That human was swinging by the rope as he watched this whole thing happen, his cries for help mostly muffins by what was attached to his face. His eyes went wide as he saw Knucksly approaching him, a clear gaze of hunger and lust in the squirrel’s eyes causing him to panic even more. Knucks just laughed for a little bit, letting the human look at his friend sloshing and squirming around in his comically oversized ball sack before getting to work on reuniting them. “Don't worry, you'll be seeing him again soon…” the squirrel teased as he grabbed a hold of the human's bound hands, fidgeting with the ropes keeping them tied until they eventually fell to the ground. Knucks kept a firm grip on the human’s wrists to keep him from flailing his limbs around or punching the squirrel, however, as he took his still-throbbing length in his other hand, aligning the two just a few inches away from each other before Knucksly looked up at the human, making sure he knew exactly who was about to condemn him to squirrel sack. The two locked eyes for a few moments, before Knucksly yanked the human's hands forward, both of them squishing into the squirrel’s urethra with surprising ease. Knucks couldn't help but moan as he felt that wonderful sensation in his loins again, even better now that the human’s arms were thrashing and squirming around as much as they could in there. “Oh, yeah, keep that up…” Knucks taunted as he started to clench his muscles, watching as a few more inches of the human’s long arms slid into his shaft with every motion. The squirrel’s cock was large and swollen enough that the human’s hands didn't even make a bulge in his shaft; it just looked like they were disappearing into it, never to be seen again, at least not in the same form. In less than a minute, the human found himself elbow deep in squirrel cock, his legs starting to ache as the rope keeping him hanging from the tree was stretching and trying to yank him backwards. It felt like he was in a game of tug-of-war...and he was the Rope! Slowly, the human's head drew closer to the tip of Knucksly's cock. He could smell the musky odor of cum leaking from out of the shaft, and even hear the noises of his friend sloshing and splashing around deep in the squirrel’s balls. It was such a crazy thing that was happening to him right now, that he didn't even know how to react to what he was feeling and hearing, outside of a sort of raw panic that he had never even felt before. He thrashed his body back and forth, trying to beg with the squirrel for whatever he wanted, just to let him go...but it was obvious that Knucks was completely ignoring him. The squirrel had his sights set on the human's fate being a load of squirrel jizz, and there was absolutely nothing that could change his mind. In one powerful motion, Knucksly thrust his hips forward, the human crying out as his whole world was suddenly smothered on all sides by musky cock flesh. His whole head had been swallowed up in just that one thrust, and the squirrel’s shaft was showing no signs of slowing down now that it had a good third of its meal inside. Knucksly’s knees started to wobble as he felt the human sink deeper and deeper into his shaft; the pleasure was so unbelievable, it was getting difficult for him to even stand up at this point, let alone continue clenching him deeper! Thankfully, his body was picking up a little bit of the slack; involuntary contractions slurped a few inches of human down every time, and they were coming out pretty quickly; enough for the tree branch the human was attached to to start bending and shaking quite violently, the human now chest deep in squirrel shaft and counting. Knucks looked over to his friends, who were standing nearby, watching the whole thing unfold. “You guys mind cutting that rope down?” he asked, pointing to the tree branch above him, which was wobbling and thrashing about and looked like it was ready to snap at any moment. Carrot quickly bounced over, getting on his tiptoes and using his front teeth to bite right through the rope. The end of the rope went flying up as the tension was suddenly released, Knucks groaning as he felt gravity starting to push the human deeper into his shaft. “Hhhuff...quickly! G-get those clothes off…” he continued, the human now waist deep in his cock and rapidly sinking by the second. Rincey, who had been filming after Carrot had dropped the camera earlier, dropped it himself as he scrambled over to the human’s feet, wrapping one of his arms around the meal’s ankles as his other hand grasped at the shoes and socks on at the end of those now mostly stationary feet, sliding them off and tossing them on to the floor in a matter of seconds. Carrot, for his part, was working on getting off the human's shorts and underwear, making sure that there was nothing that could clog up the squirrel's system. “H-hurry! Fuck, ssoo good…” Knucks moaned as he tried to keep the human in place the best he could, actively fighting his body for a few moments until he saw all of the human’s clothes in a pile on the ground. He relaxed his muscles, and the three friends watched as the human sank deeper and deeper into the squirrel's shaft. In just a few moments, he was just a pair of legs below the knee is sticking out of the squirrel’s throbbing, bulging length...and, if they looked close enough, they could even see Knucks’s other ball sack starting to grow and bulge out to a size similar to the other one. The squirrel started to lazily stroke at his length a little bit, pushing the bulges the human was making in his shaft along as he finished off the last of his second meal. It was just those wiggling, little feet sticking out of his cock tip at this point...and, now, Carrot decided to step forward, chuckling as he placed a finger against the sole of one of the human's feet, Knucks groaning pleasuredly as Carrot slowly pushed the last of the human into his shaft. The squirrel's cock eagerly accepted, swallowing and gulping down its meal in wet, sloppy slurps; Carrot and Rincey could even hear it as Knucks's shaft really got to work! Slowly, the squirrel's other nut started to resemble the first one, although in the time it took for Knucks to capture another meal, the human he had slurped down earlier was about midway through his transition into squirrel jizz. He had stopped squirming like, 10 or 15 minutes ago, and now all Knucks felt was a leaden weight in his loins. If his stomach wasn't still grumbling, he would definitely have just stopped right here and enjoyed himself for a little bit, maybe find someone to fill up. But, as it stood, they had one more human to finish off… The three predators laughed and joked as they made their way out of the bush, two of them quite full, but Carrot still feeling hungry. They knew that there was one more human at the camp, which they were rapidly approaching; but where would he be? The campfire was mostly ashes at this point, smoldering in the pit, an obvious sign that nobody had been outside for a while. Carrot was a little lost, until he heard an odd, raucous noise coming from one of the tents. The rabbit slowly stumbled over to the tent, fiddling with the opening for a little bit before finding the zipper and opening the tent up. It was a little hard to see inside, but Carrot eventually made out a human wrapped up in a sleeping bag, snoring quite obnoxiously and loudly as he slept. He looked to be out like a light...which was perfect for what Carrot wanted to do with him! While his friends were sitting around the fire, enjoying the feeling of being stuffed, Carrot slowly leaned over the human, taking the shortest, most quiet breaths he could as he fumbled around looking for the zipper on the sleeping bag. Even though the human was out cold, Carrot was still super nervous about this whole thing, and he wanted to make sure that it was as easy as possible for him to gobble up his prospective meal. The zipper went pretty easily, allowing Carrot to see that the human inside was completely naked. He silently thanked the stars that he wouldn't have to either cough up everything later or risk waking him up by stripping him. The rabbit looked over his meal for a few moments, feeling his stomach grumbling impatiently as he realized he was about to swallow the entirety of this dude down. Carrot was barely bigger than this guy in the first place! But the others had done the same thing, so he must be able to do it himself. Slowly, Carrot made his way to the human's feet, laying down the best he could inside the small tent, as he figured this would be the best way to do it. The rabbit opened his mouth as wide as he could, scooching forward as he started to fit the human's feet in his mouth. Well, they weren't the most delicious thing in the world, but Carrot had to start somewhere! Once he got a little bit of his meal in him, Carrot found it easier to continue, moving forward and working up the human's ankles and calves. He fit as much of his meal in his mouth as he could, before taking a deep, labored swallow. The human stirred in his sleep a little bit as his feet entered the rabbit's gullet, causing Carrot to stop in fear of him waking up for a moment…but then, all went quiet, allowing the rabbit to continue. With patience, Carrot worked his jaws over the human's legs, binding them together as they entered his warm, inviting throat. This was actually a bit easier than Carrot expected! He didn't think his body could stretch in the ways it was currently… Soon, the bunny found himself with most of the human's legs on the way down to his belly, and found his mouth now right on the edge of the human's package. He was nude, after all, so there was absolutely nothing between his parts and Carrot's thick, wet tongue...why the hell not? The rabbit figured he would enjoy himself. Carrot slowly worked his way over his meal's groin, the human stirring a bit as he felt something really nice grinding up against his cock. Carrot felt the human's length hardening in his mouth, and the rabbit took a moment to look around and make sure his friends were still out by the fire pit before he continued. The rabbit's tongue started to probe all over the human's package, slurping along his hardening cock, down to the balls, even a little bit on his taint. Carrot felt his heart starting to throb as his meal's cock started to do the same...the human was starting to stir a bit more in his sleep, even starting to babble some nonsense sleep talk, but the rabbit was far too invested in this little sexual escapade to notice that… It was a shame, because if he did, he probably would have had an easy meal. “hh..whuzzat…” the human mumbled, starting to stir in his sleep as he semi-awoke from all the arousal happening down south. Carrot froze in place as he heard and felt the human starting to stir - he had absolutely no idea how to deal with this. Silently, the rabbit held his position like a statue, hoping that his meal would drift back off into sleep before things got too risky...unfortunately for Carrot, that was not what was going to happen. With the human continued to stir for a few more moments, mumbling nonsensical battle before he opened his eyes and looked down. He could see that his sleeping bag was off, but his lower half still felt nice and warm...and wet. Did it rain or something? Did he have a hole in his tent? It took a bit for his eyes to focus, but eventually he saw what was going on with his lower half. Some sort of rabbit had snuck into his tent... And now he was waist-deep in the animal's gullet! Almost immediately upon that realization, both Carrot and his target meal started to squirm; Carrot attempting to get a firm hold on his meal's arms, and the human trying desperately to pull himself out of bunny throat. Carrot managed to grab his meal's flailing arms for a few moments, but the human was easily able to free himself from the rabbit's grip, starting to yell and scream for help as he continued trying to pull himself out of Carrot's throat. This guy was strong, and it took all of Carrot's strength to keep him even partially in his throat; He started swallowing frantically, trying to pull more of the human into his tight, fleshy embrace, but it wasn't really working. It was at this point that Knucksly and Rincey had started to hear a little bit of a scuffle going on in the tent behind them. They had been relaxing by the fire, letting that their meals digest while they guzzled down cans of beer from a cooler they had found. Carrot was the least experienced out of the three of them, so they figured he would probably have a little trouble, and were ready to help if the rabbit needed it. “Think he’s got it?” Rincey asked as both of them listened to the struggling and gulping going on in the tent. Knucks took a little bit more time to listen to everything, before looking back at his mouse friend and responding. “I think he might, but we should probably get ready by the tent just in case…” The two full friends stumbled to their feet, warming themselves by the fire they had lit for a few moments before making their way over to the tent. They listened to the scuffle happening behind the fabric, hearing the human cry out as Carrot desperately tried to shove them down his gullet. An arm suddenly reached for the zipper, and pulled what was left of it down - revealing the human, waist deep in rabbit gullet, literally trying to crawl right out of his would-be predator! The human froze as he looked up, half his body inside rabbit throat...and only saw two more predators with bulges underneath their pelts. For a moment, literally everyone just stood still, completely caught off guard by the sheer inanity of the situation before them. Then, the human, realizing the situation he was in, started to kick and squirm again, actually dragging the poor rabbit he was stuck inside outside of the tent with him! He got a few more inches before Knucksly planted a foot in front of him, snickering as he watched the human squirm. “What's the matter? Not enjoying the accommodations?” the squirrel taunted, hefting up his sloshing nuts as they burbled and bubbled. “Maybe you'd enjoy joining your friends some more…” The squirrel kept it up, before Rincey casually nudged him aside. “Or maybe you'd like to take a long trip up mouse ass!” he offered, before turning around and giving his ass cheeks a thick slap. “Mmm, he's gonna go right to my cheeks. What was his name again? The one with the blonde hair…” While his two friends laid on the taunting thick, Carrot was just focusing on trying to get the human down while he was distracted. He was able to swallow a few times and get the human a little deeper in his throat, but his meal was still putting up quite a fight, and he couldn't get much progress. His friends were quite enjoying their little taunting session, but he was going to need their help if he wanted to finish off this meal. He looked up at Knucksly, a clear pleading look in his eyes that he hoped his friend would notice. The squirrel was too busy gloating to look at his friend, but Rincey did notice it and got the squirrels attention. “ Hey Knucks, I think Carrot might need a little bit of help getting this guy down.” the mouse said, before bending over and grabbing a hold of the human's arms, which were still flailing about and swinging wildly. Rincey quickly bound them together the best he could, before rotating the arms down so they would be right in front of Carrot. “ Now, open as wide as you possibly can…” the mouse advised, Carrot complying the best he could and watching as his friend placed the human’s bound, still kicking hands right at the edge of his lips. “Aaaaand...swallow.” he finished, Carrot complying and closing his lips tight around the human before taking a thick *glrrrk* that sucked those pesky hands right down into the rabbit's throat. “There you go, Carrot. Just a little bit more…” Knucks encouraged his friend as he picked up the video camera himself, running back over to the tree where Rincey had dropped it quickly before returning. It was still taping, and the squirrel used this opportunity to shove the camera right in Carrot’s face, getting all the details he possibly could as Carrot swallowed and gulped and continued to try to finish off his meal. With the human’s arms out of the way, getting down the rest of him was a much easier experience, though the human was certainly using every last bit of his breath to yell and curse and just generally be annoying. Carrot could feel his gut squirming and kicking beneath him as he kept swallowing, the human’s lower half starting to be pushed out into his rumbling, inpatient stomach. He couldn't actually believe what he was doing! Just a little bit more and this asshole would be nothing but rabbit food… “Can't even escape from a rabbit gut? Wow, so much for 'top of the food chain’…” the squirrel continued to taunt, taking a finger and using it to flick the human's nose as Carrot greedily worked his jaws over the human’s neck. Rincey wasn't doing much teasing himself; he wanted to, but Knucksly was basically saying everything he was going to say, so instead he just repeated everything the squirrel was saying. The human’s face contorted into a scowl as he felt more of his lower half get pushed out into rabbit belly, grimacing as he felt how wet and tight and gross the stomach was. He could smell Carrot’s stale breath washing over him as his head came closer and closer to the point of no return...but there was nothing he could do. He was still a bit groggy and tired from getting woken up so abruptly, and that tight flesh all around his body wasn't budging, even as he squirmed and kicked to the best of his ability. And part of his strength was going towards trying to snap back against the two other animals that were teasing didn't help that he could still see his friends occasionally squirming inside of them, either. Or maybe that was just what they once were, now just sloshing and jostling around in guts and balls. Just like he was going to be, in a few minutes… The squirrel snickered as he got to the camera as close to Carrot's mouth as possible, joking for the rabbit to move his big buck teeth out of the way as the human's head entered his mouth. Feeling that wet saliva all over his face, the tongue underneath him rubbing against his chin, all of it made the human grunt in disgust, knowing all this would be recorded. It was so absolutely embarrassing, even if Knucks and Rincey weren't making the embarrassment of the whole situation painfully obvious. The edges of his vision started to go dark as the rabbit’s maw worked its way over his head, the squirrel recording until the very last moment. Carrot thought he was just going to close his mouth and swallow, but the rabbit saw a perfect cinematic opportunity in front of him; so, as the human's head neared the back of his mouth, and one swallow was all that was needed to finish off his meal, Carrot opened his jaws wide once more. “Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!” Knucksly chanted as he watched the very last of the human framed by red, pulsating flash in the rabbit's mouth. It was an absolutely perfect way to finish off the tape, and he wanted to see exactly what happened in this last swallow. Rincey nudged him over a bit, wanting to see all the details as well. The rabbit’s mouth smiled the best he could, before he started to tighten his muscles around the human's neck. There were a few false alarms, but, after a chorus of *glck*s and *gllrrp*s, the two friends watched as the human's head was sucked right into Carrot’s throat, the squirrel cheering as Carrot exhaled a much-needed sigh of relief now that the deed was done. The human was screaming and yelling all the way down Carrot’s throat, but they were muffled to the point of inaudibility. If Carrot paid close enough attention, he could probably hear and feel a little bit of them; but the three friends were far too focused on their celebration. “H-holy shit, I can't believe we did it..” the rabbit crowned as he slowly stumbled to his feet, getting used to the feeling of having such a large, squirming weight in his midsection while he rubbed his slightly sore throat. “Hell yeah! And we got it all on tape to boot. There's no way we won't be graduating now!” the squirrel responded, all three of the friends throwing around high-fives as they all continued to digest their meals. Carrot felt the last of the human sink into his belly a few minutes later, the rabbit unleashing a powerful, fragrant belch as his stomach started to tighten around the human and really started to work on digestion. The three of them stumbled back over to the campfire, aiming to relax and digest a little bit before they looted what was left of the campsite. Ass fat didn't have much use for blankets and lighters, after all…! “Wait a *bhuuuUUuurp* minute. I feel like we're forgetting something…” Rincey interjected a few minutes later, while all three of them were in the middle of a spirited conversation about which way to eat people was better. “Weren't there five people in that truck?” The three friends just stared at each other for a few moments, each trying to remember exactly what they had seen yesterday. “, I don't remember that. I only saw four dudes in that car.” the squirrel eventually responded after a moment in deep thought. “No, Rincey is right. There was that guy in the back of the truck…” Carrot countered, launching Knucks back into his brain as he tried to remember exactly what they were talking about. “...shit, you're right. What happened to him?” the squirrel said a few seconds later, more curious than scared about the possibility of having to take down another human. The three of them had all proved that they had the ability to take someone like that was just a question of if they had enough room in their bellies for him! Just a few seconds later, as if on cue, the three of them heard a loud, slurring voice coming from the other side of the camp. “HEY! Heyguysssimback…” the voice said, a shadow soon revealing itself wobbling out of the forest, looking like a person who was incredibly inebriated and barely being able to keep themselves from collapsing on the floor; but, even though every step looks like it might have been his last, the human eventually stumbled his way over to the campfire, the three predator friends still seated around it, not sure exactly what to do about this guy's sudden arrival. The human just stood there in front of the campfire for a few moments, bobbling back and forth before he started to speak again. “Hey..waittasssecond. You ain't Jim, or Maarrssh, or… “Wait! You’re those bbbbasstard kids I almost hit yesterday! What the hell are you doing here?” the man eventually slurred out, his gait becoming more and more aggressive as he stumbled towards the three friends. “Jim! Andy! Getcher asses over here, we...we needa teach these runts a lesson…” Despite calling for his friends, the drunk human didn't even wait a second before he started to swing at all three of them, Knucksly cursing as he jumped off of his log seat and tried to dodge the flurry of arms that the human was sending his way. The build of this guy was quite thick, and the squirrel got the impression that if he was actually sober, he could do some damage...but, as it was, he was barely coherent enough to stand up, let alone actually do any harm to his targets. Knucks, Carrot, and Rincey just got out of his way, letting the human flail around and curse and kick and punch while they decided what to do. “Y’all bastards need to learn some respect…” the human mumbled before taking a big swing at Carrot, the rabbit barely able to duck out of the way before yelling at Knucks. “Hit him already, dude!” Carrot pleaded, knowing that the squirrel was the strongest of them, and had the best chance of dispatching this guy without much trouble. The human’s preoccupation with Carrot was exactly what the squirrel needed, and he used his swollen sack as a makeshift weapon, swinging it around and smacking right into the back of the human, causing him to yell out in pain and immediately fall to the ground. The blow triggered a bit of a coughing fit from the human, who got down on his hands and knees as he tried to stumble back to his feet; but before he could do it, Knucks moved behind him, getting a firm grip of the human’s shorts and yanking them right down! The human drawled out a labored “hwuhhhh…” as he felt this all happen to him, before he heard a taunting voice come from behind him. “And THIS is for almost turning us into road kill…” After saying that, Knucksly quickly wrapped one arm around the human's waist, opening his maw wide once more as he yanked the human's ass right into his mouth! The human started to yell and protest as his body was bent into quite the awkward position, his legs folding in at the waist as Knucksly tried to fit all of the human's body down his gullet. For what it was worth, his tongue was doing quite a bit of work, gripping tight to the human's bare skin and slowly working on pulling him further inside… "Yer...yer gonna get arrrrested if ya do this! They're gonna..gonna give ya the chair…" the human yelled, somewhere between a warning and a threat, as he tried to wiggle out of the squirrel's jaws, his efforts so far proving unsuccessful; Knucksly had gotten a firm grip on him with his mouth. It wasn't the squirrel's goal to swallow him down right here and then; he just wanted to get a good grip on his meal so he could get to the next phase of his plan. The squirrel reached both hands under his prospective meal, pushing up and lifting him the best he could while simultaneously heaving up with his chest, grunting as he heaved the human straight up to look at the sky! The human let out a long, warbling scream as he felt his whole body shift upwards, and continued to plead and yell as gravity slowly started to slide him deeper into Knucksly's gullet. The squirrel, for his part, just relaxed his jaws and throat, letting the human just slide right down deeper into his slick mouth, despite his best protestations. “Y-ya can't do this to me! Humans are endangered, they'll give you the chair…” the human kept yelling, starting to enter somewhat of a panic mode as he felt more of his body slipping into the squirrel's mouth, seeing those jaws starting to encroach over his field of view, making everything look just a little bit darker… The three friends didn't care. There wouldn't be any evidence, anyway! Besides the camera recordings, which they were only going to show to their teacher. Speaking of the camera, Carrot held it in one hand as he and Rincey stared right down their friend's throat, teasing and taunting the human as he continued to slip inside. “You're not a human, you're squirrel food!” the rabbit taunted, watching the human squirm as Knucks's rough tongue slobbered all over his sensitive crotch region. The two friends set about getting rid of the last of the human's clothes, slipping off his shoes and socks and throwing them on the ground just to make sure there wouldn't be any problems digesting for Knucksly. With a thick, powerful swallow, the human's ass and thighs slipped right down the squirrels throat, the human letting out a gasp of shock as he felt the bottom drop out of the squirrel's mouth. It was almost pitch-black at this point for the human; all he could make out were the vague taunting forms of the rabbit and mouse, laughing and smirking as they watched the man who had almost run them over yesterday disappear right down their friend's throat. As more of him was funneled into Knucksly's gullet, the human started to face up, his body aching as the tight throat squeezed his whole form into such an uncomfortable position. He wasn't really coherent anymore; just a constant string of drunken babbling and yelling was slipping out of his mouth, which the three friends were quite good at completely ignoring. Knucks just kept swallowing, feeling inch by inch of that huge bulge in his throat slip deeper and deeper inside of him. His friends were cheering him on, chanting every time they saw the human disappear a tiny bit deeper into the squirrel. “You've almost got it! Just a bit more..” Carrot encouraged, camera in hand, sticking the thing right inside the squirrel's mouth to get every detail of the last meal of the evening. It wasn't much more of him left, just a squished face surrounded by awkward sticking out arms and legs and a huge bulge in Knucksly's throat. With so much of his weight now contained in this squirrel's gullet, gravity was starting to play more and more of a role. Knucks wasn't even really swallowing at this point; he just relaxed his throat and let the human slide down, down into his digestive doom. It was nice to relax for a while, but eventually, the squirrel with just wanted to get this over with. His belly was rumbling impatiently, wanting to be just as full as his nuts were… *ggglllRRRP* With a final swallow, and a final scream that ended up being partially muffled, the human slipped fully into Knucksly's throat, the squirrel feeling his meal's ass drop like a rock into his belly a few moments later. The rest of him followed not too long after, leaving Knucks with an incredibly full, still squirming belly to go along with his two swollen nuts. He let out a long-awaited, pleased sigh before speaking. “Tasted like an asshole.” With the final human now just a squirming bulge under squirrel pelt, the three friends started to celebrate in earnest. They had finally become predators, and it was all on tape! They celebrated hedonistically, downing can after can of the beer that was left out and belly bumping each other to really rub it in to the humans. But, eventually, with such large meals inside of them, the three friends started to settle down, sitting around the campfire and sipping on what was left of their drinks. “Geez, how long are they going to be kicking in there…” Carrot asked, still feeling his meal squirming a little bit even after what must have been at least an hour's stewing in rabbit belly. “I think it's because our digestive tracts aren't used to this kind of food yet. It'll probably take a little longer than usual…” Rincey's assumption was more than correct. It took the three friends the entire weekend to digest their bounty, a considerable amount of new fat now jiggling on their bellies, haunches, and rumps. When they finally came back to class on Monday, it was obvious that the three of them had gotten SOMETHING over the weekend. The three of them turned in the tape they had recorded with pride, expecting to learn of their passing a few days later. But instead, the otter pulled them aside after class, taking them into the closet of the classroom after all the other students had left. "Do you know how much trouble you could have gotten in? Humans are endangered species! They're protected!" he whispered in the most irate tone he possibly could. "...That being said, you three did manage to keep down not 3, not 4, but five humans...pretty large ones, too. I'm a bit proud of you...proud enough to keep it under the table. As long as you keep this a secret to your graves." The three friends didn't even waste a moment thinking. "DONE!" they all whispered as loud as they could. They would turn this story into a secret...just as they had turned their prey into fat. - The three friends had graduated with ease and moved on with their lives. Knucksly went to law school, and became a lawyer. Carrot enlisted in the military. Rincey became a scientist, working in the medical field. Their lives had gone in three wildly different directions. But, as luck would have it, all three of them returned to their town more than a decade later, wisened by their years. Sitting together on a bench in the local park, the three of them reminisced about what they had done so long ago. They had eaten many other creatures after that, but those humans were their first. Your first was always the most special… They daydreamed about the near-death experience they had, the plotting, and sneaking around the campfire. The eating. Feeling the humans squirming so deep inside of them. Enjoying the new fat on their bodies. Sitting around the campfire afterwards, enjoying each other's company while their meals melted away inside. Everything about that first predation was so...magical. The only thing that snapped them out of their daydream was a group of loud humans walking past them. Knucksly overheard one of them talking about something. "So, Dan, you ready to party in the forest this weekend?"