PAGE 205 FRAME 1 Mugger standing up, deniz in the foreground, kinda nervous. MUGGER Well, it's getting late. I gotta go. DENIZ: Oh... already?... Hum, You... you can stay if you want, i mean-- We'll have pancakes for breakfast and... FRAME 2 Closeup to mugg's face, feeling a little awkward. Deniz in the foreground MUGGER: Thanks, but I can't. I need to... take it easy, you know? Last time I was with a human i was too careless... and almost got myself killed! Haha. DENIZ: But will I see you soon at least? FRAME 2.1 Mugg's face, with a very resolute face, with her hands pointing her index fingers forward the bubbles go from left, up, and right of her face, like she's pausing between each word. MUGGER: --S-sure! Absolutely. Yes please. FRAME 3 She's climbing down the balcony, on the foreground to the left we see her from the back ;) deniz standing in the background. MUGGER: By the way, you know there are prosthesis for your leg, right? DENIZ: Wait, what? Yeah, yeah! but... they cost a lot of money. Money i don't have. FRAME 4 Mugger dropping down the balcony, with a flustered/hurried expression in her face. MUGGER: ...I... i'll make you one. Goodnight! DENIZ: What?! FRAME 4.1 Deniz watching down the balcony, you only see mugg's tail going through the foliage of the trees DENIZ: --Are you serious? ...bye!