「Sora and Umi overrun the city」, subtitle Here's another nest of little guys♪ Huhu❤ They're all over the place♪ Hey there, chibis❤ Ahaha❤ Are you scared of me? I've only just put my foot down Then... I wonder what would happen if we stepped on this place too? Hm? ...Aha❤ You’ve come❤ Oh, sis, she's doing it again... These people are so tiny. These people are so tiny, you'd feel sorry for them if you picked on them. Big sister? Eh, but it's interesting. Oh...watch my feet for a second, will you? Kyaha, so merciless♪ Huh ...... too weak ...... too cute ......❤ ......Hey, don't you feel sorry for them? Oh yeah, I feel sorry for everything already♪ But but... These people look at me with strange eyes. Eh... to such a small and cute sister… With a lecherous look...? gross… Then... These guys should be destroyed. Zako and Hentai, these guys don't deserve to live❤ Well, let's "exterminate" them. I'll do it too♪ Haha, so we're both on the side of justice today☆ That's interesting♪ boom! Running away is futile and futile♪ Everyone will be executed☆ Woow, that's terrible❤ Hey, hey♪ This is a stroke of justice❤ Thud❤ Where are you going? Oh, the places I haven't stepped on yet♪ Loser❤ Zaako❤ You're all so weak♪ ...ahaha❤ Look, look, it's a tank❤ Cute❤ Hey, there's a big target here❤ What are you going to do with such a tiny thing? We're this big, you know? Well then, let's make them understand too♪ OK☆ Ready, go♪ Zako☆ Yes, justice wins☆ Bye-bye, you villainous Zakos❤