■01A ・ははは 呪われし鏡を覗いたな火の勇者よ Hahaha You looked into the mirror and got cursed, Fire Hero. ・くそっ罠か!動けない! Shit, it's a trap! I can't move! ■02A ・か…体が石になっていく…?! M-my body's turning to... stone?! ・石に変わっていく己の姿をじっくりと眺めながら絶望するがいい… Now, despair as you watch yourself turn to stone... ■03A ・くくく…どうだね 石の像に変わっていく自分を眺める気分は… Hahaha... How is it? The feeling of watching yourself turn to stone... ・く…うっ! Kh... Ugh! ■04A ・さぁ…もう一息で完全に石と化すぞ Now... you'll completely turn to stone in a moment. ・あ…っ あああ…あ… Ah.. Aaahhh... Ah... ■05A ・くくく 完全に石と化したか勇者よ Hahaha You've completely turned to stone, Fire Hero. ・そこで石となった愚かな自分の姿を永遠に眺め続けるがいい… Now, keep on gazing at your foolish self turned to stone forever...