Whenever you got an invite to Juniper's house, you knew at the very least that something *interesting* was going to happen. It seemed that every time you came over to her place, the snake had some new form or new idea that she wanted to test out...and you were cute enough to be her first choice! By now, you had learned to have a clear schedule for accepting one of her invites, and thankfully, you didn't really have much else going on today, so… *Knock-knock* You looked down at your phone after knocking on your friend's door, expecting to see a text or hear her voice from deeper inside of the house. Instead, somewhat to your surprise, the door opened in front of you just a few seconds later...and, yeah, Juniper looked different! The first thing that caught your eye was that she was...a lot bigger than before. The goo snake was already pretty large, but most of that size ended up going to the length of her thick, gooey tail. Now, the snake had grown a pair of legs and a more traditional "anthro" form...while her tail still continued on into the background nigh-endlessly, she now had the ability to loom over you with the fact that she was nearly twice your height! "Oh! You made it~" Juniper said in her typical cheery voice as she stepped aside to let you in, the movement causing you to zero in on her new feet; though they were still made of goo, there were some particularly sharp claws on the tip of her toes...how did that work, exactly? You wondered about that aimlessly as you walked past Juniper and into the familiar comforts of her home, the snake acting somewhat surprised at your nonchalance about the whole situation. "Whaaaat, is it not even a surprise anymore?~" you heard her tease before closing the door behind you, her gooey tail extending all the way out into the living room...even with all the wacky forms that the snake could assume, there were some things that never changed. "I'm surprised you don't have to go everywhere with your head bent down in here." you responded as you sat down on the couch, reaching forward for the TV remote that was placed on the coffee table while Juniper walked in and took a seat in the empty spot next to you. "So, what's on the docket this evening?" "Oh, you know. I was thinking we could watch tv, maybe have some dinner…" Juniper said as she slowly scooched closer to you on the couch, the size difference between you two starting to come into frame as you realized that your head barely went up to her belly in this form…! Despite the fact that you knew exactly where this was going as soon as you accepted Juniper's invite, your heart still started to flutter as she got close to you, as you felt that warm gooeyness starting to envelop your side once more… "And I was thinking we could take care of this too.~" the snake continued as you suddenly realized that the tip of her tail was rubbing up against your crotch, teasing against a tenting bulge that you didn't even realize you had until now! Juniper had a cheeky grin as she saw your face immediately turn red, knowing she had cracked through whatever cool exterior you had been putting up...now, it was time for her to have some fun! "O-oh, hah, how did that get there..?" you asked rhetorically, playfully shoving away the tail that was rubbing up against your shaft for a moment or two before Juniper quickly overwhelmed you and responded back. The big, anthro snake turned towards you, her long neck craning down to meet your head as she pursed her lips up and closed her eyes...oh, boy. Juniper was a very dominant and overwhelming force when it came to kissing, and you knew once those lips pressed against yours that it would only take a few moments for her tongue to end up in the back of your throat! Her arms wrapped around your body the best they could as she started to pull you in, the thick base of her tail flopping down in your lap to keep you somewhat stationary while the two of you started to make out… It was more than a bit awkward to tilt your neck up to properly kiss Juniper, but the snake was doing all that she could to bridge the height gap between the two of you...mostly to make sure that she could smother you with her gooey, forked tongue though! As soon as you locked lips, you felt that probing thing pressing against your mouth, eager to get inside and start working its magic. With the position you were in right now, there wasn't much else you could do but give yourself to Juniper, so you just relaxed your body and melted into the snake a little bit. She was more than willing to take the helm with all her expertise...and her extra size, as well! Globs of thick, wet goo dribbled and dripped all over your upper body as the snake kept up her assault of smooches, slipping out of your mouth every now and again to lick over your face and cheeks, just adding to the gooey wetness you were feeling before she dove back in with her lips. Striking right when you thought you could take a breath, have a rest from her smothering presence… But of course, the snake wouldn't let you have that.~ Even now, her fat tail was still firmly in your lap, dripping over your legs and keeping you in place while she continued barraging you with kisses and licks, her tongue probing into your throat a few times more...all the while, that tail tip had snuck its way between your legs, continuing to rub at the bulge that gave you away in the first place.