杨牧红,关翎义妹,江湖人称“雪蝴蝶”,蝶花寨“三蝶”之一。早年随关翎落草姊妹山,后为救朱念姳被官军所擒,由关翎拼死救出后,遭官军追杀,意外坠入绝壁中山洞得救,并于洞中偶遇前长郡府尹芈彦之子芈元璎。元璎父遭人陷害,致其家破人亡,在逃亡途中堕入此山洞,致双腿残疾,无法移动,只得靠洞中山果续命。三人在洞中养伤许久,渐生情愫,元璎也将祖传的至阳内功心法《飞源经》分享于红。两月后,红、姳二人身体完全恢复,带璎共同逃出山洞,赶赴京城,才知关翎早已被凌迟剐毙,首级悬于城西门示众多日。二女痛苦不已,立誓为姐报仇,并决意承袭关翎遗志,继续反荆大业。如此筹谋五年,红因修炼《飞源经》功力大涨,武艺超绝,只身一人便灭了百花狱边城、长郡、云安三座分坛,令百花狱实力大损。同时,红与璎日久生情,结为夫妇。璎熟读兵法,成为红之坚实后盾。五年后,西南大火,中原旱灾,百姓食不果腹,衣不蔽体,民怨四起。二女觉得天机已到,便联合西南、中原五方势力,十七座城池共同举事,并推举朱念姳登基称帝,以其前朝公主之身份出师。姳则拜红为大将军,拜璎为大军师,助其共同七万大军。义军声势之大,令众多守城官员闻风丧胆直接弃城而逃。短短一个月,便拿下了三州土地,直逼荆朝西京。荆朝急征调东、北二境十万大军平乱。两军苦战半年难分胜负。双方最后对峙于汴水两岸,展开了一场史无前例的大决战。官军利用姳冒进之心,以主营防备空虚为诱饵,诱得姳孤军深入而将她重重包围。红、璎二人闻讯领兵来救,官军又以油毡火攻阻断其后路。重围之中,红带兵死战,救姳而逃至汴水河畔。为阻追兵,芈杨夫妇拜别朱念姳,令亲随保她杀出重围,二人则带兵返身阻拦大批追兵。二人苦战两个时辰,最终为自己身边亲随出卖,从后袭击打昏,献于官军。失去了两条臂膀的朱念姳独木难支,义军很快土崩瓦解,朱念姳则侥幸逃脱不知去向。官军大破义军,生擒芈杨夫妇,大喜过望,将二人押赴京城,投杨牧红于百花炼狱。后由圣上亲裁,定于同年五月让芈杨二人骑男女双人木驴游街示众后各处一千二百刀凌迟处死,芈元璎时年三十一岁,杨牧红时年二十九岁。 五月十二,一个灰蒙蒙的日子。雨下了一整夜,遮住了日头,一切都仿佛无比肃杀。震动天下的“腊月之变”,今日也终当有个了结了。小道消息早已在百姓中传开,号称“天下第一女英雄”的“雪蝴蝶”杨牧红,将于她的夫君芈元璎一同处决。面对这百年一遇的“男女同剐”的场景,好事者早已兴奋难掩,纷纷走上街头一睹奇景。只见百花狱大门徐徐推开,杨牧红和芈元璎被一齐押解出来。百花炼狱果然名不虚传,每一座木驴都各不相同。只见一匹高头大马缓缓走出,身后拉着一座木车。芈元璎四肢张开平躺在车上,杨牧红则张开双腿,坐在他身上。为效仿当日其义姐关翎当日受刑之状,百花狱令其裸身一字马倒骑于夫君身上,以夫君阳物为人形木杵。由于芈元璎事先被强行灌下特质春药,所以连续勃起超过八个时辰,直至被凌迟处死之时依旧是坚硬无比。杨牧红坐在他身上,可谓羞愧难当,但为保持她女英雄的豪气,脸上依旧不见泪痕,平静如水。此二人外表上不似普通夫妇,可谓是女强男弱。芈元璎双腿残疾,身形瘦弱,杨牧红却是一身硬功,强壮过人,一堆玉乳高高耸起,条形腹肌棱角分明。随行葬花使眼见二人反应不强,便抽出马鞭,鞭打二人。杨牧红依旧紧腰双唇,闷声不出,不由得引得围观百姓连连称赞。“天下第一女英雄”,果然名不虚传。 Muhong Yang, sworn sister of Ling Guan, was called “Snow Butterfly“ who is Among the “Three Butterfly”. She set in Sister Moutain with Ling in her early days. Later, because of failure in saving “Jade Butterfly” Nianming Zhu, she was captured. After Ling saved her from the government, she and Nianming escaped and fell into a hell where they met YuanYing Mi, who was son of a governor. Yuanying broke his legs when he was trying to escape from the chasing soldiers. They help each other and got out of the cave one month later after they cured themselves. They rushed to the capital where they found that Ling had had already been executed by Lingchi. Nianming and Muhong cried together and swore to revenge for their sworn sister and continued to fight against Jing Dynasty. After five-years preparation Muhong improved a lot in Kong-fu and she married with Yuanying. They took the chance of several natural disasters happening in one year, gathered more than 70,000 people from five regions to set up a rebellion. They pointed Nianming to be their queen due to her identity of princess in previous dynasty. Nianming chose Muhong to be her Great General and Yuanying to be her Great Hand to lead the army together. Within one month, they took three province and got closer and closer to capital of Jing Dynasty which made the government very scared. The Jing Dynasty gathered 100,000 soldiers to stop them. They fought each other for over half a year. Finally, they faced each other on the banks of Bian River and a historical war bursted. The government army took advantage of Nianming’s bad military ability and surrounded her. Then Muhong and Yuanying led people to come to save her and stopped the enemies by themselves. After 4-hour fighting, they were betrayed by their own man and captured. They were sentenced to death after riding wooden donkey together and killed by 1,200 cuts respectively. Yuanying was 31 that year while Muhong was 29.