ある性処理施設の出来事 ────────────── 『んぉっ…お゛っ…ぉ゛…』 「おい今回の壁尻は反応薄くてつまらねーぞ」 「すんません、見た目よかったんでさらったんですけど微妙でしたね」 「最初はギャーギャー喚いて面白かったんだけどなぁ」 「しゃーねーからいつものクスリ打って使えなくなるまで稼いでもらうか…っと!」 『ほ゛ぉッ!?♥』 「これ使うと小便も糞も垂れ流すから掃除が面倒なんスよねぇ…あ、早速漏らした。きったねぇなぁ。」 『お゛ほぉ♥ォ゛…!!ふぅ…♥フゥッ…♥♥♥♥んゔぅッ…!?ごォ…!!ぶもぉッ…!!ヴッヴッ…ォ!!』 「うっせぇぞ豚ァ!…そんじゃ俺はもう行くわ。終わったら記憶操作して家に帰らせろよな」 「へーい…あ、帰らせる前に一発ヤっていいっすか?」 「勝手にしろ」 『お゛ほぉ♥んゔぅッ…!?ォ゛…!!♥♥♥♥』 ●登場人物 作業員…素人女性とヤレるのが売りの壁尻施設で働いてる。拉致から清掃までなんでも行う。拉致るのは作業員の好みで決まる。彼氏持ちや人妻が多いらしい。 ギャル…彼氏持ち女子高生。読モをやってる。とある日を境目に何故か彼氏とのエッチでは全く満足できなくなったらしい。 ────────────── "ooo...ooo...ooo..." "Hey, this time your wall butt is not very responsive and boring. "I'm sorry, I thought she looked nice, so I took her, but it was too subtle. "At first, it was fun to see them screaming and yelling. "Well, I'm going to give him the usual drugs to make money until he can't use them anymore..." "Whoa! I'll take it. I'm going to use it to piss and shit, so it's a pain in the ass to clean up....... It's so dirty. "Oh, oh, oh, oh...! I reference ♥♥♥♥...? Oh...! Bumoh...! Bumo...! Shut up, pig! Bumohoo! Ohohoho! You squirted just for slapping my ass. I'm going to go now. When I'm done, you're going to manipulate my memory and send me home, right?" "Hey...uh, before you send me home, can I fuck you once?" Suit yourself. "Oh oh oh oh, I need to...? oh...! ♥♥♥♥" ●Characters Worker...He works at a wall butt facility where he can fuck amateur women. He does everything from kidnapping to cleaning. The workers' preferences determine which women they take. I heard that many of them have boyfriends or are married. gal ... a high school girl with a boyfriend. She is a reader. One day, she is not satisfied with sex with her boyfriend for some reason. ───────────── Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ──────────────