ARE YOU READY KIDS?!! *Shows dre, pandora, rocky, juicy wewe, & dahmir in the middle of the ocean fishing on a boat* dre: Bruhhhhh we been here for 2 hours and we still havent caught a fish yet. juicy: PATIENCE DRE!! we will catch something soon! rocky: Guys i dont understand why i gotta be bait! pandora: BECAUSE YOU BOUGHT PICKLES FOR THE HAMBURGERS WE HAD LAST WEEK KNOWING THAT I HATE PICKLES!!! rocky: Mom how you like dads pickle but you dont like real pickles?!? pandora: Toss his ass over. *they throw rocky ass bait in the water and theyre waiting quietly* juicy: any luck rocky? *rocky is under water and theres no response for him* juicy: rocky?... so umm dre and pandora if your son dies does that make yall bad parents? dre: Well i didnt ask for this lil bastard so of course i didnt ask for this bigger bastard ya dig? *the fish rod started moving and making noises n shit* dahmir: Oh snap! i think rocky caught something!! *the fishing rod stops and its quiet* juicy: uhhhh did he let go~ *the boat gets dragged down underwater with everyone in it* *everyone screams while falling down underwater* *cuts to black screen* *shows the pirate from the intro of spongebob* pirate: Are you ready kids?! dre: NO NIGGA pirate: I CANT HEAR YOU!! dre: I SAID NO NIGGA!! pirate: Oooooooo dre: IGHT NIGGA IM BOUT TO FOLD YO ASS!! *dre punches the pirate and beats him with loud fighting noises and yelling stupid insults* *Cuts to everyone waking up underwater* juicy: Where the hell are we? *pandora sees a sign and she reads it* pandora: welcome to bikini bottom? GOD DAMMIT WERE IN THAT 90s KIDS SHOW! dre: Oh word?? i love that show! Real shit tho, you ever thought bout how fire his footsteps are?? *dre and juicy and dre rap over spongebobs footsteps* rocky: Fuckk all that shit im hungry! We've been fishing for hours! dahmir: OH I KNOW!! Lets go to the krusty krab! pandora: I DONT WANT A FUCKING BURGER!!! *patrick comes outta nowhere* patrick: haha hey you guys must be new here, you want to see my pet? dahmir: I DO PATRICK STAR!! Juicy: Not really. *patrick shows them his pet rock* dre: Nigga your pet is a rock?? patrick: his name is rocky rocky: Aye! thats my name too! *pet rock hgets buff* rock: There can only be one *pet rock beats up rocky while everyone is staring* *juicy starts walking away as rocky gets beat up* dre: Aye nigga where you going? you aint gonna help? juicy: Naw man, i dont feel like getting STONED i stay high. Im bout to find out why they call her sandy cheeks. dahmir: Duh cuz her cheeks are sandy juicy: your suck a virgin. *Cuts to plankton staring at the krusty krab planning to charge in* plankton: Now time for my ultimate plan to get the Krabby Patty Secret Formula! *plankton pulls out a ak 47 and starts running towards the krusty krab while screaming laughing* *dahmir steps on him on accident* dahmir: Eww what the frick, i just step in some dookie! rocky: Ewwww dahmir got the dookie foot! dahmir: Its all over my white power 12s! rocky: NOT THE 12s!! dre: Can yall just shut up and lets go inside and eat *they go in the krusty krab and mr krabs pops up* mr krabs: Welcome to the krusty krab! pandora: Whos crabs are crusty??!! Oh naw yall got diseases and shit! mr krabs: You guys look hungry! Juicy: Not really do you know how to get outta here? mr krabs: You want a krabby patty?? that'll be 400 thousand dollars rocky: Nigga what?!? 400 thousand dollars for a burger?! this shit soggy asf!! mr krabs: Its with cheese sir. dre: Mannnn fuck that burger im in the mood for some crab Ya digggg *mr krabs stares and hes nervous* *cuts to dre full from eating mr krabs* dre: That was some good crab! *shows squidward in the background* squidward: Does this mean im not getting paid? rocky: HEY GUYS LOOK WALKING CALAMARI!!! squidward: OH SHIT!!! *cuts to them walking out of the krusty krab with left over crab and squid on there face* pandora: Now that we ate how are we gonna get outta here? Dre: Hey guys i just realized. How are we breathing underwater? *spongebob pops up* spongebob: GUYS YOU GOT GET OUTTA HERE!!! dahmir: SPONGEBOB!! I LOVE YOU!!! spongebob: SAVE YOURSELF KIDS!!! LOOK OUT ITS THE ALASKAN BULL WORM!!!!!!!!!!!! *bull worm pops up* worm: hi. rocky: GUYS WE SHOULD GET BIKINI BOTTOM AND PUSH IT SOMEWHERE ELSE!!! juicy: Ayo thats a good spongebob refrence *worm eats them and earrape happens* The end.