Just allow yourself to get into a comfortable position A place where you can simply relax And let go. A place where you can easily hear my voice. You can look at the spiral for as long as you would like… But if your eyes start to feel heavy And tired. Simply allow them to close. And take a moment to focus on your breathing Allow yourself to breathe Deeply and slowly But comfortably Whatever is the most comfortable for you. Just feel the air slowly filling your lungs Stretching out the muscle in your chest And then let yourself exhale Long and slow Feel your muscles loosen Your shoulders drop And just relax Deeper and deeper. Into my words Every word you hear will only help to let yourself relax Deeper and deeper Feeling your body sinking into whatever you're sitting on. And just letting go of the outside world Allow any sounds you might hear To just remind you that you are safe And relaxed But allow them to slip into the back of your mind Let the world around you fade away Little by little Deeper and deeper And just take some time for yourself Here… now. And I want you imagine In your mind. A bubble slowly forming in front of you. Just imagine seeing it. Just floating there in front of you You can see how the light shines across it. Giving that rainbow effect as it refracts Softly and easily off of the bubble. And as you focus notice how peaceful And calm the bubble is. Nothing affects it. Nothing bothers it. It’s a place of perfect peace. And allow that bubble grow Gently and easily with each breath you take. Getting bigger and bigger As you sink deeper, and deeper Down into trance. The deeper you go, the larger the bubble will become. And the larger the bubble becomes The deeper you will find yourself sinking Breathing easily and gently Listening to the sound of my voice And just letting go Deeper and deeper Watching the bubble growing larger And larger in front of you. Watching it grow in size to be several feet across And still growing Taking you deeper and deeper The larger it grows But not matter how big it gets The bubble is still perfectly peaceful Perfectly calm. … Soon the bubble is bigger than you are Easily big enough for you step inside And have room to spare. In your mind… Simply reach out and touch the bubble… Notice as you do that it softly moves along your skin Letting your fingers And your hand Slowly slide inside. And as you pull back The bubble simply slides off your skin And remains Floating in front of you Perfectly calm. When you are ready I want you to allow yourself To step into the bubble. Just feel yourself walking forward In your mind And letting the bubble slide along your body completely It has a gentle Soothing feeling as it washes over your skin Over your face Through your hair And over your body Until you find yourself inside the bubble The air is comfortable And easy to breathe But the most noticeable part of the bubble Is that it is perfectly peaceful in here It’s just you…. And my voice The hum of the video And nothing else Completely calm Completely relaxed. And as you simply float Softly inside of this bubble This bubble of perfect peace Notice how calm And relaxed your mind starts to become Any thoughts that seem to pop up… Just seem to drift away Outside of the bubble Don’t worry, they will be there… later… When you are done here. But for now… Just let any thoughts that might arise Simply slide out of the bubble. So you can have a moment of perfect peace Of calm … … And as you allow yourself to be calm I want you to think about something… That makes you happy. It doesn’t matter what it is. Just anything that makes you smile. And I want you to be aware of what you feel… When you think about something that makes you happy. Notice how your body reacts How you can… feel the happiness, inside your body. It usually has a place that it starts…. It could be in the sides of your mouth. As your lips curl into a tiny smile Or deep in your chest, as your heart seems to beat just a bit easier. There is no wrong answer Simply become aware of where you feel the happiness first … … And now that you have a rough idea, of where it begins I want you to think of your favorite movie… The movie that always cheers you up no matter what… And notice how the happiness in your body and your mind Starts to grow And move through your body Be aware of where it travels And how it grows You may find yourself giggling Or laughing just a bit There may be a tingle that moves through your body As you focus on the things that make you happy And where they start And where they move It’s ok to laugh It’s ok to giggle This will only help you to relax even more deeply And let go Making it easier and easier To focus on the things that make you happy And where you feel them in your body And your mind. … I want you to think about your favorite song The song that you can’t help but dance too, just a little bit. Tapping your foot and swinging your hips, even just a little. And notice how the happiness moves even deeper into your body How it starts to spread. You can even, if you want… see the happiness in your body. You may notice it has a color, a texture. It’s ok if you don’t see it, not everyone can, and that's fine. But if you do. Just watch as it spreads, and how it moves through your body. … Now imagine the person that always makes you smile It can be someone you know personally Or someone you see on tv, Or even a fictional character in a movie, a book, or a game. And notice how the feeling of happiness moves through your body Become aware of the sensation. Is it warm? Is it light. Or is it simply a feeling of relaxation Of peace There is no wrong answer. Only the answer that is right… for you. … And notice how much easier your breathing is. How much more relaxed your muscles are. And just start to think of more… and more things That make you happy. Your favorite animal. The infectious laugh of a good friend Or a small child. The feeling of a warm, home cooked meal And the simple pleasure of crawling into bed. Or sitting under the relaxing waters, of a warm shower. Allow your mind to simply fill With things that make you happy. It doesn’t matter what they are. Only that they make you happy. Let the images, and sounds over lap in your mind And feel how your body reacts. Feel, and if you can, see the happiness Moving through your body Feel it moving into every single part of your body And your mind. … It’s ok if you let some images go, and replace them with others Or you can try to see just how many images, how many things that make you happy You can focus on at one time. The most I can do is five… Do you think you can do that many? Maybe even more? Or is it a goal that you can strive for… It’s all up to you… Just have fun with the images, and the feelings in your mind. And as you think and feel… All the things that make you happy. I want you to touch your thumb… and your middle finger together… On either hand, or both. And whisper to yourself. … I am happy … Just feel how relaxed And calm you are… And touch your fingers together again and whisper … I am happy … Every time you do this… From now on… You’ll feel the bubble forming around you… And all the stresses of the world being pushed away Just for a bit. You’ll create a special place for yourself… In your mind… And you’ll allow all the things that make you happy To flood into your mind And you’ll feel the happiness Starting in wherever it starts for you… And then slowly moving through your body Little by little Until you are completely relaxed and free. Calm and peaceful Focusing on the things that matter most.. The things that make you… happy. … And think about those things on your mind now… And pick the one that you are thinking off that makes you the happiest And let the image… the sounds. The feelings of that one thing Become larger and more clear in your mind. Feel how your body reacts How you relax And press your thumb and middle finger together again And whisper to yourself … I am happy … And allow yourself to feel just how good this feels. … Just how peaceful it makes you. … You should try and take a few moments every day… To just sit someplace peaceful And quite. Close your eyes And touch your middle finger and your thumb together And whisper to yourself … I am happy … And just let the bubble form around you And spend a few moments a day… Simply thinking about the things that make you happy. The things that make you relaxed and calm The things you enjoy, whatever or whomever they may be. … This may take a little practice… And it’s perfectly ok to use this video again and again Whenever you may need, or want too. Being able to shut out the world for just a while is a skill A skill that can take time to master This video will alway be here to help you with that. … For now thought… Just focus on the images in your mind that make you happy… Pick something that is very recent that made you happy And then pick something from way back in your memory Try to find the first memory you have… of being happy. And then see how many you can find in between. And just allow yourself to keep picking out things tha tmake you happy Again and again For as long as you’d like. And when you want to wake up. All you have to do is take a deep breathe And let the bubble fade away. You can have it shrink back down And store it safely in your mind Or you can have it pop, big and dramatically You can always create another, and another. As many as you need As many as you want. But for now Just let yourself enjoy this feeling And focus on being happy And relaxed And calm Until your ready to wake up. … … … [very light] I am happy… … … …