Draft - Flynn's First Wolf by Zmeydros My best friend's bedroom was clean, but it had some piles. Mostly of gaming memorabilia that he'd gotten shipped to him in random lots. His room wasn't as crowded as it had been before he moved in with his brother, however. He was pretty good at gifting and selling things he didn't want when he needed to be. He intermittently pressed a side button on his mouse and continued his conversation with his WoW guild. "I just picked him up from the airport...Look, I put down the wrong date. I thought he was coming in tomorrow...Where's Grog? Can't he tank instead?" As my eyes drifted over the brown tightly-packed four-to-six story buildings of Queens NY, he continued bargaining with his WoW guild members. Eventually, I gave up and went back into the living room and worked on unpacking my suitcase. I was putting my toiletries in the bathroom when he stepped out of his room and said, "It turns out there's no one to replace my tank in tonight's raid. Is it okay if I join the raid tonight and we start doing stuff tomorrow instead?" Shrugging, I said, "If that's what you need to do, Brent." The buff-colored wolf fur of his front was broken up by a thin line of reddish fur before the grey that covered the rest of his body. "Sorry, I should have double-checked my calendar." He shot me an encouraging smile. "But I have the rest of the week free to show you every nook and cranny of New York." "That's fine, I'll just read the book I started on the plane." His ears perked up as he got a twinkle in his eye. "You like books, right?" "Yeah..." I prepared myself for another one of his half-cocked ideas. "My brother's an author, I bet you two would chat up a storm." My eyes darted over to his brother's door and then back to his scheming face. "Uh, I guess I'll have to meet him eventually?" "Yeah, you're going to love him, I should have introduced you two ages ago." "What's this arrangement with your brother again? Your drunken email was more confusing than informative." "Okay, I might have been a little drunk." "A little?" I said in a pained voice. "You misspelled your name in the signature and above that, 'ciao' was spelt C-O-W." "Okay, I was a lot drunk," he sighed. "My bro's roommate moved out and I'm just staying here to help him out, and, well, save up some money." "Have you decided what car you're going to get yet?" He shrugs. "I've got no idea, but I'm going to have to buy a new laptop first." "True, you can't keep lugging around the big blue monster." He nodded. "I think Graham's sick of me stealing his hot packs." For the next half hour while Brent and I ate some chicken strips and fries he'd thrown in the oven, he worked to convince me and himself that it was actually a good thing that he was busy. I suffered through it weakly agreeing with him until his brother finally came through the door. As his brother set his gym bag on the floor next to the counter so he could take off his shoes and close the door, my eyes wandered his fit form from head to tail. The grey part of his fur was lighter than Brent's and had some red in it. This made the shadows cast by the muscles on his arms thrillingly clear. For the first time looking at a guy, my heart sped up. When my bunny ears started to perk up and my stare made it to the well-defined bulge in his tight gym shorts, I forced my eyes to look up at his face. That's when I finally remembered his name was "Graham." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him squat a bit to pick up his gym bag and just like that my eyes were fixed on his firm round ass. "Hi you two," Graham said. "Graham, meet my best friend, Flynn." Graham reached out a big paw and shook my hand. My heart was racing so fast. I'd done a bit of dating, but mostly just because I was expected to and only with women. Until now, I'd never had this particular version of butterflies in my stomach. Was I intimidated by him or something? Was this attraction? Taking his paw back, Graham said, "Would love to chat, but I need a shower." Before Graham could leave, Brent said, "So, um, Graham? Would you like to hang out with Flynn tonight?" Graham furrowed his brow. "He's not here to visit me. Don't you two have plans?" "I kinda scheduled a guild raid tonight." Brent winced preemptively. Threw his free arm wide in exasperation. "What? You've been expecting him for like a month, how could you screw that up?" "I'm free every other day, just not tonight. And you two should totally get to know each other. He loves to read and you write books, it's like the perfect match." "Oh, so you're trying to be a matchmaker, now?" Brent stood up and glared at Graham. "You know that's not what I meant!" "But, he's so cute!" Graham said. "Bad wolf! No seducing my friends!" Brent said. Graham shook his head and laughed. "You should have seen your face. It was priceless." It was priceless, but the fact that I'd just been called "cute" was distracting me. I'd been called cute before, it was something that bunnies got all the time. Coming from him, however, it made me feel something I couldn't quite understand. I was a bit lightheaded, had an urge to look into his eyes, and wanted to be closer to him. It was so strange. Graham must have noticed something because he winked at me before he walked to the bathroom. I missed what Brent said next because I was still trying to figure out what that wink had meant. When he spoke again, I managed to catch it, "You okay? You look a bit off." "Do I?" It seemed the temperature of the room had jumped up ten degrees. Maybe I was catching something? "Yeah, you look, I don't know, anxious, feverish?" His phone started binging in his room. "Damn, I gotta go. If you don't start feeling better, let me know." "Sure," I said. I stared at the living room HDTV while my mind stayed uncharacteristically blank. When I heard the bathroom door open, I turned to look. Graham was naked from the waist up with only a towel around his waist. He had his gym clothes in his free hand while the other held onto the towel. He was thick and strong, built to last. My heart was floating in my chest again as I watched him walk into his room. It seemed to take forever until he poked his head out and said, "Sorry to keep you waiting." After taking a moment to calm myself, I said. "It's fine, you didn't know Brent was going to dump me on you." He laughed. "Nah, it's no problem, I spend most of my time locked in a room with my laptop. Company is always good." I smiled. "Okay! At least I didn't have to worry about being a burden." At the doorway to his room, I did a double take. His room had a bed, a dresser, a blonde-wood bookshelf, and a desk with a monitor that was standing on a pile of old encyclopedia volumes to bring it up to eye level. Other than the Fullmetal Alchemist wall scroll above his bed and a framed large print of a waterfall above his desk, his room was bare. No memorabilia, no jar of pens, and no wrappers or boxes from stuff he'd ordered or eaten. "Sorry, if my room's a bit sterile," he said. "It helps me focus." Instead of continuing to lurk in his doorway, I stepped inside. "No, I like it." "Here, have a seat." He motioned toward the computer chair while taking a seat on his bed. Sitting in his computer chair, I stared at the picture above his desk. The waterfall was surrounded by trees and two fallen trees with bright reddish bark were lying across it. It wasn't a big waterfall, but it was breathtaking. Before I could ask about the picture, he said, "My ex took that when he was backpacking in Ithaca." "And you kept it?" I asked. "We're on good terms and I couldn't bear to toss it out even if we weren't." I nodded. "I understand. It's gorgeous...Was he a photographer?" "He never went into it professionally, but yes." "Oh, what does he do?" "Layout designer for a few magazine websites." He hung his head. "And now you know more about him than me." I blushed. "I'm sorry, I--" He laughed and then looked at me with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Since you're going to be thinking about it anyway, I should tell you I'm still single." "Why would I think about that?" I asked while my ears betrayed me by perking up. I couldn't imagine why I cared, but I did. "You were totally checking me out when I came in." He grinned the way someone does when they've caught you. My eyes widened and I pulled my head back. "But I, I'm not..." I couldn't finish the sentence, it was as if saying the word "gay" would make it true. He frowned. "Oh, sorry for the metric ton of awkward. It's just, when someone spends a lot of time looking at me and then asks about my ex, they're usually trying to pick me up." "It's fine," I said. I felt like a criminal for making him frown. There was a critical need for a subject change. "What do you write?" The half-smile I got from him made me feel triumphant. Of course authors would want to talk about their books. He said, "I thought I was going to be a straight-up fantasy writer, but, a couple years ago, I wrote this gay sci-fi story where a captain and his first officer hook up and put it on Amazon. Think Farscape meets Star Trek gone cyberpunk." "Okay, that could go a lot of ways, what elements of those two shows are in it?" I ask. "Living ships, an alien race who's so sex positive it's practically their religion, a federation that tries to do good, but fails miserably at times. The first officer is a member of said aliens." "And the captain," I prompted watching his smile grow. He thought for a moment. "The captain is much like Janeway, actually. He gets in trouble a lot for his willingness to use any means at his disposal. And his relationship with the first officer gets him in even more trouble." I pulled out my phone speaking so fast my words ran together. "Where do I get it? Oh my God I need it!" That beautiful smile stayed on his face while he grabbed his phone and fiddled with it. He then handed it to me. "That's my author website. Just put your email address in and you'll get a link to a free copy of the first book." I put my email in. A few seconds later, my phone binged with an email notification. I clicked on it. "Got it!" I bounced happily in the chair. "Can't wait to read it." "But I thought you weren't gay," he teased. Narrowing my eyes at him, I said, "You can be straight and read gay romance. It's not my fault a girl I dated got me into a steampunk gay romance series." "Ooh! Lemme guess. Was it Talya Nodd's series?" I nodded. "Yeah, those books are like the flu. Once you catch them, they put you in bed for a couple days." "Yeah! Seriously, the plot was so enthralling that I skimmed over the sex." "I don't know how straight guys work, so I have to ask, did you read any of the sex scenes?" I nodded meekly. "Yeah, a couple, and I learned a lot more than I needed to know about male on male action." He laughed. "She does introduce a lot of...things, we'll call them." My heart was still fluttering a bit, but I chalked that up to my excitement at making a new friend. "I've got a question, do they actually carry around all those leather straps?" He leaned back on one hand and scratched his chin, "Hmm, maybe they took them off of the horses?" "Then how do they tie them up outside the inns and bars? I'm assuming the leather stuff on the horses isn't in the form of random straps that are the perfect length for bondage stuff. Maybe each character wore like five belts? Like anime outfits?" He chuckled and then looked me in the eye. "Are you an editor?" "Nope, going to be a biochemist." Meeting his gaze was having an odd effect. I wanted to be closer to him while my chest was tightening with nervous energy. "Well, I think you missed your calling. I've read that series a few times and never ever thought about where the straps were coming from." He smirked. The tightness in my chest wasn't going away and that confident smirk looked so good on him that I found my eyes wandering over his tight yellow v-neck and black stonewashed jeans. An alien thought popped into my head: maybe I really was attracted to him. But I'd never been attracted to anyone quite like this. There was a question I was dying to ask, but was far too embarrassed to ask directly. I thought for a moment while we were both silent before asking, "About your sci-fi series, did your characters know they were gay or did one of them have to discover it?" "The alien, Quannen, knew he was pansexual, but the captain had no idea. Quannen had to seduce the captain on an away mission to get things going." "What tipped the captain off that he was into Quannen?" He sat up on the bed and started gesturing as if he was talking about two of his best friends, it was adorable. "So, during the away mission, they were in a nice restaurant celebrating Celeste's birthday. Quannen had been teasing the captain for a couple days by finding excuses to do sexy poses and be in close proximity to him." "Sexy poses? Like, wouldn't everyone notice him doing that?" Graham shook his head. "No, he'd stay bent over a bit longer than necessary when scanning the local flora, took off his uniform top to wash it in a stream when it got mud on it, that sort of stuff." "Oh good, I was imagining him, like, randomly striking sexy poses for no reason." "Oh! Oh! Like Bayonetta?" His tail wagged. "Wow, I should go edit that in!" I raised my eyebrows. "Seriously?" "No!" He gave me a stern look and then smirked. I laughed. He continued, "So, the captain was frustrated with how distracting Quannen was and had just started to wonder if he was feeling attraction. He wasn't sure until Celeste decided to take things into her own hands and demanded a picture of the captain kissing Quannen on the cheek for her birthday present. The captain begrudgingly agreed and when the kiss happened, well, let's just say it wasn't on the cheek." This was just a spoiler from a book I was about to read, but I was trembling. Of course I could be attracted to him and it wasn't odd that I wanted him to kiss me somewhere, anywhere. I sat there anxiously clenching my jaw worried that anything I said next would give me away. Perhaps I had the idea that staying silent would stop the fierce questioning playing throughout my mind. "Flynn? You okay, buddy?" He was leaning forward. What was I supposed to do? Was there a non-awkward way to suddenly tell someone that you were attracted to them? That you weren't sure you were straight and that you made things unnecessarily awkward for no reason? I was shaking with tears at the corners of my eyes. Damn it! I had a huge crush for the first time and it was killing me. How could anyone endure wanting something this much? I wasn't good around people. I couldn't think of any way to break my own crippling silence. "Are you having a panic attack?" I nodded. "Do you need to be alone?" I shook my head. "Do you need a hug?" I nodded furiously. He got up and rolled my chair over to the side of the bed. Then he sat on the bed and put his arms around me. My body moved toward him, like I was dreaming and my body was floating into his arms. The more of him that touched me, the less I shook. It felt so right to be wrapped in his furry arms, to have my head cradled against his chest. His grassy-cinnamon-citrus scent washed away my concerns one by one. He put his chin on top of my head. "I used to have panic attacks. I'm so sorry." Moving a hand to my head, he pet my ears slowly along their length. Over the course of the next ten minutes, my fingers stopped digging into his back, my jaw loosened enough that I could open it, and eventually I was sitting across his lap enjoying the closeness. "You don't have to talk about it, but I'm wondering if you know what caused it. Is it something I did?" "No," I said. "Okay, at least it wasn't me." He looked off toward the bathroom across the hall. I looked at the side of his muzzle, beige fur on the underside and reddish-grey fur on top. Swept up in the turbulence of an overwhelming thankfulness toward his gentle treatment, I leaned in and kissed his cheek. When he looked down at me, it was like he'd just seen me for the first time. "The question you asked, the way you asked it...You're still figuring yourself out, aren't you?" I was still in his arms and had decided that I never wanted to leave. Things were starting to make a lot more sense. "Kinda? Kissing you was a lot easier than I thought it would be." "Do, do you want to do it again?" he asked. "If you do, then you definitely could be gay, or bi." That question made me bite my lip. "I think so, not now, though. Can we just do this, whatever this is, for a while?" "Dude, it's called cuddling. And yes, we can do this as long as you like." "As long as I like? Do you like it? You know, with-with me?" My heart remembered that it was supposed to be fluttering. "Are you kidding? From the moment you made eyes at me, I wanted you in my bed." And with that, my blush was back in full force. I put my head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat. What was I supposed to say? "Sorry, I didn't mean it to come out so..." He sighed. "Never mind." "It's fine," I said. He positioned us so that I was laying with my back pressed against his front with his strong muscly arms around me. We talked about comics, games, shows, and books for an hour or so until he rolled us so we were facing the wall with the Fullmetal Alchemist poster. The difference was, we'd shifted a bit and his junk was pressing against my butt cheek. He tried to move his crotch away, but instinct took hold of me and I scooched my butt back so I was pressing against him again. That's when I felt something that made me hotter than I'd ever been in my entire life. The tip of something hard sliding up against my buttocks. The layers of clothing did little to hide what was happening and I started wiggling my butt to make it happen more. This is when my own shaft began making itself known. He groaned. "Hey, umm, what are you doing?" "I don't know, but it feels so good." My cheeks were hot, my ears were tingling, and my nipples were hard. I felt a similar thrill to when one's about to try the high dive for the first time. "What you're starting isn't just kissing, you know." He shoved back against me smoothing down a wrinkle in my pants with his pulsing meat. I moaned and then said, "I-I know," before pressing hard against him. A beautiful gasp came from him. "Do you really want to go from zero to a hundred in one day?" "Please!" Now that I'd discovered this feeling, I had to follow it to its endpoint. My body would settle for nothing less. He pulled away and shut his door. It's at that moment that I remembered something important. "Will Brent hear us?" Graham chuckled. "With that gaming headset on, he's lucky if he can hear the fire alarm." "True..." I wanted to say something dirty like "Let's fuck," but it was going to be a while before I was comfortable talking like that. Graham met my eyes and grabbed his belt buckle. I reached into my jeans and grabbed my shaft as I watched him pull his pants down. Then, when he got to his boxers, I cried out and started thrusting into my hand. His canine cock was thick even though it had a taper and his knot was something to see even at this stage. "At a loss for words?" he asked playfully. "Come here," I begged. His tail wagged as he pulled off his shirt and came to the bed. When he was there, he looked at me for a second before deciding I needed help. He pulled my shirt off and then undid my buckle. After my pants were off, he slowly pulled down my boxer briefs. "What do we have here?" he asked no one in particular. When he saw my cock was actually much like his, he said, "I thought your muzzle was a bit wolfish, you have a canine in your family?" "Yeah, my dad," I said releasing my erection from my grip in hopes that he'd touch me. "Wow, y-you're bigger than me," he exclaimed finding his fingers could barely encircle the bulge of my uninflated knot. A groan escaped my lips before I managed to say, "I used to dread popping boners in my teens." "I can imagine," he leaned in and then licked my length. "Beautiful." His tongue was the best thing that had ever happened to me. It was slick and warm and long. I flattened against the bed as he took me into his mouth. I made deep sounds that vibrated my chest as grabbed at the sheets. It was over almost as fast as it began. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back pressing my tongue against his lips. I was so hot I thought I was going to melt. I felt the ridges under his tongue and on the roof of his mouth before I explored each tooth. His hot breath was vibrating my whiskers. During our making out, his cock bumped into mine. Just that slight contact made me hump the air and fidget with my feet. He must have noticed my reaction because he broke the kiss and opened the top drawer of his nightstand to retrieve some lube. Popping the bottle open, he positioned himself so our shafts and balls were right up against each other. I murred as he rubbed the lube over my shaft and then his own. His balls were heavier than mine and gravity made sure that the furry pouch he kept them in was firmly pressed against mine. And his erection, it was throbbing against mine, rubbing slightly as our breaths came in and out. I rubbed the tops of my feet with my foot pads alternately, a fidgeting I normally only did when I was in pain and in bed, but this wasn't pain at all. I said, "Fuck yes!" and then stared at him wide-eyed. Blurting stuff out when this horny was so strange. With a chuckle, he said, "Enjoying ourselves down there?" "Immensely!" "Okay, grab onto something, it's about to get way more intense." I dug my bunny claws into the sheets not doubting him in the least. Reaching between us, he wrapped his left paw-padded hand around our shafts only to find he couldn't fully enclose them. Before he could bring in his other hand, I reached mine down and closed the circle. I moaned and started thrusting instinctively only to moan louder and thrust harder when the pleasure hit me full force. Our most vulnerable, most intimate parts were now thrusting against each other. It felt naughty in the best way possible. I could feel his hand on one side and my hand on the other squeezing our erections together. And he felt so big against me, so powerful, so--"I-I think I'm gonna--" "Yeah! Cum for me you little gay slut!" he said looking into my eyes. His ease saying something like that broke something inside me and I replied, "Fuck! I'm gonna cum all over your cock!" "Do it!" I lost control of my hips and nearly stopped being able to help him stroke our cocks. "OH FUCK GRAHAM!" I said having no clue what was happening. Yes, it was an orgasm, but I came so hard that I shot all the way up to my chest. With my knot hardening in our grasp, my legs kicked at the bed, my back arched, and the tips of my fingers and ears went numb. It was somewhere between getting off and getting shocked by an outlet. I howled in pleasure. He thrust against my convulsing prick faster. "God, just hearing you moan like that...Fuck!" As the last of my cream was spurting out, I felt his knot inflate against mine. Then, I heard him moan so deep that it turned into a growl. I shivered in delight as his dick pulsed from base to tip and added to the lewd lake on my belly and chest. His thrusts as he came were short and quick. Squeezing at his knot made him go even more wild and I got him to yowl. It was so loud I wanted to plug my ears. He collapsed on top of me trapping our hypersensitive flesh between us. In my ear, he whispered, "You're a very good lay." I hugged him to me and smiled. "And you're the hottest wolf I've ever seen." His tail wagged. "Want to try sleeping on my bed tonight? It might be a bit cramped, but it's definitely more comfortable than our couch." "Sure, but do kick me out if you need to," I said. "Nah, it's you I'm worried about." "Well, I sleep like a log, so, I'll be fine." He licked my cheek and then kissed me. "Happy to hear--" A knocking at the door made both of jump. "Flynn?" Brent called through the door. "Yeah?" I said, "We're a bit busy." "Well, now we know he can hear a fire alarm with your gaming headset on. Score one for safety," Graham said. I snickered even though I was blushing heavily. After trying the knob and finding it locked, Brent said, "What the hell was going on in there? A howling competition?" "That's a creative way to put it," Graham replied. "Graham, come on bro, please tell me you're joking." It was going to be very hard to hide the fact that I was sleeping in Graham's bed. I looked into Graham's eyes and shrugged. Graham raised his voice to address his brother. "Sorry bro, not joking." "But I said no seducing and Flynn's not even gay!" Brent protested. "Well, he's definitely not straight and he practically seduced himself!" Graham said. I smirked as I realized he wasn't wrong. Maybe I was gay, maybe I was bi, maybe I'd never know exactly what label to use, but one thing was for sure, I wasn't straight and that was surprisingly okay with me. I'd come into Graham's room wondering why I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. Now, only a couple hours later, he was naked on top of me and I was feeling more at peace than I had in ages. Brent scoffed. "Fine, I'm glad you found your new boyfriend or whatever." After rolling his eyes, Graham said. "Jumping the gun a little there, maybe? Let's just say I've found my biggest fan." "Well, I haven't read your book yet, but I'm already a fan of your cock," I whispered in Graham's ear. We both tittered with with half-suppressed laughter while Brent was left clueless outside.