Seb had gone from incredibly nervous to incredibly bored in the past five minutes or so. When the tanuki-raccoon stepped foot in his local gay club, he still wasn't sure about actually making his way to the bathroom and trying out one of those fabled glory holes, even if he had just spent the last couple of hours hyping himself up into that exact thing...! He just sort of milled about at the entrance for a few minutes, both to the club and the bathroom himself, vainly hoping that he would recognize somebody that he could talk to in order to ease the tension just a tiny bit. But that wasn't meant to be, and eventually, Seb managed to work up the courage to step into the stall and take a seat on the porcelain throne, the taped-up, thoroughly-used hole to his left connecting the two stalls. He could barely even sit down, he was so nervous and anticipatory. Waiting for the moment that some stranger would stick their dick right on through that hole...just the thought of it was already starting to get him a little squirmy on top of everything else, honestly! But then the waiting came. Seconds turned into minutes. People stepped into the bathroom, even used the stall next to him, but they were gone as soon as they arrived. As the clock ticked on, the tanuki started to worry that he was doing something wrong, that he hadn't followed some kind of unspoken code to let people know that he was interested in doing stuff, or worse, that he was taking the stall from somebody who could actually use it! All the anxiety about how silly and stupid of an idea this was was starting to rear its ugly head inside of Seb's mind again. Ugh, this really was all just a big mistake and a waste of time, wasn't it... But then the tanuki heard something. Two soft knocks on the shared stall wall to the side of him, followed by a voice from beyond it. “Anyone in there?” it asked; the voice was low, quiet, almost embarrassed-sounding itself. And maybe it was those qualities that ended up convincing the tanuki to reply back after a few seconds of squirming and stammering in place. “U-um-, yes...” Seb eventually did respond, though in the few seconds that passed before he heard that voice again, he thought he had messed the whole situation up somehow - those felt like the longest seconds of his life! “Heh. Nervous. I'm sure a few huffs will fix that~” the voice replied, before Seb watched in awe as a thick, pink, tapered shaft was shoved right through that glory hole with no warning whatsoever! It was almost like a jump scare, the tanuki’s heart skipping a beat as he watched the thick slab of anonymous cock just twitching and throbbing a foot or so away from him. God, it didn't even look erect and still the glory hole was struggling to contain its size...holy fuck, what had the tanuki gotten himself into? Seb was still incredibly nervous about all of this, even as he slowly made his way over towards the glory hole and that waiting shaft. Though a few words from its owner soon flipped a switch in the tanuki's brain, one that wanted to be as obedient as possible. “Get down on your knees and give it a little kiss.~” it said, much more authoritative now than the voice had been earlier, and before Seb had even really processed what he heard...he was right there on the ground, that gradually-stiffening rod just a few inches away from his face and, more importantly, his sensitive snout! The rich, spicy musk of a potent male was starting to invade his nostrils now, causing a bit of twitching in his own pants that made it just that little bit easier to go on, lean in and plant a smooch right on the tip of that cock! “Mmmh, good boy~” his partner almost instantly responded, the cock thrusting through the gloryhole just a tiny bit to boop Seb in the nose for being such an obedient boy...the tanuki soon finding himself taking deeper and deeper breaths, just to get more of that lovely scent into his brain and body! It made everything so much easier for him, honestly... So much easier, in fact, that he really didn't even question what came out of his anonymous partner’s mouth next. “I can feel how small your lips are. I bet your cock’s small enough to fit right inside of my own...why don't you try it~” came a suggestion; and, well, the tanuki was nothing if not extremely suggestible right now! It felt like he would do just about anything that his partner asked of him, honestly, no matter how outlandish the thought was; and the idea of docking inside of this massive cock was certainly some kind of outlandish. Regardless, after a few more moments of kissing, groping, and otherwise feeling up the anonymous shaft across from him, Seb was compelled to get back to his feet - at least the two of them were roughly analogous in height, so he didn't have to crouch down or find a step ladder or something to make this work! “ I can really just go ahead and...put it in?” the tanuki eventually asked as he pulled his own equipment out, finally somewhat realizing what he was doing as their two tips hovered just a few inches away from each other...and realizing the fact that. Oh god. He really *could* go ahead and fit his dick in there. It didn't even look hard, to be honest, especially as it continued to twitch and come to life, growing and swelling in size before the tanuki's eyes... His partner didn't say anything in response. Instead, he just thrusted forward, delighting in the moan he heard from Seb as the tanuki felt almost half of his shaft get engulfed by that throbbing mess in one quick motion! “You could, but you were taking a little bit too long~” the voice teased as he clenched his meat around Seb's own, delighting in the feeling of his smaller partner throbbing and groaning as his shaft was pulled deeper...and as the tanuki started to thrust forward himself, completely entranced by how warm and tight and wonderful it all felt around his shaft! The tanuki was so distracted, in fact, that he didn't even see a dark bluish-gray pair of hands reaching up over the stall doors, a pair of antlers poking out from the top as well as his partner started to slump against the glory hole. He was -really- starting to get into it, to put it mildly... “Mmm...come on, you can go deeper than that~” the voice across from Seb continued to tease, getting a little deeper and more growly as the two of them started to fuck and hilt into each other's dicks in earnest! Seb whimpered as he gave his first powerful thrust, gasping as he felt the tip of that pink shaft graze against the base of his cock...realizing that he was all the way inside! Oh, goodness, it was tighter and more alive than any toy he had ever messed around with felt so GOOD! The tanuki quickly found himself getting into a rhythm with his partner, thrusting inward before pulling out and relaxing and letting the stranger reciprocate. Words quickly started to fall by the wayside between the two of them, replaced with more primal growls and gasps of pleasure...and God, Seb was starting to feel absolutely ethereal. His eyes were closed, he was leaning back and just putting all of his energy and strength into pumping away into this was absolutely divine! It almost felt like he was being lifted up into the air, honestly, like his feet were leaving the ground and he was ascending from the sheer amount of pleasure that was coursing through his body... If the tanuki was still there enough to open his eyes, he would be able to see a few things that might have explained what was going on a little bit more accurately. Firstly, he would have been able to see the head of his partner now starting to peak entirely over the stall door, a grayish deer fellow with a blue-and-gray striped scarf wrapped around his neck and, presumably, no other clothing on; and two, that he WAS actually being lifted off the ground. Because he was shrinking! With every thrust, the greedy, growly deer was stealing just a little bit of size from the tanuki, and with the shifting that Seb could do thanks to his species and heritage, the tanuki had a surprising amount of size to give. A side effect of this was that the deer’s cock became even more thick, massive, and fuckable, though, serving as an even stronger distraction for the tanuki and delaying his discovery of what was happening to him even longer! Giving the deer even more time to milk the size away from his partner, to the point where he could easily look over the stall and see just how small Seb was getting. He was easily half his normal height at this point, and still rapidly dwindling in size with every little whiny hump he made into the massive cock that he could probably now fit more than just his shaft into! All he needed to do to realize what was happening, and perhaps be able to pull himself away for just a tiny moment to save himself from losing even more of his size, was open his eyes...but the tanuki couldn't even bring himself to do that, he was so enamored and lustful for this deer dick. And his partner, of course, was more than okay with taking as much size as he could from the tanuki~ It was quite powerful for Neil to just lean over the stall door and watch his dick just drain away Seb’s size with every thrust, see just how willing that tanuki was to give himself up like this - even if he wasn't quite 100% sure of the scenario still! The deer wasn't going to say anything, of course, outside of those groans and growls but he continued to make, though they were mostly for show at this point as that cock became less and less able to physically satisfy him and it became more about the sensation and concept of his cock growing bigger and fatter with every little thrust. Watching as the tanuki continued to dwindle from half size, down to quarter size, to the point where he would comfortably be considered a micro by most normal standards...which meant to the deer, he was absolutely puny! The tanuki was now dwarfed not just by the ungulate as a whole, but by just his dick, as well, still madly thrusting into it even though it was more like he was shoving his whole body in at this point! It was becoming less fun for Neil to watch, and the tanuki had shrunk right to the perfect size where he could just stuff him wherever he wanted and the tanuki would still squirm relatively nicely, was time for Neil to interrupt the party, so to speak. “Hey.” the deer eventually said, loud enough and close enough to somewhat shatter the trance that Seb had put himself in over the past few minutes. But the real thing that stopped the tanuki's mad thrusting, the only thing from keeping his tiny self just straight up falling to the floor, was a pair of giant fingers descending onto the hybrid and plucking him up like a blade of grass out of the soil! “H-hey! I was using tha-” Seb started to complain, before he opened his eyes, looked up, and immediately started to feel dizzy as his entire perspective shifted in the most confusing of manners. Wind rushed around him as he was picked up by those giant fingers, the tiny tanuki staring up at a truly giant muzzle looking down at him from over a stall wall that was now more like the face of an apartment building in height! A pair of antlers eventually came into Seb's field of view, confirming at least the species identity of his mysterious partner...though he was certain that he wasn't this big before! “Heh. Thanks for the size, runt~” the deer teased his catch as he dangled Seb in front of his muzzle, those warm words rushing past the tanuki and loosening the already tenuous grip those fingers had on him! God, he really did NOT want to look down right now... “W-what the HELL did You do to me, man!?” Seb yelled at the top of his lungs, though at his size, it sounded like he had just inhaled quite a lot of helium to Neil, and he couldn't help but crack up a little bit. “Oh, just a little bit of size theft. Drank it all up right through your shaft while you were so busy fucking mine. Speaking of which, a good bit of it ended up down there...” the deer calmly explained as he stepped back from the glory hole, wedging his cock free and allowing Seb to see just how big he had become thanks to the ‘nuki! Though, with how much size shifting had happened to him in the past few minutes, it was pretty difficult to tell how much was actual growth and how much was his perspective changing from the shrinking. But, goodness, the girth alone; it looked like it was a miracle that he was even able to pull that thing out of the gloryhole without taking the stall wall with him! The deer reached underneath his new, thicker shaft with one of his hands, hefting it up as he lowered Seb down, just a little bit. “The question is, what to do with you now...” Neil seemed to take the most brief moment to think about what to do with his new toy. It was almost like he was doing it for show, and he had decided what he was going to do from the moment he stepped into the bathroom. Either way, Seb was going to slide down the dick he had just been fucking, and there was nobody around that could stop it from happening! The hybrid wasn't exactly sure what was going on as Neil continued to lower him down towards the tip of his shaft, the deer lifting it up at the same time so that he could aim Seb's toes right into the mouth of his dick. But when the deer said a casual “bye~” before dropping him right in with a wet SQUELCH...well, it was hard for Seb not to realize what was happening to him, even if it was more than a bit difficult for the tanuki to actually believe it! All of a sudden, the micro was plunged into a completely different world, a tight, wet, slimy one that was completely dominated by the rich, heady odor of Neil’s musk...and some of his own as well, given he had just spent a good bit of time thrusting his own cock into the hole he was now disappearing into! All of these new, overwhelming sensations combined into a true wallop of a time for Seb, the tanuki sliding all the way inside of Neil's dick in a matter of seconds, the hungry cock chugging him down into its dark depths with just a few hungry clenches until even the sliver of daylight that came through the urethra was pretty much non-existent. And even though this shaft was so much bigger than Seb, it still encroached upon every inch of free space, squeezing and pulsing inward to drag the tanuki down into those hungry, gurgly deer balls... “Mmf. Now THAT’S a good way to test out a size increase...~” Neil growled out as he gripped his cock, trying his best to feel for the bulge that Seb would make as he traveled down deeper inside before realizing that the tanuki was just too small to even make a little bump with how thick and meaty his cock was now! No matter. He could DEFINITELY feel that weight dropping down into his balls just a few moments later; those had grown a bit as well, but they still had a lot more room inside for Seb to enjoy, at least for the time being. Once things got nice and steamy in there, and the chamber started to fill up with more deer jizz, it would be another story! There was already a healthy little pool of the bubbling, steaming cream at the bottom of Neil's nuts for Seb to splash down into and baste in as the sac walls around him started to activate and undulate, coaxed both by the stroking of Neil's cock and from the little hip squeezes the deer was doing as well! Already, the tanuki could feel the heat ratcheting up in here from when he first arrived, but his strength was being sapped by the felt like he couldn't do anything about it, truly. Was he just going to let this greedy deer steal his size, and then his whole body? And in such a lewd fashion, as well? WAS kind of hot, though. And he did still smell and feel so good...maybe his size wasn't going to such a bad place after all. Neil had enjoyed the little wiggles he felt in his balls from Seb, but it was clear that they weren't going to last very long. From the moment the tanuki had slid into his musky orbs, the deer could feel those struggles dying down with every second that passed. It certainly gave him a jump start on getting off, though. The dick-fucking was nice, of course, but he didn't quite get all the way, and now he was eager to test out his new equipment in a much more standard fashion as well...! “Hh...well, if you weren't just nut sludge by now, you definitely will be after a few of these...” the deer warned as he started to thrust into his hand, gasping and biting his tongue a little bit as he felt just how much meat he now had the ability to squeeze and run his hands over! Gods, it was all so sensitive, too...a truly lovely little gift that Seb had given him, and one that Neil was absolutely going to take full advantage of. It was the least he could do for the tanuki, to spray him out all over this bathroom wall as thanks for his size and his body! Each little thrust got Neil one step closer to that climax, to finally consummating the new relationship he had with the few extra musky inches he now had throbbing and twitching on his shaft. It certainly wouldn’t be the first stain left on these walls, but it just might be the most impactful and the most fresh~ “Nnffff...fuck, there ya go~” the deer groaned out after another few minutes of gripping and rubbing over his new, even more sensitive member, feeling all that extra spunk surging up out of his balls and rocketing out to splatter all over the stall wall in front of him! Even though he had done it so many times at this point, the deer was always surprised at just how efficient and quick his balls were at converting people into spunk, and this tiny tanuki was absolutely no different in that regard. He probably wasn’t all of the load, even, honestly; Seb maybe made up half of the stuff that was currently dribbling down the ugly, industrial-green metal divider, doomed to dry into the tile floor like so many other loads; but Neil knew that he was in there somewhere, and that was the important part. He knew what he had done here, even if the only other person who knew was currently slowly sliding their way down the cold, uncaring metal of the bathroom stall wall, completely melted into another thick deer load. That, and a few extra inches for the horny cervine, of course. He needed a souvenir to remember all of this by, after all. And every time he used that extra length to get a little deeper into someone or something, he’d think of Seb, at the very least~ Neil didn't bother to clean up after himself. Nobody else did in here, after all. He just slid his pants back up from around his ankles, his new weapon slowly softening up into a more manageable form as it had been satisfied. It wasn't too strange to see two people walk into the bathroom of this club and only one walk out, honestly, but it would take quite the guess to pinpoint exactly what had transpired behind those stall doors tonight...