the green pit. I just stared into it wide eyed feeling a bit like a frozen steak that was being reheated in a microwave. The outside of me getting insufferably hot while everything inside me was still quite cold. Just a few degrees short of having me horizontal to the floor, the cross stopped tilting and everything became utterly bizarre. It felt like the heat on my skin was caught in vortices that were pulling it deeper into my body. Just when the chaos resolved into an alarming resonance that joined the electric hum, pleasure started to join the flurry of sensation. My tongue surged in my mouth running up against my teeth. Out of reflex, I opened my mouth and it flopped out growing to three times its length. As I wondered how the thing would fit in my mouth anymore, my ears felt like someone was pulling on them while throwing glitter at them. I didn’t have time to think about what those sensations meant because my jaws ached something fierce. Within seconds, as my teeth bullied my gums for more room, my tongue could just barely fit in my mouth. I kinda had to fold it in on itself. Blocking my vision was a forming muzzle, I could see my nose widening ever more. I grit my teeth as that muzzle pushed onwards. At every spot on my muzzle that felt like it was getting hit with handfuls of glitter, fur was coming in. It was a beautiful shade, like coffee with a bit of cream. Now that I knew what the sensation meant, I could tell that fur was growing down my back, under my chin, across my butt cheeks, and up the insides of my legs. Now, I would have panicked right then, but something was going on between my legs and it was blowing my mind. To say it felt good, was a massive understatement. The only place I could feel my heartbeat was my clit because each of its throbs was nearly an orgasm. My labia started filling out and squishing against each other, but they soon couldn’t contend with the size of my clit and I was being held open by it. I moaned as a ripple ran up from my labia to deep in my snatch. My pleasure button moved against my thick pussy lips making me whinny. I didn’t have the bandwidth to care that I’d just made a horse noise because I was too busy cumming and making the insides of my legs slick. And the orgasm wasn’t just one of those little ones I got from rubbing myself in the hold of the plane when I was bored. No, it was like a thermobaric charge, knocking all the air out of me in one blast. Through that orgasm, I was vaguely aware of a tickling at the tip of my tailbone. That tickling became a pulling sensation, became all glitter. Long strands of horse hair now brushed at the back of my legs. Over the loudspeaker, Lu said, “Wow! Now for the fun part!” I looked up just in time to see him pull a nice big lever on the back wall. A klaxon sounded once before an airy voice said, “Phase two commencing!” That hum I’d been held by, it started to vary its tempo. For a split second, it made me sick to my stomach, but then I started feeling hot fingers poking around near my ovaries. At least, I thought that’s where they were. I gasped and groaned as a mixture of pleasure and discomfort reverberated through my abdomen. The pressure that was building in there suddenly started moving toward my crotch. Dark leathery flesh swelled just above my clit. My tongue hung out as I gasped in delight. It was heaven when whatever was moving inside me fell into that growing flesh. My breasts were blocking most of my view, it was hard to see between them as they hung over the pit, but something pink and long swiftly became easy to see. It was gaining inches as if it was my new arm. The vibrations going through me were now centered on this pink thing and it felt like a humongous clit. Oh, it was a cock, a cock with a flat head and a flare. My eyes bugged out. I was getting a nice thick horsecock! It felt heavy! Fuck! I was already hung and it was still growing...just how big was it gonna get? As fur started to fill in on my front, the monster between my legs passed a foot long. When I felt a tingly sensation run down my neck, I figured I was getting a mane. I could have cared less because my prick was easily sixteen inches! And it still wasn’t done. My balls were tickling my thighs they’d started to hang so low. That calm voice announced, “System shutdown in progress.” The buzzing started to reduce in volume. High tones generated by the equipment slid to lower ones. Even as the cross started tipping away from the pit and the doors below me started closing, it gained more inches. It was up between my breasts, probably twenty inches long, by the time the cross was standing me up again. I heard a series of clangs from the door to the observation room opening, the cross securing itself in the upright position, and those big doors below me closing to seal the green away. Then, in a split second, my restraints opened and I fell to my hands and knees. “Whoaaa!” I rolled onto my back only to have my cock slap my tummy. “Haaah!” Words were beyond me as I stared at the head of my broad dick. A bead of pre drew my tongue. The feeling of licking myself made me grunt in ecstasy. I could give myself oral! I could feel both my tongue and the pleasure caused by its slick muscular embrace. “Enjoying yourself?” Lu asked, his shirt missing. “Wha-uh?” I blurted out around my tongue while staring at his bare furry chest. “Mind if I join?” he undid his belt, button, and zipper. This guy... After all that, he just walked up to me and started stripping so he could fuck his latest science experiment? After holding me captive? After making me wonder whether he was going to kill me? I told him I’d rip his head off. It was time to make good on that promise! I jumped to my feet, put a hand around his throat, and squeezed. “Wait! Wait! Wait!...” He just kept repeating that same word as I started to close off his air supply and pulled my other hand back to deck him in the face. Why did he look so surprised? Why did he leave himself vulnerable? Why wasn’t he fighting back? These doubts loosened my grip and he managed to squeak out, “Please wait.” “Ugh, whatever.” I switched my grip so that I was grabbing each of his arms. I was a lot bigger than I had been and holding his five-foot-tall form of the floor was easy. After he gasped for air and coughed a bit, he gave me the biggest smile I’d ever seen. Like he was proud, excited, joyous, and begging me not to hit him all at the same time. His tail started wagging furiously after his eyes darted down to see that all twenty inches of my shaft were still rock hard. Now I couldn’t hit him, he was far too adorable. Was that his plan? Disarm me with adorableness? If so, it was working. That awkward moment of silence ended when his pants slipped to the floor. He hadn’t been wearing anything under them and where I expected a bulge, there was a throbbing clit flanked by puffy pink labia. “Dude!” “I know, right?” He tossed his hands as if he was in some sort of presentation and had just given his most compelling argument. “Holy balls!” I dropped him to the floor. “Er, lack thereof.” “I’m absolutely divine, I know. Name was Lucy before.” Striking a superhero pose with his hands on his hips, he said, “Now all address me as doctor Luscious Archibald Worthington the first!” I blinked. “I guess that explains all your character motivations.” It didn’t, it totally didn’t. “Doesn’t it, though?” he said rhetorically as if everything was supposed to make sense now. Nothing about this tiny pussy-having mad scientist made sense. Also not making sense was my incredible urge to grab him and see how much of my dick would fit in his tiny snatch. I was still painfully hard. He stooped, lifted my shaft to his mouth with one of his paw-padded hands, and licked at the pre dangling from the tip. I bit my lip and gasped as hot ecstatic shivers ran up my prick. Someone else touching it was far far better than me touching it myself and his canine tongue was wonderfully slick. “That feels both alien and incredible.” “Finally, after all these years of painstaking research, I’ve achieved what they used to call impossible.” More pre was now beading at my tip and he scooped it up with a finger before licking it up like it was whip cream on a sundae. “You there, darling?” He looked up at my face. It was like I was in the zone, the cock zone. All I could think about was using this giant pecker he’d given me. The more he touched it, the more I needed him to touch it. This guy knew how to read a room, because the next thing that came out of his mouth was, “Well, shall we?” Even when he was coming on to me, his demeanor was posher than black caviar. “Up you go!” After lifting him right off the floor by his sides, I gripped around his right arm to keep hold of him while moving my left hand down to his sex. He was wetter down there than a woman I’d been licking out. The fur between his thighs was soaked and I could slip two of my large fingers inside without any issue at all. He cooed and then bit his lip as I started thrusting them in and out. The wet sounds of his muff got me so hard that my prick was visibly bouncing with each heartbeat. I pulled out my fingers and put my mouth on him to make sure he’d be ready to try out my dick. My equine tongue was so thick that I had to stretch his tight cunt just to get the end of it in. His tail went wild as he ran a hand over his chest panting and gasping. It seemed no matter how much tongue I added, or how forcefully I ate him out, he was still left wanting more. No matter how well I got to know this guy, he kept surprising me. Just how much could his girl parts take? I doubted I’d get more than the head in, but I wanted to see just how outclassed his little slit was and it was his turn to feel vulnerable. Bringing him back down to eye level, I gave him a predatory smirk. He whimpered and said, “Be gentile.” “No,” I replied, lowering him with one hand while grabbing my shaft with the other. He probably thought I’d go straight for the main event, but toying with him was immensely satisfying. As he tried to speak, likely to beg for me to shove in, I smeared his ridiculous wetness across the top of my pole. The silky slick heat of his pussy on my cock was like having a thousand desserts without any risk of putting on extra pounds. Having a dick and a needy sex to stuff it in had to be the best feeling in the world. A stream of pre dripped to the floor as both of us moaned and panted. Just as he closed his eyes, I lifted him up and put my broad cock head at his entrance. I took away his words again by shoving him down until my flare popped in. We both gasped. I nearly came because his pussy was elastic wet velvet. So soft that I could hardly believe it, so tight that I kept wanting to hold my breath, yet so pliable that I swore I could shove more in. Pushing him down onto my erection was impossible. My body was at the edge of my control: every bit of me trembled, drowned in a flood of sheer ecstasy. He clenched his teeth and hissed, but just as I was going to stop, his mouth flew open and his tongue hung out. As he did that, he made this divine moaning yowl.  He was the happiest puppy, as blown away as I was. Then he was sitting on my balls. “Holy shit! You’re stretchy as fuck!” “Yes dear, I know.” How was he even breathing, let alone speaking, with that much dick inside his tiny body? “Now, who gave you permission to cease?” Oh? So now he was going to make it seem like I was the one who was holding back? Nope, he didn’t get to do that! I jackhammered his snatch and nearly came three times from how fucking good it felt. Each time, the only thing that held me back was not wanting to be shown up by his prissy debutante ass. He was gonna cum first! I’d make him cum first! Now I was spanking him with my balls and his moans were interspersed with yips. My eyes scrunched shut as I reached the point where I couldn’t hold back anymore. I grit my teeth. I had to hang on! I had to--he flailed his arms and yowled like a bitch in heat. His pussy spasmed around my cock, his whole body malfunctioned as I finally let go. I didn’t know what it felt like to cum with a cock because I’d never done it before, but this felt like waves traveling up my prick. The waves were accompanied by an intense need to shove him down all the way onto my prick and hold him there. And as I swiftly took up all the available space inside him with my first jet of cream, I whinnied. The pleasure was as thick as my cum, it clung to every surface of my being, it smothered me. My flare locked me inside, but I was putting out so much jizz that it was squeezing past and splattering onto my thighs. The spasms of my flesh and the spasms of his cunt toyed with each other like a gusting crosswind and a fighter jet trying to follow a glideslope. Only there was far less control, but with this loss of control came a joy I could hardly fathom. After a long silence where I stayed buried deep, my flare was just starting to wane when Lu put a hand on top of my muzzle and said, “I think this was a success.” I tried to agree with him, but the anger I hadn’t used up on thoroughly banging Lu, crashed into me like a tidal wave. At first, it felt like pure unfettered lust and I made vicious thrusts into Lu. When he said, “Whoa! Easy there girl!” I stopped. My fingers were grabbing his sides too roughly, my fingernails were burning, and that thrum that had been running through me when he had that machine on--it was back! I caught my breath during a brief respite from that sensation and asked, “Hey, what am I turning onto again?” “A horse-human hybrid, of course!” He must have noticed something changed about my eyes because he stared at them like he’d just seen the impossible. The strangest toothache hit all my teeth at once. They felt sharp under my tongue and there was a scraping across my muzzle from front to back as red scales replaced my short equine fur. These changes weren’t exactly painful, but they were irritating! I just felt so pissed off about everything that was happening. I wanted to murder something! “Haaaaahhhhh!” I cried out as things just kept changing way too fast for me to keep up. It seemed like no part of me was safe from the scales. As my fingernails became claws, they traveled up my arms. As my tailbone felt like someone was smacking it over and over, they filled in on my ass. As my breasts got even larger, they showed up there too! With the scales came even stronger muscles and a bigger body! My bones were ringing like bells as I was assaulted by dragon features. Yes, I was turning into a goddamned dragon! My tail was a couple feet long and growing, my teeth were like a set of steak knives and my tongue had split at the end into a fork. An urge to roar built up until I just couldn’t contain it anymore. I let loose and made Lu’s fur stand on end. His response? “Hmmmm...Um...Something’s a touch off here.” I was maybe three feet taller than I’d been? Either that or Lu was getting shorter by the second. My back ached as my vertebrae pulsed and shifted. My legs ached as my toes started to get tugged, pushed, and pulled. It looked like I was gonna end up with giant hooves for my titanic form instead of feet. "Then again…” With all this going on, it seemed Lu was too busy enjoying the fact that my breasts, balls, and horse dick were all getting larger to fit with my enlarging form. Was he wondering if I’d still fit? Something was wrong with him. “ are quite luscious.” “Dude, nice one, ACK!” He fell backwards as I roared again and then started backing slowly towards a small metal cabinet affixed to the wall. A trail of my jizz left witness to his direction of travel. “But is this this really the time for a pun?” My neck was longer, I had a massive dragon tail, and it there was this weird stretching sensation on my shoulder blades. As something--probably wings to go with the dragon theme-- pushed out of my back, someone’s voice came over the loudspeaker, “Doctor Worthington, did you do these calculations? Because they’re not correct.” I turned to see a white canine morph of some sort looking through a clipboard on the other side of the glass. So, Lu had done this to someone else! That dog--maybe she was a fox?--continued, “We need to reschedule procedure.” When I turned back to look at Lu, I glared at his minuscule form. Oh, he was so done if he didn’t have a good excuse. It was one thing for me to be a lab rat for a tried and true procedure, it was entirely another for him to have messed with my body without double-checking his math. I snarled anticipating his response and this new anger speeded my changes. My joints clicked as I got thicker, buffer, and taller. Lu was looking minuscule as he said, “I shouldn’t have changed so many variables at once.” He sighed as he pulled a glowing blue vial and a syringe out of the cabinet. “Well, as the common slang goes, my bad!” I growled. “The FUCK you mean MY BAD!?” Lu was a good lay but a complete hack! All his prissy-worded dialogue, all his rich attire, his professing his own excellence, and he couldn’t crack it at the one thing he claimed to be an expert at. This was over, he was going to get what he deserved! I now towered over him and hoped he was terrified. “Good God!” the other mod said forgetting the loudspeaker was still on. “You should probably calm down, my dear.” He drew that glowing liquid into the syringe. Unfurling my wings as my body started to feel more at home on all fours, I felt powerful, invincible, filled to the brim with fury. The room felt small, everything was small, but me. My tongue shot out between his legs and I lunged forward with an urge to bite him. “Well, this is getting out of hand,” he said as I got him into my mouth. Then there was a stabbing pain on my tongue and a cold trickle of whatever he was injecting me with. In all my fury, I’d forgotten about the syringe. ***** I awoke from that dream screaming my head off. It took me a couple minutes to realize I was back in my room safe and sound. “What the fuck?” The morning sun was coming through my open blinds. Funny that I hadn’t closed them last night. I wasn’t the sort to forget something so basic. The shirt I was wearing was one I’d set aside to throw out. It had never fit me right and I usually slept in the nude. I would have thought that if I was so drunk that I forgot the blinds and put on this shirt, I would have had a hangover. Wait, why didn’t I have a hangover? Sitting and thinking was useless since I had no other information to go on. I stretched and said to myself, “Welp, time for work!” Something felt off...oh, I needed to put on pants and ditch this awful-fitting shirt. My body was trying to tell me something was up as I got dressed, but other than some aches in my muscles and a dull throbbing on my tailbone, nothing really stood out. Once I was ready and had some music going through my earbuds, I set out for work hoping the strangeness of that morning wouldn’t seep into the rest of my day.